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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Malunion, of talar fracture, and effect on foot function 961 961
Malunion, of talar fracture, common causes of 960 960
Malunion, of talar fracture, management of 961 961
Malunion, of talar fracture, osteotomy for 962 962
Malunion, of tibial fracture 799—802
Malunion, of tibial fracture, cosmetic problems in 799 799
Malunion, of tibial fracture, fracture-related shortening in 800 800
Malunion, of tibial fracture, malalignment of knee-ankle axes in 800 800
Malunion, of tibial fracture, proximal 802 802
Malunion, of tibial fracture, valgus external rotation in 801 801
Malunion, typical deformities of 42—43 42—43
Manipulation, of condylar fracture, of proximal phalanx 1549 1549
Manipulation, of frozen shoulder 1154 1154
Manipulation, of frozen shoulder, management following 1155
Manipulation, of Smith fracture 1387 1387
Manipulation, of unstable Colles' fracture 1367 1367
Manipulation, overvigorous, fracture-dislocation of humeral head by 1140 1140
Manipulation, reduction by See Reduction manipulative.
Manipulation, technique of, for stiff knee 651—652 651—652
Manipulation, technique of, for unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets of cervical spine 376 376
Marrow, bone See Bone marrow.
Matev sign, of median nerve entrapment 1214 1214
Mayer and Evarts technique, of closed reduction of Bosworth fracture 905 905
Median nerve, entrapment of, associated with elbow fracture-dislocation 1214 1214
Median nerve, injury to, as complication of Colles' fracture 1378 1378
Median nerve, injury to, associated with supracondylar fracture of humerus 64 64
Median nerve, involvement of, in carpal injury 1468—1469 1469
Meniscus, injury to, vs. ligamentous injury 673 673
Meniscus, role of, in weight-bearing 734 734
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, base of, fracture of 1536—1537 1536—1537
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fifth, fracture-dislocation of 1521 1521
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of 1522—1537
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of, cast-splint immobilization for 1482 1482
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of, mechanism of deformity in 1523 1523
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1522—1523 1522—1523
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of, reduction of 1523 1523
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of, reduction of, anesthesia for 1486 1486
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, fracture of, rotational deformity after 43 43
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, neck of, fracture of 1524—1527
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, neck of, fracture of, stable 1524—1525 1524—1525
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, neck of, fracture of, unstable 1526—1527 1526—1527
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, shaft of, fracture of 1528—1535
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, shaft of, fracture of, stable 1528—1530 1528—1530
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, shaft of, fracture of, unstable 1530—1535 1530—1535
Metacarpal bone(s), of finger, shaft of, fracture of, with open wounds 1535 1535
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, fracture of 1494—1497
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, stable 1494—1495 1494—1496
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, stable, manipulative reduction of 1495 1495
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, stable, postreduction management of 1496
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, stable, x-rays of 1494 1494
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, unstable 1496—1497
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, unstable, immobilization for 1497 1497
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, base of, unstable, x-rays of 1496 1496
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, shaft of, fracture of 1498—1500
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, shaft of, stable 1498—1499 1498—1499
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, shaft of, stable, immobilization for 1499 1499
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, shaft of, stable, manipulative reduction of 1498 1498
Metacarpal bone(s), of thumb, shaft of, unstable 1500 1500
Metacarpal bone(s), on carpus, dislocation of 1448—1449 1448—1449
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger 1475—1476 1475—1476 1538—1541
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, capsule and collateral ligaments of 1478 1478
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, dislocation of, complex 1539 1539
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, dislocation of, complex, management of 1540 1540
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, dislocation of, simple 1538 1538
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, fracture-dislocation of 1541 1541
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, immobilization of, positions for 1478 1478
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb 1477 1477
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, abduction injury to 1508—1509 1508—1509
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, abduction injury to, clinical appearance of 1509 1509
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, abduction injury to, management of 1509 1509
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, abduction injury to, mechanism of 1508 1508
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, avulsion injury to 1510 1510
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of 1501—1507
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of, complex, reduction of 1505—1506 1505—1506
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of, simple 1501 1501
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of, simple, conversion of, to complex dislocation 1502 1502
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of, simple, reduction of 1503—1504 1503—1504
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of, volar, reduction of 1507 1507
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, normal 1501 1501
Metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb, radial collateral ligament of, injury to 1511—1512 1511—1512
Metaphyseal fracture, humeral 128—130
Metaphyseal fracture, humeral, management of 129—130 129—130
Metaphyseal fracture, humeral, management of, closed 1215—1217 1215—1217
Metaphyseal fracture, humeral, prereduction x-ray of 128 128
Metaphyseal fracture, humeral, with anterior elbow displacement, closed management of 1218 1218
Metaphysis 90 90
Metastasis See Malignancy metastatic.
Metatarsal bone(s), fifth, fracture of 1029—1032
Metatarsal bone(s), fifth, fracture of, Jones 1030—1032 1030—1032
Metatarsal bone(s), fifth, fracture of, tuberosity 1029—1030 1029—1030
Metatarsal bone(s), fracture of 1024—1032
Metatarsal bone(s), fracture of, with displacement 1026—1028 1026—1028
Metatarsal bone(s), fracture of, without displacement 1024—1025 1024—1025
Metatarsophalangeal joint, dislocation of 1033—1035
Metatarsophalangeal joint, dislocation of, deformity in 1033 1033
Metatarsophalangeal joint, dislocation of, immobilization for 1034 1034
Metatarsophalangeal joint, dislocation of, manipulative reduction of 1033 1033
Methylprednisolone, for spinal cord trauma 328
Midshaft, of femur See also Femoral shaft.
Midshaft, of femur, transverse fracture of, three-dimensional biomechanics of fracture reduction in 612 612
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of 1010—1014
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of cuboid involving 1007 1007
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, lateral swivel 1011 1011
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, management of 1012—1013
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, management of, immobilization in 1013 1013
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, management of, manipulative reduction in 1012 1012
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, management of, postreduction 1013
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, medial swivel 1011 1011
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, medial, with cuboid fracture 1010 1010
Midtarsal joint, dislocation of, plantar 1010 1010
Midtarsal joint, subluxation of 1014 1014
Midtarsal joint, subluxation of, cuboid fracture associated with 1007 1007
Minerva cast, application of 223 223
Minispica cast See also Spica cast.
Minispica cast, application of, for subtrochanteric fracture 600 600
Minispica cast, for Malgaigne fracture, group II 487 487
Mobilization, early, in calcaneal fracture therapy 983—984 983—984
Monteggia fracture, anterior, from elbow hyperextension 1292 1292
Monteggia fracture, complication(s) of 1310—1311
Monteggia fracture, complication(s) of, radial head dislocation as 1310 1310
Monteggia fracture, complication(s) of, radial nerve injury as 1311 1311
Monteggia fracture, in children 181—184
Monteggia fracture, in children, anterior, closed reduction of 186—187 186—187
Monteggia fracture, in children, anterior, from elbow hyperextension 182 182
Monteggia fracture, in children, anterior, from torsional injury 182 182
Monteggia fracture, in children, anterior, postreduction management of 187
Monteggia fracture, in children, diagnosis of 1S4
Monteggia fracture, in children, lateral, closed reduction of 189 189
Monteggia fracture, in children, lateral, from adduction mechanism 183 183
Monteggia fracture, in children, mechanisms of injury producing 181
Monteggia fracture, in children, posterior, closed reduction of 188 188
Monteggia fracture, in children, posterior, with elbow flexion 183 183
Monteggia fracture, in children, x-ray determination of 184 184
Monteggia fracture, management of 1306—1309
Monteggia fracture, management of, closed reduction in 1306 1306
Monteggia fracture, management of, open reduction in 1308 1308
Monteggia fracture, management of, subsequent 1309 1309
Monteggia fracture, mechanisms of injury producing 1303—1305
Monteggia fracture, mechanisms of injury producing, direct 1303 1303
Monteggia fracture, mechanisms of injury producing, indirect 1304—1305 1304—1305
Monteggia fracture, plate fixation of 1334 1334
Monteggia fracture, posterior, with dislocation 1276 1276
Monteggia fracture, posterior, with elbow flexion 1304—1305 1304—1305
Morin and Steadman technique, for closed reduction, of intra-articular dislocated patella 708—709 708—709
Morphine, for pain 73
Motion, of acromioclavicular joint 1088
Motion, of atlanto-axial joint 310 310
Motion, of atlanto-occipital joint 310 310
Motion, of cervical spine 310 310
Motion, of elbow, loss of, associated with distal humeral fracture 1204
| Motion, of glenohumeral joint 1088
Motion, of knee, evaluation of 669 669
Motion, of knee, loss of, with supracondylar femoral fracture type III 625—626 625—626
Motion, of shoulder, compensatory 1295 1295
Motion, of sternoclavicular joint 1088
Motion, of wrist, mechanics of 1404—1405 1404—1405
Motor nerve(s), of lower limb 409 409
MRI See Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Muscle(s) See also named muscle e.g. Peroneal
Muscle(s), atrophy of, subluxation from 4 4
Muscle(s), inadequate function of, in delayed union and nonunion 36 36
Muscle(s), ischemic necrosis of, from traction 68 68
Muscle(s), of glenohumeral joint, functional mechanism of 1086
Muscle(s), of shoulder 1085 1085
Muscle(s), strengthening of, after ankle sprains 829 829 843 843
Myonecrosis, clostridial 47 47
Myonecrosis, clostridial, after open fracture 775—776 776
Myonecrosis, clostridial, prevention of 48 48
Myonecrosis, clostridial, treatment of 48 777
Myonecrosis, clostridial, wounds at high risk for 776—777 776—777
Myositis ossificans, after elbow fracture-dislocation 1267—1269
Myositis ossificans, after elbow fracture-dislocation, management of 1269 1269
Myositis ossificans, after elbow fracture-dislocation, x-ray appearance of 1267—1268 1267—1268
Myositis ossificans, as complication of acute acetabular fracture fixation 553 553
Myositis ossificans, associated with distal humeral fracture 1204
Nail(s) See also Pin(s); Screw(s).
Nail(s), intramedullary, closure of nonunion of femoral shaft fracture with 646 646
Nail(s), intramedullary, effect of, on blood supply 27 27
Nail(s), intramedullary, effect of, on blood supply, in fracture healing 27 27
Nail(s), intramedullary, fixation of femoral shaft fracture with 606 606
Nail(s), intramedullary, fixation of femoral shaft fracture with, infection following 644 644
Nail(s), intramedullary, fixation of gunshot fracture of femur with 634 634
Nail(s), intramedullary, fixation of proximal femoral fracture with 593 593
Nail(s), intramedullary, interlocking, fixation of closed tibial fracture with, advantages of 768 768
Nail(s), intramedullary, unreamed, for unstable open tibial fracture 787 787
Nail(s), penetration of, from malreduction of intertrochanteric fracture 594 594
Nail(s), short, fixation of intertrochanteric fracture with, complications from 595 595
Nail(s), unreamed, fixation of closed tibial fracture with 767 767
Nail(s), Zickel See Zickel nail(s).
Nail-plate fixation, failure of, in subtrochanteric fracture 596 596
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of 999—1004
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, clinical diagnosis of 1001 1001
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, displaced, management of 1003 1003
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, management of 1002—1004 1002—1004
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, stress 1000 1000
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, stress, management of 1004 1004
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, types of 999—1000
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture of, undisplaced, management of 1002 1002
Navicular bone, tarsal, fracture-dislocation of, management of 1005 1005
Necrosis, avascular, as complication of femoral neck fracture 566 566 580
Necrosis, avascular, as complication of talar fracture 957—959 957—959
Necrosis, avascular, as complication of talar fracture, diagnosis of 958
Necrosis, avascular, as complication of talar fracture, management of 959 959
Necrosis, avascular, chronic lunate dislocation with 1441—1442 1441—1442
Necrosis, avascular, of femoral epiphysis 246
Necrosis, avascular, of humeral neck fracture 1179—1180 1179—1180
Necrosis, ischemic, of bone 40—41 40—41
Necrosis, ischemic, of bone, common sites for 40
Necrosis, ischemic, of muscle, from traction 68 68
Neer prosthesis 1180 1180
Neer's impingement test, for rotator cuff injury 1092 1092
Nerve injury, adjacent to fracture site 62—64 62—64
Nerve injury, anatomy of thoracic spine related to 395 395
Nerve injury, as complication of fracture treatment 68 68
Nerve injury, associated with distal humeral fracture 1204
Nerve injury, associated with elbow fracture-dislocation 1213—1218
Nerve injury, associated with elbow fracture-dislocation, indications for exploratory surgery for 1213—1214 1213—1214
Nerve injury, associated with elbow fracture-dislocation, management of 1215—1218 1215—1218
Nerve injury, associated with glenohumeral dislocation 1128 1128
Nerve injury, associated with sprained ankle 845 845
Nerve injury, compression, after fracture-dislocation of hip 520 520
Nerve injury, stretch, after fracture-dislocation of hip 519 519
Nerve root(s), involvement of, in bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets of cervical spine 373—374 373—374
Nerve(s) See specific nerve e.g. Peroneal
Neural arch, of C2, fracture of 350—351 350—351
Neural arch, of C2, fracture of, management of 351 351
Neuropathy, delayed, associated with humeral fracture 1204
Neurovascular injury, associated with dislocation of knee 693
Neurovascular injury, associated with glenohumeral joint dislocation 1087 1087
Neurovascular injury, associated with scapulothoracic dissociation 1082
Neurovascular injury, from displaced clavicular fracture 1056 1056—1057
Neurovascular injury, from displaced clavicular fracture, management of 1057
Neutralization plate, with screws, for nonunion of humeral fracture 1197 1197
Nightstick fracture 1289 1289
Ninety-ninety degree traction, for proximal femoral fractures 84 84
Ninety-ninety degree traction, for proximal femoral fractures, in children 265 265
Ninety-ninety degree traction, for subtrochanteric fractures 599 599
Non-weight-bearing cast, for undisplaced tarsal navicular fracture 1002 1002
Nonathlete, Jones fracture in, management of 1031 1031
Nonunion 33—39. See also Malunion; Union delayed.
Nonunion, clinical features of 33
Nonunion, definitions of 788 794
Nonunion, fractures with tendency for 35 35
Nonunion, management of 37—38 37—38
Nonunion, minimization of, during closed management 36 36
Nonunion, not necessitating treatment 39 39
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture 1054—1055
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture, atrophic 1054
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture, atrophic, management of 1055 1055
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture, hypertrophic 1054
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture, hypertrophic, excision for 1059 1059
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture, hypertrophic, management of 1055 1055
Nonunion, of clavicular fracture, preoperative x-ray of 1054 1054
Nonunion, of femoral neck fracture 566 566
Nonunion, of femoral neck fracture, with nonviable head 582 582
Nonunion, of femoral neck fracture, with viable head 581 581
Nonunion, of femoral shaft fracture 645—646
Nonunion, of femoral shaft fracture, causes of 645 645
Nonunion, of femoral shaft fracture, postoperative x-ray of, after closed nailing 646 646
Nonunion, of femoral shaft fracture, preoperative x-ray of 646 646
Nonunion, of humeral fracture, distal 1204
Nonunion, of humeral fracture, proximal 1181 1181
Nonunion, of humeral fracture, shaft 1197 1197
Nonunion, of scaphoid fracture 1420—1424
Nonunion, of scaphoid fracture, chronic 1421 1421
Nonunion, of scaphoid fracture, nonoperative management of 1421 1421
Nonunion, of scaphoid fracture, surgical management of 1422—1424 1422—1424
Nonunion, of scaphoid fracture, symptomatic 1422 1422
Nonunion, of talar fracture 960
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, autogenous bone graft for 789—790 789—790
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, autologous bone marrow injection for 791 791
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, causes of 788
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, causes of, avoidable 793
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, diagnosis of 794 794
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, management of 795—798
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, management of, bioelectric stimulation in 798 798
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, management of, bone grafting in 795—796 795—796
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, management of, fibular bypass procedures in 797 797
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, prevalence of 792
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, preventive treatment for 789—791
Nonunion, of tibial fracture, radiographic signs of 788 788
Nonunion, radiographic features of 34 34
Notch defect (Hill — Sachs lesion), in recurrent glenohumeral dislocation from seizure disorders 1132 1132
Notch defect (Hill — Sachs lesion), x-ray view of 1133—1134 1133—1134
Nursemaid's elbow 178—179 178—179
Oblique fracture 6 6
Oblique ligament, posterior 659
Occipito-atlantal joint, dislocation of 344—345 344—345
Occipito-atlantal joint, motion of 310 310
Occiput, articulations of 308 308
Occult fracture, of femoral neck, bone scan for 567 567
Odontoid process 357—364
Odontoid process, congenital abnormalities of 357 357
Odontoid process, congenital abnormalities of, with dislocation of atlas 221—223 221—223
Odontoid process, fracture of 358—359
Odontoid process, fracture of, in children 222 222
Odontoid process, fracture of, in children, management of 223 223
Odontoid process, fracture of, in elderly 364 364
Odontoid process, fracture of, management of 359 359
Odontoid process, fracture of, radiographic findings in 358 358
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