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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Artery(ies), injury to, complete, from avulsion 52—53 52—53
Artery(ies), injury to, diagnosis of 53
Artery(ies), injury to, femoral fracture with 635 635
Artery(ies), injury to, management of 55 55
Artery(ies), injury to, of upper limb, diagnosis of 1207—1208 1207—1208
Artery(ies), injury to, of upper limb, management of 1209—1212 1209—1212
Artery(ies), injury to, of upper limb, management of, postoperative 1212
Artery(ies), injury to, partial 52 52
Artery(ies), pelvic 454 454
Arthritis, of ankle, weight-bearing x-rays of 841—842 841—842
Arthritis, of subtalar joint 964—965 964—965
Arthritis, of tibiotalar joint 964—965 964—965
Arthritis, post-traumatic, chronic, of carpal bones 1425—1426 1425—1426
Arthritis, rheumatoid, dislocation of Cl associated with 356 356
Arthritis, traumatic, after acetabular fracture, with femoral head displacement 554 554
Arthritis, traumatic, after ankle fracture 912 913 913
Arthritis, traumatic, after shearing injury, in ankle fracture-dislocation 852 852
Arthritis, traumatic, following nonunion of scaphoid fracture 1425—1426
Arthritis, traumatic, following nonunion of scaphoid fracture, management of 1426 1426
Arthritis, traumatic, following nonunion of scaphoid fracture, radiography of 1425 1425
Arthritis, traumatic, of acromioclavicular joint, x-ray of 1068 1068
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints 964—965 964—965
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, of ankle, following malunion and subluxation 913 913
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, of ankle, following malunion and subluxation, for comminuted pilon fracture 895 895
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, of radioulnar joint, distal ulnar pseudoarthrosis with 1381 1381
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, of wrist, in chronic post-traumatic carpal arthritis 1426 1426
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, subtalar, for calcaneal fracture 998 998
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, tibiocalcaneal 963 963
Arthrodesis, Blair, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints, triple, for calqaneal fracture 998 998
Arthrography, of frozen shoulder 1152 1152
Arthrography, of rotator cuff tear 1130 1130
Arthropathy, neuropathic, after undisplaced bimalleolar fracture, in diabetic patient 916 916
Arthropathy, rotator cuff, from subluxation 1099 1099
Arthroplasty, hip, femoral fracture associated with 654 654
Arthroplasty, hip, femoral fracture associated with, for acetabular fracture, with femoral head displacement 554 554
Arthroplasty, hip, femoral fracture associated with, for nonunion of femoral neck fracture, with nonviable head 582 582
Arthroplasty, hip, femoral fracture associated with, reconstructive, for unreduced dislocation, type V 525 525
Arthroplasty, knee, femoral fracture associated with 654—655 654—655
Arthroplasty, resectional, for fracture-dislocation of humeral head and neck 1143 1143
Arthroplasty, resectional, for unreduced dislocation of elbow 1266 1266
Arthroplasty, Swanson Silastic, for chronic lunate dislocation with avascular necrosis 1441—1442 1441—1442
Arthroplasty, wrist, in chronic post-traumatic carpal arthritis 1426 1426
Arthroscopy, irrigation, of open knee wound 730 730
Arthroscopy, removal of loose fragments by 718 718
Arthrotomy, for open knee injury 728 728
Articulation(s), between talus and fibula 752 752
Articulation(s), between talus and fibula, of atlas, axis, and occiput 308 308
Articulation(s), between talus and fibula, of cervical spine 306 306
Articulation(s), between talus and fibula, of clavicle, ligamentous injuries of 1060—1068 1060—1068
Aspiration, of elbow, in management of radial head fracture 1280 1280
Aspiration, of hematoma, following knee injuries 695 695 702 702
Aspiration, of hematoma, following knee injuries, grade I and II 678 678
Aspiration, of hematoma, following tibial condyle fracture 737 737
Aspirin, for superior dome fracture with displacement 550
Association for forearm fracture 1336—1337 1336—1337
Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (ASIF) technique 1334
Athlete, elbow instability in 1262 1262
Athlete, Jones fracture in, management of 1032 1032
Athlete, recreational, Jones fracture in, management of 1031 1031
Atlanto-axial joint, motion of 310 310
Atlanto-axial joint, rotatory displacement of, torticollis from, in children 224—226 224—226
Atlanto-occipital joint, dislocation of 344—345 344—345
Atlanto-occipital joint, motion of 310 310
Atlanto-odontoid joint, fracture-dislocation of 360—362 360—363
Atlas (C1), articulations of 308 308
Atlas (C1), dislocation of, associated with rheumatoid arthritis 356 356
Atlas (C1), dislocation of, forward, mechanism of 352 352
Atlas (C1), dislocation of, forward, without odontoid fracture 352—353 352—353
Atlas (C1), dislocation of, posterior, without odontoid fracture 354—355 354—355
Atlas (C1), dislocation of, with congential abnormalities of odontoid 221—223 221—223
Atlas (C1), fracture of 346—349
Atlas (C1), fracture of, compression 315 315
Atlas (C1), fracture of, management of 347 347
Atlas (C1), fracture of, postreduction x-ray of 348 348
Atlas (C1), fracture of, potentially unstable 348 348
Atlas (C1), fracture of, potentially unstable, management of 348—349 348—349
Atlas (C1), fracture of, prereduction x-ray of 347 347
Atrophy, muscle, subluxation from 4 4
Augmentation, for anterior cruciate ligament deficiency 683 683
Avascular necrosis, as complication of femoral neck fracture 566 566 580
Avascular necrosis, as complication of talar fracture 957—959 957—959
Avascular necrosis, as complication of talar fracture, diagnosis of 958
Avascular necrosis, as complication of talar fracture, management of 959 959
Avascular necrosis, chronic lunate dislocation with 1441—1442 1441—1442
Avascular necrosis, of femoral epiphysis 246
Avascular necrosis, of humeral neck fracture 1179—1180 1179—1180
Avulsion injury 8 8
Avulsion injury, complete arterial laceration from 52—53 52—53
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier 276 276
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to apophysis of tibial tuberosity 286—287
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to apophysis of tibial tuberosity, management of 287 287
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to apophysis of tibial tuberosity, mechanism of 286 286
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to elbow 131 133 133
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to elbow, management of 172 172
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to ischial tuberosity 234 234
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to lateral epicondyle of humerus 166—167 166—167
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to pelvis 233 233
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to thoracolumbar spine 229 229
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to tibial tubercle 284—287
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to tibial tubercle, closed treatment for 285 285
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to tibial tubercle, operative fixation for 285 285
Avulsion injury, in children, causing damage to groove of Ranier, to tibial tubercle, type of fracture in 284 284
Avulsion injury, to Achilles tendon, calf-squeeze test of 975 975
Avulsion injury, to flexor digitorum profundus tendon 1566 1566
Avulsion injury, to flexor digitorum profundus tendon, with or without fracture 1585 1585
Avulsion injury, to glenoid, associated with recurrent subluxation 1078 1078
Avulsion injury, to glenoid, associated with recurrent subluxation, posterior 1079 1079
Avulsion injury, to ischial tuberosity 460 460
Avulsion injury, to lesser tuberosity of humerus 1176—1177 1176—1177
Avulsion injury, to lumbosacral nerve root, after fracture-dislocation of hip 519 519
Avulsion injury, to metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb 1510 1510
Avulsion injury, to patella, associated with dislocation, management of 717 717
Avulsion injury, to patella, associated with dislocation, management of, mechanism of 716 716
Avulsion injury, to pelvis 460 460 465—467
Avulsion injury, to pelvis, management of 467
Avulsion injury, to pelvis, radiographic appearance of 466 466
Avulsion injury, to phalanx of thumb 1508 1508
Avulsion injury, to tibial tuberosity 725 725
Axillary artery, injury to, due to glenohumeral dislocation 1126 1126—1127
Axillary artery, injury to, management of 1127 1127
Axillary artery, injury to, types of 1126
Axillary artery, laceration of 51 51
Axillary nerve, injury to, associated with glenohumeral joint dislocation 1087 1087 1128
Axis (C2), articulations of 308 308
Axis (C2), neural arch of, fracture of 350—351 350—351
Axis (C2), neural arch of, management of 351 351
Axis (C2), odontoid process of See Odontoid process.
Axis (C2), traumatic spondylolisthesis of 316 316
Bacterial contamination, of open fractures 774 774
Bandage, compression See Compression bandage.
Bandage, elastic, for sprained ankle 827 827
Bankart's procedure, for recurrent shoulder dislocation 1146—1147 1146—1147
Barton's fracture 1392—1394
Barton's fracture, management of 1393 1393
Barton's fracture, reverse 1394 1394
Basilar fracture, of femoral neck 583 583
Baumann's angle, measurement of 136
Baumann's technique, in radiologic assessment of carrying angle, in supracondylar fracture 136 136
Bayonet apposition, of proximal forearm fracture, remodeling after 200 200
Bed rest, for patient with multiple injuries associated with clavicular fracture 1049
Bedbrook — Guttmann technique, of reduction, for thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 433 433
Beer glass position, for immobilization of injured hand 1479 1479
Below-knee cast, for extra-articular calcaneal fracture 971 971 972 972
Below-knee cast, with pin incorporation, for calcaneal fracture 991 991
Bending fracture, lateral 438 438
Bending fracture, of humerus 1163 1163 1182 1182
Bennett fracture 1487—1489
Bennett fracture, closed reduction of, with Kirschner wire 1489 1489
Bennett fracture, manipulative reduction of, Charnley method in 1488 1488
Bennett fracture, plaster application for, technique of 1488 1488
| Bennett fracture, postreduction management of 1489
Bennett fracture, postreduction x-ray of 1489 1489
Bennett fracture, prereduction x-ray of 1487 1487
Berndt and Harty staging, of osteochondral fracture of talar dome 951 951
Biceps tendon 661 661 1083 1083
Bicondylar fracture, without fibular involvement 739 739
Bimalleolar fracture(s) See also under Malleolus(i).
Bimalleolar fracture(s), undisplaced, neuropathic arthropathy after, in diabetic patient 916 916
Bimalleolar fracture(s), with lateral displacement of talus 867—868 867—868
Bimalleolar fracture(s), with medial displacement of talus 869—870 869—870
Bioelectric stimulation, for nonunion of tibial fracture 798 798
Biomechanics, influence of, in fracture repair 22 22
Biomechanics, of fracture of fibula 752 752
Biomechanics, of rotation of forearm 1293—1295 1293—1295
Biomechanics, of tortional fracture of tibia 750—751 750—751
Biomechanics, three-dimensional, in fracture reduction 612—614 612—614
Birth fracture 108 108
Birth fracture, distal 268 268
Birth fracture, of clavicle, management of 111 111
Birth fracture, of femoral epiphysis 242—243 242—243
Birth, blood supply to femoral head and neck at 240 240
Birth, cervical spine injuries following 220 220
Bite, human, fracture of metacarpal caused by 1522 1522
Bite, open hand wound from 1561—1562 1561—1562
Bite, open hand wound from, management of 1562
Bivalve cast, for anterior ankle dislocation 901 901
Blair arthrodesis, of subtalar and tibiotalar joints 964—965 964—965
Blood supply See also Circulation.
Blood supply, effect of intramedullary nail on, in fracture healing 27 27
Blood supply, to femoral head and neck 239 565 565
Blood supply, to femoral head and neck, at birth 240 240
Blood supply, to femoral head and neck, at three years 241 241
Blood supply, to growth plate, effect of epiphyseal fracture on 103 103
Blood supply, to humeral head 1179 1179
Blood supply, to scaphoid 1409 1409
Blood supply, to talus 957—958 957—958
Blood supply, to talus, effect of injury on 958 958
Blood vessel(s), following musculoskeletal trauma 51—56 51—56
Blood vessel(s), injury to See also Artery(ies) injury
Body cast, application of, for burst fracture 424 424
Body cast, bivalve, for thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 437 437
Body cast, for acquired spondylolysis 444 444
Body jacket, for spondylolysis 232 232
Boehler's tuberosity joint angle 966 966
Bone cyst, benign, causing pathologic femoral fracture 255 255
Bone cyst, humeral, fracture through 129 129
Bone cyst, humeral, management of 130 130
Bone graft(s), autogenous, for delayed union and nonunion, of tibial fracture 789—790 789—790
Bone graft(s), autogenous, for nonunion of scaphoid fracture 1423 1423
Bone graft(s), for supracondylar fracture type III 628 628
Bone graft(s), open reduction and, of femoral neck fracture 574 574
Bone graft(s), Phemister, stimulation of biologic process using 37 37
Bone graft(s), posterolateral, for nonunion of tibial fracture 795—796 795—796
Bone graft(s), with wire fixation of unstable scaphoid fracture 1419 1419
Bone loss in delayed union and nonunion 36 36
Bone loss in unstable tibial fracture, fibular bypass procedures for 797 797
Bone loss, associated with ulnar fracture 1351 1351
Bone loss, fibulotibial synostosis for 754 754
Bone marrow for delayed union and nonunion, of tibial fracture 791 791
Bone marrow, injection of, for defects in supracondylar fracture type III 628 628
Bone marrow, site of 38 38
Bone marrow, stimulation of delayed union by 37 38 38
Bone scan of occult femoral neck fracture 567 567
Bone scan of sacral fracture 471 471
Bone scan of scaphoid fracture 1411 1411
Bone scan of stress fracture or stress process 810 810
Bone scan of tarsal navicular fracture 1001 1001
Bone scan, radionuclide, for unrecognized fractures, associated with sprained ankle 844 844
Bone(s) See also named bone e.g. Clavicle.
Bone(s), congenital pseudoarthrosis of 109 109
Bone(s), decontamination of, in wound debridement 779 779
Bone(s), detached fragments of, causing nonunion of fracture 793 793
Bone(s), detached fragments of, in wound debridement, management of 780 780
Bone(s), diseased, compression fracture in 7 7
Bone(s), exposed, fate of, in fractures 773 773
Bone(s), growth of, after fracture 45 45
Bone(s), induced formation of, during fracture repair 19 19
Bone(s), ischemic necrosis of 40—41 40—41
Bone(s), ischemic necrosis of, common sites of 40
Bone(s), long See also specific bone e.g. Femur.
Bone(s), long, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Bone(s), osteoporotic See Osteoporosis.
Bone(s), shortening of, after fracture 44 44
Bone(s), shortening of, malunion of femoral shaft fracture due to 650 650
Bone(s), shortening of, malunion of tibial fracture due to 799 800 800
Bosworth fracture 904—905
Bosworth fracture, closed reduction for 905 905
Bosworth fracture, prereduction x-ray of 904 904
Boutonniere deformity 65 1567 1567
Boutonniere deformity, management of 1586 1586
Boutonniere deformity, reverse 1568 1568
Boutonniere deformity, splint for 1481 1481
Bowing fracture, of forearm 1350 1350
Boxer's fracture 1522 1522
Boxing-glove dressing, for swelling of hand and wrist 1376 1376
Brace(s) See also named brace e.g. SOMI
Brace(s) for cervical spine fracture 339 339
Brace(s) for closed tibial fracture 769 769
Brace(s), corset, for fracture of lumbar spinous process 447
Brace(s), prefabricated, for tibial fracture 761—762 761—762
Brachial artery, injury to, associated with elbow dislocation 1206 1206
Brachial artery, injury to, management of 1211—1212 1211—1212
Brachial artery, laceration of 51 51
Brachial plexus, injury to, associated with clavicular fracture 62—63 62—63
Brachial plexus, injury to, due to glenohumeral dislocation 1128
Break dancer's fracture 312 312 366 366
Brown — Sequard syndrome 342
Bryant's traction, for femoral epiphyseal fracture 269 269
Bryant's traction, for femoral shaft fracture 256 256
Bryant's traction, for femoral shaft fracture, caution in 257 257
Buck's traction 82 82
Buck's traction for femoral epiphyseal fracture, type I 244 244
Buck's traction for intertrochanteric fracture 590 590 592 592
Buckerfield and Castle technique, of reduction of posterior sternoclavicular dislocation 120 120
Buckle fracture 7 7
Buddy-taping immobilization, for fracture of proximal phalanx 1544 1544
Bullet, surgical removal of, from spine 448
Burst fracture See Compression fracture.
Bypass procedure(s), fibular, for nonunion of tibial fracture 797 797
C1 See Atlas (Cl).
C1-C2 complex, abnormalities of, in children 221
C1-C2 complex, injuries to 346—353
C2 See Axis (C2).
Calcaneocuboid joint See Midtarsal joint.
Calcaneofibular ligament 816 816 817 817
Calcaneus traction, for explosion fracture of tibia 892 892
Calcaneus, anatomic landmarks of 966 966
Calcaneus, angle of Gissane and 966 966
Calcaneus, architecture of 977 977
Calcaneus, dislocation of 995 995
Calcaneus, fracture of 966—998
Calcaneus, fracture of, associated with sprained ankle 824 824
Calcaneus, fracture of, computed tomography of 968—969 968—969
Calcaneus, fracture of, Crosby and Fitzgibbons classification of 993 993
Calcaneus, fracture of, extra-articular 970 970
Calcaneus, fracture of, extra-articular, management of 971 971
Calcaneus, fracture of, extra-articular, reduction for 972—975 972—975
Calcaneus, fracture of, horizontal 975—976
Calcaneus, fracture of, horizontal, determination of Achilles tendon rupture in 975 975
Calcaneus, fracture of, horizontal, management of 976 976
Calcaneus, fracture of, horizontal, postreduction x-ray of 976 976
Calcaneus, fracture of, horizontal, prereduction x-ray of 975 975
Calcaneus, fracture of, involving subtalar joint 977—980
Calcaneus, fracture of, involving subtalar joint, basic deformity in 979 979
Calcaneus, fracture of, involving subtalar joint, displacement in 979—980 979—980
Calcaneus, fracture of, involving subtalar joint, painful hindfoot in 980 980
Calcaneus, fracture of, involving subtalar joint, pathomechanics of 977—978 977—978
Calcaneus, fracture of, involving subtalar joint, patterns of 978 978
Calcaneus, fracture of, late complications of 996—998 996—998
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of 981—994
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