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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Wound(s), hand, open, contaminated, management of, by delayed primary closure 1563—1564 1563—1564
Wound(s), hand, open, contaminated, management of, postdebridement 1564
Wound(s), hand, open, from human bites 1561—1562 1561—1562
Wound(s), hand, open, from human bites, management of 1562
Wound(s), hand, open, management of 1485 1485
Wound(s), hand, open, multiple metacarpal fractures with 1535 1535
Wound(s), healing of, by spontaneous intussusception 772 772
Wound(s), irrigation of 779 779 908—909 908—909
Wound(s), puncture, in open forearm fracture 1347 1347
Wound(s), puncture, incomplete debridement of 1382 1382
Wound(s), puncture, into suprapatellar pouch 728 728
Wound(s), shotgun See Shotgun wound(s).
Wound(s), soft tissue, gunshot and shotgun injuries causing 50
Wound(s), soft tissue, management of 782—783 782—783
Wrist See also Carpus; specific bone e.g. Scaphoid
Wrist, arthrodesis of, in chronic post-traumatic carpal arthritis 1426 1426
| Wrist, arthroplasty of, in chronic post-traumatic carpal arthritis 1426 1426
Wrist, emergency splinting of 74 74
Wrist, extension of 1405 1405
Wrist, flexion of 1405 1405
Wrist, fractures of 1359—1469. See also specific fracture e.g. Colles'
Wrist, injured, x-ray views of 1406—1407 1406—1407
Wrist, motion of, mechanics of 1404—1405 1404—1405
Wrist, normal, x-ray appearance of 1360 1360
Wrist, radial deviation of 1404 1404
Wrist, radiography of, showing disrupted radioulnar joint 1283 1283
Wrist, swelling of, boxing-glove dressing for 1376 1376
Wrist, ulnar deviation of 1404 1404
X-ray(s) See Radiography.
Zickel nail(s), fixation of pathologic fracture with 579 579 586 586
Zickel nail(s), fixation of subtrochanteric fracture with 597 597
Zickel nail(s), fixation of supracondylar femoral fracture type III with 627 627
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