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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Supracondylar fracture, humeral, traction for 1221—1222 1221—1222
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, types of 1219 1219
Supracondylar process, of humerus, fracture of 1198 1198
Suprapatellar pouch, puncture wound into 728 728
Supraspinatus tendon, rupture of, arthrography after 1130 1130
Surgery See also specific procedure.
Surgery, exploratory, of neural injury, associated with elbow fracture-dislocation 1213—1214 1213—1214
Surgery, for calcaneal fracture, indications for 992—994 992—994
Surgery, for greater tuberosity fracture-dislocation, indications for 1138—1139 1138—1139
Surgery, for nonunion of scaphoid fracture 1422—1424 1422—1424
Surgery, for persistently symptomatic hamate fracture 1463 1463
Surgery, for recurrent dislocation of elbow 1261 1261
Surgery, for recurrent shoulder dislocation 1146—1147
Surgery, for recurrent shoulder dislocation, Bankart's procedure in 1146—1147 1146—1147
Surgery, for recurrent shoulder dislocation, postoperative management in 1147
Surgery, in stabilization of cervical spine, indications for 367 367 372 372
Sustentaculum, fracture of, manipulative reduction of 972 972
Swan-neck deformity, of finger 1568 1568
Swan-neck deformity, of finger, management of 1587 1587
Swanson Silastic arthroplasty, for chronic lunate dislocation with avascular necrosis 1441—1442 1441—1442
Swelling, of fingers, immobilization for 1544 1544
Swelling, of fingers, palpation in 1569
Swelling, of hand, boxing-glove dressing for 1376 1376
Swelling, of hand, compression bandage for 1482—1483 1482—1483 1497 1497 1537 1537 1565 1565
Swelling, of hand, fasciotomy and carpal tunnel release for 1519 1519
Swelling, of wrist, boxing-glove dressing for 1376 1376
Symphysis pubis, disruption of, management of 489 489
Symphysis pubis, separation of 461
Synchondrosis, normal, x-ray appearance of 222 222
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to 871—877 871—877
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to, management of 874—876 874—876
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to, P-AB mechanism of 872 872
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to, P-EX mechanism of 873 873
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to, postoperative care for 877 877
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to, S-EX mechanism of 871—872 871—872
Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, fracture of fibula proximal to, x-ray appearance of 873 873
Synostosis, fibulotibial, for bone loss 754 754
T-condylar fracture See Intercondylar T fracture.
Talectomy 963 963
Talocalcaneal ligament 817 817
Talocrural angle, measurement of 858 858 915 915
Talonavicular joint See Midtarsal joint.
Talonavicular ligament 818 818
Talus See also Ankle entries.
Talus, blood supply to, effect of injury on 958 958
Talus, body of 816 816
Talus, dislocation of 948—949 948—949
Talus, displacement of, in ankle sprain 821 821
Talus, displacement of, lateral, bimalleolar fractures with 867—868 867—868
Talus, displacement of, medial, bimalleolar fractures with 869—870 869—870
Talus, dome of, osteochondral fracture of, inversion mechanism of 923 923 944 944 950 950
Talus, dome of, osteochondral fracture of, management of 952 952
Talus, dome of, osteochondral fracture of, stages of 951 951
Talus, fracture of 919—965
Talus, fracture of, and ischemic necrosis 41 41
Talus, fracture of, associated with sprained ankle 824 824
Talus, fracture of, complication(s) of, arthritis as 964—965 964—965
Talus, fracture of, complication(s) of, avascular necrosis as 957—959 957—959
Talus, fracture of, complication(s) of, infection as 963 963
Talus, fracture of, complication(s) of, nonunion and malunion as 960—962 960—962
Talus, fracture of, compression mechanism of 925 925 956
Talus, fracture of, eversion mechanism of 924 924 953 953—955
Talus, fracture of, eversion mechanism of, management of 954 954—955
Talus, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of 919—921 920—921 926—936
Talus, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, diagnosis of 926—927 926—927
Talus, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, type I 928 928
Talus, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, type II 929—931 929—931
Talus, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, type III and IV 932—934 932—934
Talus, fracture of, hyperflexion mechanism of 922 922 937—941 937—941
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of 922—923 922—923 942—952
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of, associated with subtalar dislocation 943 943
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of, associated with subtalar dislocation, management of 945—947 945—947
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of, management of 944 944
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of, osteochondral fractures from 944 944
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of, osteochondral fractures from, management of 950—952 950—952
Talus, fracture of, inversion mechanism of, progressive injury from 942—943 942—943
Talus, fracture of, normal healing after 959 959
Talus, fracture of, osteochondral 835 835
Talus, lateral process of, blood supply to 958 958
Talus, lateral process of, fracture of 921 921
Talus, lateral process of, fracture of, displaced or unrecognized 936 936
Talus, lateral process of, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of 935 935
Talus, lateral process of, fracture of, management of 935—936 935—936
Talus, lateral shift of, significance of, in ankle fracture 853 853
Talus, medial, blood supply to 957 957
Talus, neck of, fracture of, diagnosis of 926—927 926—927
Talus, neck of, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of 920 920 926—934
Talus, neck of, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, type I 928 928
Talus, neck of, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, type II 929—931 929—931
Talus, neck of, fracture of, hyperextension mechanism of, type III and IV 932—934 932—934
Talus, neck of, fracture of, with dislocation of body and head 921 921
Talus, posterior, blood supply to 957 957
Talus, subluxation of, anterior marginal fractures with 887—891 887—891.
Talus, tubercle of, fracture of 922 922 937 937
Tarsometatarsal joint 1015—1023
Tarsometatarsal joint, anatomy of 1015 1015
Tarsometatarsal joint, diabetic neurotrophic 1023 1023
Tarsometatarsal joint, fracture-dislocation of 1016—1019
Tarsometatarsal joint, fracture-dislocation of, assessment of 1018—1019 1018—1019
Tarsometatarsal joint, fracture-dislocation of, direct mechanism of 1016 1016
Tarsometatarsal joint, fracture-dislocation of, indirect mechanism of 1017 1017
Tarsometatarsal joint, fracture-dislocation of, management of 1020—1022 1020—1022
Tarsometatarsal joint, subluxation of 1019 1019
Tarsus See Ankle and specific bones e.g. Navicular tarsal.
Tear-drop fracture-dislocation 314 314 379—380 379—380
Tendon(s) See also specific tendon e.g. Quadriceps
Tendon(s), injury to 65
Tendon(s), injury to, with fracture-dislocation of glenohumeral joint 65 65
Tendon(s), rupture of, as complication of Colles' fracture 1377 1377
Tenosynovitis, peroneal, after calcaneal fracture 981 981
Tension-band wiring, of olecranon fracture with displacement 1271 1271
Tension-band wiring, of olecranon fracture with forward elbow dislocation 1252—1253 1252—1253
Tetanus 47
Tetanus prophylaxis 775
Tetanus prophylaxis, guidelines for 47
Tetanus prophylaxis, treatment protocol for 775
Tetanus, after open fracture 775
Thoracic spine See also Thoracolumbar entries
Thoracic spine, anatomy of, related to nerve injury 395 395
Thoracic spine, collapsed, associated with metastatic malignancy 420 420
Thoracic spine, emergency splinting of 74 74
Thoracic spine, fracture of See also Thoracolumbar spine injury.
Thoracic spine, fracture of, compression, associated with osteoporosis 419 419
Thoracic spine, fracture of, compression, causing incomplete paraplegia 425—430
Thoracic spine, fracture of, compression, management of 423—424 423—424
Thoracic spine, fracture of, hyperflexion, involving vertebral bodies 416—418 416—418
Thoracic spine, fracture of, prevalence of 393
Thoracic spine, fracture of, with paraplegia 421—422 421—422
Thoracic spine, normal anatomy of 394 394
Thoracic spine, shearing of 445 445
Thoracic spine, translocation of, without cord injury 413 413
Thoracolumbar spine See also Lumbar spine; Thoracic spine.
Thoracolumbar spine injury, clinical evaluation of 408—414
Thoracolumbar spine injury, clinical evaluation of, in neurologically intact patient 408
Thoracolumbar spine injury, clinical evaluation of, in paralyzed patient 408
Thoracolumbar spine injury, in children 227—229
Thoracolumbar spine injury, in children, differential diagnosis of 228
Thoracolumbar spine injury, in children, management of 229 229
Thoracolumbar spine injury, in children, radiographic appearance of 227 227 228 228
Thoracolumbar spine injury, instability resulting from, acute and chronic 411—412 411—412
Thoracolumbar spine injury, management of 409 409
Thoracolumbar spine injury, management of, open and closed, indications for 415
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, and effect on spinal stability 396—407
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, flexion-rotation 400—401 400—401
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, flexion-rotation, instability resulting from 431—437
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, gunshot 407 407
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, hyperextension 403—404 403—404
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, hyperextension, ankylosing spondylitis associated with 440—441 440—441
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, hyperextension, causing acquired spondylolysis 443—444 443—444
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, hyperextension-shear 405 405
| Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, hyperflexion 396—399 396—399
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, lateral flexion 402 402
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, lateral shearing 406 406
Thoracolumbar spine injury, mechanism(s) of, seat belt fracture 429—430 429—430
Thoracolumbar spine injury, monitoring of 409 409
Thoracolumbar spine injury, neurologic, causes of 413 413
Thoracolumbar spine injury, neurologic, correlation of x-ray changes with 413—414 413—414
Thoracolumbar spine injury, neurologic, recovery and prognosis for 414 414
Thoracolumbar spine injury, radiographic assessment of 410
Thoracolumbar spine, avulsion fracture of, in children 229 229
Thoracolumbar spine, fracture-dislocation of 431—437
Thoracolumbar spine, fracture-dislocation of, halo-femoral traction for 435—437 435—437
Thoracolumbar spine, fracture-dislocation of, internal stabilization techniques in 436—437 436—437
Thoracolumbar spine, fracture-dislocation of, prereduction x-rays of 432 432
Thoracolumbar spine, gunshot wound to 407 407
Three-finger cast, for unstable scaphoid fracture 1417 1417
Three-fragment fracture, in preadolescents 297 297
Thrombosis, arterial, in upper limb, management of 56 56
Thrombosis, arterial, occlusion from 54 54
Thumb 1487—1515
Thumb spica, for subluxed interphalangeal joint 1514 1514
Thumb, carpometacarpal joint of, dislocation of, unstable 1492—1493 1492—1493
Thumb, carpometacarpal joint of, fracture of, comminuted 1490 1490
Thumb, carpometacarpal joint of, fracture-dislocation of 1487—1489 1487—1489.
Thumb, carpometacarpal joint of, subluxation of 1491 1491
Thumb, carpometacarpal joint of, subluxation of, unstable 1492—1493 1492—1493
Thumb, interphalangeal joint of, dislocation of 1514—1515 1514—1515
Thumb, interphalangeal joint of, injury to 1513—1515
Thumb, interphalangeal joint of, subluxation of 1513—1514 1513—1514
Thumb, metacarpal bone of See also Metacarpal bone(s) of
Thumb, metacarpal bone of, base of, fracture of 1494—1497 1494—1497
Thumb, metacarpal bone of, shaft of, fracture of 1498—1500 1498—1500
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of 1477 1477
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, abduction injury to 1508—1509 1508—1509
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, abduction injury to, clinical appearance of 1509 1509
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, abduction injury to, management of 1509 1509
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, abduction injury to, mechanism of 1508 1508
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, avulsion injury to 1510 1510
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, dislocation of 1501—1507
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, dislocation of, complex, reduction of 1505—1506 1505—1506
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, dislocation of, simple 1501 1501
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, dislocation of, simple, conversion of, to complex dislocation 1502 1502
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, dislocation of, simple, reduction of 1503—1504 1503—1504
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, dislocation of, volar, reduction of 1507 1507
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, normal 1501 1501
Thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint of, radial collateral ligament of, injury to 1511—1512 1511—1512
Thumb, skier's 1508—1509 1508—1509
Thurston — Holland sign 169
Tibia, congenital pseudoarthrosis of 109 109
Tibia, epiphysis of, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture tibial.
Tibia, fracture of, acceptable shortening after 765 765
Tibia, fracture of, arterial injuries after 803—808
Tibia, fracture of, associated with sprained ankle 825 825
Tibia, fracture of, bilateral, treatment of 766 766
Tibia, fracture of, biomechanics in 750—751 750—751
Tibia, fracture of, bone loss in, fibulotibial synostosis for 754 754
Tibia, fracture of, closed reduction of 757—762 757—762
Tibia, fracture of, closed, internal fixation of, indications for 767—769 767—769
Tibia, fracture of, compartment syndrome after 803—806 902 902
Tibia, fracture of, compartment syndrome after, clinical findings in 803
Tibia, fracture of, compartment syndrome after, diagnosis of 803
Tibia, fracture of, compartment syndrome after, management of 804—805 804—805
Tibia, fracture of, compartment syndrome after, residual deformities from 806 806
Tibia, fracture of, crush syndromes after 807—808 807—808
Tibia, fracture of, delayed union of 788—798. See also Union delayed of
Tibia, fracture of, diaphyseal, management of extruded fragments in 781 781
Tibia, fracture of, fatigue 715 715 810 810
Tibia, fracture of, fatigue, treatment of 811 811
Tibia, fracture of, in children 288 288—289
Tibia, fracture of, internal rotation 897 897
Tibia, fracture of, involving inferior articular surface 892—894 892—894
Tibia, fracture of, malunion of 799—802. See also Malunion of
Tibia, fracture of, management of 289 289
Tibia, fracture of, nonunion of 788—798. See also Nonunion of
Tibia, fracture of, on posterior articular surface, fixation of 786 786
Tibia, fracture of, open 770—787
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of 770 770 778
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of, by Learmonth technique 779 779
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of, decontamination of bone in 779 779
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of, irrigation of fracture site in 779 779
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of, management of detached bone fragments in 780 780
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of, preparation of field for 778 778
Tibia, fracture of, open, debridement of, second look in 771 771
Tibia, fracture of, open, extruded diaphyseal fragments in, management of 781 781
Tibia, fracture of, open, healing of, biologic effect on 755—756 755—756
Tibia, fracture of, open, lethal anaerobic infection after 775—777 776—777
Tibia, fracture of, open, management of, antibiotics in 774 774
Tibia, fracture of, open, management of, objectives in 763—766 763—766
Tibia, fracture of, open, management of, operative procedure in 778—780 778—780
Tibia, fracture of, open, management of, principles in 770—773
Tibia, fracture of, open, soft tissue wounds in, management of 782—783 782—783
Tibia, fracture of, open, spontaneous wound closing in 772 772
Tibia, fracture of, P-EX mechanism of 896 896
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, dislocation of foot with 882—886 882—886
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, P-EX mechanism of 882 882
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, P-EX mechanism of, in adolescent 883 883
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, reduction of, anterior approach to 885 885
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, reduction of, posterolateral approach to 884 884
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, S-AD mechanism of 883 883
Tibia, fracture of, posterior marginal, S-EX mechanism of 882 882
Tibia, fracture of, stabilizing effect of fibula and interosseous membrane on 753—754 753—754
Tibia, fracture of, three-dimensional, alignment problems in 763—765 763—765
Tibia, fracture of, unstable, cast wedging for 786 786
Tibia, fracture of, unstable, closed reduction and pin transfixion for 784—785 784—785
Tibia, fracture of, unstable, external fixation of 787 787
Tibia, fracture of, unstable, unreamed intramedullary nailing of 787 787
Tibia, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Tibial condyle, fracture of 731
Tibial condyle, fracture of, incompletely reduced, direct elevation of 744—745 744—745
Tibial condyle, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 731 731
Tibial condyle, fracture of, types of 733 733
Tibial condyle, fracture of, unstable, prereduction x-ray of 739 739
Tibial condyle, fracture of, without fragmentation or depression 737 737
Tibial condyle, fracture-dislocation of 742—745
Tibial condyle, fracture-dislocation of, percutaneous screw fixation of 744 744
Tibial condyle, fracture-dislocation of, reduction by traction and ligamentotaxis of 743 743
Tibial condyle, fracture-dislocation of, types of 742—743 742—743
Tibial plateau, fracture of 731
Tibial plateau, fracture of, induced in flexed knee 732 732
Tibial plateau, fracture of, influence of fibula on 735 735
Tibial plateau, fracture of, radiographic evaluation of 736 736
Tibial plateau, fracture of, types of 732 732
Tibial plateau, fracture of, unstable 738—741 741 741
Tibial plateau, fracture of, unstable, alternative fixation technique for 741 741
Tibial plateau, fracture of, unstable, prereduction x-rays of 738—739 738—739
Tibial plateau, fracture of, unstable, reduction by traction and manipulation of 740 740
Tibial plateau, fracture-dislocation of, external fixation of 745 745
Tibial spine, fracture of, associated with anterior cruciate ligament disruption 691 691
Tibial spine, fracture of, classification of 278 278
Tibial spine, fracture of, displacement in, complete, acute or chronic 280 280
Tibial spine, fracture of, displacement in, slight 279
Tibial spine, fracture of, in children 278—280
Tibial spine, fracture of, management of 279—280 279—280
Tibial tubercle, avulsion of 284—287
Tibial tubercle, avulsion of, closed treatment for 285 285
Tibial tubercle, avulsion of, operative fixation for 285 285
Tibial tubercle, avulsion of, prereduction x-rays of 284 284
Tibial tuberosity, apophysis of, avulsion injury to 286—287
Tibial tuberosity, apophysis of, avulsion injury to, management of 287 287
Tibial tuberosity, apophysis of, avulsion injury to, mechanism of 286 286
Tibial tuberosity, avulsion of 725 725
Tibiocalcaneal fusion 963 963
Tibiofibular joint, proximal, dislocation of 726—727
Tibiofibular joint, proximal, dislocation of, management of 727 727
Tibiofibular joint, proximal, dislocation of, types of 726—727 726—727
Tibiofibular joint, proximal, subluxation of 726—727 726—727
Tibiofibular ligament, anterior 817 817 818 818
Tibiofibular ligament, disruption of, fracture of fibula above syndesmosis causing 871—877 871—877. fracture
Tibiofibular ligament, distal, injuries to, significance of 878—879 878—879
Tibiofibular ligament, distal, tear of, causing ankle diastasis without fibular fracture 838—839 838—839
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