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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Dislocation(s), of midtarsal joint 1010—1013 1010—1013
Dislocation(s), of patella 701—710
Dislocation(s), of pelvis 490—491 490—491
Dislocation(s), of proximal interphalangeal joint, hyperextension 1574—1575 1574—1575
Dislocation(s), of proximal interphalangeal joint, lateral 1572—1573 1572—1573
Dislocation(s), of radial head See Radial head dislocation
Dislocation(s), of radial head, ulnar fracture with See Monteggia fracture.
Dislocation(s), of radioulnar joint, comminuted fracture of radial head with 1283—1284 1283—1284
Dislocation(s), of radius, in childhood fracture 180 180
Dislocation(s), of sacroiliac joint, bilateral 490—491 490—491
Dislocation(s), of scaphoid, and lunate dislocation 1447 1447
Dislocation(s), of scaphoid, unstable 1409 1409
Dislocation(s), of scapula 1080—1081 1080—1081
Dislocation(s), of shoulder See Shoulder dislocation
Dislocation(s), of spine, lateral, without cord injury 446 446
Dislocation(s), of subtalar joint See Subtalar joint dislocation
Dislocation(s), of talus 948—949 948—949
Dislocation(s), of tarsometatarsal joint, divergent 1016 1016
Dislocation(s), of tibiofibular joint, proximal 726—727 726—727
Dislocation(s), of trapezoid 1450 1450
Dislocation(s), perilunate See Perilunate dislocation.
Dislocation(s), periscapholunate, dorsal 1446 1446
Dislocation(s), posterior Monteggia fracture with 1276 1276
Dislocation(s), recurrent, glenoid fracture associated with 1079 1079
Dislocation(s), traumatic, pelvic injury with, in children 236—238 236—238
Dislocation(s), unrecognized, with femoral shaft fracture 603 603
Dislocation(s), unstable, effect of excessive traction on 378 378
Displacement, associated with distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, backward 271—272 271—272
Displacement, associated with distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, irreducible or recurrent 271 271
Displacement, associated with external torsional injury to humerus 1171 1171
Displacement, associated with fracture of olecranon 1271—1274 1271—1274
Displacement, associated with fractured clavicle, management of 1053 1053
Displacement, associated with mid-third of forearm fracture 202—204 202—204
Displacement, associated with scapular neck fracture, marked 1074—1075 1074—1075
Displacement, associated with scapular neck fracture, minimal 1073 1073
Displacement, associated with tibial spine fracture, complete 280 280
Displacement, associated with tibial spine fracture, slight 279
Displacement, fracture of metatarsal bones with 1026—1028 1026—1028
Displacement, fracture of toe with 1038—1039 1038—1039
Displacement, of scapula, traumatic lateral 1082 1082
Displacement, of shoulder, sulcus sign of 1092 1092
Displacement, of talus See Talus displacement
Displacement, rotational, associated with distal tibial epiphyseal fracture, with or without fibular fracture 300 300—301
Dorsalis pedis artery, trapped, with posterior ankle fracture-dislocation 906 906
Dorsiflexor muscle(s), strengthening of, after ankle sprains 843 843
Double pelvis sling, for Malgaigne fracture, group II 486 486
Double-incision fasciotomy, for compartment syndrome 61 61
Drawer sign, anterior, in evaluation of ankle sprain 823 823
Drawer sign, anterior, in evaluation of ligamentous knee injury 670—671 670—671
Drawer sign, posterior, in evaluation of cruciate ligament tear 689 689
Drawer sign, posterior, in evaluation of ligamentous knee injury 671 671
Dressing, compression See Compression bandage.
Drop foot, as residual deformity from compartment syndrome 806
Dunlop traction, for supracondylar fracture 150 150
Edema See Swelling.
Effusion, joint, subluxation from 4 4
Elastic bandage, for sprained ankle 827 827
Elbow, avulsion injury to, in children 131 133 133
Elbow, avulsion injury to, in children, management of 172 172
Elbow, dislocation of, anterior 1234—1235
Elbow, dislocation of, anterior, management of 1234—1235 1234—1235
Elbow, dislocation of, anterior, postreduction management of 1235
Elbow, dislocation of, anterior, prereduction x-ray of 1234 1234
Elbow, dislocation of, anterior, with multiple fractures 1254—1255 1254—1255
Elbow, dislocation of, divergent 1242—1243
Elbow, dislocation of, divergent, management of 1242—1243 1242—1243
Elbow, dislocation of, divergent, postreduction management of 1243
Elbow, dislocation of, divergent, type of 1242 1242
Elbow, dislocation of, forward, with fracture of olecranon 1252—1253 1252—1253
Elbow, dislocation of, fractures associated with 1245—1259. See also specific fracture.
Elbow, dislocation of, in children 168 168
Elbow, dislocation of, lateral 1236—1238
Elbow, dislocation of, lateral, management of 1236—1238 1236—1238
Elbow, dislocation of, lateral, postreduction management of 1238
Elbow, dislocation of, lateral, prereduction x-ray of 1236 1236
Elbow, dislocation of, lateral, typical deformity in 1236 1236
Elbow, dislocation of, medial 1239—1241
Elbow, dislocation of, medial, management of 1239—1241 1239—1241
Elbow, dislocation of, medial, postreduction management of 1241
Elbow, dislocation of, medial, prereduction x-ray of 1239 1239
Elbow, dislocation of, medial, typical deformity in 1239 1239
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior 1229—1233
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, pathophysiology of 1230 1230
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, postreduction management of 1233
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, postreduction x-ray of 1233 1233
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, prereduction x-ray of 1230 1230
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, reduction of 1231—1232 7237—2232
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, reduction of, anesthesia for 1231 1231
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, reduction of, stability following 1232 1232
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, typical deformity in 1230 1230
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, typical mechanism of 1229 1229
Elbow, dislocation of, posterior, with fracture of coronoid process 1246—1247 1246—1247
Elbow, dislocation of, proximal radial translocation with 1244 1244
Elbow, dislocation of, recurrent 1260—1262
Elbow, dislocation of, recurrent, pathology of 1260 1260
Elbow, dislocation of, recurrent, surgical repair of 1261 1261
Elbow, dislocation of, recurrent, vs. joint instability in athlete 1262 1262
Elbow, dislocation of, unreduced 1263—1266
Elbow, dislocation of, unreduced, open reduction of 1265 1265
Elbow, dislocation of, unreduced, reduction in traction for 1263 1263
Elbow, dislocation of, unreduced, reduction in traction for, immobilization after 1264 1264
Elbow, dislocation of, unreduced, resectional arthroplasty for 1266 1266
Elbow, dislocation of, with fracture of radial head 1248—1251 1248—1251
Elbow, displacement of medial epicondyle into, in children 161—162 161—162
Elbow, flexion of, posterior Monteggia lesion with 1304—1305 1304—1305
Elbow, flexion of, posterior Monteggia lesion with, in children 183 183
Elbow, fracture of, emergency splinting for 74 74
Elbow, fracture of, in children, with inclusion of fragment 167 167
Elbow, fracture of, in children, without inclusion of fragment 166 166
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of 1201—1286
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, involving capitellum 1225—1228 1225—1228
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, involving distal humerus 1201—1204 1202—1203
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, involving humeral condyles 1219—1224 1219—1224
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, myositis ossificans after 1267—1269
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, myositis ossificans after, management of 1269 1269
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, myositis ossificans after, x-ray appearance of 1267—1268 1267—1268
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, neural complications associated with 1213—1218 1213—1218
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, transcondylar 1258—1259 1258—1259
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, vascular complications associated with 1205—1212 1205—1212
Elbow, fracture-dislocation of, with rupture of orbicular ligament 1256—1257 1256—1257
Elbow, hyperextension of 137. See also Supracondylar fracture humeral.
Elbow, hyperextension of, anterior Monteggia lesion from 1292 1292
Elbow, hyperextension of, anterior Monteggia lesion from, in children 182 182
Elbow, loss of motion of, associated with distal humeral fracture 1204
Elbow, normal 168 168
Elbow, nursemaid's 178—179 178—179
Elbow, ossification centers about, radiographic appearance of 132 132
Elbow, valgus deformity of, after condylar fracture of humerus 43 43
Elderly, acetabular fracture in 537 537. fracture
Elderly, acetabular fracture in, of central wall 539 539
Elderly, acetabular fracture in, of inner wall 540—541 540—541
Elderly, ankle fracture in, surgical treatment for 861 861
Elderly, Colles' fracture in 1359. See also Colles' fracture.
Elderly, compression fracture in 398 398
Elderly, fatigue fracture in, of femur 575 575
Elderly, fatigue fracture in, of fibula 751 751
Elderly, fatigue fracture in, of tibia 751 751 811 811
Elderly, femoral fracture in 557
Elderly, femoral neck fracture in, stage IV, prosthetic replacement for 568—569 569
Elderly, odontoid fracture in 364 364
Elderly, old posterior glenohumeral dislocation in 1123 1123
Elderly, osteoporosis in See Osteoporosis.
Elderly, postreduction immobilization for, following glenohumeral dislocation 1109 1109
Elderly, stress fracture of knee in 746 746
Elderly, T-condylar fracture in, displaced 1219 1219
Elderly, T-condylar fracture in, flexion exercise and extension block splinting for 1223—1224 1223—1224
Elderly, upper humeral fracture in 1159—1181. See also Humerus upper fracture
Electric fields, coupled, noninvasive treatment of nonunion by 38 38
Emergency department, treatment of cervical spine injuries in 324—327 325—327
Emergency department, treatment of multiple trauma in 1589—1590
| Endochondral ossification, in fracture repair 14—15 14—15
Entrapment, of median nerve, Matev sign of 1214 1214
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children 133 133
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displacement of, into elbow 161—162 161—162
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, with inclusion of Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, fragment in elbow 167 167
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, medial, with medial condylar fracture 163—164 163—165
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, with gross displacement 159—160 159—160
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, with minimal displacement 158 158
Epicondylar fracture, humeral, in children, without inclusion of fragment in elbow 166 166
Epicondylar fracture, medial 1203 1203
Epicondyle(s), humeral, fracture of See Epicondylar fracture humeral.
Epicondyle(s), humeral, fracture of, lateral, avulsion of 166—167 166—167
Epicondyle(s), humeral, fracture of, medial, apophyseal separation of 157—167
Epileptic seizure, acetabular fracture after 537 537
Epimysiotomy, for compartment syndrome 60 60
Epiphyseal fracture, factors governing prognosis after 101
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, at birth 268—269 268—269
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, growth deformities after, prevention and correction of 274—275 274—275
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, in adolescents, type III 272 272
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, in children 268—277
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, in children, irreducible or recurrent displacement in 271—272 271—272
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, in children, type I 269—270 269—270
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, in children, type IV 273 273
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, distal, in children, type IV, growth deformity after 276—277 276—277
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in adolescents 249
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in children 239—251
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in children, type I 244—245 244—245
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in children, type I, management of 244 244
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in children, type I, postreduction management of 245 245
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in children, types II and III 246 246—247
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in infants 242—243 242—243
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in infants, clinical appearance of 242 242
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in infants, diagnosis of 242
Epiphyseal fracture, femoral, in infants, management of 243 243
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in adolescents, closed reduction of 126—127 126—127
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in children 123—127
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in children, distal, management of 171 171
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in children, distal, types of 170—171 170—171
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in children, six years and older 124
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in children, six years and younger 123 123
Epiphyseal fracture, humeral, in infants 123 123
Epiphyseal fracture, malleolar, in children, type III 294 294
Epiphyseal fracture, malleolar, in children, type IV 295 295
Epiphyseal fracture, management of 107 107
Epiphyseal fracture, mechanisms of 94 94
Epiphyseal fracture, odontoid 222
Epiphyseal fracture, phalangeal, in children 214—217 214—217
Epiphyseal fracture, phalangeal, in children, distal 216 216
Epiphyseal fracture, phalangeal, in children, immobilization for 215 215
Epiphyseal fracture, phalangeal, in children, manipulative reduction of 214 214
Epiphyseal fracture, phalangeal, in children, x-rays of 214 214 215 215
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children 173—177 211—213 211—213
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, displaced, spontaneous correction of 213 213
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, immobilization for 212 212
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, management of 174—175
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, management of, exsanguination technique in 174 174
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, management of, immobilization in 175 175
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, management of, manipulative reduction in 175 175 212 212
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, management of, reduction and internal fixation in 177 177
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, management of, Steinmann pin in 176 176—177
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, mechanism of injury in 173 173
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, postreduction management of 213
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, prognosis after 177
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, with anterior dislocation 185 185
Epiphyseal fracture, radial, in children, x-rays of 211 211 212 212
Epiphyseal fracture, Salter — Harris classification of 94—100 94—100
Epiphyseal fracture, sternoclavicular 115 115
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, distal, in adolescents 297—299 297—299
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, distal, in children 290—293
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, distal, in children, manipulative reduction for 293 293
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, distal, in children, mechanisms of injury in 290—292 290—292
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, distal, in children, postreduction x-ray of 293 293
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, distal, rotational displacement in, with or without fibular fracture 300 300—301
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, proximal, in children 281—283
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, proximal, in children, manipulative reduction of 281—282 281—282
Epiphyseal fracture, tibial, proximal, in children, x-rays of 281 281 282 282
Epiphyseal fracture, type IV See Condylar fracture humeral in lateral.
Epiphyseal fracture, vs. ligamentous injury 673 673
Epiphyseal-metaphyseal region, circulation to 91 91
Epiphysis 90 90
Epiphysis, displaced, in children, fixation of 271 271
Epiphysis, displaced, in children, manipulative reduction of 272 272
Epiphysis, femoral, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture femoral.
Epiphysis, femoral, slipped capital, in adolescents 250—251 250—251
Epiphysis, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture.
Epiphysis, humeral, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture humeral.
Epiphysis, radial, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture radial.
Epiphysis, separation of, differential diagnosis of 168
Epiphysis, separation of, in infants and young children 168—169 168—169
Epiphysis, separation of, of lesser trochanter 254 254
Epiphysis, sternoclavicular, fracture of 115 115
Epiphysis, tibial, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture tibial.
Epstein's classification, of hip dislocations with and without fracture 497 500—501 500—501
Eversion injury, management of 954—955 955
Eversion injury, to talus 924 924 953 953—955
Eversion muscle strengthening, after sprained ankle 829 829 843 843
Ewing's tumor, causing pathologic fracture of femur 255 255
Excision, of fragment, in displaced talar fracture 941 941
Excision, of olecranon, for comminuted fracture with displacement 1273—1274 1273—1274
Excision, of radial head, indications for 1281 1281
Excision, of radial head, technique of 1282 1282
Exercise(s), conditioning, to avoid subsequent glenohumeral subluxation 1094—1095 1094—1095
Exercise(s), early functional, for proximal humeral fracture 1169—1170 1169—1170
Exercise(s), early functional, for upper humeral fracture 1166—1168 1166—1168
Exercise(s), for frozen shoulder 1153 1153
Exercise(s), heel cord stretching, for sprained ankle 829 829
Exercise(s), quadriceps, for stiff knee 652 652
Exercise(s), quadriceps, for supracondylar femoral fracture type III 626 626
Exercise(s), range-of-motion, for proximal humeral fracture 1170
Exercise(s), range-of-motion, for sprained ankle 828
Exercise(s), range-of-motion, for superior dome fracture, with displacement 550
Exercise(s), range-of-motion, postoperative, for recurrent shoulder dislocation 1147
Exercise(s), rehabilitative, for wedge fracture of thoracic vertebra 417—418 417—4:18
Exercise(s), skateboard, for superior dome fracture, with displacement 550
Explosion fracture, of tibia 892—894
Explosion fracture, of tibia, Ilizarov fixation of 894 894
Explosion fracture, of tibia, postreduction x-ray of 893 893 894 894
Explosion fracture, of tibia, prereduction x-ray of 892 892
Exsanguination, in management of epiphyseal fracture of radius 174 174
Exsanguination, prevention of, following arterial laceration 55 55
Extension block splinting, for T-condylar fracture 1224 1224
Extension block splinting, of proximal interphalangeal joint fracture-dislocation 1578 1578
Extension fracture, of humerus, in children 132 132
Extension, of wrist 1405 1405
Extensor apparatus, of knee See also Patella; Patellar tendon; Quadriceps tendon.
Extensor apparatus, of knee, injury to 701—725
Extensor apparatus, of knee, rupture of 720—722
Extensor apparatus, of knee, rupture of, site of 720 720
Extensor tendon(s), of normal finger 1567 1567
Fasciotomy, contraindications to 807 807—808
Fasciotomy, for compartment syndrome 60 60
Fasciotomy, for compartment syndrome, double-incision 61 61
Fasciotomy, for compartment syndrome, emergency 804 804
Fasciotomy, for compartment syndrome, emergency, closure technique in 805 805
Fasciotomy, for compartment syndrome, of foot 902 902
Fasciotomy, for swollen hand, with dislocated metacarpal 1519 1519
Fasciotomy, techniques for, after indirect arterial injury 1210 1210
Fat embolism syndrome, following femoral shaft fracture 632
Fatigue fracture See Stress fracture.
Fear sign, in dislocation or subluxation of patella 704 704
Femoral condyle, osteochondral fracture of 719 719
Femoral head, blood supply to 239 565 565
Femoral head, blood supply to, at birth 240 240
Femoral head, blood supply to, at three years 241 241
Femoral head, displacement of, acetabular fracture with 554 554
Femoral head, flattening of 566 566
Femoral head, fracture of, hip dislocation with, Pipkin's classification of 497 501—502 501—602
Femoral head, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with 514—518
Femoral head, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with, Pipkin type I 514—515 514—515
Femoral head, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with, Pipkin type II 515—517 515—517
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