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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Reduction, open, of unstable fracture of shaft of thumb metacarpal 1500 2500
Reduction, open, of unstable scaphoid fracture 1418 1418
Reduction, open, of volar lunate dislocation 1438
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, as complication of Colles' fracture 1374
Refracture, as complication of femoral shaft fracture 642 642
Rehabilitation, exercises in, for wedge fracture of thoracic vertebra 417—418 417—418
Rehabilitation, following ankle sprains 829 829
Rehabilitation, of patient with spinal cord injury 388—389 388—389
Rehabilitation, of patient with traumatic paraplegia 449—450 449—450
Rehabilitation, of unrepaired anterior cruciate ligament 682 682
Reimplantation, of extruded diaphyseal fragments, of tibia 781 781
Remodeling, effect of, on epiphyseal fracture 125 125
Remodeling, in fracture repair 16 20 20
Remodeling, in fracture repair, at one year or later 24 24
Remodeling, in fracture repair, in six year old child 104 104
Remodeling, in fracture repair, in ten year old child 105 105
Remodeling, in fracture repair, limitation of 106 106
Retrolisthesis, hyperextension-shear mechanism causing 405 405
Retroperitoneum 494 494
Retroperitoneum, abscess of, as complication of pelvic fracture 494
Revascularization, in fracture healing 25—27 25—27
Rheumatoid arthritis, dislocation of Cl associated with 356 356
Rib fracture, from child abuse 110 110
Rib support, loss of, wedge fracture from 411 411
RICE technique, of management of sprained ankle 826 826
Riordan pin(s), fixation of mallet finger deformity with 1584 1584
Rockwood technique, of sternoclavicular joint radiography 116 116
Rod(s), Harrington See Harrington rod.
Rod(s), intramedullary, fixation of subtrochanteric fracture with 597 597
Rod(s), intramedullary, management of dislocated hip and femoral shaft fracture with 522 522
Rolando fracture 1490 1490
Rotation, of forearm, biomechanics of 1293—1295 1293—1295
Rotation, of forearm, effect of fracture reduction on 1332—1333 1332—1333
Rotational alignment, achievement of, for two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half 1320 1320
Rotational deformity, of finger, after phalangeal or metacarpal fracture 43 43
Rotational injury, to forearm, producing Galeazzi's fracture 1291 1291
Rotational injury, to humeral shaft 1183 1183
Rotator cuff arthropathy, from subluxation 1099 1099
Rotator cuff disruption, fixation of 1175 1175 1180 1180
Rotator cuff disruption, fixation of, indications for 1174 1174 1180 1180
Rotator cuff disruption, luxatio erecta associated with 1111—1112 1111—1112
Rotator cuff disruption, mechanism of 1098 1098
Rotator cuff disruption, subluxation after 1098 1098
Rotator cuff disruption, subluxation after, cause of 1099 1099
Rotator cuff tear, arthrography in 1130 1130
Rotator cuff tear, causing inferior glenohumeral subluxation 1096 1096
Rotator cuff tear, due to glenohumeral dislocation 1129—1131
Rotator cuff tear, management of 1131 1131
Rotator cuff tear, Neer's impingement test for 1092 1092
Rotator cuff tear, pathologic findings in 1099 1099
Rotator cuff tear, repair of 1099 1099
Rotator cuff tear, typical deformity associated with 1129 1129
Rush pin(s), fixation of humeral fracture with radial nerve involvement with 1196 1196
Rush pin(s), fixation of nonunion of humeral fracture with 1181 1181
Russell's traction 82 82
Russell's traction, for femoral shaft fracture 261 261
Sacroiliac joint, dislocation of, bilateral 490 490
Sacroiliac joint, dislocation of, bilateral, management of 490—491 490—491
Sacroiliac joint, disruption of, long-term symptoms from 492
Sacrum, fracture of 468—470
Sacrum, fracture of, management of 469—470 469—470
Sacrum, fracture of, mechanism of 469 469
Sacrum, fracture of, occult, in osteopenic patients 471—472 471—472
Sacrum, fracture of, transverse 468 468 469 469
Sacrum, fracture of, vertical 468 468
Sag test, in evaluation of ligamentous knee injury 671 671
Salter — Harris classification, of epiphyseal and physeal fractures 94—100 94—100
Sanders and Heckman technique, of management of plastic deformation of radius and ulna 196 196
Sarmiento cast-brace, for two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, application of 1325 1325
Sarmiento cast-brace, for two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, removal of, follow-up x-ray after 1326—1327 1326—1327
Sarmiento fracture sleeve, application of, for isolated ulnar fracture 1301 1301
Sartorius muscle 659—661
Scaphoid bone, blood supply to 1409 1409
Scaphoid bone, dislocation of, and lunate dislocation 1447 1447
Scaphoid bone, fracture of 1408—1426
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, clinical diagnosis of 1410 1410
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, Colles' fracture with 1379 1379
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, epidemiology of 1409 1409
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, lunate dislocation with 1440 1440
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, mechanisms of 1408 1408
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, nonunion of 1420—1424
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, nonunion of, nonoperative management of 1421 1421
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, nonunion of, of 15 years duration 1421 1421
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, nonunion of, surgical management of 1422—1424 1422—1424
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, nonunion of, symptomatic 1422 1422
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, perilunate dislocation complicated by 1433 1433
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, post-traumatic arthritis following, management of 1425—1426 1425—1426
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, prognosis for 1412
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, radiographic evaluation of 72 72 1411 1411
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, rapidly healing, management of 1413—1414 1413—1414
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, subacute 1420—1424
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, types of 1409 1409
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, unstable, displaced, or slowly healing 1416—1419
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, unstable, displaced, or slowly healing, closed management of 1416—1417 1416—1417
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, unstable, displaced, or slowly healing, management choices for 1418—1419 1418—1419
Scaphoid bone, fracture of, unstable, displaced, or slowly healing, types of 1415 1416
Scaphoid bone, fracture-dislocation of, unstable 1409 1409
Scaphoid bone, proximal, dislocation of, and lunate dislocation 1447 1447
Scaphoid-capitate fracture syndrome, management of 1457
Scaphoid-scapholunate dissociation, rotary subluxation of 1443—1445
Scaphoid-scapholunate dissociation, rotary subluxation of, clinical findings in 1443 1443
Scaphoid-scapholunate dissociation, rotary subluxation of, closed treatment of 1444—1445 1445
Scaphoid-scapholunate dissociation, rotary subluxation of, pathomechanics of 1444 1444
Scaphoid-scapholunate dissociation, rotary subluxation of, x-ray appearance of 1444 1444
Scapholunate joint, subluxation of, volar lunate dislocation with 1439 1439
Scapula See also Shoulder.
Scapula, dislocation of 1080—1081
Scapula, dislocation of, manipulative reduction for 1080 1080
Scapula, dislocation of, postreduction care in 1081
Scapula, dislocation of, strapping and immobilization for 1081 1081
Scapula, displacement of, traumatic lateral 1082 1082
Scapula, fracture of 1071—1072
Scapula, fracture of, common types of 1071 1071
Scapula, fracture of, coracoid process as site of 1144 1144
Scapula, fracture of, management of 1072 1072
Scapula, neck of, fracture of 1073—1075
Scapula, neck of, fracture of, with marked displacement, management of 1074—1075 1074—1075
Scapula, neck of, fracture of, with minimal displacement, management of 1073 1073
Scapulothoracic joint, dissociation of 1082 1082
Sciatic nerve, stretch injury to, after fracture-dislocation of hip 519 519
Scoliosis, lumbar, fractures producing 412 412
Screw(s) See also Nail(s); Pin(s).
Screw(s), cannulated, fixation of proximal humeral fracture with 1175 1175 1179—1180 1179—1180
Screw(s), cannulated, fixation of supracondylar femoral fracture type III with 625 625
Screw(s), cannulated, fixation of unicondylar femoral fracture with 631 631
Screw(s), cannulated, repair of knee fracture-dislocation with 697 697
Screw(s), fixation of condylar fracture of distal end of proximal phalanx with 1549 1549
Screw(s), fixation of displaced tarsal navicular fracture with 1003 1003
Screw(s), fixation of fibular fractures proximal to syndesmosis with 785 785 786 786
Screw(s), fixation of fracture of capitellum with 1228 1228
Screw(s), fixation of fracture-dislocation of humeral head and neck with 1142 1142
Screw(s), fixation of Jones fracture with 1032 1032
Screw(s), fixation of oblique fracture of proximal phalanx with 1548 1548
Screw(s), fixation of Pipkin injury with 516 516
Screw(s), fixation of Pipkin injury with, intraoperative x-ray after 517 517
Screw(s), fixation of supracondylar humeral fracture with 1220 1220
Screw(s), fixation of talar neck fracture with 932—933 932—933
Screw(s), fixation of tarsometatarsal joint fracture-dislocation with 1022 1022
Screw(s), fixation of tibial condyle fracture-dislocation with 744 744
Screw(s), fixation of unstable fracture of shaft of thumb metacarpal with 1500 2500
Screw(s), fixation of unstable scaphoid fracture with 1418 1418
Screw(s), lag, fixation of patellar fracture with 714 714
Screw(s), neutralization plate with, for nonunion of humeral fracture 1197 1197
Screw(s), single, fixation of medial malleolar fracture with 865 865 866 866
Screw(s), transfixion, in management of ankle diastasis 840 840
Screw(s), transosseous, fixation of ankle diastasis and malunion with 878 878
Seat belt fracture (Chance fracture), flexion-distraction injury causing, management of 430
Seat belt fracture (Chance fracture), flexion-distraction injury causing, management of, with Seat belt fracture (Chance fracture), incomplete paraplegia 429—430 429—430
Seat belt fracture (Chance fracture), in children 230 230
Seat belt fracture (Chance fracture), of thoracic spine 399 399
| Seat belt fracture (Chance fracture), visceral injuries with 66 66
Segmental collapse, of femoral head 566 566
Segmental fracture 11 11
Seizure(s), acetabular fracture after 537 537
Seizure(s), recurrent glenohumeral dislocation from, notch defect in 1132 1132
Semimembranous muscle 659—660 659—660 662
Semitendinosus muscle 659—661
Sensory nerve(s), of lower limb 409 409
Sepsis, following femoral shaft fracture 633—634 633—634
Sepsis, from open pelvic fractures 492
Sesamoid bone(s), fracture of 835—836 835—836
Sesamoid bone(s), of great toe, fracture of 1040 1040
Shang method, of closed reduction of two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half 1324—1325 1324—1325
Shearing injury, ankle fracture-dislocation with, traumatic arthritis from 852 852
Shearing injury, lateral, of thoracic spine 406 406
Shearing injury, of thoracolumbar spine 445 445
Shearing injury, to patella 716 716
Shirt-tackier's injury 65 65
Shock, delayed, following femoral shaft fracture 632
Shock, hypovolemic, with pelvic fracture, evaluation and management of 475—476
Shock, prevention and treatment of 73
Short-arm cast, for fracture-dislocation of fifth metacarpal 1521
Short-arm cast, for hook of hamate fracture 1463 1463
Short-arm cast, for pisiform fracture 1461 1461
Short-arm cast, for subluxation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb 1491 1491
Short-arm cast, for triquetrum fracture 1459 1459
Shortening, bone, after fracture 44 44
Shortening, bone, malunion of femoral shaft fracture due to 650 650
Shortening, bone, malunion of tibial fracture due to 799 800 800
Shotgun wound(s) 49—50
Shotgun wound(s), close-range, to femur 633 633
Shotgun wound(s), disruption of soft tissue and viscera in, complications from 50
Shoulder See also Acromioclavicular joint; Clavicle; Glenohumeral joint; Scapula; Sternoclavicular joint.
Shoulder exercise(s), passive stretching, for proximal humeral fracture 1169—1170 1169—1170
Shoulder harness, for humeral shaft fracture 1186
Shoulder immobilizer, for fracture of greater tuberosity, associated with dislocation 1137 1137
Shoulder sprain, anterior 1090
Shoulder sprain, anterior, management of 1094—1095 1094—1095
Shoulder sprain, anterior, mechanism of 1090 1090
Shoulder sprain, posterior 1100—1102
Shoulder sprain, posterior, management of 1102 1102
Shoulder sprain, posterior, symptoms of 1101 1101
Shoulder, direct violence to, producing humeral fracture 1163 1163
Shoulder, dislocation of 1068—1070 1080—1082
Shoulder, dislocation of, acute 1090 1090
Shoulder, dislocation of, anterior 2 2
Shoulder, dislocation of, anterior, mechanism of 1090 1090
Shoulder, dislocation of, apprehension test for 1091 1091
Shoulder, dislocation of, causes of 1088—1089
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating 1132—1144
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, acromion 1144 1144
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, anteromedial defect in 1133 1133
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, coracoid process 1144 1144
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, glenoid 1134 1134
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, greater tuberosity 1135—1139 1135—1139
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, humeral head and neck 1140—1143 1140—1143
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, mechanism of injury in 1132 1132
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, notch defect (Hill — Sachs defect) in 1132 1132
Shoulder, dislocation of, fracture(s) complicating, notch defect (Hill — Sachs defect) in, view for 1133—1134 1133—1134
Shoulder, dislocation of, problems of stability in 1148—1149 1148—1150
Shoulder, dislocation of, recurrent 1145—1147
Shoulder, dislocation of, recurrent, anatomic causes of 1145 1145
Shoulder, dislocation of, recurrent, surgical repair for 1146—1147
Shoulder, dislocation of, recurrent, surgical repair for, Bankart's procedure in 1146—1147 1146—1147
Shoulder, dislocation of, recurrent, surgical repair for, postoperative management in 1147
Shoulder, displacement of, sulcus sign of 1092 1092
Shoulder, fracture of, radiographic examination of 71 71
Shoulder, frozen 1151—1155
Shoulder, frozen, arthrography of 1152 1152
Shoulder, frozen, clinical presentation of 1151 1151
Shoulder, frozen, management of 1152—1155
Shoulder, frozen, management of, gravity exercises in 1153 1153
Shoulder, frozen, management of, manipulation in 1154 1154
Shoulder, frozen, management of, passive stretching shoulder exercises in 1153 1153
Shoulder, frozen, management of, postmanipulation 1155
Shoulder, frozen, pathologic findings in 1152 1152
Shoulder, instability of, anterior, diagnosis of 1091
Shoulder, motion of, compensatory 1295 1295
Shoulder, motion of, normal 1088 1088
Shoulder, muscles of 1085 1085
Shoulder, stabilizing mechanism(s) of 1083—1087
Shoulder, stabilizing mechanism(s) of, glenohumeral ligaments as 1084 1084
Shoulder, stabilizing mechanism(s) of, glenohumeral structures as 1083 1083
Shoulder, stabilizing mechanism(s) of, muscles as 1085 1085—1086
Shoulder, structures of, dislocation of 1068—1070 1080—1082
Shoulder, structures of, fracture of 1043—1060 1071—1079
Shoulder, subluxation of 1100 1100
Shoulder, subluxation of, apprehension test for 1091 1091
Shoulder, subluxation of, avulsion fracture associated with 1078 1078
Shoulder, subluxation of, from direct impact 1101 1101
Shoulder, subluxation of, management of 1094—1095 1094—1095 1102 1102
Shoulder, subluxation of, mechanism of 1090 1090
Shoulder, subluxation of, symptoms of 1101 1101
Shoulder, unstable, x-ray diagnosis of 1093 1093
Shumacker technique, for clavicular fragmentation 1059 1059
Side-swipe fracture, of radius and ulna 1254—1255 1254—1255
Skateboard exercise(s), for superior dome fracture, with displacement 550
Skeletal traction See Traction.
Ski boot fracture (torsional fracture), of tibia, biomechanics of 750—751 750—751
Ski boot fracture (torsional fracture), of tibia, indirect mechanism for 750 750
Skier's thumb 1508—1509
Skier's thumb, clinical appearance of 1509 1509
Skier's thumb, mechanism of injury in 1508 1508
Skier's thumb, treatment of 1509 1509
Skin traction 82 82
Skin traction, for dislocated hip 506 506
Skin traction, for fracture of central acetabular wall 539 539
Skin traction, for fracture of inner acetabular wall 540 540
Skin traction, for obturator dislocation 533 533
Skin traction, for superior dome fracture, without displacement 546 546
Skin traction, for unstable hip 237 237
Skin traction, prefabricated products for 82
Skull traction, for displaced cervical spine fractures and dislocations 334—338 334—338
Slatis trapezoidal frame, for unstable pelvic fracture 479 479
Sleeve application, for isolated ulnar fracture 1301 1301
Sling, collar-and-cuff, for scapular dislocation 1081 1081
Sling, for sternoclavicular sprain or subluxation 118 118
Sling, hand, for humeral shaft fracture 1185 1185
Sling, triangular, for displaced scapular neck fracture 1073 1073
Sling, triangular, for stellate fracture 1077 1077
Sling, Velpeau See Velpeau sling.
Smith fracture 1386—1391
Smith fracture, garden-spade deformity in 1386 1386
Smith fracture, mechanism of injury in 1386 1386
Smith fracture, postreduction management of 1388 1388
Smith fracture, reduction of 1387 1387
Smith fracture, reduction of, mechanics of 1388 1388
Smith fracture, unstable, inserttion of transfixion pin in 1390 1390
Smith fracture, unstable, plate fixation of 1390 1390
Smith fracture, unstable, sugar-tong splint for 1391 1391
Smith fracture, unstable, traction for 1389 1389
Smith fracture, unstable, x-ray of 1389 1389
Smith fracture, x-rays of 1387 1387 1388 1388
Soft callus, in fracture repair 16 19—20 19—20
Soft tissue capsule, defects of, causing recurrent hip dislocation 527 527
Soft tissue wound(s), gunshot and shotgun injuries causing 50
Soft tissue wound(s), management of 782—783 782—783
Soft tissue, healing of, plate fixation of open forearm fracture after 1349 1349
Soft tissue, healing of, range of motion of forearm after 1351 1351
SOMI brace, for cervical spine injury 339 339 347
SOMI brace, for cervical spine injury, simulating hyperflexion deformity 387
SOMI brace, for cervical spine injury, stable flexion type 366 366
SOMI brace, for hyperextension injury, causing central cord syndrome 385 385
Spica cast, for femoral epiphyseal fracture, in infants 243 243
Spica cast, for femoral epiphyseal fracture, in older children 247
Spica cast, for femoral shaft fracture, in children younger than 2 years 257 257
Spica cast, for femoral shaft fracture, in children younger than 8 years 258—259 258—259
Spica cast, for Malgaigne fracture, group II 486
Spica cast, for posterior glenohumeral dislocation 1122 1122 1125 1125
Spica cast, for skier's thumb 1509 1509
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