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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)
Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

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Íàçâàíèå: Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

Àâòîð: Connolly J.F.


This 2-volume set covers the full range of common and uncommon fractures and dislocations in adults and children. It guides readers through diagnosis, including both clinical and radiographic methods, and then discusses mechanisms of injury and management. Sequential illustrations demonstrate fracture reduction, immobilization, and follow-up methods. Where operative treatment would be beneficial, indications and surgical options are discussed. Features over 2500 classic clinical illustrations from the above title.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 818

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.11.2005

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Inversion injury, to talus, progressive injury from      942—943 942—943
Irrigation, arthroscopic, of fracture site, in wound debridement      779 779 908—909 908—909
Irrigation, arthroscopic, of open knee wound      730 730
Ischemia, after distal humeral fracture, management of      1210 1210
Ischemic contracture      59 59
Ischemic contracture, Volkmann's      59 59
Ischemic contracture, Volkmann's, supracondylar humeral fracture causing      138
Ischemic necrosis, of bone      40—41 40—41
Ischemic necrosis, of bone, common sites for      40
Ischemic necrosis, of muscle, from traction      68 68
Ischium, dislocation of, mechanisms producing      498 498
Ischium, fracture of      461 461
Ischium, tuberosity of, avulsion injury to      460 460
Ischium, tuberosity of, avulsion injury to, in children      234 234
Jammed finger(s)      See also Finger(s) jammed.
Jammed finger(s), from dislocation, fracture, or sprain      1566—1580
Jammed finger(s), tendon avulsion and      1582—1587
Jefferson's fracture      315 315 346—349 347—349. fracture
Jerk test, for chronic cruciate ligament disruption      672 672
Joint(s)      See also specific joint e.g. Elbow.
Joint(s), effusion in, subluxation from      4 4
Joint(s), pain and stiffening of, as complication of Colles' fracture      1374 1374
Jones fracture      1029—1030 1030—1032
Jones fracture of fifth metatarsal bone      1030—1032
Jones fracture of fifth metatarsal bone, management of, in athlete      1032 1032
Jones fracture of fifth metatarsal bone, management of, in nonathlete      1031 1031
Jones fracture of fifth metatarsal bone, mechanism of      1031 1031
Judet technique, of quadricepsplasty      653 653
Kenny Howard brace, for acromioclavicular support      1064 1064
Kenny Howard brace, for clavicular fracture      1047 1047
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of Bennett fracture with      1489 1489
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of comminuted patellar fracture with      714 714
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of cuboid dislocation with      1007 1007
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of displaced fracture of proximal phalanx with      1547 1547
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of displaced tarsal navicular fracture with      1003 1003
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of metacarpal fracture with      1535 1535
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of oblique fracture of middle phalanx with      1554 1554
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of open hand wounds with      1485 1485
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of Rolando fracture with      1490 1490
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of uncomplicated perilunate dislocation with      1431—1432 1431—1432
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of unstable Colles' fracture with      1371 1371
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of unstable dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb with      1493 1493
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of unstable scaphoid fracture with      1417 1417
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of unstable scaphoid fracture with, with bone graft      1419 1419
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of volar lunate dislocation with      1437 1437
Kirschner wire(s), fixation of volar lunate dislocation with, subluxation of scapholunate joint and      1439 1439
Kirschner wire(s), stabilization of dislocated carpometacarpal finger joint      1519 1519
Kleinert procedure, for dorsal instability of proximal interphalangeal joint      1587 1587
Knee      659—746
Knee arthroplasty, total, femoral fractures associated with      654—655 654—655
Knee injury, associated with femoral shaft fracture      638 638
Knee injury, open      728—730
Knee injury, open, arthroscopic irrigation of      730 730
Knee injury, open, contaminated, management of      729—730 729—730
Knee injury, open, necessitating arthrotomy      728 728
Knee injury, valgus, type III epiphyseal fracture in      272
Knee instability, anterolateral      684—686
Knee instability, anterolateral, diagnostic tests for      684—685 684—685
Knee instability, anterolateral, management of      686
Knee instability, anterolateral, mechanism of injury causing      684
Knee instability, anterolateral, radiographic findings in      685 685
Knee instability, anterolateral, varus injuries causing, pathology of      686 686
Knee instability, posterolateral, test for      686 686
Knee motion, evaluation of      669 669
Knee motion, loss of, with supracondylar fracture type III      625—626 625—626
Knee sprain      675
Knee sprain, pathologic results of      676 676
Knee sprain, x-rays of      677 677
Knee, arthritic, superior dislocation of patella in      710 710
Knee, aspiration of      678 678 695 695 702 702
Knee, dislocation of      692—700 694—695
Knee, dislocation of, neurovascular injury with      693
Knee, dislocation of, peroneal nerve injury associated with      64 64
Knee, dislocation of, reduction for      694—695 694—695
Knee, dislocation of, reduction for, management following      695 695 696 696
Knee, dislocation of, types of      692 692
Knee, dislocation of, unreducible posterolateral      698—700
Knee, dislocation of, unreducible posterolateral, clinical appearance of      699 699
Knee, dislocation of, unreducible posterolateral, management of      700 700
Knee, dislocation of, unreducible posterolateral, obstruction in      700 700
Knee, extensor apparatus of      See also Patella; Patellar tendon; Quadriceps tendon.
Knee, extensor apparatus of, injury to      701—725
Knee, extensor apparatus of, rupture of      720—722
Knee, extensor apparatus of, rupture of, site of      720 720
Knee, fracture of, emergency splinting for      75 75
Knee, fracture of, stress, in elderly      746 746
Knee, fracture-dislocation of      692 692
Knee, fracture-dislocation of, operative repair for      697 697
Knee, hyperextension of, causing proximal tibial epiphyseal fracture      281—283 281—283
Knee, hyperextension of, in closed reduction, of tibial spine fracture      279 279
Knee, ligaments of, injury to      665—691. See also Ligament(s) of injury
Knee, neurovascular anatomy of      693 693
Knee, normal, radiographic evaluation of      704 704
Knee, post-traumatic extension contracture of, quadricepsplasty for      653 653
Knee, stiff, as complication of femoral fractures      651—653
Knee, stiff, manipulation of, after fracture healing      651—652 651—652
Knee, support structures of      659—664
Knee, support structures of, cruciate ligaments as      663—664 664
Knee, support structures of, dynamic lateral      661 661
Knee, support structures of, dynamic medial      660 660
Knee, support structures of, posterior      662 662
Knee, support structures of, quadriceps muscles as      663 663
Knee, support structures of, static lateral      661 661
Knee, support structures of, static medial      659—660 659—660
Knee, supporting load across, role of tibial cortices in      734 734
Knee, varus deformity of, after distal femoral fracture      43 43
Knee-ankle axis, malalignment of, in fracture malunion      800 800
Knowles pin(s), fixation of clavicular fracture with      1051 1051
Knowles pin(s), fixation of displaced intertrochanteric fracture with      253 253
Knowles pin(s), fixation of femoral epiphyseal fracture with      246 246
Knowles pin(s), fixation of femoral neck fracture with      572 572
Knowles pin(s), fixation of supracondylar fracture type III with      625 625
Knowles pin(s), repair of knee fracture-dislocation with      697 697
Kocher's maneuver, for reduction of anterior glenohumeral dislocation      1106 1106
Laceration, arterial      See Artery(ies) injury
Lachman's test, for anterior cruciate ligament tear      672 672
Laminectomy, sacral      470 470
Laminectomy, to remove bullet from spine      448
Lauge — Hansen classification, of ankle fracture      847—848 847—848
Lauge — Hansen classification, of lateral malleolar fracture, displaced      856 856
Lauge — Hansen classification, of lateral malleolar fracture, undisplaced      854 854
Lauge — Hansen classification, of medial malleolar fracture      863 863
Lauge — Hansen classification, of medial malleolar fracture, with rupture of lateral ligament      866 866
Learmonth's technique, of debridement of open tibial fracture      779 779
Leg cast, for curbstone fracture      886 886
Leg cast, for dislocated knee      696 696
Leg cast, for fibula fracture proximal to syndesmosis      877 877
Leg cast, for fracture of lateral process of talus      935 935
Leg cast, for Jones fracture      1031 1031
Leg cast, for undisplaced lateral malleolar fracture      855 855
Leg cast, removal of      81 81
Leitner and Boehler technique, of reduction of eversion injury to talus      954 954
Lesser trochanter, epiphyseal separation of      254 254
Lesser trochanter, fracture of      586 586
Lesser tuberosity, of humerus, fracture of, reduction of      1176—1177 1176—1177
Letournel classification, of acetabular columns      535 535
Leverage method, of reduction of posterior elbow dislocation      1232 1232
Life-threatening complication(s), following femoral shaft fractures      632—634 633—634
Ligament(s)      See also specific ligament e.g. Tibiofibular
Ligament(s), carpal      1405 1405
Ligament(s), injury to, at acromioclavicular joint      1060—1062 1060—1062
Ligament(s), injury to, at acromioclavicular joint, management of      1062—1068 1062—1068
Ligament(s), injury to, subluxation from      3 3
Ligament(s), of ankle, anterior      818 818
Ligament(s), of ankle, lateral      817 817
Ligament(s), of ankle, lateral, recurrent instability of      841—842 841—842
Ligament(s), of ankle, medial      818 818
Ligament(s), of ankle, posterior      816 816
Ligament(s), of cervical spine      308 308
Ligament(s), of glenohumeral joint      1084 1084
Ligament(s), of knee, cruciate      See Cruciate ligament(s) of
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to      665—691
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, causing anterolateral instability      684—686 684—686
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, evaluation of      669—691
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, evaluation of, MRI scan in      674 674
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, evaluation of, radiographic      673 673
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, evaluation of, tests in      670—672 670—672
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, grading of      675—677 676—677
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, inspection of      669 669
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, management of      678—691
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, management of, local      678 678
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, management of, surgical      679—681 679—681
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, mechanisms of      665—668
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, mechanisms of, flexed      667 667
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, mechanisms of, hyperextension      666—667 666—667
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, mechanisms of, valgus external rotation      665 665
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, mechanisms of, varus-internal torsional      668 668
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, range-of-motion in      669 669
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, unrepaired, rehabilitation of      682 682
Ligament(s), of knee, injury to, vs. fracture, in adolescents      673 673
Ligament(s), supporting radioulnar joint      1398 1398
Ligamentotaxis, fixation of pilon fracture with      890—891 890—891
Ligamentotaxis, reduction of calcaneal fracture by      986 986
Limb, amputation of, acute anaerobic myonecrosis and      777
Limb, lower      See Lower limb.
Limb, upper      See Upper limb.
Limb-threatening complication(s), following femoral shaft fractures      635—639
Limb-threatening complication(s), following femoral shaft fractures, "floating knee" as      639 639
Limb-threatening complication(s), following femoral shaft fractures, arterial injury as      635 635
Limb-threatening complication(s), following femoral shaft fractures, hip fracture-dislocation as      636—637 636—637
Limb-threatening complication(s), following femoral shaft fractures, knee injury as      638 638
Lipscomb — Lowell technique, of reduction of acetabular fracture-dislocation      544 544
Lipscomb — Lowell technique, of reduction of superior dome fracture with displacement      549 549
Lisfranc joint      See also Tarsometatarsal joint.
Lisfranc joint, subluxation of, significance of injuries causing      1019 1019
Little leaguer's elbow      131 133 133
Little leaguer's elbow, management of      172 172
Longitudinal arches, of hand      1474 1474
Loose cast syndrome      67 67
Lower limb      See also specific part e.g. Foot.
Lower limb, compartment syndrome in, double-incision fasciotomy for      61 61
Lower limb, emergency splinting of      75 75
Lower limb, fracture of, in children      255—301
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, avulsion of tibial tubercle in      284—287 284—287
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, involving distal tibial epiphyses      290—293 290—293
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, involving distal tibial epiphyses, rotational displacement with      300 300—301
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, involving femoral shaft      255—267 255—267
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, involving growth plate      297—299 297—299
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, involving tibial shaft      288—289 288—289
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, involving tibial spine      278—280 278—280
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, malleolar      294—296 294—296
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, separation of distal femoral epiphysis in      268—277 268—277
Lower limb, fracture of, in children, separation of proximal tibial epiphysis in      281—283 281—283
Lower limb, innervation of, motor and sensory      409 409
Lower limb, Volkmann's contracture of      59
Lumbar spine      See also Thoracolumbar entries
Lumbar spine, emergency splinting of      74 74
Lumbar spine, fracture of, compression, causing incomplete paraplegia      425—430
Lumbar spine, fracture of, compression, in children, causing spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis      231—232 231—232
Lumbar spine, fracture of, compression, in children, open      230 230
Lumbar spine, fracture of, compression, isolated, involving transverse process      439 439
Lumbar spine, fracture of, compression, scoliosis associated with      412 412
Lumbar spine, gunshot wound to      448 448
Lumbar spine, injury to, hyperextension-shear      405 405
Lumbar spine, injury to, whiplash      405 405 442 442
Lumbar spinous process(es), fracture of      447 447
Lumbar spinous process(es), isolated      439 439
Lumbosacral corset, for spinous process fracture      447
Lumbosacral corset, for transverse process fracture      439
Lumbosacral nerve root, avulsion of, after fracture-dislocation of hip      519 519
Lunate bone, dislocation of, and dislocation of proximal scaphoid      1447 1447
Lunate bone, dislocation of, and ischemic necrosis      41 41
Lunate bone, dislocation of, chronic, avascular necrosis with      1441—1442 1441—1442
Lunate bone, dislocation of, mechanism of      1428 1428
Lunate bone, dislocation of, scaphoid fracture with      1440 1440
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar      1436—1438
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, immobilization for      1438 1438
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, percutaneous pin fixation for      1437 1437
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, postreduction x-ray of      1437 1437
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, prereduction x-ray of      1436 1436
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, reduction of, by traction and manipulation      1436—1437 1436—1437
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, reduction of, open      1438
Lunate bone, dislocation of, volar, with subluxation of scapholunate joint      1439 1439
Luxatio erecta      1111—1112 1111—1112
Luxation, definition of      2
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of cervical spine injury      325 326 326
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of hyperextension injury, causing central cord syndrome      384 384
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of knee injuries      674 674
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of posterior cruciate ligament tear      689 689
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of spinal instability      410
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of thoracic fracture      422 422
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to cervical spine      320 320
Maisonneuve fracture, of proximal fibula without ankle diastasis      880 880—881
Maisonneuve fracture, of proximal fibula without ankle diastasis, clinical evaluation of      880
Maisonneuve fracture, of proximal fibula without ankle diastasis, management of      881 881
Malgaigne fracture      461 461
Malgaigne fracture, group I      484 484
Malgaigne fracture, group II      485—487
Malgaigne fracture, group II, clinical assessment of      485 485
Malgaigne fracture, group II, management of      485—487 486—487
Malgaigne fracture, group II, management of, minispica cast in      487 487
Malgaigne fracture, group II, management of, reduction in      487 487
Malgaigne fracture, group II, management of, spica cast brace in      486
Malgaigne fracture, group II, management of, traction and double pelvis sling in      486 486
Malgaigne fracture, group III      488—489
Malgaigne fracture, group III, management of      489 489
Malgaigne fracture, group III, unstable      488—489 488—489
Malignancy, metastatic, collapsed thoracic vertebrae associated with      420 420
Malignancy, metastatic, femoral neck fracture associated with      579 579
Malignancy, metastatic, pathologic humeral fractures associated with      1181 1181
Malleolus(i)      See also Ankle entries.
Malleolus(i), adduction fracture of, in children      294—296
Malleolus(i), adduction fracture of, type III      294 294
Malleolus(i), adduction fracture of, type IV      295 295
Malleolus(i), adduction fracture of, type IV, correction of varus deformity after      296 296
Malleolus(i), both, fractures of      867—870
Malleolus(i), both, fractures of, with lateral talus displacement      867—868 867—868
Malleolus(i), both, fractures of, with medial talus displacement      869—870 869—870
Malleolus(i), lateral, fracture of, irreducible      903 903
Malleolus(i), lateral, fracture of, with displacement      855—857 855—857
Malleolus(i), lateral, fracture of, without displacement      854—855 854—855
Malleolus(i), medial, fracture of, isolated      863—865 863—865
Malleolus(i), medial, fracture of, with rupture of lateral ligament      866 866
Mallet finger deformity      1567 1567 1582—1583 1582—1583
Mallet finger deformity, management of      1583 7583
Mallet finger deformity, splint for      1481 1481
Mallet finger deformity, with avulsion fracture and persistent subluxation, management of      1584 1584
Malreduction, determinants of      572 572
Malreduction, nail penetration from, of intertrochanteric fracture      594 594
Malreduction, of femoral neck fracture      573 573
Malrotation, of finger, abnormal position caused by      1475—1476 1475—1476
Malunion      42—43. See also Nonunion; Union delayed.
Malunion, ankle diastasis and, transosseous screw fixation for      878 878
Malunion, definition of      799
Malunion, of ankle fracture      912—915
Malunion, of ankle fracture, arthrodesis for      913 913
Malunion, of ankle fracture, corrective osteotomy for      914—915 914—915
Malunion, of ankle fracture, corrective osteotomy for, measurement of crural angle in      915 915
Malunion, of distal radius, after Colles' fracture      1384—1385 1384—1385
Malunion, of distal radius, after Colles' fracture, clinical appearance of      1384 1384
Malunion, of distal radius, after Colles' fracture, corrective osteotomy for      1385 1385
Malunion, of distal radius, after Colles' fracture, radiographic appearance of      1385 1385
Malunion, of femoral shaft fracture      647—650
Malunion, of femoral shaft fracture, after internal fixation      649 649
Malunion, of femoral shaft fracture, derotational osteotomy for      648 648
Malunion, of femoral shaft fracture, example of      648 648
Malunion, of femoral shaft fracture, from excessive shortening      650 650
Malunion, of femoral shaft fracture, remodeled angulated fracture in      647 647
Malunion, of humeral fracture, distal      1204
Malunion, of talar fracture      960—962
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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