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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Eidcnschink, R. 851 (43) 889 1279 1288
Eigcnbrot, C W.Jr. 257 (202) 298
Eight-... see also “Octa-...”
Eilar, K.R. 1327 (168) 1360
Einstein, F.W.B. 275 (360 364 365) 302 1434 145) 1473
Eisch, J.J. 668 (66) 753 954 963
Eiscnbarth, P. 793 (125) 807
Eisele, G. 718 (255) 757
Eisen, M. 1400 (20) 1411
Eisenhut, M. 1397 (7) 1411
Eisenstein, O. 342 (145) 369 1390 1394
Eisner, F. 1449 1450 1475
Eisner, F.H. 1455 (250 253) 1456 253) 1475
Ejike, E.N. 1346 (218) 1361
El Abed, D. 769 (28) 805
El Amramin, B. 1243 (15) 1285
El Sheikh, M. 476 (108b) 508 695 755 987 993 1004 1044 1047 1051 1063 1066 1078 1085 1086 1097 1099 1100 1101 1135
El-Durini, N.M.K. 1489 (171) 1525
El-Kaddar, Y.Y. 888 (155) 892
Eland, J.H.D. 557 558 584 615 645
Elander, N. 448 (28b) 505
Elbel, S. 587 588 589 590 592 593 595 596 617 618 622 649
Elder, M. 273 (353) 302 1434 1473
Electron affinity, carbon compared with silicon 70 230
Electronegativity, carbon compared with silicon 70 230 895 1158
Electronic effects, silyl groups 895—899
Electronic properties, carbon compared with silicon 230
Electrophiles, transition-metal complexes attacked by 1444
Electrophilic aromatic substitution 909—919
Electrophilic assistance 841 843 844 847 848
Electrophilic reactions, disilenes 1041
Electrophilic ring opening, silenes synthesized by 1049—1050
Elements, analytical determination of 394—405
Eliasson, B. 1009 (7) 1013
Elin, V.P. 875 (101) 891
Elkind, J.L. 448 (29) 505 1160 1202
Elkins.T.M. 270 (332) 301
Ellenberger, M.R. 491 (147) 509
Ellenbroek, B.W.J. 1160 (143) 1202
Elliot, J.D. 934 939 960
Ellis, D.E. 632 633 652
Ellis, L.A. 79 (81) 216 242 296
Ellis, R.J. 943 (242) 946 254 255) 947 275) 951 961 962
Ellison, G.B. 201 (354a) 224 384 391 617 618 650 1008 1013
Ellner, J.J. 820 (58) 836
Ellren, O. 423 (370) 428 421) 441 442
Ellul, R. 384 (70) 391
Elseikh, M. 1050 1085 1111 346) 1114 346) 1137 1140
Elser, H. 548 (155) 554
Eltren, L.S. 428 (422) 443
Emeleus, H.J. 13 (85) 51 421 441 819 822 835 836
Emerson, F.H. 1157 (126) 1202
Emerson, K. 275 (366) 302 1434 1473
Emission spectrography, analysis using 397
Emokpae, T.A. 903 (75) 918 958 959
Emsley, J. 498 (163) 509
Emsley, J.W. 513 (13) 550
Emziane, M.M. 795 (134b) 807
Enamines, sila-substituted 711
Endo, K. 247 (121) 269 297 301
Endo, R. 45 (235a) 55
Endo, Y. 1131 (401) 1142
ENDOR spectroscopy 577 1219
Ene reaction, silicon-directed 940—941
Energy hypersurface calculations 580—581
Engel, W. 908 909 958
Engelbrecht, L. 726 (304) 758
Engelhardt, G. 524 (52 56) 527 529 534 538 96) 544 122) 545 546 547 135 136) 549 551 552 553 1309 1311 1316 1317 1318 1359
Engelhardt, L.M. 246 (109) 256 296 298 699 755
Enokida, R. 1047 1050 1096 1136
Enol methyl ethers, dealkylation of 767
Enol silyl ethers, reaction with acetals/ketals 774
Enones reduction of 777
Enones silylation of 764—765
Enoxyorganylsilanes 732—737 (see also “Silyl enol ethers”)
Enoxysilanes, activation by fluoride ions 1280—1281
Ens1in, W. 579 (97) 587 117) 588 589 117) 590 591 592 117) 593 117 121) 594 595 596 604 613 617 117) 618 117) 619 621 174) 622 648 649 651
Ensinger, M.W. 198 (335a 335b) 224 906 907 941 68) 957
Enthalpies of formation -bonded species 387
Enthalpies of formation alkyl silyl ethers 381—382
Enthalpies of formation alkylsilanes 375
Enthalpies of formation free radicals 384—385 389
Enthalpies of formation methylchlorosilanes 378—380
Enthalpies of formation ring compounds 377
Enthalpies of formation siianoi 381
Enthalpies of formation silacyclic compounds 378
Enthalpies of formation silatranes 383
Enthalpies of formation siloxanes 381—382
Enthalpies of formation silylamines 382—383 (see also “Heats of formation”)
Enzymatic transformations 1193—1198
Epley, T.D. 811 (10) 835
Epoxides opening of 795
Epoxides trimethylsilyl cyanide added to 770
Epstein, P.S. 1439 1427 1428 1461 1462 1463 1465 1471 1476
Equivalent states, chemically related molecules 583—584
Erb, W. 272 (334) 301 1424 1435 1472
Erchak, N.P. 627 628 651 685 755 1156 1201
Erdey, A. 403 404 436
Erickson, B.W. 677 (111) 754
Eriyama, Y. 34 37 45 54 705 756 980 1003 1019 1036 1134 1464 1477
Erkomaishvili, G.S. 919 (140) 959
Erman, P. 448 (28b) 505
Ermler, W.C. 79 (79) 216
Ernst, B. 1194 1195 1206
Ernst, C R. 525 526 527 552
Ernst, C.A. 84 86 217
Ernst, E.R. 525 526 551
Ernst, L. 277 (383 384) 278 384 386 388) 279 302 303 1144 1167 1172 204) 1174 1176 1178 1181 242) 1193 278) 1194 280 281) 1195 1199 1203 1204 1205 1206
Erwin, J.W. 1051 (179) 1137
Esat, S. 1381 (76) 1393
Eschenooser, A. 931 944 960
Escudie, J. 696 (173) 755 1116 1141 1367 21—23) 1382 1383 85) 1391 1393 1465 1477
Espino-Rios, R.L. 1029 (68) 1135
Esposti, P.L. 1154 1184 1201
ESR spectroscopy 577 1219
Esteruelas, M.A. 1447 1459 1475
Ethamoxytriphetol, sila-analogue of 1178
Ethoxynaphth-1-ylsilanes 727
Ethyl groups, analytical determination of 405 416—417
Ethyl silicate, analysis of 398
Ethylenes, sila-substituted, NMR spectra of 518 519 520
Ethynylsilanes as reagents 785—787
Ethynylsilanes substituted, synthesis of 678—679
Ethynylsilanes synthesis of 677—680
Ethynylsilylene 174
Etienne, M.Y. 1403 (37) 1412
Etienne, V. 745 (407) 760
Etienne, Y. 730 (333) 745 746 751 758 760 1403 1412
Etzrodt, G. 275 (368) 302 1423 1471
Eudy, W.W. 1158 (133) 1202
Eujen, R. 246 (112) 296 514 550 1390 1394
Europium derivatives, PE ionization energies of 636
Evans, A.G. 1009 (6) 1013
Evans, D.A. 1398 (16) 1411
Evans, F. 331 (105) 368
Evans, F.J. 920 (147) 959 1456 1476
Evans, G.O. 1437 (163) 1473
Evans, M. 472 481 507
Evans, R.S. 903 (48) 957
Evans, S. 556 557 558 567 583 584 593 595 596 602 615 617 619 639 640 641 644 647 650 652
Evdokimov, V.F. 405 (113) 436
Evdokimova, S.P. 405 (113) 436
Eveleigh, P. 1176 (230) 1205
Evenson, K.M. 167 (269) 222
Evered, D. 1144 (5) 1199
Evers, E.A.I.M. 458 (65) 507
Ewing, D.F. 518 519 551
Ewing, V. 5 14 50 84 86 217 228 263 294 607 608 649
Exner, O. 899 (30) 900 30) 901 902 903 956 957
Extended basis sets 64—65
| Extended Huckel (EH) procedures 111 593
Extracoordinate intermediates 871
Extracoordinate silicon compounds 828
Eyler, J.R. 188 (316) 223 449 506
Eyster, E.H. 14 (97) 51
Fabry, L. 975 (50) 994 1002 1004 1051 1111 348) 1137 1140
Fachey, D.W. 485 (128) 508
Fadini, A. 624 (182) 651
Fagan, P. 1448 (221) 1475
Fagan, P.J. 334 (114) 368
Fagoaga, P. 353 (159) 369 849 889
Fahlmann, A. 557 558 615 645
Falconer, J.L. 25 (139) 53
Falender, J.R. 60 79 193 213
Falgueirettcs, J. 308 (20) 353 366 369
Falk, J. 1425 1445 1448 1454 1455 1456 1472
Falkenberg, C. 1154 (83) 1201
Faltynek, R.A. 1486 (56c) 1522
Fancher, O.E. 1154 (84) 1184 1201 1205
Fanger, G. 1482 1483 1520
Fantin, G. 915 (126) 959
Farmer, B.L. 49 (286) 56 1230 100 101 104) 1234 1239
Farneth, W.E. 491 (147) 509
Farnham, W.B. 293 (422) 303 854 856 861 862 67) 863 870 874 98) 890 891 1248 1250 1264 125) 1265 1266 1267 73) 1282 1285 1286 1288
Farnham, W.G. 286 (400) 303 827 837
Farooq, O. 772 (42) 805
Farrar, T.C. 525 (51) 544 548 549 551 553
Farrel, R.Z. 704 (201) 756
Farrell, R.L. 1162 (152) 1163 1203
Fassel, J.A. 416 420 439
Fassel, V.A. 414 415 418 431 438 439 443 895 956
Fattah, F.A. 880 886 892
Faucher, A. 617 (161) 650
Fawcett, J.K. 1153 (73) 1201
Fayssous, J. 353 (158) 369
Fayssoux, J. 849 (33a 33b) 889
Feasley, R. 887 (150) 892
Fedoseeva, N.N. 1295 1298 1299 1356
Feeney, J. 513 (13) 550
Feher, F. 422 (361) 441 587 588 589 590 592 593 617 618 649 745 748 760 761 1401 1404 41) 1412
Feher, M. 260 (236) 299
Fehlner, T.P. 563 570 640 641 642 647 652
Fehsenfeld, F.C. 485 (128) 508
Feichtmayr, F. 446 (3a) 504
Feitchmayr, F. 904 (56) 957
Feketer, J. 422 431 441
Feldman, C. 431 (466) 443
Felix, G. 685 (148) 755 913 120 121) 915 958 959
Felix, R.A. 466 (77) 507 1011 1014
Felkin, H. 334 (115) 368
Fenbutatin oxide, sila-analogue of 1167
Fennel, T.R.F. 394 (11) 434
Fennell, T.R.F.W. 399 (42 43 45 48 50) 403 435 436
Fenpiprane, sila-analogue of 1171
Fenske, D. 1371 (37) 1378 1386 101) 1387 1389 1391 1392 1393 1401 1408 62) 1409 64) 1411 1413
Fenton, A. 1055 (192 193) 1056 1072 1121 378) 1126 1127 378) 1137 1141
Fenton, A.M. 1051 1054 1055 1137
Fenton, D.E. 817 (44) 835
Ferguson, C.E. 428 (429) 443
Ferguson, E.E. 485 (128) 508
Fernandez, J.M. 311 312 337 344 346 347 349 350 153) 355 366 368 369 842 843 845 850(41) 889
Fernandez, M. 1459 (269) 1476
Fernandez, M.J. 275 (371 372) 302 1418 28) 1434 153) 1435 1439 1441 1447 1459 1470 1473 1475 1490 1491 1525
Fernholdt, L. 268 (307) 301
Fernholt, L. 233 (41) 295
Ferrocenylsilanes, stereochemistry of solvolysis 332
Feshin, V.P. 826 (95 96) 836 875 891
Fessenden, J.S.I. 144 (6 13) 1164 1180 1187 1199 1205
Fessenden, R.J. 1144 (6 13) 1159 1160 1164 1180 1184 1185 260) 1186 1187 1199 1202 1205
Fessler, W.A. 1302 (45) 1357
Feuss, H. 289 (411) 303
Fialova, F. 825 (87) 836
Fiaud, J.C. 1511 (149b) 1524
Fichner, W. 1389 (115) 1394
Fickes, G. 1226 (91) 1239
Fickes, G.N. 49 (286) 56 1229 1230 100) 1234 126) 1236 1239 1240
Field effects, silyl groups 895—896
Field, L.D. 4 (5b) 49 519 551 1011 1013
Fields, D.R. 405 406 436
Fields, R. 488 (141a) 509 1255 1286
Fieser, L.F. 25 (141) 53 1504 1516 1523 1525
Fieser, M. 25 (141) 53 1504 1516 1523 1525
Fiileux-Blanchard, M.L. 533 534 552
Filatovs, G. 1498 (105a) 1523
Filimonova, M.I. 1515 (158) 1524
Filley, J. 494 (158) 509
Finch, R.C. 742 743 760
Findlay, R.H. 620 621 651
Fineman, M. 1311 1313 1359
Finestone, A.B. 1151 (54) 1200
Fink, D.M. 934 (199) 940 960 961
Fink, M.J. 11 (60) 35 36 194a 195) 37 51 54 60 15b) 97 98 103 129 130 167 173 174 175 15b) 213 218 221 228 234 54 55) 266 294 295 300 314 366 532 533 552 696 755 998 1005 1018 1019 20) 1020 30—32) 1021 34) 1027 1034 1036 76) 1038 76 82 83) 1039 83) 1040 82) 1041 88) 1042 76) 1043 82) 1050 1067 1079 1119 1126 1133 1134 1135 1208 1220 70) 1237 1402(31) 1412
Fink, WM. 1494 (87) 1523
Finkbeiner, H. 315 (42) 366
Finke, H.L. 1211
Finke, R.G. 1418 1467 1470
Finkel’Stein, E.S. 478 (114a) 508
Finzel, R.B. 197 (330) 223 446 504 905 906 957
Finzel, W.A. (95) 738 759 891 1267 1274 1287
Fiorenza, M. 1399 (19) 1411
Firestone, A.B. 737 (371) 759
Firestone, R.A. 461 (68) 507
Firgo, H.A. 1397 1400 1402 1406 1411
Fischer, E.O. 541 (114) 553 1421 1427 1429 1471 1472
Fischer, G. 239 (70) 295 1064 1068 264) 1069 1086 1088 1093 1096 264) 1128 1138 1139 1140
Fischer, H. 730 (336) 747 759 761
Fischer, K. 770 (34) 805
Fischer, R. 1374 (47) 1392
Fischer, R.D. 641 642 653
Fischer, S. 573 (79) 647
Fischler, I. 673 (95) 753
Fisher, K.JM. 256 (194 195) 298
Fishwick, M. 671 (81) 753
Fish’l, W.F. 414 (211) 438
Fisk, T.E. 194 (325) 223 905 929 957
Fitch, J.W. 541 542 553
Five-... see also “Penta-...”
Five-membered heterocyclic compounds, silylation of 715—716
Five-membered ring compounds, synthesis of 696—698
Fjeldberg, T. 234—236 (58) 242 248 124) 249 124) 256 184 192 194 195 198 199) 258 295 296 297 298
Flamini, A. 639 (239) 652
Flammang, R. 1369 (30) 1391
Flanagan, M.J. 13 (86) 51 86 217
Flath, R.A. 747 (431) 761
Fleming, A. 766 (13) 805
Fleming, I. 60 79 122 193 213 219 331 368 446 504 658 666 670 671 672 91) 751 753 764 1d) 797 143) 804 807 894 904 907 908 909 920 148) 921 924 926 931 180a) 932 934 935 936 217b 218) 937 218) 940 941 238) 944 949 954 955 312) 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 1007 1008 1013 1395 1411
Fleming, I.W. 1364 1365 1390
Fleming, T. 920 923 959
Fleming, W. 1230 (100 101) 1234 1239
Fleming, W.W. 544 545 553 1230 1239
Flemming, I. 941 (236) 951 961 962
Fletcher, H.J. 418 (274) 439 1319 1359
Flintjer, B. 246 249 268 296
Flippin, L.A. 492 (152) 493 156a) 494 497 156a) 509
Flock, J.W. 24 (128) 53
Flory, P.J. 1301 (41) 1357
Flowers, M. 34 (178) 54
Flowers, M.C. 378 (42) 390 971 1002 1044 1051 1135
Flowers, M.S. 331 (105) 368
Flowing afterglow technique 446 494
Fluoride, analytical determination of 394 398
Fluoride-silicon bonds, syntheses involving 789—795
Fluorine-silicon bonds, lengths of 268 269 1249
Fluoro-substituted pentacoordinated silicon anions 206
Fluorodesilylation 950—951
Fluorosilaethylene 119—123
Fluorosilaethyne 147
Fluorosilanes 81
Fluorosilanes nucleophile-catalysed racemization of 870
Fluorosilanes PE spectra of 639
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