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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)
Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

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Íàçâàíèå: Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

Àâòîð: Connolly J.F.


This 2-volume set covers the full range of common and uncommon fractures and dislocations in adults and children. It guides readers through diagnosis, including both clinical and radiographic methods, and then discusses mechanisms of injury and management. Sequential illustrations demonstrate fracture reduction, immobilization, and follow-up methods. Where operative treatment would be beneficial, indications and surgical options are discussed. Features over 2500 classic clinical illustrations from the above title.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.11.2005

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Spica cast, for unstable clavicular fracture      1047 1047
Spica cast, for unstable clavicular fracture, application of      1048 1048
Spica cast, for unstable clavicular fracture, front and back view of      1048 1048
Spica cast, for unstable hip      237 237
Spica cast, for upper femoral epiphyseal fracture, in infants      243 243
Spica cast, for volar dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb      1507 1507
Spica cast, mini, application of, for subtrochanteric fracture      600 600
Spica cast, mini, for Malgaigne fracture, group II      487 487
Spica cast, pantaloon, for greater trochanter fracture      585 585
Spinal cord injury, functional levels in      389 389 450 450
Spinal cord injury, rehabilitation of patient with      388—389 388—389 449—450 449—450
Spine, ankylosed      See Ankylosing spondylitis.
Spine, cervical      See Cervical spine.
Spine, dislocation of, lateral, without cord injury      446 446
Spine, fracture of, gunshot wounds causing      448 448
Spine, fracture of, sustained by direct trauma      447—448 447—448
Spine, fracture of, with or without neurologic deficits      393 393
Spine, instability of, acute      411 411
Spine, instability of, chronic      412 412
Spine, instability of, radiographic assessment of      410
Spine, lumbar      See Lumbar spine.
Spine, metastasis to, collapsed vertebrae associated with      420 420
Spine, stability of, mechanisms of injury and effect on      396—407
Spine, thoracic      See Thoracic spine.
Spine, vertebrae of      See Vertebra(e).
Spinous process(es), lumbar, fracture of      447 447
Spiral fracture      6 6
Spiral fracture of metacarpal      1528 1528
Splint, for boutonniere deformity      1481 1481
Splint, for mallet finger      1481 1481
Splint, plaster, for talar neck fracture, types III and IV      934 934
Splint, plaster, for uncomplicated perilunate dislocation      1432
Splint, sugar-tong, for Colles' fracture      1362—1363 1362—1363
Splint, sugar-tong, for Colles' fracture, unstable      1369 1369
Splint, sugar-tong, for Smith fracture, unstable      1391 1391
Splinting, emergency, of cervical spine      73 73 323 323
Splinting, emergency, of femur      75 75
Splinting, emergency, of forearm and wrist      74 74
Splinting, emergency, of fractured pelvis      75 75
Splinting, emergency, of humerus and elbow      74 74
Splinting, emergency, of knee and lower limb      75 75
Splinting, emergency, of multiple fractures      75 75
Splinting, emergency, of thoracic and lumbar spine      74 74
Splinting, extension block, of proximal interphalangeal joint fracture-dislocation      1578 1578
Splinting, extension block, of T-condylar fracture      1224 1224
Splinting, of olecranon fracture with displacement      1272 1272 1274 1274
Splinting, of stable phalangeal fracture, of finger      1482 1482
Splinting, of superior dome fracture, with displacement      550
Splinting, support, of intertrochanteric fracture      591 591
Spondylolisthesis, definition of      231
Spondylolisthesis, in children      231—232 231—232
Spondylolisthesis, traumatic, of axis      316 316
Spondylolysis, acquired, hyperextension injury causing      443—444 443—444
Spondylolysis, acquired, treatment of      444 444
Spondylolysis, definition of      231
Spondylolysis, in children      231—232
Spondylolysis, in children, body jacket for      232 232
Spondylolysis, in children, x-ray appearance of      231 231
Sprain, acromioclavicular      1061 1061
Sprain, acromioclavicular, management of      1062 1062
Sprain, ankle      819—834. See also Ankle sprain.
Sprain, knee      675
Sprain, knee, pathologic results of      676 676
Sprain, knee, x-rays of      677 677
Sprain, of pisotriquetral joint      1461
Sprain, shoulder, anterior      1090
Sprain, shoulder, anterior, management of      1094—1095 1094—1095
Sprain, shoulder, anterior, mechanism of      1090 1090
Sprain, shoulder, posterior      1100—1102
Sprain, shoulder, posterior, management of      1102 1102
Sprain, shoulder, posterior, symptoms of      1101 1101
Sprain, sternoclavicular, management of      115 115
Sprain, subtalar, inversion injury causing      944
Spring-loaded (Gardner — Wells) traction, application of      334 334
Spring-loaded (Gardner — Wells) traction, frontal view of      335 335
Stability, following reduction of anterior elbow dislocation      1234 1234
Stability, following reduction of lateral elbow dislocation      1237 1237
Stability, following reduction of medial elbow dislocation      1240 1240
Stability, following reduction of posterior elbow dislocation      1232 1232
Stability, following reduction of radial head fracture with dislocation of elbow      1249 1249
Stability, of carpus      1405 1405
Stability, of carpus, effect of instability of scaphoid on      1416 1416
Stability, of femoral neck fracture, determination of, assessment of head and neck relationship in      562—563 563
Stability, of femoral neck fracture, posterior comminution for      564 564
Stability, of interphalangeal joints, testing of      1570 1570
Stability, problems of, with recurrent shoulder dislocation      1148—1149 1148—1150
Stabilization, of major pelvic fractures and dislocations      477—479 477—479
Stabilization, of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation, by Harrington rod      436 436
Stabilization, of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation, by transpedicular pins      437 437
Stabilization, of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation, techniques of      436—437 436—437
Stabilization, open reduction of segmental fracture of radius necessitating      1345—1346 1345—1346
Stabilization, surgical, of cervical spine, indications for      367 367 372 372
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of displaced tarsal navicular fracture with      1003 1003
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of femoral shaft fracture with      263 263
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of fracture-dislocation of humeral head and neck with      1141 1141
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of open forearm fracture with      209—210 210
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of open wrist fracture with      1383 1383
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of unstable open ankle fracture with      910 910
Steinmann pin(s), fixation of unstable supracondylar fracture with      145 145
Steinmann pin(s), in os calcis traction      892 892
Steinmann pin(s), percutaneous reduction of radial epiphyseal fracture with      176 176—177
Steinmann pin(s), used in skeletal traction      84
Stellate fracture      1076
Stellate fracture, management of      1077 1077
Stem cells, in fracture repair      17
Sternoclavicular joint      See also Shoulder.
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of      1069—1070
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, anterior      1070 1070
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, anterior, in children, reduction of      119 119—120
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, clinical presentation of      1069 1069
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, diagnosis of      1069 1069
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children      114—122
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, anterosuperior      114 114
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, chronic unreduced      116
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, chronic unreduced, management of      122
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, clinical appearance of      116
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, computed tomography of      117 117
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, diagnosis of      116—117 116—117
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, management of      118—120 118—122
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, mechanisms of injury in      114—115 114—115
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, pathology of      115 115
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, posterior      115 115
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, in children, posterior, reduction of      120 120—121
Sternoclavicular joint, fracture-dislocation of, management of      1070 1070
Sternoclavicular joint, normal motion of      1088
Sternoclavicular joint, sub luxation of, anterior      2 2
Steroid(s), for central cord syndrome      328
Stiffness, of foot, as complication of calcaneal fracture      981 981 997 997
Stiffness, of joint, as complication of Colles' fracture      1374 1374
Stiffness, of knee, as complication of femoral fractures      651—653 651—653
Stimson's technique, of reduction of anterior glenohumeral dislocation      1105 1105
Stimson's technique, of reduction of traumatic hip dislocation      236 236 505 505
Stimson's technique, of reduction of trimalleolar ankle fracture      76 76
Stimulatory device(s), electrical, for nonunion of tibial fracture      798 798
Stockinette — Velpeau immobilization, for anterior glenohumeral dislocation      1108—1109 1108—1109
Straddle injury, with open pelvic fracture      493 493
Strapping, for scapular dislocation      1081 1081
Stress fracture      2 2
Stress fracture of femoral neck      575—577
Stress fracture of femoral neck, in elderly      575 575
Stress fracture of femoral neck, mechanism of      558 558 575 575
Stress fracture of femoral neck, nonoperative management of      576—577 576—577
Stress fracture of femoral neck, nonoperative management of, in bedridden nursing home patient      577 577
Stress fracture, of fibula      751 751 810 810
Stress fracture, of fibula, treatment of      811 811
Stress fracture, of fifth metatarsal bone      1031 1031
Stress fracture, of knee, in elderly      746 746
Stress fracture, of pelvis      460 460
Stress fracture, of tarsal navicular      1000 1000
Stress fracture, of tarsal navicular, management of      1004 1004
Stress fracture, of tibia      751 751 810 810
Stress fracture, of tibia, in elderly      751 751
Stress fracture, of tibia, treatment of      811 811
Stress process, signs of      810 810
Stress test(s), inversion, in evaluation of ankle sprain      823 823
Stress test(s), to evaluate ligamentous knee injuries      670 670
Stress testing, of interphalangeal joints      1571 1571
Stretch injury to nerves, after fracture-dislocation of hip      519 519
Stretching exercise(s), for quadriceps contracture, in stiff knee      652 652
Stretching exercise(s), for quadriceps contracture, in supracondylar fracture type III      626 626
Stretching exercise(s), heel cord, for sprained ankle      829 829
Stryker Intra-Compartmental Monitor System, for measurement of intracompartmental pressure      58 58
Styloid process, of radius, fracture of      1395—1397
Styloid process, of radius, fracture of, displaced, management of      1396—1397 1396—1397
Styloid process, of radius, fracture of, undisplaced      1395 1395
Styloid process, of radius, fracture of, undisplaced, management of      1396
Styloid process, of radius, percutaneous pin through      1390 1390
Subcapital fracture      See also Femoral neck fracture
Subcapital fracture, classification of, according to rotational instability      560—562 560—562
Subcapital fracture, fracture line in, obliquity of      559 559
Subcapital fracture, impacted, management of      576—577 576—577
Subcapital fracture, stage I: incomplete      560 560
Subcapital fracture, stage II: complete      561 561
Subcapital fracture, stage II: complete, without displacement      561 561
Subcapital fracture, stage III: complete, management of, alternative methods in      570 570
Subcapital fracture, stage III: complete, with partial displacement      561 561
Subcapital fracture, stage IV: complete      562 562
Subcapital fracture, stage IV: complete, collapse of posteroinferior cortex in      564 564
Subcapital fracture, stage IV: complete, management of, alternative methods in      570 570
Subcapital fracture, stage IV: complete, with full displacement      562 562
Subcapital fracture, stage IV: complete, with full displacement, prosthetic replacement for      569 569
Subcapital fracture, stage IV: complete, with full displacement, prosthetic replacement for, indications for      568
Subclavian approach, to axillary artery repair      1127 1127
Subclavian artery, laceration of      51 51
Subluxation(s)      See also Dislocation(s) and under specific anatomic site
Subluxation(s), definition of      2
Subluxation(s), from disuse muscle atrophy      4 4
Subluxation(s), from joint effusion      4 4
Subluxation(s), from ligamentous injury      3 3
Subluxation(s), mechanisms producing      3—4 3—4
Subluxation(s), of acromioclavicular joint      1061 1061
Subluxation(s), of acromioclavicular joint, management of      1063 1063
Subluxation(s), of carpometacarpal joint of thumb      1491 1491
Subluxation(s), of carpometacarpal joint of thumb, unstable      1492—1493 1492—1493
Subluxation(s), of distal interphalangeal joint      1582—1583 1582—1583
Subluxation(s), of distal ulna      1399 1399
Subluxation(s), of distal ulna, in children      1401 1401
Subluxation(s), of distal ulna, with radial fracture      1401 1401
Subluxation(s), of glenohumeral joint      1096—1097 1096—1097
Subluxation(s), of glenohumeral joint, management of      1094—1095 1094—1095
Subluxation(s), of humeral head      1089—1099 1098—1099
Subluxation(s), of humeral head, voluntary      1148 1148
Subluxation(s), of interphalangeal joint of thumb      1513—1514 1513—1514
Subluxation(s), of knee, peroneal nerve injury associated with      64 64
Subluxation(s), of midtarsal joint      1014 1014
Subluxation(s), of midtarsal joint, cuboid fracture associated with      1007 1007
Subluxation(s), of patella      701—710
Subluxation(s), of proximal tibiofibular joint      726—727 726—727
Subluxation(s), of radial head, in children      178—179 178—179
Subluxation(s), of radial head, posterior      1286 1286
Subluxation(s), of radioulnar joint, recurrent      1403 1403
Subluxation(s), of scapholunate joint, volar lunate dislocation with      1439 1439
Subluxation(s), of shoulder      See Shoulder subluxation
Subluxation(s), of sternoclavicular joint, management of      115 115
Subluxation(s), of subtalar joint, talar neck fracture with      929—931 929—931
Subluxation(s), of talus, anterior marginal fractures with      887—891 887—891.
Subluxation(s), of tarsometatarsal joint      1019 1019
Subluxation(s), persistent, requiring arthrodesis      913 913
Subluxation(s), recurrent, avulsion injury of glenoid associated with      1078 1078
Subluxation(s), rotary, of scaphoid-scapholunate dissociation      1443—1445 1443—1445
Subluxation(s), voluntary      3 3
Subtalar arthrodesis, for calcaneal fracture      998 998
Subtalar joint, arthritis of      964—965 964—965
Subtalar joint, dislocation of, anteroposterior view of      954 954
Subtalar joint, dislocation of, displaced fracture with      920 920
Subtalar joint, dislocation of, eversion injury associated with      924 924
Subtalar joint, dislocation of, inversion injury associated with      923 923
Subtalar joint, dislocation of, inversion injury associated with, management of      944
Subtalar joint, dislocation of, medial, management of      945—947 945—947
Subtalar joint, fracture of calcaneus involving      977—980 977—980
Subtalar joint, fracture of calcaneus without implication of      970—976
Subtalar joint, sprain of, inversion injury causing      944
Subtalar joint, subluxation of, talar neck fracture with      929—931 929—931
Subtrochanteric fracture      596—601
Subtrochanteric fracture, 90°-90° traction for      599 599
Subtrochanteric fracture, cast-brace for, application of      600 600
Subtrochanteric fracture, locked intramedullary rod fixation of      597 597
Subtrochanteric fracture, minispica for, application of      600 600
Subtrochanteric fracture, nail-plate fixation failure in, mechanism of      596 596
Subtrochanteric fracture, nonooerative treatment of      598—601
Subtrochanteric fracture, nonooerative treatment of, indications for      599 599
Subtrochanteric fracture, radiographic appearance of      598 598 601 601
Subtrochanteric fracture, typical deformity in      598 598
Subtrochanteric fracture, Zickel nail fixation of      597 597
Sudeck's atrophy, as complication of Colles' fracture      1374
Sugar-tong splint, for Colles' fracture      1362—1363 1362—1363
Sugar-tong splint, for Colles' fracture, unstable      1369 1369
Sugar-tong splint, for Smith fracture, unstable      1391 1391
Supination injury, to forearm      1291 1291
Supination injury, to forearm, in children      193 193
Supination injury, to forearm, preoperative x-ray of      1340 1340
Supination, of forearm      1294 1294
Supination, of forearm, loss of      1295 1295
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, three-dimensional biomechanics of      613 613
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, torsional deformity with      621 621
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, torsional deformity with, correction of      621—622 621—623
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type I      617 617
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type I, treatment of      618—619 618—619
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type II      617 617
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type II, mechanism of injury in      619—620 619—620
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type II, treatment of      621—622 621—623
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type III      617 617
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type III, loss of knee motion with      625—626 625—626
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type III, mechanism of injury in      623 623
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type III, quadriceps exercises for      626 626
Supracondylar fracture, femoral, type III, treatment of      623—626 623—626
Supracondylar fracture, humeral      63 63 1219—1224
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, associated with ischemic injury, management of      1211—1212 1211—1212
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, compartment syndrome from      1206 1206
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children      134—153
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, carrying angle in      134—136
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, carrying angle in, normal      134 134
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, carrying angle in, radiologic assessment of, Baumann's technique in      136 136
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, carrying angle in, variations in      135 135
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced      139
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, clinical appearance of      140 140
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, crescent sign of cubitus varus and      142—143 142—143
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, immobilization for      143 143
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, management of      140—144
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, management of, postreduction      144
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, management of, subsequent      144
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, postreduction forearm position for      143 143
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, postreduction x-ray of      142 142
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, prereduction x-ray of medial tilt in      140 140
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, displaced, with lateral tilt leading to cubitus valgus      141 141
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, evaluation of      138—139 138—139
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, lateral traction for      150 150
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, mechanisms producing      137 137
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, skeletal traction for      147—149 147—149
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, skeletal traction for, overhead      147—148 147—148
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, skeletal traction for, overhead, care during      149 149
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, two-year-old and      169 169
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, undisplaced      138 138
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, undisplaced, management of      139 139
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, unstable, management of      145—146 145—146
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, in children, with forward displacement      152—153 152—153
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, manipulative reduction of      1221 1221
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, operative management of, indications for      1220 1220
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, operative management of, techniques of      1220 1220
Supracondylar fracture, humeral, postoperative management of      1221 1221
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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