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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Femoral head, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with, Pipkin type III 517—518 517—518
Femoral head, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with, Pipkin type III, prosthetic replacement for 518 518
Femoral head, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with, Pipkin type IV 518 518
Femoral head, nonviable, nonunion of femoral neck fracture with 582 582
Femoral head, segmental collapse of 566 566
Femoral head, subchondral collapse of, as complication of acute acetabular fracture fixation 553 553
Femoral head, viable, nonunion of femoral neck fracture with 581 581
Femoral neck, blood supply to 239
Femoral neck, blood supply to, at birth 240 240
Femoral neck, blood supply to, at three years 241 241
Femoral neck, fracture of 557—583
Femoral neck, fracture of, and ischemic necrosis 40 40
Femoral neck, fracture of, anteroposterior x-ray of 563 563
Femoral neck, fracture of, assessment of head and neck relationship in, determination of stability by 562—563 563
Femoral neck, fracture of, basilar 583 583
Femoral neck, fracture of, circulatory changes associated with 565 565
Femoral neck, fracture of, complication(s) of 566 566 580—582
Femoral neck, fracture of, evaluation of patient for 567 567
Femoral neck, fracture of, fatigue (stress) 575—577 575—577
Femoral neck, fracture of, hip dislocation with, Pipkin's classification of 497 501—502 501—502
Femoral neck, fracture of, in children 239
Femoral neck, fracture of, in children, coxa vara deformity after 248 248
Femoral neck, fracture of, in metastatic malignancy 579 579
Femoral neck, fracture of, in Paget's disease 578—579 578—579
Femoral neck, fracture of, management of 568—574
Femoral neck, fracture of, management of, alternative methods in 570 570
Femoral neck, fracture of, management of, by closed reduction and pinning 571—573 571—573
Femoral neck, fracture of, management of, by open reduction and internal fixation with bone grafting 574 574
Femoral neck, fracture of, management of, prosthetic replacement in 569 569
Femoral neck, fracture of, management of, prosthetic replacement in, indications for 568
Femoral neck, fracture of, mechanisms of 558—559 558—559
Femoral neck, fracture of, posterior hip dislocation with 514—518 514—518
Femoral neck, fracture of, radiographic examination of 72 72
Femoral neck, fracture of, stability in, posterior comminution for 564 564
Femoral neck, fracture of, subcapital See Subcapital fracture.
Femoral neck, fracture of, with femoral shaft fracture 637 637
Femoral physis, lower, separation of 95 95
Femoral physis, upper, separation of 95 95
Femoral shaft, fracture of 602—615
Femoral shaft, fracture of, Bryant's traction for, in children younger than 2 years 256 256
Femoral shaft, fracture of, cast-brace for 608 608
Femoral shaft, fracture of, cast-brace for, application of 609—610 609—610
Femoral shaft, fracture of, cast-brace for, healing following 267 267
Femoral shaft, fracture of, cast-brace for, in young children and adolescents 266—267 266—267
Femoral shaft, fracture of, closed reduction of 607—608 607—608
Femoral shaft, fracture of, closed reduction of, postreduction management of 611—612 611—612
Femoral shaft, fracture of, closed reduction of, technique for 609—610 609—610
Femoral shaft, fracture of, closed reduction of, three-dimensional biomechanics of 612—614 612—614
Femoral shaft, fracture of, common locations for 602
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of 632—650
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, "floating knee" as 639 639
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, arterial injury as 635 635
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, fat embolism syndrome as 632
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, hip fracture-dislocation as 636—637 636—637
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, infection as 644 644
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, knee injury as 638 638
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, life-threatening 632—634
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, limb-threatening 635—639
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, malunion as 647—650 647—650
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, nonunion as 645—646 645—646
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, refracture as 642 642
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, residual stiff knee as 651—653 651—653
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, resulting from closed treatment 640—642 640—642
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, resulting from internal fixation 643 643
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, sepsis as 633—634 633—634
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, total hip arthroplasty associated with 654 654
Femoral shaft, fracture of, complication(s) of, total knee arthroplasty associated with 654—655 654—655
Femoral shaft, fracture of, deformities associated with, prevention of 614—615 614—615
Femoral shaft, fracture of, hip dislocation with 521—522 521—522
Femoral shaft, fracture of, hip dislocation with, management of 522 522
Femoral shaft, fracture of, in adolescents 267
Femoral shaft, fracture of, in children 255—267
Femoral shaft, fracture of, initial immobilization for 602 602
Femoral shaft, fracture of, internal fixation of 605—606 605—606
Femoral shaft, fracture of, management of, in children 256—267
Femoral shaft, fracture of, management of, initial 603
Femoral shaft, fracture of, management of, nonoperative 607—615
Femoral shaft, fracture of, overgrowth after 45 45
Femoral shaft, fracture of, pathologic, differential diagnosis of 255
Femoral shaft, fracture of, radiographic assessment of 603 603 604 604 605 605
Femoral shaft, fracture of, Russell's traction for 261 261
Femoral shaft, fracture of, spica immobilization for, in children younger than 8 years 258—259 258—259
Femoral shaft, fracture of, traction for 604 604
Femoral shaft, fracture of, traction for, in children older than 10 years 262—263 262—263
Femoral shaft, fracture of, traction for, in children older than 10 years, subsequent management of 264 264
Femoral shaft, fracture of, transverse 260 260
Femoral shaft, fracture of, transverse, in children older than 10 years 262 262
Femoral shaft, fracture of, unrecognized dislocation with 603 603
Femoral shaft, fracture of, with femoral neck fracture 637 637
Femur 557—655
Femur, distal, fracture of, three-dimensional biomechanics of reduction in 613 613
Femur, distal, supracondylar fracture involvement with, management of 623—626 623—626
Femur, distal, supracondylar fracture involvement with, mechanism of injury in 623 623
Femur, emergency splinting of 75 75
Femur, epiphysis of, fracture of See Epiphyseal fracture femoral.
Femur, force transmission through, in pelvic fracture 456—457 456—457
Femur, fracture of, close-range shotgun 633 633
Femur, fracture of, from child abuse 110 110
Femur, fracture of, gunshot 50 50 634 634
Femur, fracture of, intertrochanteric See intei irochanteric fracture-
Femur, fracture of, Russell traction for 82 82
Femur, fracture of, shotgun 49—50 49—50
Femur, fracture of, subcapital See Subcapital fracture.
Femur, fracture of, supracondylar See Supracondylar fracture femoral.
Femur, fracture of, unicondylar See Unicondylar femoral fracture.
Femur, greater trochanter of, fracture of 584—585 584—585
Femur, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Femur, head of See Femoral head.
Femur, lesser trochanter of, epiphyseal separation of 254 254
Femur, lesser trochanter of, fracture of 586 586
Femur, neck of See Femoral neck.
Femur, proximal, fracture of, 90°-90° traction for 84 84
Femur, proximal, fracture of, 90°-90° traction for, in children 265 265
Femur, proximal, fracture of, fixation of 593 593
Femur, proximal, fracture of, malunion in 42 42
Femur, shaft of See Femoral shaft.
Femur, shortening of 44 44
Femur, upper end of, lateral view of 564 564
Fibula, fracture of, associated with femoral shaft fracture 639 639
Fibula, fracture of, associated with sprained ankle 825 825
Fibula, fracture of, bilateral, treatment of 766 766
Fibula, fracture of, biomechanics in 752 752
Fibula, fracture of, chronic infection following 46 46
Fibula, fracture of, fatigue 751 751 810 810
Fibula, fracture of, fatigue, in elderly 751 757
Fibula, fracture of, fatigue, treatment of 811 811
Fibula, fracture of, fleck 835 835
Fibula, fracture of, Maisonneuve, without ankle diastasis 880—881 880—881
Fibula, fracture of, mechanisms and mechanics of 749—754
Fibula, fracture of, open and closed, direct mechanisms for 749 749
Fibula, fracture of, open and closed, indirect mechanisms for 750 750
Fibula, fracture of, pattern of, classification of ankle fracture by 849—850 849—850
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis 871—877
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis, management of 874—876 874—876
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis, P-AB mechanism of 872 872
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis, P-EX mechanism of 873 873
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis, postoperative care for 877 877
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis, S-EX mechanism of 871—872 871—872
Fibula, fracture of, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis, x-ray appearance of 873 873
Fibula, fracture of, rotational displacement of distal tibial epiphyseal fracture with or without 300 300—301
Fibula, fracture of, tibiofibular ligament injuries with, significance of 878—879 878—879
Fibula, fracture of, torsional, biomechanics of 750—751 750—751
Fibula, fracture of, torsional, indirect mechanism for 750 750
Fibula, growth of, contribution of physeal center to 101
Fibula, influence of, on tibial plateau fracture 735 735
Fibula, shaft of, fracture of 809 809
Fibula, stabilizing effect of, on tibial fracture 753—754 753—754
Fibula, weight-bearing function of 752 752
Fibular bypass procedure(s), for nonunion of tibial fracture 797 797
Fibulocalcaneal ligament, disruption of, fracture-dislocation due to 985 985
| Fibulotibial synostosis, for bone loss 754 754
Figure-of-eight harness, application of, for clavicular fracture 112 112
Finger cast, for boutonniere deformity 1586 1586
Finger splint, for fracture of distal phalanx 1556 1556
Finger(s), boutonniere deformity of 65 1567 7567
Finger(s), boutonniere deformity of, management of 1586 7586
Finger(s), boutonniere deformity of, reverse 1568 1568
Finger(s), boutonniere deformity of, splint for 1481 7487
Finger(s), carpometacarpal joints of 1516—1521
Finger(s), carpometacarpal joints of, dislocation of 1517—1519 1517—1519
Finger(s), carpometacarpal joints of, dislocation of, diagnosis of 1517 7577
Finger(s), carpometacarpal joints of, dislocation of, dorsal 1518 7578
Finger(s), carpometacarpal joints of, dislocation of, volar 1518 7578
Finger(s), carpometacarpal joints of, fracture-dislocation of 1520 7520
Finger(s), fracture of, in children 214—217 214—217
Finger(s), interphalangeal joints of 1566—1587. See also Interphalan-geal joint of
Finger(s), jammed, assessment of 1568—1571
Finger(s), jammed, assessment of, active testing of stability in 1570 7570
Finger(s), jammed, assessment of, palpation in 1569 7569
Finger(s), jammed, assessment of, passive stress testing in 1571 7577
Finger(s), jammed, assessment of, radiographic evaluation in 1571 7577
Finger(s), jammed, from dislocation, fracture, or sprain 1566—1580
Finger(s), jammed, mechanism of injury in 1566—1568
Finger(s), jammed, tendon avulsion and 1582—1587
Finger(s), mallet 1567 7567 1582—1583 1582—1583
Finger(s), mallet, management of 1583 7583
Finger(s), mallet, splint for 1481 7487
Finger(s), mallet, with avulsion fracture and persistent subluxation, management of 1584 7584
Finger(s), malrotation of, abnormal position caused by 1475—1476 7475—7476
Finger(s), metacarpal bones of See Metacarpal bone(s) of
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of 1475—1476 1475—1476 1538—1541
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of, capsule and collateral ligaments of 1478 7478
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of, dislocation of, complex 1539 7539
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of, dislocation of, complex, management of 1540 1540
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of, dislocation of, simple 1538 7538
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of, fracture-dislocation of 1541 7547
Finger(s), metacarpophalangeal joints of, immobilization of, positions for 1478 1478
Finger(s), normal position of, on flexion 1475 1475
Finger(s), normal, extensor tendons of 1567 1567
Finger(s), phalangeal bones of See Phalanx (phalanges) of
Finger(s), pseudoboutonniere deformity of 1567—1568 1567—1568 1581 1581
Finger(s), swan-neck deformity of 1568 1568
Finger(s), swan-neck deformity of, management of 1587 1587
Finger(s), swollen, immobilization for 1544 1544
Finger(s), swollen, palpation of 1569
Fingertip, amputation of 1560 1560
Fingertip, amputation of, in children 217 217
Fixation, external, immobilization by 85 85.
Fixation, external, of fracture with arterial laceration 635 635
Fixation, external, of humeral fracture 1217 1217
Fixation, external, of humeral fracture, with vascular injury 1192 1192
Fixation, external, of open forearm fracture 1349 1349
Fixation, external, of unstable Colles' fracture 1370—1371 1370—1371
Fixation, external, of unstable Colles' fracture, with percutaneous fixation 1372 1372
Fixation, external, of unstable open tibial fracture 787 787
Fixation, external, of unstable pelvic fracture 478—479 478—479
Fixation, external, of unstable tibial plateau fracture-dislocation 745 745
Fixation, external, reduction by 77 77
Fixation, Ilizarov, of explosion fracture of tibia 894 894
Fixation, Ilizarov, of unstable open ankle fracture 910 910
Fixation, internal, ankle diastasis and malunion with 878 878
Fixation, internal, by open or closed techniques 78 78
Fixation, internal, healing after 23—24 23—24
Fixation, internal, of ankle fracture-dislocation with shearing injury 852 852
Fixation, internal, of capitellar fracture 1228 1228
Fixation, internal, of clavicular fracture 1050—1052
Fixation, internal, of clavicular fracture, indication for 1051 1051
Fixation, internal, of clavicular fracture, problem of 1050—1051 1050—1051
Fixation, internal, of closed tibial fracture, brace support with 769 769
Fixation, internal, of closed tibial fracture, indications for 767—769
Fixation, internal, of closed tibial fracture, interlocking nailing technique in 768 768
Fixation, internal, of closed tibial fracture, unreamed nails in 767 767
Fixation, internal, of coronoid process fracture 126 12765
Fixation, internal, of dislocated hip 513 513
Fixation, internal, of femoral shaft fracture 605—606 605—606
Fixation, internal, of femoral shaft fracture, complications of 643 643
Fixation, internal, of femoral shaft fracture, malunion after 649 649
Fixation, internal, of fibular fracture proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis 874 874 875 875
Fixation, internal, of fractured hand 1483 1483
Fixation, internal, of olecranon fracture with displacement 1271—1272 1271—1272
Fixation, internal, of Pipkin injury, type II 516 516
Fixation, internal, of Pipkin injury, type II, intraoperative x-ray after 517 517
Fixation, internal, of radial epiphyseal fracture 177 177
Fixation, internal, of supracondylar femoral fracture, type III 627 627
Fixation, internal, of supracondylar humeral fracture 1220 1220
Fixation, internal, of talar fracture 941 941
Fixation, internal, of tibial tubercle avulsion injury 285 285
Fixation, internal, of unstable fracture of shaft of finger metacarpal 1532—1533 1532—1533
Fixation, internal, of unstable open ankle fracture 911 911
Fixation, internal, reduction and, of supracondylar fracture type III 627 627
Fixation, intramedullary See Nail(s) intramedullary; intramedullary.
Fixation, of acromioclavicular dislocation 1066—1067 1066—1067
Fixation, of comminuted fracture of patella 714 714
Fixation, of displaced epiphysis, in children 271 271
Fixation, of displaced scapular neck fracture 1075 1075
Fixation, of humeral fracture, preferred 1196 1196
Fixation, of nonunion of clavicular fracture 1055 1055
Fixation, of superior dome fracture, complications of 553 553
Fixation, of superior dome fracture, indications for 551—552 551—552
Fixation, of tibial articular fracture 876 876
Fixation, of unicondylar femoral fracture 631 631
Fixation, of unstable acetabular fracture, complications of 553 553
Fixation, of unstable acetabular fracture, indications for 551—552 551—552
Fixation, of unstable tibial plateau fracture 741 741
Fixation, plate See Plate fixation.
Fixation, Rush pin, of humeral fracture 1181 1181 1196 1196
Fixation, screws used in See Screw(s).
Fixation, using ligamentotaxis, of pilon fracture 890—891 890—891
Fixation, vertical transarticular pin, of unstable open ankle fracture 911 911
Flat foot, peroneal spastic, after calcaneal fracture 981 981
Fleck fracture, of fibula 835 835
Flexion injury, ankle sprain resulting from 820—821 820—821
Flexion injury, to cervical spine 312 312
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in 373—378
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in, clinical Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in, presentation of 373 373
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in, management of 375—376 375—376
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in, nerve root involvement in 373—374 373—374
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in, postreduction x-rays of 377 377
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets in, prereduction x-rays of 374 374
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, lateral 321 321
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, stable 365 365
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, stable, management of 366 366
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable 370—372
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, postreduction care for 372
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, postreduction x-ray of 372 372
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, potentially 367—369
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, potentially, management of 368—369 368—369
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, potentially, operative stabilization of 367 367
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, potentially, x-rays of 368 368
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, prereduction x-ray of 370 370
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, skeletal traction for 370—371 370—371
Flexion injury, to cervical spine, unstable, surgical stabilization for 372 372
Flexion injury, to distal tibial epiphysis, in children 292 292
Flexion injury, to elbow, posterior Monteggia lesion with 1304—1305 1304—1305
Flexion injury, to elbow, posterior Monteggia lesion with, in children 183 183
Flexion injury, to humerus 1203 1203
Flexion injury, to humerus, in children 132 732
Flexion injury, to knee ligaments 667 667
Flexion injury, to thoracic spine 402 402
Flexion injury, unstable 438 438
Flexion, of finger, abnormal 1477 1477
Flexion, of finger, normal 1477 1477
Flexion, of wrist 1405 1405
Flexion, position of finger on 1475 1475
Flexion-compression injury, to cervical spine 314 314 379 379—380
Flexion-compression injury, to cervical spine, management of 379 379
Flexion-compression injury, to cervical spine, prereduction x-rays of 379 379
Flexion-distraction injury, to thoracolumbar spine, with incomplete paraplegia 429—430 429—430
Flexion-rotation injury, to thoracolumbar spine 400—401 400—401
Flexion-rotation injury, to thoracolumbar spine, halo-femoral traction for 435—437 435—437
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