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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Glenohumeral joint, structures of 1083 1083
Glenohumeral joint, subluxation of, inferior 1096—1097 1096—1097
Glenohumeral joint, subluxation of, inferior, treatment of 1097
Glenohumeral joint, subluxation of, management of 1094—1095 1094—1095
Glenoid, fracture of 1076—1079
Glenoid, fracture of, anterior 1077 1077
Glenoid, fracture of, associated with recurrent dislocation 1078 1078
Glenoid, fracture of, avulsion, associated with recurrent subluxation 1078 1078
Glenoid, fracture of, CT scan of 1077 1077
Glenoid, fracture of, examples of 1078 1078
Glenoid, fracture of, management of 1077—1079 1077—1079
Glenoid, fracture of, mechanism of 1076
Glenoid, fracture of, minimal displacement with 1076 1076
Glenoid, fracture of, posterior 1076 1076
Glenoid, fracture of, stellate 1076
Glenoid, fracture of, stellate, management of 1077 1077
Glenoid, fracture of, x-ray appearance of 1079 1079 1133—1134 1133—1134
Gracilis muscle 659—661
Graft(s), bone See Bone graft(s).
Gravity-assisted exercise(s), for frozen shoulder 1153 1153
Gravity-assisted exercise(s), for proximal humeral fracture 1169 1169
Gravity-assisted reduction (Stimson's technique), of traumatic dislocated hip 236 236 505 505
Gravity-assisted reduction (Stimson's technique), of trimalleolar ankle fracture 76 76
Greater trochanter 585 585
Greater trochanter, fracture of 584—585
Greater trochanter, slightly displaced 584 584
Greater trochanter, undisplaced 584 584
Greater tuberosity, of humerus, fracture of, reduction of 1175 1175
Greater tuberosity, of humerus, fracture-dislocation of 1135—1139
Greater tuberosity, of humerus, fracture-dislocation of, indications for operative repair of 1138—1139 1138—1139
Greater tuberosity, of humerus, fracture-dislocation of, manipulative reduction of 1136—1137 1136—1137
Greater tuberosity, of humerus, fracture-dislocation of, postreduction management of 1137
Greater tuberosity, of humerus, fracture-dislocation of, x-rays of 1135—1136 1135—1136
Greenstick fracture 1 1
Greenstick fracture, in children 7 7
Greenstick fracture, in children, angulation of, with medial fracture separation of radial epiphysis 185 185
Greenstick fracture, in children, of forearm 192—195 192—195
Greenstick fracture, in children, of forearm, cast immobilization for 195 195
Greenstick fracture, in children, of forearm, deformity in 194 194
Greenstick fracture, in children, of forearm, manipulative reduction of 194 194
Greenstick fracture, in children, of forearm, x-rays of 194—195 194—195
Groove of Ranvier, damage to, avulsion fracture causing, in children 276 276
Groove of Ranvier, ossification of 90 90
Groove of Ranvier, perichondrial, structure of 92—93 92—93
Groove of Ranvier, physeal fracture involving 100 100
Growth arrest, after fracture, in children, mechanisms of 102—103 102—103
Growth center(s) See also specific site e.g. Physis.
Growth center(s), anatomic features of 90 90
Growth center(s), structure of 92—93 92—93
Growth deformity(ies), after distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, correction of 275 275
Growth deformity(ies), after distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, prevention of 274 274
Growth plate, injury to, in adolescents 297—299 297—299
Growth plate, of clavicle, dislocation of 1069—1070 1069—1070
Growth potential, of physes 101—103
Growth, development of acetabulum with 535 535
Growth, effect of, on epiphyseal fracture 125 125
Growth, of long bones, contribution of physeal center to 101
Growth, stimulation of, after fracture 45 45
Gungor test, in evaluation of sprained ankle 824 824 831 831
Gunshot wound(s) 49—50
Gunshot wound(s), contaminated, management of 729—730 729—730
Gunshot wound(s), debridement of 1348 1348
Gunshot wound(s), disruption of soft tissue and viscera in, complications from 50
Gunshot wound(s), fractures sustained from 12 12
Gunshot wound(s), radial nerve palsy caused by 1190 1190
Gunshot wound(s), to cervical spine 320 320
Gunshot wound(s), to femur, management of 634 634
Gunshot wound(s), to forearm 1348 1348
Gunshot wound(s), to forearm, plate fixation for 1335 1335
Gunshot wound(s), to forearm, treatment of 1348—1349 1348—1349
Gunshot wound(s), to hand, contaminated 1563—1565 1563—1565
Gunshot wound(s), to humerus, vascular injuries associated with 1191—1192 1191—1192
Gunshot wound(s), to lumbar spine 448 448
Gunshot wound(s), to thoracolumbar spine 407 407
Gunstock deformity See Cubitus varus deformity.
Gustilo classification, of open fractures 8
Gynecologic injury, with pelvic fracture 482 482
Halo cast, for fractures of odontoid process 359 359
Halo cast, for unstable Cl fracture 349 349
Halo cast, for unstable flexion injury of cervical spine 369 369
Halo pin, placement of, safety zone for 336 336
Halo ring and traction, for odontoid fractures with displacement 362 362
Halo traction, anterior pin placement in, safe zone for 336 336
Halo traction, application of, management after 338
Halo traction, application of, technique for 336—338 336—338
Halo traction, for cervical spine injury simulating hyperflexion deformity 386—387 386—387
Halo traction, for dislocation of C1, without odontoid process fracture 353 353
Halo traction, for fracture of neural arch of C2 351 351
Halo traction, for unstable flexion injury of cervical spine 368 368
Halo traction, technique of vest application in 338 338
Halo vest, application of, technique for 338 338
Halo vest, for unstable Cl fracture 349 349
Halo-femoral traction, for unstable thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 435—437 435—437
Halo-femoral traction, technique of 435 435
Hamate bone, hook of, fracture of 1462—1463
Hamate bone, hook of, fracture of, clinical symptoms in 1462 1462
Hamate bone, hook of, fracture of, management of 1463 1463
Hamate bone, hook of, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1462 1462
Hand 1473—1596. See also specific part e.g. Thumb.
Hand sling, for humeral shaft fracture 1185 1185
Hand, anatomy of, applied 1473—1480
Hand, arches of, longitudinal and transverse 1474 1474
Hand, compartment syndrome of, due to constrictive cast 1375—1376 1375—1376
Hand, fracture of 1481—1486
Hand, fracture of, in children 214—217 214—217
Hand, fracture of, management of 1481—1483
Hand, fracture of, management of, cast-splint immobilization in 1482 1482
Hand, fracture of, management of, compression dressing in 1482—1483 1482—1483
Hand, fracture of, management of, internal fixation in 1483 1483
Hand, fracture of, management of, splint in 1481—1482 1481—1482
Hand, injured, immobilization of 1479—1480 1479—1480
Hand, open wounds of 1484 1484 1559—1565
Hand, open wounds of, contaminated 1563—1565
Hand, open wounds of, contaminated, compression dressing for 1565 1565
Hand, open wounds of, contaminated, debridement of 1564 1564
Hand, open wounds of, contaminated, management of, by delayed primary closure 1563—1564 1563—1564
Hand, open wounds of, contaminated, management of, postdebridement 1564
Hand, open wounds of, from human bites 1561—1562 1561—1562
Hand, open wounds of, from human bites, management of 1562
Hand, open wounds of, management of 1485 1485
Hand, open wounds of, multiple metacarpal fractures with 1535 1535
Hand, swollen, boxing-glove dressing for 1376 1376
Hand, swollen, compression dressing for 1482—1483 1482—1483 1537 1537 1565 1565
Hand, swollen, with dislocated metacarpal, fasciotomy and carpal tunnel release for 1519 1519
Hand, weight of, affecting forearm fracture alignment 1333 1333
Hanging cast, for external torsional injury to humerus 1171 1171
Hanging cast, for humeral epiphyseal fracture 124 124
Hanging cast, for humeral metaphyseal or diaphyseal fracture 129 129
Hangman's fracture 316 316
Hard callus, in fracture repair 16 20 20
Harness, figure-of-eight, application of, for clavicular fracture 112 112
Harness, shoulder, for humeral shaft fracture 1186
Harralson and Boyd technique, for reduction of posterior dislocation of C1, without odontoid process fracture 354 354
Harrington rod, for lateral bending fracture 438 438
Harrington rod, for stabilization of fracture-dislocation 436 436
Harrington rod, for thoracolumbar compression fracture, producing incomplete paraplegia 426 426
Harris splint, femoral fracture support with 263 263
Head halter traction, for torticollis, in children 225 225
Head injury, with humeral fracture 1195—1196
Heel cord stretching exercise(s), for sprained ankle 829 829
Heel cups, soft 997 997
Hematoma, aspiration of, following knee injuries 695 695 702 702
Hematoma, aspiration of, following knee injuries, grade I and II 678 678
Hematoma, aspiration of, following tibial condyle fracture 737 737
Hematoma, in carpal injury, management of 1467
Hemiplegia, causing inferior glenohumeral subluxation 1097 1097
Hemorrhage, caused by neurovascular injury 1056
Hemorrhage, control of 73
Hemorrhage, from open pelvic fractures 492
Hill — Sachs lesion (notch defect), in recurrent glenohumeral dislocation from seizure disorders 1132 1132
| Hill — Sachs lesion (notch defect), x-ray view of 1133—1134 1133—1134
Hindfoot, painful and tender, after calcaneal fracture 980 980
Hip 497—534
Hip arthroplasty, total, femoral fractures associated with 654 654
Hip arthroplasty, total, for acetabular fracture with displacement of femoral head 554 554
Hip arthroplasty, total, for nonunion of femoral neck fracture, with nonviable head 582 582
Hip, dislocation of, anterior 528—534
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for 504—507
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, alternative maneuver in 506 506
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, immobilization following 506 506
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, in lateral decubitus position 504—505 504—505
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, management following 507
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, postreduction x-ray after 505 505
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, pull-push technique of 504
Hip, dislocation of, closed reduction for, Stimson's technique of 505 505
Hip, dislocation of, obturator 528 528
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, deformity in 530 530
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, immobilization for 533 533
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, mechanisms of 529 529
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, postreduction x-ray of 533 533
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, prereduction x-ray of 530 530
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, reduction of 532—533 532—533
Hip, dislocation of, obturator, reduction of, Allis technique of 531—532 531—532
Hip, dislocation of, operative fixation in 513 513
Hip, dislocation of, overvigorous manipulation of, fracture produced by 238 238
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, classification of, Epstein's 497 500—501 500—501
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, classification of, Pipkin's 497 501—502 501—502
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, mechanisms producing 498 498
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, with Pipkin type I fracture 514—515 514—515
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, with Pipkin type II fracture 515—517 515—517
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, with Pipkin type III fracture 517—518 517—518
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, with Pipkin type III fracture, prosthetic replacement for 518 518
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, with Pipkin type IV fracture 518 518
Hip, dislocation of, posterior, x-ray assessment of 499 499
Hip, dislocation of, pubic 528 528
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, deformity in 530 530
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, mechanisms of 529 529
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, prereduction x-ray of 530—531 530—531
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, recurrent traumatic 526—527 526—527
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, recurrent traumatic, repair of 527 527
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, recurrent traumatic, soft tissue capsular defects causing 527 527
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, reduction of, Dingley and Denham technique in 535 535
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, traumatic, in children 236—238
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, traumatic, in children, postreduction management of 237—238 237—238
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, traumatic, in children, reduction techniques for 236—237 236—237
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, unreduced 523—525
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, unreduced, type I 523—524 523—524
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, unreduced, type II and III 524 524
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, unreduced, type V 525 525
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, with acetabular fracture, radiographic assessment of 503 503
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, with femoral head or neck fracture 497
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, with femoral shaft fracture 521—522
Hip, dislocation of, pubic, with femoral shaft fracture, x-ray assessment of 521 521
Hip, fracture of, classification of 239
Hip, fracture of, unrecognized, prereduction x-ray of 581 581
Hip, fracture-dislocation of, open reduction of 508—518
Hip, fracture-dislocation of, open reduction of, indications for 510—512 510—512
Hip, fracture-dislocation of, stable 508 508
Hip, fracture-dislocation of, stable, postreduction management of 509 509
Hip, fracture-dislocation of, unrecognized, with femoral shaft fracture 636—637 636—637
Hip, unstable, postreduction management for 237—238 237—238
Hippocratic method, of reduction of anterior glenohumeral dislocation 1105 1105
Hippocratic method, of reduction of greater tuberosity fracture-dislocation 1136 1136
Hook of hamate, fracture of 1462—1463
Hook of hamate, fracture of, clinical symptoms in 1462 1462
Hook of hamate, fracture of, management of 1463 1463
Hook of hamate, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1462 1462
Human bite, fracture of metacarpal caused by 1522 1522
Human bite, open hand wound from 1561—1562 1561—1562
Human bite, open hand wound from, management of 1562
Humeral head 1083 1083
Humeral head, arterial vascularization of 1140 1140
Humeral head, blood supply to 1179 1179
Humeral head, dislocation of, involuntary 1149 1149
Humeral head, dislocation of, involuntarymanagement of 1150
Humeral head, dislocation of, voluntary 1148 1148
Humeral head, fracture of, anteromedial, with posterior dislocation 1177 1177
Humeral head, fracture of, x-ray techniques for 1133—1134 1133—1134
Humeral head, fracture-dislocation of 1140—1143
Humeral head, fracture-dislocation of, closed reduction of 1141 1141
Humeral head, fracture-dislocation of, open reduction of 1142 1142
Humeral head, fracture-dislocation of, prosthetic arthroplasty for 1143 1143
Humeral head, subluxation of, superior 1089—1099 1098—1099
Humeral head-splitting fractures 1164 1164
Humeral neck, fracture of 1178—1180
Humeral neck, fracture of, avascular necrosis of 1179—1180 1179—1180
Humeral neck, fracture of, causing inferior glenohumeral subluxation 1096 1096
Humeral neck, fracture of, reduction and percutaneous pinning of 1179 1179
Humeral neck, fracture of, x-ray appearance of 1178 1178
Humeral neck, fracture-dislocation of 1140—1143
Humeral neck, fracture-dislocation of, closed reduction of 1141 1141
Humeral neck, fracture-dislocation of, open reduction of 1142 1142
Humeral neck, fracture-dislocation of, prosthetic arthroplasty for 1143 1143
Humeral shaft, fracture of 1182—1188
Humeral shaft, fracture of, associated with multiple long bone fractures or head injury 1195—1196 1195—1196
Humeral shaft, fracture of, delayed union or nonunion of 1197 1197
Humeral shaft, fracture of, direct mechanisms in 1182 1182
Humeral shaft, fracture of, in polytrauma 1193—1194 1193—1194
Humeral shaft, fracture of, indirect mechanisms in 1182—1183 1182—1183
Humeral shaft, fracture of, management of 1184—1186 1184—1186
Humeral shaft, fracture of, radial nerve injury in 1190 1190
Humeral shaft, fracture of, with marked displacement or angulation 1187—1188 1187—1188
Humerus See also Glenohumeral joint.
Humerus, distal, epiphyseal separation of, differential diagnosis of 168
Humerus, distal, epiphyseal separation of, in infants and young children 168—169 168—169
Humerus, distal, fracture of 1201—1204
Humerus, distal, fracture of, assessment of 1204
Humerus, distal, fracture of, displaced 1203 1203
Humerus, distal, fracture of, in children 131—133
Humerus, distal, fracture of, in children, diagnosis of 131
Humerus, distal, fracture of, in children, types of 132—133 132—133
Humerus, distal, fracture of, mechanisms of 1202 1202
Humerus, distal, fracture of, undisplaced 1202 1202
Humerus, epicondyle of, fracture of See Epicondylar fracture humeral.
Humerus, epiphysis of, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture humeral.
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of 1189—1198
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, delayed union or nonunion as 1197 1197
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, fracture of supracondyloid process as 1198 1198
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, multiple long bone fractures or head injury as 1195—1196 1195—1196
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, polytrauma as 1193—1194 1193—1194
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, radial nerve involvement as 1190 1190
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, torsional-varus deformity as 1189 1189
Humerus, fracture of, complication(s) of, vascular injury as 1191—1192 1191—1192
Humerus, fracture of, emergency splinting for 74 74
Humerus, fracture of, in children 123—133
Humerus, fracture of, in children, metaphyseal and diaphyseal 128—130 128—130
Humerus, fracture of, radial nerve injury associated with 63 63
Humerus, fracture of, supracondylar 63 63. humeral.
Humerus, greater tuberosity of, fracture of, reduction of 1175 1175
Humerus, greater tuberosity of, fracture-dislocation of 1135—1139
Humerus, greater tuberosity of, fracture-dislocation of, indications for operative repair of 1138—1139 1138—1139
Humerus, greater tuberosity of, fracture-dislocation of, manipulative reduction of 1136—1137 1136—1137
Humerus, greater tuberosity of, fracture-dislocation of, postreduction management of 1137
Humerus, greater tuberosity of, fracture-dislocation of, x-rays of 1135—1136 1135—1136
Humerus, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Humerus, head of See Humeral head.
Humerus, internal rotation of, radiographic views of 1120 1120
Humerus, lesser tuberosity of, fracture of, reduction of 1176—1177 1176—1177
Humerus, metaphysis of, fracture of See Metaphyseal fracture humeral.
Humerus, neck of See Humeral neck.
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, at birth 108 108
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, epiphyseal, in adolescents 126—127 126—127
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, management of, by early functional exercise 1169—1170 1169—1170
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, management of, closed 1171—1172 1171—1172
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, management of, manipulative reduction in 1173 1173
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, management of, open reduction and internal fixation in 1174—1181 1174—1181
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, management of, traction in 1173 1173
Humerus, proximal, fracture of, pathologic 1181 1181
Humerus, shaft of See Humeral shaft.
Humerus, shortening of 44 44
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