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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement 360—363
Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement, Anderson and d'Alonzo classification of 360 360
Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement, management of 362 362
Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement, postreduction care for 363
Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement, postreduction x-ray of 362 362
Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement, prereduction x-ray of 361 361
Odontoid process, fracture of, with displacement, surgical intervention in 363
Olecranon, fracture of 1270—1274
Olecranon, fracture of, forward elbow dislocation with 1252—1253 1252—1253
Olecranon, fracture of, with displacement 1271—1274
Olecranon, fracture of, with displacement, excision of bone in management of 1273—1274 1273—1274
Olecranon, fracture of, with displacement, operative fixation of 1271—1272 1271—1272
Olecranon, fracture of, without displacement 1270 1270—1271
Open fracture 5 5.
Open fracture, cast-induced 67 67
Open fracture, Gustilo classification of 8
Open fracture, lethal anaerobic infection after 47—48 47—48 775—777 776—777
Open fracture, type I 8 8
Open fracture, type II 9 9
Open fracture, type IIIA 9 9
Open fracture, type IIIB 9 9
Open fracture, type IIIC 10 10
Open reduction See Reduction open.
Orbicular ligament, of radius, rupture of, fracture-dislocation of forearm with 1256—1257 1256—1257
Orthofix device 77 77 85 85
Orthopaedic shoes 997 997
Orthosis, for cervical fracture 339—340 339—340
Orthosis, for thoracic fracture, burst type 424 424
Os acromiale 1071. See also Acromion.
Os calcis See Calcaneus.
Os fibulare, fracture of 835 835
Os odontoideum 222. See also Odontoid process.
Os peroneum See also Sesamoid bone(s).
Os peroneum, fracture of 836 836
Osborne and Cotterill surgical repair, of recurrent dislocation of elbow 1261 1261
Osgood — Schlatter syndrome 286—287 286—287
Osgood — Schlatter syndrome, management of 287
Ossification, centers of, in elbow, radiographic appearance of 132 132
Ossification, in fracture repair, endochondral 14—15 14—15
Ossification, in fracture repair, intramembranous 13—14 13—14
Ossification, of groove of Ranvier 90 90
Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease), diagnosis of 578
Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease), femoral neck fracture in 578—579 578—579
Osteoarthritis, of cervical spine 319—320 319—320
Osteoarthritis, of cervical spine, causing central cord syndrome 384—385 384—385
Osteochondral fracture, of femoral condyle 719 719
Osteochondral fracture, of patella, associated with dislocation, management of 717 717
Osteochondral fracture, of patella, intra-articular 718—719 718—719
Osteochondral fracture, of patella, intra-articular, removal of loose bodies from 718 718
Osteochondral fracture, of patella, of patella, mechanism of 716 716
Osteochondral fracture, of talar dome, inversion mechanism of 923 923 944 944 950 950
Osteochondral fracture, of talar dome, management of 952 952
Osteochondral fracture, of talar dome, stages of 951 951
Osteocytes, in fracture repair 17
Osteon formation, secondary, after plating 24 24
Osteopenic patient(s), occult sacral fracture in 471—472 471—472
Osteoporosis See also Elderly.
Osteoporosis, acetabular fracture associated with 537 537
Osteoporosis, compression fracture associated with 419 419
Osteoporosis, femoral fracture associated with 558 558
Osteoporosis, thoracic spine fracture associated with 419 419
Osteoporosis, tibial fracture associated with 811 811
Osteoporosis, upper humeral fracture associated with 1160 1160
Osteotomy, corrective, for malunion of ankle fracture 914—915 914—915
Osteotomy, corrective, for malunion of ankle fracture, measurement of crural angle in 915 915
Osteotomy, corrective, for malunion of distal radius, after Colles' fracture 1385 1385
Osteotomy, derotational, for malunion of femoral shaft fracture 648 648
Osteotomy, of talus, for torsional malunion 962 962
Osteotomy, valgus angulation, for coxa vara deformity 248 248
Oxygen therapy, hyperbaric, for anaerobic myonecrosis 777
Paget's disease, diagnosis of 578
Paget's disease, femoral neck fracture in 578—579 578—579
Pain, as complication of calcaneal fracture 996—997 996—997
Pain, morphine for 73
Pain, persistent, after ankle sprains 843
Palpation, of swollen finger 1569
Palsy, radial nerve, clinical features of 1190
Palsy, ulnar nerve, delayed, as complication of lateral condylar fracture of humerus 157 157
Paraplegia, incomplete, of thoracic and lumbar spine, compression fracture causing 425—430
Paraplegia, resulting from gunshot wounds 448 448
Paraplegia, thoracic spinal fracture with, management of 421—422 421—422
Paraplegia, traumatic, patient rehabilitation after 449—450 449—450
Passive stretching exercise(s), for frozen shoulder 1153 1153
Passive stretching exercise(s), for proximal humeral fracture 1169—1170 1169—1170
Patella See also Knee.
Patella alta 705 705
Patella, avulsion of patellar tendon from 723—724 724—724
Patella, dislocation of 701—710
Patella, dislocation of, intra-articular 708—710
Patella, dislocation of, intra-articular, closed reduction of 708—709 708—709
Patella, dislocation of, manipulative reduction of 702 702
Patella, dislocation of, mechanism of 701 701
Patella, dislocation of, recurrent 704—707
Patella, dislocation of, recurrent, clinical evaluation of 704 704
Patella, dislocation of, recurrent, management of 707 707
Patella, dislocation of, recurrent, radiographic evaluation of 704—705 704—705
Patella, dislocation of, superior, in arthritic knee 710 710
Patella, fracture of 638 638 711—719
Patella, fracture of, diagnosis of 711
Patella, fracture of, open, arthrotomy for 728 728
Patella, fracture of, osteochondral, associated with dislocation 716—717
Patella, fracture of, osteochondral, associated with dislocation, management of 717 717
Patella, fracture of, osteochondral, associated with dislocation, mechanism of 716 716
Patella, fracture of, osteochondral, intra-articular 718—719 718—719
Patella, fracture of, osteochondral, intra-articular, removal of fragments from 718 718
Patella, fracture of, radiographic appearance of 711 711
Patella, fracture of, transverse, with separation of fragments 713—714 713—714
Patella, fracture of, vs. ligamentous injury 673 673
Patella, fracture of, without displacement 712 712
Patella, subluxation of 701—710
Patella, subluxation of, recurrent 704—707
Patella, subluxation of, recurrent, clinical evaluation of 704 704
Patella, subluxation of, recurrent, management of 707 707
Patella, subluxation of, recurrent, patellofemoral views of 705—706 705—706
Patellar retinaculum, anteromedial 659
Patellar tendon, avulsion of, from patella 723—724 723—724
Patellar tendon, realignment of, in dislocating and subluxating patella 707 707
Patellar tendon, rupture of, late repair of 724 724
Patellar tendon-bearing cast, for tibial fracture, application of 759—760 759—760
Patellectomy, for severely comminuted fracture 715 715
Pathologic fracture, in children, femoral 255 255
Pathologic fracture, metastatic malignancy associated with, femoral 579 579
Pathologic fracture, metastatic malignancy associated with, humeral 1181 1181
Pathologic fracture, metastatic malignancy associated with, of lesser trochanter 586 586
Pedicle fracture, of thoracolumbar spine, in children 229 229
Pelvic fracture 455—482
Pelvic fracture, arterial injury following 454
Pelvic fracture, avulsion 465—466 466
Pelvic fracture, avulsion, management of 467
Pelvic fracture, classification of 456—461
Pelvic fracture, complication(s) of 495
Pelvic fracture, complication(s) of, retroperitoneal abscess as 494
Pelvic fracture, emergency splinting of 75 75
Pelvic fracture, epidemiology of 455 455
Pelvic fracture, hemodynamic instability with, evaluation and management of 475
Pelvic fracture, high-risk 475—476 476
Pelvic fracture, in children 232—254
Pelvic fracture, in children, avulsion of ischial tuberosity and 234 234
Pelvic fracture, in children, avulsion of traction apophyses and 233 233
Pelvic fracture, in children, dislocation with 236—238 236—238
Pelvic fracture, in children, from direct trauma 235 235
Pelvic fracture, in children, intertrochanteric 252—254 252—254
Pelvic fracture, in children, involving femoral epiphysis and femoral neck 239—251 240—246 248 250—251
Pelvic fracture, major 461 461 474—482
Pelvic fracture, major, gynecologic injury with 482 482
Pelvic fracture, major, initial evaluation of 474
Pelvic fracture, major, stabilization of 477—479 477—479
Pelvic fracture, major, urologic injury with 480—481 480—481
Pelvic fracture, mechanism(s) responsible for 456—460
Pelvic fracture, mechanism(s) responsible for, avulsion forces as 460 460
| Pelvic fracture, mechanism(s) responsible for, direct compression as 458—459 458—i59
Pelvic fracture, mechanism(s) responsible for, transmitted force as 456—457 456—457
Pelvic fracture, minor 461 461
Pelvic fracture, minor, differential diagnosis of 463 463
Pelvic fracture, minor, management of 465—473
Pelvic fracture, minor, radiographic appearance of 494
Pelvic fracture, open, lethal injuries from 492—493 493
Pelvic fracture, open, postoperative management of 493
Pelvic fracture, stable, biomechanical differential of 462 462
Pelvic fracture, structures injured in 454 454
Pelvic fracture, unstable, biomechanical differential of 462 462
Pelvic fracture, unstable, clinical signs of 463 463
Pelvic fracture, unstable, radiographic criteria of 464 464
Pelvic fracture, visceral injuries with 66 66
Pelvis 453—495. See also specific part
Pelvis, anatomic features of 453—454 453—454
Pelvis, arch of 453 453
Pelvis, computed tomography of, in assessment of hip dislocation 503
Pelvis, dislocation of 490—491 490—491
Pelvis, fracture of See Pelvic fracture.
Pelvis, fracture-dislocation of 483—489. See also Malgaigne fracture.
Pelvis, fracture-dislocation of, group I 484 484
Pelvis, fracture-dislocation of, group II 485—487 485—487
Pelvis, fracture-dislocation of, group III 488—489 488—489
Pelvis, structures adjacent to 454 454
Pelvis, x-ray of, in assessment of hip dislocation 503 503
Penicillin, for anaerobic myonecrosis 48 777
Percutaneous pinning See Pin(s) percutaneous.
Perilunate dislocation 1427—1429
Perilunate dislocation, assessment of 1428 1428
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, complicated by capitate fracture 1434—1435 1434—1435
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, complicated by scaphoid fracture 1433 1433
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, mechanism of 1427 1427
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, uncomplicated 1430—1432
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, uncomplicated, clinical deformity in 1430 1430
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, uncomplicated, immobilization for 1431—1432 1431—1432
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, uncomplicated, reduction of 1430—1431 1430—1431
Perilunate dislocation, dorsal, uncomplicated, x-rays of 1430 1430 1431 1431
Perilunate dislocation, transscaphoid 1428 1428
Perilunate dislocation, volar 1453 1453
Perilunate instability 1429 1429
Periosteum, reaction of, during inflammatory stage of fracture repair 17—18
Periosteum, resting state of 18
Peripheral nerve(s), injury to, common sites of 62—64 62—64
Periscapholunate dislocation, dorsal 1446 1446
Peroneal muscle, strengthening of, after ankle sprains 843 843
Peroneal nerve, injury to, after knee dislocation 693
Peroneal nerve, injury to, associated with dislocation or subluxation of knee 64 64
Peroneal nerve, injury to, associated with sprained ankle 845 845
Peroneal tendon, calcaneal fracture and 981 981
Peroneal tenosynovitis, after calcaneal fracture 981 981
Pes anserinus muscle(s) 659—661
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, distal, fracture of 1555—1558
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, distal, fracture of, management of 1555—1556 1555—1556
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, distal, fracture of, unstable 1557—1558 1557—1558
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, fracture of 1475 1475 1542—1558
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, fracture of, cast-splint immobilization for 1482 1482
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, fracture of, deformities in, anatomic causes of 1542—1543 1542—1543
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, fracture of, in children 214—217 214—217
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, middle, fracture of 1552—1554 1552—1554
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, middle, fracture of, oblique 1554 1554
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of 1544—1551
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of, condylar 1549 1549
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of, displaced 1545—1548
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of, displaced, management of 1546—1548 1546—1548
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of, displaced, x-rays of 1545 1545
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of, impacted 1550—1551 1550—1551
Phalanx (phalanges), of finger, proximal, fracture of, undisplaced 1544 1544
Phalanx (phalanges), of fourth toe, proximal, fracture of 1036 1036
Phalanx (phalanges), of great toe, distal, fracture of 1036 1036
Phalanx (phalanges), of thumb, avulsion fracture of 1508 1508
Phalanx (phalanges), of thumb, avulsion injury to 1508 1508
Phemister graft, stimulation of biologic process using 37 37
Philadelphia collar, for cervical spine fracture 339 339
Philadelphia collar, for unstable Cl fracture 349 349
Physeal fracture, mechanisms of 94 94
Physeal fracture, Salter — Harris classification of 94—100 94—100
Physeal fracture, type I 95 95
Physeal fracture, type II 96 96
Physeal fracture, type III 97 97
Physeal fracture, type IV 98 98
Physeal fracture, type V 99 99
Physeal fracture, type VI 100 100
Physis 90 90
Physis, growth potential of 101—103
Physis, injury to See also Physeal fracture.
Physis, injury to, in children, factors governing prognosis after 101
Physis, injury to, in children, management of 107 107
Physis, structure of 92—93 92—93
Pilon fracture, of ankle 850—851 850—851
Pilon fracture, of ankle, comminuted, arthrodesis for 895 895
Pilon fracture, of ankle, fixation using ligamentotaxis for 890—891 890—891
Pilon fracture, of ankle, manipulative reduction of 888—889 888—889
Pilon fracture, of ankle, pathologic findings in 887 887
Pilon fracture, of ankle, postreduction management of 890
Pilon fracture, of ankle, unstable, x-ray appearance of 887 887
Pilon fracture, of ankle, x-ray appearance of 851 851
Pin(s) See also Nail(s); Screw(s).
Pin(s), fixation of calcaneal fracture with 990—991 990—991
Pin(s), fixation of proximal tibial epiphyseal fracture with 283 283
Pin(s), fixation of unstable Colles' fracture with 1367—1369 1367—1369
Pin(s), fixation of unstable dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb with 1493 1493
Pin(s), insertion of, for skeletal traction 83—84 83—84
Pin(s), Knowles See Knowles pin(s).
Pin(s), percutaneous, fixation of dislocation of metacarpal bones on carpus with 1449 1449
Pin(s), percutaneous, fixation of proximal interphalangeal joint fracture-subluxation with 1577 1577
Pin(s), percutaneous, fixation of volar lunate dislocation with 1437 1437
Pin(s), percutaneous, placement of, through styloid process of radius 1390 1390
Pin(s), Riordan, fixation of mallet finger deformity with 1584 1584
Pin(s), Rush See Rush pin(s).
Pin(s), Steinmann See Steinmann pin(s).
Pin(s), transfixion, insertion of, for unstable Smith fracture 1390 1390
Pin(s), transpedicular, stabilization of fracture-dislocation with 437 437
Pin(s), vertical transarticular, fixation of unstable open ankle fracture with 911 911
Pins-in-plaster technique, of fixation of open forearm fracture 1349 1349
Pins-in-plaster technique, of fixation of unstable open ankle fracture 910 910
Pins-in-plaster technique, of reduction of unstable tibial fracture 784—785 784—785
Pipkin injury, type I, fragment removal in 515 515
Pipkin injury, type I, radiographic assessment of 514—515 514—515
Pipkin injury, type II, immobilization for 517 517
Pipkin injury, type II, radiographic assessment of 515—516 515—516
Pipkin injury, type III, prosthetic replacement for 518 518
Pipkin injury, type III, radiographic assessment of 517 527
Pipkin injury, type IV 518 518
Pipkin's classification, of hip dislocations with and without fracture 497 501—502 501—502
Pisiform bone, fracture of 1460—1461
Pisiform bone, fracture of, management of 1461 1461
Pisiform bone, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1460
Pisiform bone, fracture of, x-ray appearance of 1460 1460
Pisotriquetral joint, sprain of 1461
Plafond fracture, lateral tibial 896 896
Plantar flexion, of tarsometatarsal joint 1017 1017
Plaster cast, application of 80 80
Plaster cast, application of, for Bennett fracture 1488 1488
Plaster cast, circular, for cuneiform fracture 1006 1006
Plaster cast, circular, for fracture of sesamoid bone 1040 1040
Plaster cast, circular, for metatarsal bone fracture, with displacement 1027 1027 1028 1028
Plaster cast, circular, for metatarsal bone fracture, without displacement 1025 1025
Plaster cast, circular, for midtarsal joint dislocation 1013 1013
Plaster cast, circular, for nonunion of scaphoid fracture 1421 1421
Plaster cast, circular, for talar neck fracture with subtalar subluxation 931 931
Plaster cast, circular, for tarsometatarsal joint fracture-dislocation 1021 1021
Plaster cast, circular, for tuberosity fracture of fifth metatarsal bone 1030 1030
Plaster cast, clam shell See Clam shell plaster cast.
Plaster cast, for capitate fracture 1456 1456
Plaster cast, for displaced lateral malleolar fracture 857 857
Plaster cast, for posterior talar fracture 940 940
Plaster cast, for severe ankle sprain 833 833
Plaster cast, for talar neck fracture, type I 928 928
Plaster cast, for tibial fracture, initial 757—758 757—758
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