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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Radiography, of tibial epiphyseal fracture, postreduction 293 293
Radiography, of tibial epiphyseal fracture, proximal 281 281 282 282
Radiography, of tibial epiphyseal fracture, with or without fibular fracture 300 300
Radiography, of tibial fracture 761—762 761—762
Radiography, of tibial fracture, before and after cast wedging 786 786
Radiography, of tibial fracture, explosive, postreduction 893 893 894 894
Radiography, of tibial fracture, explosive, prereduction 892 892
Radiography, of tibial fracture, marginal 884 884 885 885
Radiography, of tibial plateau fracture 736 736
Radiography, of tibial plateau fracture, unstable 738—739 738—739
Radiography, of torticollis 226 226
Radiography, of traumatic myositis ossificans 1267—1268 1267—1268
Radiography, of two-bone forearm fracture, in lower half, postreduction 1329 1329
Radiography, of two-bone forearm fracture, in lower half, prereduction 1328 1328
Radiography, of two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, postreduction 1321—1322 1321—1322
Radiography, of two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, prereduction 1317 1317
Radiography, of ulnar dislocation 1400 1400
Radiography, of ulnar fracture, displaced 1300 1300
Radiography, of ulnar fracture, undisplaced 1299 1299
Radiography, of wedge fracture, of vertebral bodies 416 416
Radiography, of wrist, showing disrupted radioulnar joint 1283 1283
Radiography, stress, of sprained ankle 825 825
Radiography, techniques of, for carpal tunnel view 1463 1463
Radionuclide bone scan, for unrecognized fractures, associated with sprained ankle 844 844
Radionuclide bone scan, of occult femoral neck fracture 567 567
Radionuclide bone scan, of sacral fracture 471 471
Radionuclide bone scan, of scaphoid fracture 1411 1411
Radionuclide bone scan, of stress fracture or stress process 810 810
Radionuclide bone scan, of tarsal navicular fracture 1001 1001
Radioulnar joint, arthrodesis of, distal ulnar pseudoarthrosis with 1381 1381
Radioulnar joint, dislocation of, comminuted fracture of radial head with, management of 1284 1284
Radioulnar joint, dislocation of, comminuted fracture of radial head with, x-ray appearance of 1283 1283
Radioulnar joint, disruption of, as complication of Colles' fracture 1380—1381 1380—1381
Radioulnar joint, fracture of, reduction and stabilization of, postoperative x-ray after 1342 1352
Radioulnar joint, ligaments supporting 1398 1398
Radioulnar joint, subluxation of, recurrent 1403 1403
RADIUS See also Radioulnar joint.
Radius, cross-union of, following fracture of forearm 1354—1355 1354—1355
Radius, dislocation of, in childhood fractures 180 180
Radius, distal, fracture of 1338—1343 1359—1394
Radius, distal, fracture of, Barton's 1392—1394
Radius, distal, fracture of, Barton's, comminuted 1392 1392
Radius, distal, fracture of, Barton's, management of 1393 1393
Radius, distal, fracture of, Barton's, reverse 1394 1394
Radius, distal, fracture of, Barton's, x-ray of 1392 1392
Radius, distal, fracture of, Colles' 1359—1385. See also Colles' fracture.
Radius, distal, fracture of, displaced, management of 1341 1341
Radius, distal, fracture of, in children 205—207
Radius, distal, fracture of, in children, cast immobilization for 206 206
Radius, distal, fracture of, in children, loss of position after cast application in 207 207
Radius, distal, fracture of, in children, manipulative reduction of 205 205
Radius, distal, fracture of, in children, postreduction management of 206
Radius, distal, fracture of, management of 1315 1315
Radius, distal, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1314 1314
Radius, distal, fracture of, Smith's 1386—1391. See also Smith fracture.
Radius, distal, fracture of, solitary 1289 1289 1338
Radius, distal, fracture of, solitary, mechanism of injury in 1338—1339 1338—1339
Radius, distal, fracture of, solitary, plate fixation of 1340—1342 1340—1343
Radius, distal, fracture of, solitary, postoperative x-ray of 1341—1342 1341—1342
Radius, distal, fracture of, solitary, preoperative x-ray of 1340 1340
Radius, distal, fracture of, subluxation of distal ulna with 1401 1401
Radius, distal, fracture of, x-rays of 205—206 205—206
Radius, distal, malunion of, after Colles' fracture 1384—1385 1384—1385
Radius, distal, relationship of distal ulna with 1398 1398
Radius, epiphysis of, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture radial.
Radius, fracture of, displaced, before fracture-brace treatment 1313—1314 1313—1314
Radius, fracture of, isolated, without radioulnar dislocation 1312—1315 1312—1315
Radius, fracture of, segmental, closed treatment of 1344 1344
Radius, fracture of, side-swipe 1254—1255 1254—1255
Radius, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Radius, head of See Radial head.
Radius, plastic deformation of, in children 196—197 196—197
Radius, proximal, fracture of 1312—1314 1312—1314
Radius, proximal, fracture of, plate fixation of 1336—1337 1336—1337
Radius, rupture of orbicular ligament of, fracture-dislocation of forearm with 1256—1257 1256—1257
Radius, styloid process of, fracture of 1395—1397
Radius, styloid process of, fracture of, displaced, management of 1396—1397 1396—1397
Radius, styloid process of, fracture of, undisplaced 1395 1395
Radius, styloid process of, fracture of, undisplaced, management of 1396
Radius, styloid process of, percutaneous pin through 1390 1390
Radius, translocation of, proximal, with dislocation 1244 1244
Range-of-motion exercise(s), for proximal humeral fracture 1170
Range-of-motion exercise(s), for sprained ankle 828
Range-of-motion exercise(s), for superior dome fracture, with displacement 550
Range-of-motion exercise(s), postoperative, for recurrent shoulder dislocation 1147
Ranvier, groove of See Groove of Ranvier.
Reckling — Cordell method, of radial head reduction 184 184
Reconstructive procedure(s), for anterior cruciate ligament deficiency 683 683
Recreational athlete, Jones fracture in, management of 1031 1031
Recurvatum-rotation test, for posterior cruciate ligament tear 689 689
Reduction 76—78
Reduction by traction 76 76.
Reduction, closed, and pin fixation, of unstable tibial fracture 784—785 784—785
Reduction, closed, Chinese method of, of two-bone forearm fracture 1324—1325 1324—1325
Reduction, closed, failure of, in glenohumeral dislocation 1113 1113
Reduction, closed, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, old 1114 1114
Reduction, closed, of Bennett fracture, with Kirschner wire 1489 1489
Reduction, closed, of bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets of cervical spine 375 375
Reduction, closed, of Bosworth fracture 905 905
Reduction, closed, of capitellar fracture 1226 1226
Reduction, closed, of clavicular fracture 1046—1048 1046—1049
Reduction, closed, of Colles' fracture 1362 1362
Reduction, closed, of condylar fracture of humerus, medial 163 163
Reduction, closed, of condylar fracture of humerus, medial, management after 165
Reduction, closed, of dislocated hip 504—507
Reduction, closed, of dislocated hip, alternative maneuver in 506 506
Reduction, closed, of dislocated hip, in lateral decubitus position 504—505 504—505
Reduction, closed, of dislocated hip, management following 507
Reduction, closed, of dislocated hip, pull-push technique in 504
Reduction, closed, of dislocated hip, Stimson's technique in 505 505
Reduction, closed, of dislocated interphalangeal joint of thumb 1514—1515 1514—1515
Reduction, closed, of displaced intertrochanteric fracture 253 253
Reduction, closed, of eversion injury to talus 954 954
Reduction, closed, of femoral neck fracture 571—573 571—573
Reduction, closed, of femoral shaft fracture 607—608 607—608
Reduction, closed, of femoral shaft fracture, complications of 640—642 640—642
Reduction, closed, of femoral shaft fracture, technique of 609—610 609—610
Reduction, closed, of femoral shaft fracture, three-dimensional biomechanics in 612—614 612—614
Reduction, closed, of forearm fracture 1298
Reduction, closed, of fracture of lateral process of talus 935 935
Reduction, closed, of fracture-dislocation of humeral head and neck 1141 1141
Reduction, closed, of humeral epiphyseal fracture 126—127 126—127
Reduction, closed, of humeral metaphyseal fracture, with anterior elbow displacement 1218 1218
Reduction, closed, of impacted fracture of proximal phalanx 1550 1550
Reduction, closed, of intra-articular dislocated patella 708—709 708—709
Reduction, closed, of malleolar fracture, medial 863—864 863—864
Reduction, closed, of malleolar fracture, medial, with rupture of lateral ligament 866 866
Reduction, closed, of Monteggia fracture 1306 1306
Reduction, closed, of Monteggia fracture, anterior 186—187 186—187
Reduction, closed, of Monteggia fracture, lateral 189 189
Reduction, closed, of Monteggia fracture, posterior 188 188
Reduction, closed, of Rolando fracture 1490 1490
Reduction, closed, of segmental fracture of radius 1344 1344
Reduction, closed, of stable fracture of neck of finger metacarpal 1524 1524
Reduction, closed, of superior dome fracture, with displacement 549 549
Reduction, closed, of superior dome fracture, with displacement, maintenance of 550 550
Reduction, closed, of supracondylar femoral fracture type III 624—625 624—625
Reduction, closed, of tibial fracture 757—762
Reduction, closed, of tibial fracture, functional prefabricated braces in 761—762 761—762
Reduction, closed, of tibial fracture, initial cast in, application of 757—758 757—758
Reduction, closed, of tibial fracture, initial cast in, subsequent management of 758 758—759
Reduction, closed, of tibial fracture, patellar tendon-bearing cast in, application of 759—760 759—760
Reduction, closed, of tibial spine fracture, by hyperextension of knee 279 279
Reduction, closed, of tibial tubercle avulsion injury 285 285
Reduction, closed, of Tillaux fracture 298 298
Reduction, closed, of true lateral dislocated knee 698 698
Reduction, closed, of unreduced hip dislocation, type I 524 524
Reduction, closed, of unstable dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb 1493 1493
Reduction, closed, of unstable fracture of shaft of metacarpal of finger 1531 1531 1534 1534
Reduction, closed, techniques of 186—190
| Reduction, external, and fixation 77 77
Reduction, gravity-assisted, of trimalleolar fracture 76 76
Reduction, manipulative 76 76
Reduction, manipulative, for dislocated knee 694 694
Reduction, manipulative, for dislocated knee, management following 695695 696 696
Reduction, manipulative, for extra-articular calcaneal fracture 972 972
Reduction, manipulative, for lateral dislocation of interphalangeal joint 1572 1572
Reduction, manipulative, of anterior ankle dislocation 900 900
Reduction, manipulative, of anterior elbow dislocation 1234 1234
Reduction, manipulative, of Bennett fracture, Charnley method in 1488 1488
Reduction, manipulative, of calcaneal fracture, with pin fixation 990—991 990—991
Reduction, manipulative, of coronoid process fracture, with posterior elbow dislocation 1246 1246
Reduction, manipulative, of dislocated carpometacarpal finger joint 1518 1518
Reduction, manipulative, of dislocated hip with femoral shaft fracture 522
Reduction, manipulative, of dislocated patella 702 702
Reduction, manipulative, of dislocation of metacarpal bones on carpus 1448 1448
Reduction, manipulative, of dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger 1538 1538
Reduction, manipulative, of dislocation of talus 949 949
Reduction, manipulative, of displaced epiphysis, in children 272 272
Reduction, manipulative, of displaced fracture of proximal phalanx 1546 1546
Reduction, manipulative, of displaced lateral malleolar fracture 856—857 856—857
Reduction, manipulative, of displacement of medial epicondyle into elbow 162 162
Reduction, manipulative, of distal humeral epiphyseal fracture 171 171
Reduction, manipulative, of distal phalangeal epiphyseal fracture 216 216
Reduction, manipulative, of distal radial and ulnar fractures 205 205
Reduction, manipulative, of distal tibial epiphyseal fracture 293 293
Reduction, manipulative, of distal ulnar dislocation or subluxation 1402 1402
Reduction, manipulative, of divergent elbow dislocation 1242—1243 1242—1243
Reduction, manipulative, of epicondylar fracture with gross displacement 159 159
Reduction, manipulative, of fracture of distal phalanx 1555 1555
Reduction, manipulative, of fracture of greater tuberosity, associated with dislocation 1136—1137 1136—1137
Reduction, manipulative, of fracture of styloid process of radius 1396—1397 1396—1397
Reduction, manipulative, of fracture of toe with displacement 1038 1038
Reduction, manipulative, of greenstick fracture, in children 194 194
Reduction, manipulative, of horizontal calcaneal fracture 976 976
Reduction, manipulative, of hyperextension dislocation of interphalangeal joint 1574 1574
Reduction, manipulative, of lateral elbow dislocation 1236—1237 1236—1237
Reduction, manipulative, of lateral elbow dislocation, stability following 1237 1237
Reduction, manipulative, of medial elbow dislocation 1239—1240 1239—1240
Reduction, manipulative, of medial elbow dislocation, stability following 1240 1240
Reduction, manipulative, of medial subtalar dislocation 945—946 945—946
Reduction, manipulative, of medial subtalar dislocation, obstacles to 946 946
Reduction, manipulative, of metatarsal bone fracture, with displacement 1026 1026
Reduction, manipulative, of metatarsophalangeal joint dislocation 1033 1033
Reduction, manipulative, of mid-third of forearm fracture 202—203 202—203
Reduction, manipulative, of midtarsal joint dislocation 1012 1012
Reduction, manipulative, of phalangeal epiphyseal fracture 214 214
Reduction, manipulative, of pilon fracture 888—889 888—889
Reduction, manipulative, of posterior ankle dislocation 898 898
Reduction, manipulative, of posterior elbow dislocation 1231 1231
Reduction, manipulative, of posterior elbow dislocation, stability following 1232 1232
Reduction, manipulative, of posterior talar fracture 939—940 939—940
Reduction, manipulative, of proximal humeral fracture 1173 1173
Reduction, manipulative, of proximal tibial epiphyseal fracture 281—282 281—282
Reduction, manipulative, of radial epiphyseal fracture 175 175 212 212
Reduction, manipulative, of radial head fracture with dislocation of elbow 1248—1249 1248—1249
Reduction, manipulative, of rotator cuff disruption 1112 1112
Reduction, manipulative, of scapular dislocation 1080 1080
Reduction, manipulative, of simple dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb 1503 1503
Reduction, manipulative, of stable fracture of base of thumb metacarpal 1495 1495
Reduction, manipulative, of stable fracture of shaft of thumb metacarpal 1498 1498
Reduction, manipulative, of subluxation of radial head 179 179
Reduction, manipulative, of supracondylar humeral fracture 1221 1221
Reduction, manipulative, of T-condylar fracture 1223 1223
Reduction, manipulative, of talar neck fracture with subtalar subluxation 930 930
Reduction, manipulative, of tarsometatarsal joint fracture-dislocation 1020—1021 1020—1021
Reduction, manipulative, of two-bone forearm fracture, effect of 1332—1333 1332—1333
Reduction, manipulative, of two-bone forearm fracture, in lower half 1328 1328
Reduction, manipulative, of two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half 1318—1319 1318—1319
Reduction, manipulative, of two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, evaluation of 1322—1323 1322—1323
Reduction, manipulative, of uncomplicated perilunate dislocation 1431 1431
Reduction, manipulative, of unstable dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb 1492 1492
Reduction, manipulative, of unstable tibial plateau fracture 740 740
Reduction, manipulative, of volar lunate dislocation 1437 1437
Reduction, of acetabular fracture-dislocation 544—545
Reduction, of acetabular fracture-dislocation, Lipscomb — Lowell technique in 544 544
Reduction, of acetabular fracture-dislocation, maintenance of 545 545
Reduction, of acetabular fracture-dislocation, traction screw technique in 544 544
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation 1105—1112
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, Hippocratic method of 1105 1105
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, Kocher's maneuver in 1106 1106
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, manipulative 1112 1112
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, Stimson's technique in 1105 1105
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, traction and countertraction in 1107 1107
Reduction, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, Velpeau sling in 1108—1109 1108—1109
Reduction, of anterior sternoclavicular dislocation 119 119—120
Reduction, of displaced ankle fracture 858—860 858—860
Reduction, of displaced ankle fracture, management after 860
Reduction, of distal femoral epiphyseal fracture, type I 269 269
Reduction, of epiphyseal separation of lesser trochanter 254 254
Reduction, of femoral shaft fracture, in child younger than 2 years 256 256
Reduction, of forearm fracture-dislocation with rupture of orbicular ligament 1256 1256
Reduction, of fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus 1175 1175
Reduction, of fracture of lesser tuberosity of humerus 1176—1177 1176—1177
Reduction, of hip dislocation, with femoral shaft fracture 636 636
Reduction, of Malgaigne fracture, group II 487 487
Reduction, of metatarsophalangeal joint dislocation, obstacles to 1035 1035
Reduction, of obturator dislocation 532—533 532—533
Reduction, of obturator dislocation, Allis technique in 531—532 531—532
Reduction, of olecranon fracture with forward elbow dislocation 1252 1252
Reduction, of open ankle fracture 909 909
Reduction, of posterior dislocation of Cl, without odontoid fracture 354 354
Reduction, of posterior glenohumeral dislocation 1121 1121
Reduction, of posterior glenohumeral dislocation, obstacles to 1124—1125 1124—1125
Reduction, of posterior marginal tibial fracture, anterior approach to 885 885
Reduction, of posterior marginal tibial fracture, posterolateral approach to 884 884
Reduction, of posterior sternoclavicular dislocation 120 120—121
Reduction, of pubic dislocation, Dingley and Denham technique in 535 535
Reduction, of radial head, x-ray determination of 184 184
Reduction, of sacral fracture 470 470
Reduction, of simple lateral condylar fracture 154 154
Reduction, of Smith fracture 1387 1387
Reduction, of Smith fracture, mechanics of 1388 1388
Reduction, of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation, methods of 433—434 433—434
Reduction, of Tillaux fracture 299 299
Reduction, of transcondylar fracture-dislocation of elbow 1258 1258
Reduction, of traumatic dislocation of hip, in children 236—237 236—237
Reduction, of undisplaced intertrochanteric fracture 252 252
Reduction, of unstable fracture of neck of metacarpal of finger 1526 1526
Reduction, of unstable scaphoid fracture 1416—1417 1416—1417
Reduction, open, for metatarsal bone fracture, with displacement 1028 1028
Reduction, open, of Barton's fracture 1393 1393
Reduction, open, of calcaneal fracture 994 994
Reduction, open, of clavicular fracture 1050—1052 1050—1052
Reduction, open, of complex dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb 1505—1506 1505—1506
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip 508—518
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, CT assessment in 512 512
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, nonconcentric 511 511
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, postreduction management in 509 509
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, type II fracture-dislocation 511 511
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, type III fracture-dislocation 512 512
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, type IV fracture-dislocation 512 512
Reduction, open, of dislocated hip, unreducible 510—511 510—511
Reduction, open, of dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger 1540 1540
Reduction, open, of displaced tarsal navicular fracture 1003 1003
Reduction, open, of femoral neck fracture, and internal fixation with bone grafting 574 574
Reduction, open, of fracture-dislocation of humeral head and neck 1142 1142
Reduction, open, of horizontal calcaneal fracture 976 976
Reduction, open, of medial condylar fracture 164 164
Reduction, open, of medial condylar fracture, management after 165
Reduction, open, of metatarsophalangeal joint dislocation 1035 1035
Reduction, open, of Monteggia fracture 1308 1308
Reduction, open, of proximal interphalangeal joint fracture-dislocation 1579 1579—1580
Reduction, open, of radial and ulnar displacement with multiple fractures 1254—1255 1254—1255
Reduction, open, of segmental fracture of radius 1345—1346 1345—1346
Reduction, open, of segmental fracture of ulna 1346 1346
Reduction, open, of talar neck fractures, types III and IV 932—933 932—933
Reduction, open, of unreduced dislocation of elbow 1265 1265
Reduction, open, of unreduced hip dislocation, type II and III 524 524
Reduction, open, of unstable fracture of distal phalanx with lateral displacement 1557—1558 1557—1558
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