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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2

Автор: Ito K.


This second edition of the widely acclaimed Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematice includes 70 new articles, with an increased emphasis on applied mathematics, expanded explanations and appendices, and a reorganization of topics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Энциклопедии/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 999

Добавлена в каталог: 23.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Unipotent (linear transformation)      269.L
Unipotent component      269.L
Unipotent matrix      269.F
Unipotent part (of a nonsingular matrix)      13.E
Unipotent part (of an algebraic group)      13.E
Unipotent radical      13.I
Unique continuation theorem      323.J
Unique decomposition theorem (for a 3-manifold)      65.E
Unique factorization domain      67.H
Unique factorization theorem (in an integral domain)      67.H
Unique strong solution      406.D
Uniquely ergodic (homeomorphism (on a compact metric space)      136.H
Uniqueness condition (for solutions of ordinary differential equations)      316.D
Uniqueness in the sense of law of solutions      406.D
Uniqueness of solution, pathwise      406.D
Uniqueness principle (in potential theory)      338.M
Uniqueness set of      159.J
Uniqueness theorem (for an initial value problem of ordinary differential equations)      316.D
Uniqueness theorem (for analytic functions)      198.C
Uniqueness theorem (for class field theory)      59.B
Uniqueness theorem (for differential equations in a complex domain)      316.G
Uniqueness theorem (for Fourier transform)      192.I
Uniqueness theorem (for harmonic functions)      193.E
Uniqueness theorem Holmgren      321.F
Uniqueness theorem of homology theory      201.R
Uniqueness theorem of the analytic continuation      198.C I
Uniqueness theorem Rellich      188.D
Uniqueness theorem von Neumann      351.C
Unirational surface      15.H
Unirational variety      16.J
Uniserial algebra      29.I
Uniserial algebra absolutely      29.I
Uniserial algebra generalized      29.I
Unisolvent space      142.B
Unisolvent system (of functions)      336.B
Unit (for measure of length)      139.C
Unit (in a ring)      368.B
Unit (of a symmetric matrix with rational coordinates)      348.J
Unit (of a vector lattice)      310.B
Unit Archimedean (of a vector lattice)      310.B
Unit arithmetic      75.B
Unit auxiliary      414.A
Unit ball (of a Banach space)      37.B
Unit ball (of a Euclidean space)      140
Unit base      414.A
Unit cell      140
Unit circle      74.C 140
Unit circular      14.L
Unit control      75.B
Unit cost      281.D
Unit cube      139.F 140
Unit derived      414.D
Unit disk      140
Unit distribution      341.D
Unit element (of a field)      149.A
Unit element (of a group)      190.A
Unit element (of a ring)      368.A
Unit function      306.B App. Table
Unit fundamental      414.A
Unit fundamental (of an algebraic number field)      14.D
Unit gravitational, system of      414.B
Unit group (of an algebraic number field)      14.D
Unit imaginary      74.A 294.F
Unit impulsive function      App. A Table
Unit international system of      414.A
Unit Kakutani      310.G
Unit mapping      203.F
Unit matrix      269.A
Unit memory      75.B
Unit n-cube      140
Unit point (of a projective frame)      343.C
Unit point (of an affine frame)      7.C
Unit ray      351.B
Unit representation (of a group)      362.C
Unit sphere      140
Unit system of      414
Unit tangent sphere bundle      126.L
Unit theorem, Dirichlet      14.D
Unit vector      7.C 442.B
Unit(s) (of an algebraic number field)      14.D
Unital      36.A
Unitarily equivalent (self-adjoint operators)      390.G
Unitary (homomorphism between rings)      368.D
Unitary (module)      277.D
Unitary algebra      29.A
Unitary dilation      251.M
Unitary essentially      390.I
Unitary field theory      434.C
Unitary group      60.F 151.I
Unitary group (relative to an $\varepsilon$-Hermitian form)      60.O
Unitary group infinite      202.V
Unitary group over K      60.H
Unitary group over K, projective special      60.H
Unitary group over K, special      60.H
Unitary group projective      60.F
Unitary group special      60.F
Unitary group special (relative to an $\varepsilon$-Hermitian form)      60.O
Unitary matrix      269.I
Unitary monoid      409.C
Unitary operator      251.E 390.E
Unitary representation disjoint      437.C
Unitary representation equivalent      437.A
Unitary representation induced by a representation of a subgroup      437.O
Unitary representation integrable      437.X
Unitary representation irreducible      437.A
Unitary representation isomorphic      437.A
Unitary representation quasi-equivalent      437.C
Unitary representation similar      437.A
Unitary representation square integrable      437.M
Unitary representation sufficiently many irreducible      437.B
Unitary representation(s)      437
Unitary restriction (of a semisimple Lie algebra)      248.P
Unitary ring      368.A 409.C
Unitary semigroup      409.C
Unitary symplectic group      60.L
Unitary transformation      348.F
Unitary transformation (relative to an $\varepsilon$-Hermitian form)      60.O
Unitary transformation group      60.F
Unity (in the axioms for the real numbers)      355.A
Unity nity element (of a field)      149.A
Unity nity element (of a ring)      368.A
Unity partition of      425 R
Unity partition of, of class $C^{\infty}$      105.S
Unity partition of, subordinate to a covering      425.R
Unity primitive root of      14.L
Univalence superselection rule      351.K
Univalent (analytic function)      438.A
Univalent correspondence      358.B
Univalent function      438
Univariate (statistical data)      397.A
Universal ($\partial$-functor)      200.I
Universal (*-representation of a Banach *-algebra)      36.G
Universal (unfolding)      51.D
Universal bundle      147.G H
Universal bundle n-      147.G
Universal Chern class      56.C
Universal coefficient theorem (for cohomology)      200.G 201.H
Universal coefficient theorem (in Abelian categories)      200.H
Universal coefficient theorem for homology      200.D 201.G
Universal constants (in the theory of conformal mapping)      77.F
Universal covering group      91.B 423.0
Universal covering space      91.B
Universal covering surface      367.B
Universal curve      93.H
Universal domain      16.A
Universal enveloping algebra (of a Lie algebra)      248.J
Universal enveloping algebra special (of a Jordan algebra)      231.C
Universal enveloping bialgebra      203.G
Universal Euler — Poincare class      56.B
Universal gravitation, law of      271.B
Universal mapping property      52.L
Universal net (in a set)      87.H
Universal Pontryagin class      56.D
Universal proposition      411.B
Universal quantifier      411.C
Universal set (for the projective sets of class n)      22.E
Universal set (in set theory)      381.B
Universal Stiefel — Whitney class      56.B
Universal Teichmueller space      416
Universal Turing machine      31.C
Universal unfolding      418.E
Universal validity of a proposition, problem of      97
Universally Japanese ring      16.Y 284.F
Universally measurable      270.L
Universe (in nonstandard analysis)      293.B
Universe (of a structure)      276.B
Unknotted (ball pair)      65.D 235.G
Unknotted (knot)      235.A
Unknotted (sphere pair)      65.D 235.G
Unknotting conjecture      235.G
Unknotting theorem, Zeeman      65.D
Unlabeled graph      186.B
Unmixed ideal      284.D
Unmixedness theorem      284.D
Uno, Toshio      NTR
Unordered pair      381.B
Unordered pair (in axiomatic set theory)      33.B
Unordered pair axiom of      33.B
Unoriented cobordism class      114.H
Unoriented cobordism group      114.H
Unoriented graph      186.H
Unramified (covering surface)      367.B
Unramified (prime ideal)      14.I
Unramified (projection of a covering surface)      367.B
Unramified analytically (semilocal ring)      284.D
Unramified covering (of a nonsingular curve)      9.I
Unramified extension      14.I 257.D
Unrenormalizable      132.C 361.B
Unsolvability degree of      97
Unsolvability recursive, arithmetical hierarchy of degrees of      356.H
Unsolvability recursive, degree of      97
Unsolvability recursive, hyperarithmetical hierarchy of degrees of      356.H
Unstable (boundary component)      77.E
Unstable (state)      394.A
Unstable completely (flow)      126.E
Unstable manifold      126.G J
Unstable solution (of Hill’s equation)      264.E
Up-ladder      206.B
Upper bound (of a subset in an ordered set)      311.B
Upper bound least (of a subset of a vector lattice)      310.C
Upper bound least (of an ordered set)      311.B
Upper boundedness principle (in potential theory)      338.C
Upper central series (of a group)      190.J
Upper class with respect to local continuity      45.F
Upper class with respect to uniform continuity      45.F
Upper control limit      404.B
Upper derivative general (of a set function)      380.D
Upper derivative ordinary (of a set function)      380.D
Upper end (of a curvilinear integral)      94.D
Upper envelope (of a family of subharmonic functions)      193.R
Upper half-space of degree n, Siegel      32.F
Upper integral, Riemann      216.A
Upper limit (of a Riemann integral)      216.A
Upper limit function      84.C
Upper semicontinuous (at a point)      84.C
Upper semicontinuous (partition)      425.L
Upper semicontinuous in a set      84.C
Upper semilattice      243.A
Upper triangular matrix      269.B
Upper variation (of a set function)      380.B
Ura, Taro      126.D F
Urabe, Minoru      301.D
Urakawa, Hajime      391.E
Ural’tseva, Nina Nikolaevna      286.r 323.D
Urbanik, Kazimierz      407.C
Ursell, Harold Douglas      246.r
Uryson lemma      425.Q
Uryson space, Frechet-      425.CC
Uryson theorem, Tikhonov-      425.Q
Uryson — Tikhonov theorem (on metrizability)      273.K
Uryson, Pavel Samuilovich      22.I93.D 117.A r S U V CC
Ushiki, Shigehiro      126.N
Ushio, Kazuhiko      96.r
Utest, Mann-Whitney      371.C
Utida, Itumi      230
Utida, Shunro      263.A
Uzawa gradient method, Arrow — Hurwicz-      292.E
Uzawa, Hirofumi      292.A E r
v-curve      111.H
V.W.B.process      136.E
Vacuum vector free      150 C
Vague topology (on a class of measures)      338.E
Vahlen, Karl Theodor      83.B
Vaillancourt, Remi      304.F 345.A
Vaisala, Jussi      143.r 352.F
Vajda, Steven      408.r
Valentine, F.A.      88.r
Valid formula      411.G
Valiron, Georges      17.A C D C r K
Valnberg, Boris Rufimovich      323.K
Valnshtein, Isaak Aronovich      273.K
Valuation $\mathfrak p$-adic      439.F
Valuation $\mathfrak p$-adic exponential      439.F
Valuation additive      439.B
Valuation Archimedean      14.F 439.C
Valuation complete      439.D
Valuation completion of      439.D
Valuation discrete      439.E
Valuation equivalent      439.B
Valuation exponential      439.B
Valuation generalized      439.B
Valuation ideal (of a valuation)      439.B
Valuation multiplicative      439.C
Valuation non-Archimedean      14.F 439.C
Valuation normal      439.E H
Valuation normalized      439.E
Valuation over a subfield      439.B C
Valuation prolongation of      439.B
Valuation pseudo-      439.K
Valuation ring      439.B
Valuation ring completion of      439.D
Valuation ring discrete      439.E
Valuation special      439.B
Valuation trivial      439.Q F
Valuation vector ring of      6.C
Valuation vector(s)      6.C
Valuation(s)      439
Value (of a variable)      165.C
Value (of an infinite product)      379.G
Value absolute (of a complex number)      74.B
Value absolute (of a real number)      355.A
Value absolute (of a vector)      442.B
Value absolute (of an element of a vector lattice)      310.B
Value absolute (of an element of an ordered field)      149.N
Value asymptotic (of a meromorphic function)      62.A 272.H
Value boundary (hyperfunction)      125.V
Value boundary (of a conformal mapping)      77.B
Value boundary (relative to a differential operator)      112.E
Value characteristic (of a linear operator)      390.A
Value cluster      62.A
Value cluster, theorem      43.G
Value critical (in bifurcation theory)      286.R
Value critical (of a $C^{\infty}$-function on a manifold)      279.B
Value critical (of a $C^{\infty}$-mapping $\varphi: M\to M’$)      105.J
Value critical (of a contact process)      340.C
Value critical (of a mapping $u:\mathbf R^n\to\mathbf R^m$)      208.B
Value critical (of an external magnetic field)      340.B
Value distribution      124.A
Value exceptional (of a transcendental entire function)      429.B
Value exceptional, Borel      272.E
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