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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Tibiofibular ligament, distal, tear of, management of 840 840
Tibiofibular ligament, posterior 816 816
Tibiotalar joint, arthritis of 964—965 964—965
Tight cast syndrome 67 67
Tillaux fracture, juvenile 297 297
Tillaux fracture, management of 298—299 298—299
Toe(s), fourth, proximal phalanx of, fracture of 1036 1036
Toe(s), fracture of 1036—1040
Toe(s), fracture of, with displacement 1038—1039 1038—1039
Toe(s), fracture of, with minimal or no displacement 1036—1037 1036—1037
Toe(s), great, distal phalanx of, fracture of 1036 1036
Toe(s), great, sesamoid bones of, fracture of 1040 1040
Torsional deformity, associated with cubitus varus 135 135
Torsional deformity, with supracondylar femoral fracture 621 621
Torsional deformity, with supracondylar femoral fracture, correction of 621—622 621—623
Torsional injury, anterior Monteggia fracture from 1292 1292 1304 1304
Torsional injury, anterior Monteggia fracture from, in children 182 182
Torsional injury, external, of humerus 1160—1162 1160—1162
Torsional injury, external, of humerus, comminution and displacement associated with 1171—1172 1171—1172
Torsional injury, external, of humerus, management of 1166 1166 1168 1168
Torsional injury, internal, ankle sprain resulting from 819—820 819—820
Torsional injury, internal, indirect mechanism for 750 750
Torsional injury, internal, of humerus 1161 1161
Torsional injury, internal, of humerus, management of 1166—1168 1166—1168
Torsional injury, internal, of tibia, biomechanics of 750—751 750—751
Torsional injury, to forearm, from forceful pronation 1290 1290
Torsional injury, to forearm, from forceful supination 1291 1291
Torsional malalignment, of talus, affecting foot function 961 961
Torsional-varus deformity, of distal humeral fracture 1189 1189
Torticollis, from atlanto-axial rotatory displacement, in children 224—226
Torticollis, from atlanto-axial rotatory displacement, in children, acute 224 224
Torticollis, from atlanto-axial rotatory displacement, in children, management of 225 225
Torus fracture, of forearm, in children 192 192
Total hip arthroplasty, femoral fractures associated with 654 654
Total hip arthroplasty, for acetabular fracture with displacement of femoral head 554 554
Total hip arthroplasty, for nonunion of femoral neck fracture, with nonviable head 582 582
Total knee arthroplasty, femoral fractures associated with 654—655 654—655
Trabecular bone, function of 734
Traction 83 83
Traction and countertraction, for anterior glenohumeral dislocation 1107 1107
Traction screw technique, of reduction of acetabular fracture-dislocation 544 544
Traction, 90°—90°, for proximal femoral fracture 84 84
Traction, 90°—90°, for proximal femoral fracture, in children 265 265
Traction, 90°—90°, for subtrochanteric fracture 599 599
Traction, Bryant's, for distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, in infant 269 269
Traction, Bryant's, for femoral shaft fracture 256 256
Traction, Bryant's, for femoral shaft fracture, caution in 257 257
Traction, Buck's 82 82
Traction, Buck's, for femoral epiphyseal fracture, type I 244 244
Traction, Buck's, for intertrochanteric fracture 590 590 592 592
Traction, calcaneal, for explosion fracture of tibia 892 892
Traction, continuous, reduction by 76 76
Traction, Dunlop (lateral), for supracondylar fractures 150 150
Traction, excessive, effect of, on unstable dislocations 378 378
Traction, for calcaneal fracture 987—990 987—990
Traction, for cervical spine fracture, with ankylosing spondylitis 382 382—383
Traction, for Colles' fracture 1363 1363
Traction, for dislocated talus 948 948
Traction, for dislocation of metacarpal bones on carpus 1448 1448
Traction, for displaced scapular neck fracture 1074 1074
Traction, for distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, to prevent growth deformities 274 274
Traction, for femoral fracture 604 604
Traction, for femoral fracture, after arterial repair 635 635
Traction, for femoral fracture, in children older than 10 years 262—263 262—263
Traction, for flexion-compression injury of cervical spine 379 379
Traction, for fracture of styloid process of radius 1396 1396
Traction, for islocated carpometacarpal finger joint 1518 1518
Traction, for Malgaigne fracture, group III 489 489
Traction, for odontoid fracture, with displacement 362 362
Traction, for proximal humeral fracture 1173 1173
Traction, for Smith fracture 1387 1387
Traction, for superior dome fracture with displacement 550 550
Traction, for supracondylar humeral fracture 1221 1221
Traction, for supracondylar humeral fracture, x-rays during 1222 1222
Traction, for tibial condyle fracture-dislocation 743 743
Traction, for torticollis, in children 225 225
Traction, for uncomplicated perilunate dislocation 1430 1430
Traction, for unreduced dislocation of elbow 1263 1263
Traction, for unreduced dislocation of elbow, immobilization after 1264 1264
Traction, for unreduced hip dislocation, type I 524 524
Traction, for unstable Colles' fracture 1367 1367
Traction, for unstable flexion injury, of cervical spine 370—371 370—371
Traction, for unstable tibial plateau fracture 740 740
Traction, for volar dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb 1507 1507
Traction, for volar lunate dislocation 1436 1436
Traction, halo See Halo traction.
Traction, halo-femoral, for unstable thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 435—437 435—437
Traction, halo-femoral, technique of 435 435
Traction, immobilization by 82—84. See also Immobilization.
Traction, in balanced suspension 84 84
Traction, ischemic muscle necrosis from 68 68
Traction, longitudinal, for bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets of cervical spine 375 375
Traction, longitudinal, for calcaneal fracture 987—988 987—988
Traction, manual, for torticollis, in children 225 225
Traction, of unstable Smith fracture 1389 1389
Traction, overhead, for supracondylar fracture 147—148 147—148
Traction, overhead, for supracondylar fracture, care during 149 149
Traction, pin insertion for 83—84 83—84
Traction, Quigley, for displaced ankle fracture 858 858
Traction, Quigley, for posterior elbow dislocation 1232 1232
Traction, Russell's, for femoral shaft fracture 261 261
Traction, skin 82 82
Traction, skin, for dislocated hip 506 506
Traction, skin, for fracture of central acetabular wall 539 539
Traction, skin, for fracture of inner acetabular wall 540 540
Traction, skin, for obturator dislocation 533 533
Traction, skin, for superior dome fracture without displacement 546 546
Traction, skin, for unstable hip 237 237
Traction, skin, prefabricated products for 82
Traction, skull, for displaced cervical spine fractures and dislocations 334—338 334—338
Traction, with double pelvis sling, for Malgaigne fracture, group II 486 486
Transcervical fracture, of femoral epiphysis, in children 246 246—247
Transcondylar fracture-dislocation, of elbow 1258—1259 1258—1259
Translocation, of thoracic spine, without cord injury 413 413
Translocation, radial, proximal, with dislocation 1244 1244
Transpedicular pin(s), stabilization of fracture-dislocation with 437 437
Transverse arches, of hand 1474 1474
Transverse fracture 6 6
Transverse process(es), of lumbar spine, isolated fracture of 439 439
Trapezium bone (greater multangular), anatomic features of 1464
Trapezium bone (greater multangular), fracture of 1464—1466
Trapezium bone (greater multangular), fracture of, comminuted 1466 1466
Trapezium bone (greater multangular), fracture of, management of 1464—1465 1464—1465
Trapezium bone (greater multangular), fracture of, x-ray appearance of 1464 1464
Trapezoid bone (lesser multangular), dislocation of 1450 1450
Trauma See also at anatomic site.
Trauma, direct, fracture-dislocation from 445 445
Trauma, direct, pelvic fractures from, in children 235 235
Trauma, direct, spinal fractures sustained by 447—448 447—448
Trauma, lethal, from open pelvic fractures 492—493 493
Trauma, multiple, emergency department management of 1589—1590
Trauma, overview of, in fracture repair 15 15
Traumatic arthritis See Arthritis traumatic.
Trial by motion, fractures treated by 1279 1279
Trial by motion, of radial head fracture 1281
Triangular sling, for displaced scapular neck fracture 1073 1073
Triangular sling, for stellate fracture 1077 1077
Trimalleolar fracture(s) See also under Malleolus(i).
Trimalleolar fracture(s), gravity-assisted reduction of 76 76
Triple arthrodesis, for calcaneal fracture 998 998
Triquetrum bone, fracture of 1458—1459
Triquetrum bone, fracture of, management of 1459 1459
Triquetrum bone, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1458
Triquetrum bone, fracture of, x-ray appearance of 1458 1458
Trochanter, greater, fracture of 584—585
Trochanter, greater, slightly displaced 584 584
Trochanter, greater, undisplaced 584 584
Trochanter, greater, undisplaced, management of 585 585
Trochanter, lesser, epiphyseal separation of 254 254
Trochanter, lesser, fracture of 586 586
| Tuberosity fracture, of fifth metatarsal bone 1029—1030 1029—1030
Turning frame method, of reduction, for thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 434 434
Two-fragment fracture, in adolescents 297 297
Ulna See also Radioulnar joint.
Ulna, cross-union of, following fracture of forearm 1354—1355 1354—1355
Ulna, distal, dislocation of 1398—1402
Ulna, distal, dislocation of, dorsal 1399 1399
Ulna, distal, dislocation of, manipulative reduction of 1402 1402
Ulna, distal, dislocation of, pathomechanics of injury in 1398 1398
Ulna, distal, dislocation of, radiographic appearance of 1400 1400
Ulna, distal, dislocation of, volar 1399 1399
Ulna, distal, fracture of, in children 205—207
Ulna, distal, fracture of, in children, cast immobilization for 206 206
Ulna, distal, fracture of, in children, loss of position after cast application in 207 207
Ulna, distal, fracture of, in children, manipulative reduction of 205 205
Ulna, distal, fracture of, in children, postreduction management of 206
Ulna, distal, fracture of, in children, x-rays of 205—206 205—206
Ulna, distal, pseudoarthrosis of, with arthrodesis of radioulnar joint 1381 1381
Ulna, distal, relationship of distal radius with 1398 1398
Ulna, distal, resection of, Colles' fracture causing 1380 1380
Ulna, distal, subluxation of 1399 1399
Ulna, distal, subluxation of, in children 1401 1401
Ulna, distal, subluxation of, radial fracture with 1401 1401
Ulna, fracture of, bone loss associated with 1351 1351
Ulna, fracture of, coronoid process as site of See Coronoid process of ulna fracture
Ulna, fracture of, in children, with dislocation of radial head 181—184. See also Monteggia fracture.
Ulna, fracture of, isolated 1298—1302
Ulna, fracture of, isolated, management of 1301 1301—1302
Ulna, fracture of, isolated, mechanism of 1299 1299
Ulna, fracture of, isolated, x-ray appearance of 1299—1300 1299—1300
Ulna, fracture of, radiographic examination of 71 71
Ulna, fracture of, side-swipe 1254—1255 1254—1255
Ulna, fracture of, solitary 1289 1289
Ulna, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Ulna, plastic deformation of, in children 196—197 196—197
Ulnar nerve palsy, delayed, as complication of lateral condylar fracture of humerus 157 157
Ulnar nerve, injury to, healing of, range of motion after 1351 1351
Ulnar nerve, involvement of, in carpal injury 1467
Ulnar nerve, operative decompression of, in fracture-dislocation of fifth metacarpal 1521 1521
Undisplaced fracture, humeral, in children 132 132
Undisplaced fracture, radial epiphyseal, with anterior dislocation 185 185
Unicondylar femoral fracture 629—631
Unicondylar femoral fracture, lateral 630 630
Unicondylar femoral fracture, lateral, fixation of 631 631
Unicondylar femoral fracture, lateral, prereduction x-ray of 629 629
Unicondylar femoral fracture, lateral, undisplaced 630 630
Unicondylar femoral fracture, medial 630 630
Unicondylar femoral fracture, medial, fixation of 631 631
Unicondylar femoral fracture, medial, prereduction x-ray of 629 629
Union, delayed 33—39. See also Malunion; Nonunion.
Union, delayed, clinical features of 33
Union, delayed, definition of 788
Union, delayed, fractures with tendency for 35 35
Union, delayed, in fracture healing 26 26
Union, delayed, management of 37—38 37—38
Union, delayed, minimization of, during closed management 36 36
Union, delayed, not necessitating treatment 39 39
Union, delayed, of humeral shaft fracture 1197 1197
Union, delayed, of tibial fracture 788—798
Union, delayed, of tibial fracture, autogenous bone graft for 789—790 789—790
Union, delayed, of tibial fracture, autologous bone marrow injection for 791 791
Union, delayed, of tibial fracture, causes of 788
Union, delayed, of tibial fracture, preventive treatment for 789—791
Union, delayed, of tibial fracture, radiographic signs of 788 788
Union, delayed, radiographic features of 33 33
Union, rate of 27
Upper limb See also specific part e.g. Forearm.
Upper limb, arterial injury to, "P" signs of 1207 1207
Upper limb, arterial laceration in, management of 55 55
Upper limb, arterial thrombosis in, management of 56 56
Upper limb, compartment syndrome in, fasciotomy and epimysiotomy for 60 60
Upper limb, gunshot wound to 1348 1348
Upper limb, gunshot wound to, treatment of 1348—1349 1348—1349
Upper limb, Volkmann's contracture of 59
Urethrography, technique of 480—481 480—481
Urologic injury, with pelvic fracture 480—481 480—481
Valgus angulation osteotomy, for coxa vara deformity 248 248
Valgus deformity, after tibial shaft fracture 288 288
Valgus deformity, capital fragment in 563 563
Valgus deformity, cubitus 134
Valgus deformity, cubitus, lateral tilt leading to, anteroposterior view of 141 141
Valgus deformity, cubitus, lateral tilt leading to, postreduction x-ray of 142 142
Valgus deformity, in fracture malunion 801 801
Valgus deformity, of elbow, after condylar fracture of humerus 43 43
Valgus deformity, of knee, type III epiphyseal fracture in 272
Valgus deformity, prevention of, after fracture of femoral shaft 614—615 614—615
Valgus external rotation injury, to knee ligaments 665 665
Van Den Wildenberg and Greve technique, in management of bowing fracture of forearm 1350 1350
Varus deformity, after epiphyseal fracture of malleolus, type IV, correction of 296 296
Varus deformity, associated with supracondylar humeral fracture 135 135
Varus deformity, capital fragment in 563 563
Varus deformity, cubitus 134 138
Varus deformity, cubitus, crescent sign of 142—143 142—143
Varus deformity, cubitus, medial tilt leading to 140 140
Varus deformity, cubitus, torsional deformity associated with 135 135
Varus deformity, displaced supracondylar humeral fracture leading to 140 140
Varus deformity, in fracture malunion 801 801
Varus deformity, of knee, after distal femoral fracture 43 43
Varus deformity, prevention of, after fracture of femoral shaft 614—615 614—615
Varus-internal torsional injury, to knee ligaments 668 668
Vascular ingrowth zone, of growth center 92 92
Vascular injury, associated with fracture-dislocation of elbow 1205—1212
Vascular injury, associated with fracture-dislocation of elbow, diagnosis of 1207—1208 1207—1208
Vascular injury, associated with fracture-dislocation of elbow, management of 1209—1212 1209—1212
Vascular injury, associated with fracture-dislocation of elbow, mechanism of 1205—1206 1205—1206
Vascular injury, associated with humeral fracture 1191 1191 1204
Vascular injury, associated with humeral fracture, external fixation of 1192 1192
Vascular injury, following muscular skeletal trauma 51—56 51—56
Vascular injury, with posterior ankle fracture-dislocation 906 906
Vastus lateralis muscle 661—662 662
Vastus medialis muscle 659—660 663 663
Velpeau sling, for anterior glenohumeral dislocation 1108 1108
Velpeau sling, for clavicular fracture 1046 1046
Vertebra(e), cross section of 307 307
Vertebra(e), thoracic, codfish-shaped, compression mechanism producing 398 398
Vertebra(e), thoracic, collapsed, associated with metastatic malignancy 420 420
Vertebra(e), thoracic, compression fracture of 7 7 393
Vertebra(e), thoracic, deformity of, differential diagnosis of 228
Vertebra(e), thoracic, wedge fracture of 416—416 416—418
Vertebra(e), thoracolumbar, fracture of, sustained in seat belt injury 429—430 429—430
Vertical transarticular pin fixation, of unstable open ankle fracture 911 911
Violence, fractures caused by 1 1
Visceral injury, gunshot and shotgun 50
Visceral injury, with pelvic fracture 66 66
Visceral injury, with seat belt fracture 66 66
Volkmann's ischemic contracture 59 59
Volkmann's ischemic contracture, supracondylar humeral fracture causing 138
Voluntary subluxation 3 3
Walking cast See Leg cast.
Weakness, persistent, after ankle sprains 843
Weaver — Dunn procedure, in management of acromioclavicular dislocation 1066 1066
Wedge fracture See also Hyperflexion injury.
Wedge fracture from loss of rib support 411 411
Wedge fracture of thoracic vertebra 416—418
Wedge fracture of thoracic vertebra, management of, without neurologic deficit 416 416
Wedge fracture of thoracic vertebra, prognosis for 417
Wedge fracture of thoracic vertebra, rehabilitation exercises for 417—418 417—418
Weight, of hand, affecting forearm fracture alignment 1333 1333
Weight-bearing cast, for calcaneal fracture 984 984
Werdnig-Hoffman syndrome 220
Whiplash injury, to lumbar spine 405 405 442 442
Whirlpool therapy 730
White's stretch test 333 333
Whitesides' technique, of intracompartmental pressure measurement 57 57
Wound(s), debridement of See Debridement.
Wound(s), gunshot See Gunshot wound(s).
Wound(s), hand, open 1484 1484
Wound(s), hand, open, contaminated 1563—1565
Wound(s), hand, open, contaminated, compression dressing for 1565 1565
Wound(s), hand, open, contaminated, debridement of 1564 1564
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