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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 |
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Riemannian space 364.A
Riemannian space irreducible symmetric App. A Table
Riemannian space locally symmetric App. A Table
Riemannian submanifold 365
Riemenschneider, Oswald W. 232.r
Riesz (F.) theorem (on functions) 317.B
Riesz (F.) theorem (representation) 197.F
Riesz (F.and M.) theorem 168.C
Riesz (F.and M.) theorem (on bounded holomorphic functions on a disk) 43.D
Riesz convexity theorem 88.C
Riesz decomposition (in a Markov chain) 260.D
Riesz decomposition of a superharmonic or subharmonic function 193.S
Riesz group 36.H
Riesz method of order k, summable by 379.R
Riesz method of summation of the kth order 379.R
Riesz potential 338.B
Riesz space 310.B
Riesz transform 251.O
Riesz — Fischer theorem 168.B 317.A
Riesz — Schauder theorem 68.E
Riesz — Thorin theorem 224.A
Riesz, Frigyes 43.D 68.A E r I F r r B B
Riesz, Marcel 43.D 88.C 121.r 125.A 164.G I
Right A-module 277.D
Right adjoint functor 52.K
Right angle 151.D
Right annihilator (of a subset of an algebra) 29.H
Right Artinian ring 368.F
Right balanced (functor) 200.I
Right circular cone 350.B
Right conoid 111.I
Right continuous (function) 84.B
Right coset (of a subgroup of a group) 190.C
Right coset space (of a topological group) 423.E
Right decomposition, Peirce (in a unitary ring) 368.F
Right derivative 106.A
Right derived functor 200.I
Right differentiable 106.A
Right endpoint (of an interval) 355.C
Right equivalent 51.C
Right exact (functor) 200.I
Right G-set 362.B
Right global dimension (of a ring) 200.K
Right helicoid 111.I
Right ideal (of a ring) 368.F
Right ideal integral 27.A
Right injective resolution (of an A-module) 200.F
Right invariant Haar measure 225.C
Right invariant tensor field (on a Lie group) 249.A
Right inverse (of ) 286.G
Right inverse element (of an element of a ring) 368.B
Right linear space 256.A
Right majorizing function 316.E
Right Noetherian ring 368.F
Right operation (of a set to another set) 409.A
Right or ideal 27.A
Right order (of a -lattice) 27.A
Right parametrix 345.A
Right projective space 343.H
Right quotient space (of a topological group) 423.E
Right regular representation (of a group) 362.B
Right regular representation (of an algebra) 362.E
Right resolution (of an A-module) 200.F
Right satellite 200.I
Right semi-integral 68.N
Right semihereditary ring 200.K
Right shunt 115.B
Right singular point (of a diffusion process) 115.B
Right superior function 316.E
Right translation 249.A 362.B
Right uniformity (of a topological group) 423.G
Right, limit on the 87.F
Right-adjoint (linear mapping) 256.Q
Rigid (characteristic class of a foliation) 154.G
Rigid (isometric immersion) 365.E
Rigid body 271.E
Rigidity (of a sphere) 111.I
Rigidity modulus of 271.G
Rigidity theorem 178.C
Rigidity theorem strong 122.G
Riickert, Walter 23.B
Riley, Robert Freed 235.E
Rim, Dock S. 200.M
Ring adele (of an algebraic number field) 6.C
Ring affine 16.A
Ring anchor 410.B
Ring Artinian 284.A
Ring associated graded 284.D
Ring basic (of a module) 277.D
Ring Boolean 42.C
Ring Burnside 431.F
Ring category of 52.B
Ring category of commutative 52.B
Ring Chow (of a projective variety) 16.R
Ring cobordism 114.H
Ring coefficient (of a semilocal ring) 284.D
Ring coefficient (of an algebra) 29.A
Ring coherent sheaf of 16.E
Ring cohomology 201.I
Ring cohomology, of an Eilenberg — MacLane complex App. A Table
Ring cohomology, of compact connected Lie groups App.A Table
Ring commutative 67368.A
Ring complete local 284.D
Ring complete Zariski 284.C
Ring completely integrally closed 67.I
Ring completely primary 368.H
Ring completion, with respect to an ideal 16.X
Ring complex cobordism 114.H
Ring coordinate (of an affine variety) 16.A
Ring correspondence (of a nonsingular curve) 9.H
Ring de Rham cohomology (of a differentiate manifold) 105.R 201.I
Ring differential 113
Ring differential extension 113
Ring discrete valuation 439.E
Ring division 368.B
Ring endomorphism (of a module) 277.B 368.C
Ring endomorphism (of an Abelian variety) 3.C
Ring factor, modulo an ideal 368.F
Ring form 284.D
Ring generalized Boolean 42.C
Ring Gorenstein 200.K
Ring graded 369.B
Ring ground (of a module) 277.D
Ring ground (of an algebra) 29.A
Ring group (of a compact group) 69.A
Ring Hecke 32.D
Ring Hensel 370.C
Ring Henselian 370.C
Ring hereditary 200.K
Ring homogeneous 369.B
Ring homogeneous coordinate 16.A
Ring homomorphism 368.D
Ring integrally closed 67.I
Ring isomorphism 368.D
Ring Krull 67.J
Ring left Artinian 368.F
Ring left hereditary 200.K
Ring left Noetherian 368.F
Ring left semihereditary 200.K
Ring local 284.D
Ring local (of a subvariety) 16.B
Ring locally Macaulay 284.D
Ring Macaulay 284.D
Ring Macaulay local 284.D
Ring Noetherian 284.A
Ring Noetherian local 284.D
Ring Noetherian semilocal 284.D
Ring normal 67.I
Ring normed 36.A
Ring of a valuation 439.B
| Ring of convergent power series 370.B
Ring of differential polynomials 113
Ring of endomorphisms (of an Abelian variety) 3.C
Ring of formal power series 370.A
Ring of fractions 67.G
Ring of operators 308.C
Ring of p-adic integers 439.F
Ring of polynomials 337.A 369
Ring of power series 370
Ring of quotients of a ring with respect to a prime ideal 67.G
Ring of quotients of a ring with respect to a subset of the ring 67.G
Ring of scalars (of a module) 277.D
Ring of total quotients 67.G
Ring of valuation vectors 6.C
Ring operations 368.A
Ring polynomial 337.A 369.A
Ring polynomial, in m variables 337.B
Ring power series 370.A
Ring primary 368.H
Ring primitive 368.H
Ring principal ideal 67.K
Ring Pruefer 200.K
Ring pseudogeometric 284.F
Ring quasilocal 284.D
Ring quasisemilocal 284.D
Ring quasisimple 368.E
Ring quotient 368.E
Ring regular 85.B 284.D
Ring regular local 284.D
Ring representation 237.H
Ring representative (of a compact Lie group) 249.U
Ring residue class, modulo an ideal 368.F
Ring right Artinian 368.F
Ring right hereditary 200.K
Ring right Noetherian 368.F
Ring right semihereditary 200.K
Ring semihereditary 200.K
Ring semilocal 284.D
Ring semiprimary 368.H
Ring semiprimitive 368.H
Ring semisimple 368.G
Ring simple 368.G
Ring splitting 29.K
Ring topological 423.P
Ring unitary 368.A 409.C
Ring universally Japanese 284.F
Ring Zariski 284.C
Ring zero 368.A
Ring(s) 368
Ringed space 383.H
Ringed space local 383.H
Ringel, Gerhard 157.E r
Ringrose, John Robert 308.r
Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. 376.r
Rinow, Willi 178.A
Riordan, John 66.r 330.r
Ripple 205.F
Riquier, C. 428.B r
Rishel, Raymond W. 405.r
Risk Bayes 398.B
Risk consumer’s 404.C
Risk function 398.A
Risk posterior 399.F
Risk premium 214.B
Risk producer’s 404.C
Risk theory 214.C
Risk theory classical 214.C
Risk theory collective 214.C
Risk theory individual 214.C
Rissanen, Jorma 86.D
Ritt basis theorem (on differential polynomials) 113
Ritt, Joseph Fels 113.* r
Ritter, Klaus 292.r
Ritz method 46.F 303.I 304.B
Ritz, Walter 46.F 303.I 304.B
Riviere, Nestor Marcelo 224.E
Roache, Patrick John 300.r
Robbin, Joel W. 126.G r
Robbins — Kiefer inequality, Chapman- 399.D
Robbins, Herbert 250.r 399.D
Roberts, Joel L. 16.I
Roberts, John Elias 150.E
Roberts, John Henderson 117.C
Roberts, Richard A. 86.D
Robertson — Walker metrics 359.E
Robertson, Alex P. 424.r
Robertson, Howard Percy 359.E
Robertson, Wendy J. 424.X r
Robin constant 48.B
Robin problem 323.F
Robin, Gustave 48.B 323.F
Robinson, Abraham 118.D 276.D E r D r
Robinson, Derek William 36.K r r
Robinson, G. 301.r
Robinson, Julia Bowman 97.* r
Robinson, R. Clark 77.F 126.H J L r
Robinson, Raphael Mitchel 356.B
Robust and nonparametric method 371
Robust estimation 371.A
Robust method 371.A
Roch, Gustave 9.C F
Roche — Schlomilch App. A Table
Roche — Schlomilch remainder App. A Table
Roche, Edouard Albert App. A Table
Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell 89.r 292.D
Rodin, Burton 367.I r
Rodoskii, Kirill Andreevich 123.E
Rodrigues formula 393.B
Rodrigues, Olinde 393.B
Roepstorff — Araki — Sewell inequality 402.G
Roepstorff — Fannes — Verbeure inequality 402.G
Roepstorff, Gert 402.G
Rogers theorem, Dvoretzky- 443.D
Rogers, Claude Ambrose 22.r 182.D 443.D
Rogers, Hartley, Jr. 22.r 81.D r
Rogers, William H. 371.r
Roggenkamp, Klaus W. 362.r
Rogosinski, Werner Wolfgang 159.H r
Rohrl, Helmut 196 253.D
Rokhlin theorem 114.K
Rokhlin, Vladimir Abramovich 56.H 114.H K H r
Rolfsen, Dale Preston Odin 235.r
Rolle theorem 106.E
Rolle, Michel 106.E
Rolling curve (of a roulette) 93.H
Roltman, A.A. 16.R r
Roman and medieval mathematics 372
Romanov, Vladimir Gabrilovich 218.H
Romberg integration 299.C
Romberg, W. 299.C
Room square 241.D
Root (of a chamber complex) 13.R
Root (of a polynomial) 337.B
Root characteristic (for a linear partial differential equation with variable coefficients) 325.F
Root characteristic (of a linear mapping) 269.L
Root characteristic (of a matrix) 269.F
Root characteristic (of an autonomous linear system) 163.F
Root co- 13.J
Root extraction 10.C
Root imaginary (of an algebraic equation) 10.E
Root k- 13.Q
Root mth 10.C
Root multiple (of an algebraic equation) 10.B
Root negative (of a semisimple Lie algebra) 248.M
Root of a polynomial 337.B
Root of a semisimple algebraic group 13.J
Root of a semisimple Lie algebra 248.K
Root positive (of a semisimple Lie algebra) 248.M
Root primitive, modulo m 297.G
Root primitive, of unity 14.L
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