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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2

Автор: Ito K.


This second edition of the widely acclaimed Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematice includes 70 new articles, with an increased emphasis on applied mathematics, expanded explanations and appendices, and a reorganization of topics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Энциклопедии/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 999

Добавлена в каталог: 23.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Radius (radii) of torsion (of a space curve)      111.F
Radius (radii) spectral      126.K 251.F 390.A
Radjavi, Heydar      251.r
Radkevich, E.V.      112.D 323.r
Rado solution, Douglas- (to Plateau problem)      275.C
Rado, Tibor      65.C 77.B 109 164.I 193.r 246.r 275.A C D r I r F410.B
Radon integral, Lebesgue-      94.C
Radon measure      270.I
Radon measure positive      270.I
Radon transform      218.F
Radon transform conjugate      218.F
Radon transform raising the subscripts (for tensor fields)      417.D
Radon — Nikodym derivative      270.L 380.C
Radon — Nikodym property      443.H
Radon — Nikodym theorem      270.L 380.C
Radon — Nikodym theorem for vector measures      443.H
Radon, decomposition formula of      125.CC
Radon, Johann      94.C 125.CC 218.F 270.I L
Radstrom, Hans Vilhem      443.I
Raghavarao, Damaraju      102.r
Raghunathan, Madabusi Santanam      122.G r
Raiffa, Howard      173.C398.r
Rail, Louis B.      138.r 301.r
Rainville, Earl D.      389.r
Rajchman, A.      159.J
Ralkov, Dmitrii Abramovich      192.G 256.r 341.E 424.X 437.EE
Ralston, Anthony      142.r 223.r 303.D r
Ralston, James V.      345.A
Ramachandra, Kanakanahalli      123.E
Ramamoorthi, R.V.      396.r
Ramanathan, Kollagunta Gopalaiyer      118.D 450.K
Ramanujam, Chidambaram Padmanabham      232.D r
Ramanujan conjecture      32.D
Ramanujan sum      295.D
Ramanujan — Petersson conjecture      32.D
Ramanujan, Srinivasa      4.D 32.C D E r
Ramification field (of a prime ideal)      14.K
Ramification field (of a prime ideal) mth      14.K
Ramification group (of a finite Galois extension)      257.D
Ramification group (of a prime ideal)      14.K
Ramification group mth      14.K
Ramification index (of a finite extension)      257.D
Ramification index (of a prime ideal over a field)      14.I
Ramification index (of a valuation)      439.I
Ramification index (of an algebroidal function)      17.C
Ramification numbers (of a prime ideal)      14.K
Ramification point (of an analytic covering space)      23.E
Ramification theorem (in the theory of algebroidal functions)      17.C
Ramification theorem conductor- (in class field theory)      59.C
Ramification, degree of (of a branch point)      367.B
Ramified (prime ideal)      14.I
Ramified covering space      23.B
Ramified element      198.O
Ramified type theory      411.K
Ramis, Jean-Pierre      68.F
Ramsey, Frank Plumpton      156.B
Ran, Ziv      450.S
Randies, Ronald Herman      371.r 374.r
Random current      395.I
Random distribution      395.H 407.C
Random distribution in the wide sense      407.C
Random distribution in the wider sense      395.C
Random distribution strictly stationary      395.H
Random distribution strongly stationary      395.H
Random distribution weakly stationary      395.C
Random distribution with independent values at every point      407.C
Random effect      102.A
Random event      342.B
Random field      407.B
Random measure Gaussian      407.D
Random measure Poisson      407.D
Random numbers      354
Random numbers pseudo-      354.B
Random sample      374.A 396.B 401.F
Random sampling procedure      373.A
Random Schrodinger equations      340.I
Random sequence      354.E
Random tensor field      395.I
Random variable $\mathbf R^n$-valued      342.C
Random variable (S, F)-valued      342.C
Random variable distribution of      342.C
Random variable independent      342.C
Random variable joint      342.C
Random variable measurable with respect to a family of      342.C
Random variable n-dimensional      342.C
Random variable one-dimensional probability distribution of      342.C
Random variable probability distribution of      342.C
Random variable(s)      342.C
Random walk      260.A
Random walk general      260.A
Random walk standard      260.A
Random, at      401.F
Random-effects model      102.A 403.C
Randomization      102.A
Randomized (decision function)      398.A
Randomized block design      102.B
Randomized design, completely      102.A
Randomized estimator      399.B
Randomized test      400.A
Range (of a correspondence)      358.B
Range (of a linear operator)      37.C
Range (of a mapping)      381.C
Range (of a population characteristic)      396.C
Range (of statistical data)      397.C
Range closed, theorem      37.J
Range equianharmonic (of points)      343.D
Range harmonic (of points)      343.D
Range interquartile      397.C
Range long      375.B
Range metastable (of embeddings)      114.D
Range numerical (of a linear operator)      251.E
Range of values (of a meromorphie function)      62.A
Range point (in projeetive geometry)      343.B
Range point, of the number system (in projeetive geometry)      343.C
Range sample      396.C
Range short      375.B
Range stable (of embeddings)      114.D
Range, R. Michael      164.K
Rank (of a bilinear mapping)      256.H
Rank (of a complex)      13.R
Rank (of a connected compact Lie group)      248.X
Rank (of a free Abelian group)      2.C
Rank (of a free group)      161.A
Rank (of a free module)      277.G
Rank (of a graph)      186.G
Rank (of a Lie algebra)      248.K
Rank (of a linear mapping)      256.F
Rank (of a matrix)      269.D
Rank (of a module)      2.E
Rank (of a normals-algebra)      384.C
Rank (of a prime ideal)      67.E
Rank (of a quadratic form)      348.A
Rank (of a sesquilinear form)      256.Q
Rank (of a symmetric Riemannian homogeneous space)      412.D
Rank (of a Tits system)      151.J
Rank (of a valuation)      439.B
Rank (of an analytic mapping)      23.C
Rank (of an element of a complex)      13.R
Rank (of an elliptic curve over Q)      118.D
Rank (of first-order predicates)      411.K
Rank at a point (of an analytic mapping)      23.C
Rank bispinor      258.B
Rank correlation Kendall      371.K
Rank correlation Spearman      371.K
Rank function      66.F
Rank k, irreducible tensor of      353.C
Rank k-      13.Q
Rank of finite (operator)      68.C
Rank p- (of a torsion-free additive group)      2.E
Rank rational (of a valuation)      439.B
Rank test signed      371.B
Rank test Wilcoxon signed      371.B
Rankin, Robert Alexander      123.C
Rankine — Hugoniot relation      204.G 205.B
Rankine, William John Macquorn      204.G 205.B
Rao inequality, Cramer-      399.D
Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna      280.r 374.H 399.C D O r
Rao, Ranga R.      374.r
Raphson method, Newton-      301.D
Raphson, Joseph      301.D
Rapidly decreasing $C^{\infty}$-function      168.B
Rapidly decreasing distribution      125.O
Rapidly decreasing sequence      168.B
Rapoport, Michael      16.r
Rarefied gas, equation of      411.A
Rasmussen, O.L.      301.r
Rate coding      213.D
Rate hazard      397.O
Rate infinitesimal birth      260.G
Rate infinitesimal death      260.G
Rate of interest, assumed      214.A
Rate transmission      213.A
Rathbone, C.R.      332.r
Ratio anharmonic      343.D
Ratio cross      343.D
Ratio damping (of a damped oscillation)      318.B
Ratio direction (of a line in an affine space)      7.F
Ratio double      343.D
Ratio ergodic theorem      136.B
Ratio estimator      373.C
Ratio likelihood      400.I
Ratio likelihood, test      400.I
Ratio monotone likelihood      374.J
Ratio odds      397.K
Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter      332
Ratio Poisson      271.G
Ratio sequential probability, test      400.L
Ratio set      136.F
Ratio set asymptotic      308.I
Ratio stiffness      303.G
Rational action      226.B
Rational cohomology group      200.O
Rational curve      9.C 93.H
Rational differential equation      288.A
Rational divisor k- (on an algebraic curve)      9.C
Rational divisor prime      9.C
Rational double point      418.C
Rational element      198.O
Rational entire function      429.A
Rational expression      337.H
Rational expression field of      337.H
Rational extrapolation method      303.F
Rational function field in n variables      149.K
Rational function generalized      142.B
Rational function matrix      86.D
Rational function on a variety      16.A
Rational function(s) field of      337.H
Rational homomorphism      3.C 13.A
Rational injectivity      200.O
Rational integer      294.C
Rational mapping      16.I
Rational mapping defined along a subvariety      16.I
Rational mapping purely inseparable      16.I
Rational mapping separable      16.I
Rational number denseness of      355.B
Rational number(s)      294.D
Rational operation      294.A
Rational point      118.E
Rational point k’- (of an algebraic variety)      16.A
Rational point over a field      369.C
Rational polyhedral, convex      16.Z
Rational Pontryagin class      56.F
Rational rank (of a valuation)      439.B
Rational real number      294.E
Rational representation (of a matrix group)      226.B
Rational representation (of GL(V))      60.D
Rational singularity      418.C
Rational surface      15.E
Rational variety      16.J
Rational variety uni-      16.J
Rationally equivalent cycles      16.R
Ratner, Marina E.      126.J 136.F
Rauch, Harry Ernest      134.r 178.A C
Rauch,A.      17.D
Ray (in a Riemannian manifold)      178.F
Ray (in affine geometry)      7.D
Ray (in foundation of geometry)      155.B
Ray (modulo m*)      14.H
Ray asymptotic      178.F
Ray grazing      325.L
Ray paraxial      180.B
Ray unit      351.B
Ray, Daniel Burrill      5.r 115.A
Ray-Chaudhuri, Dwijendra K.      96.r
Rayleigb — Scbrodinger series      331.D
Rayleigh principle      68.H
Rayleigh quotient      68.H 298.C 304.B
Rayleigh — Ritz method      46.F 271.G
Rayleigh, Lord      46.F 68.H 228.B 298.C 304.B 318.r 331.A D
Rayleigh-      46.F 271.G
Raynaud, Michel      3.N r
Razumikhin, B.S.      163.G I
Reaction, law of      271.A
Real analytic (at a point)      106.K
Real analytic fiber bundle      147.O
Real analytic foliation      154.H
Real analytic function      106.K 198.H
Real analytic function exponentially decreasing      125.BB
Real analytic manifold      105.D
Real analytic structure      105.D
Real axis      74.C
Real closed field      149.N
Real field      149.N
Real field formally      149.N
Real field totally      14.F
Real form      412
Real form (of a complex algebraic group)      60.O
Real form (of a complex Lie algebra)      248.P
Real form normal (of a complex semisimple Lie algebra)      248.Q
Real function      165.B
Real Grassmann manifold      199.B
Real Hilbert space      197.B
Real hyperbolic space      412.G
Real hypersphere      76.A
Real hypersphere oriented      76.A
Real hypersurface, spherical      344.C
Real immersion, totally      365.M
Real infinite prime divisor      439.H
Real interpolation space      224.C
Real Lie algebra      248.A
Real Lie algebra compact      248.P
Real line      355.E
Real linear space      256.A
Real monoidal transform      274.E
Real number Cantor’s theory of      294.E
Real number completeness of      294.E 355.B
Real number connectedness of      294.E
Real number continuity of      294.E
Real number Dedekind’s theory of      294.E
Real number extended      87.E
Real number infinitesimal      276.E
Real number irrational      294.E
Real number mod      135.5.D
Real number nonstandard      276.E
Real number rational      294.E
Real number(s)      294.E 355
Real part      74.A
Real prime divisor      439.H
Real projective space      343.D
Real projective space infinite-dimensional      56.B
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