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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Tetrazoles, synthesis of 791
Teuben, J.H.M. 641 (246) 653
Teulade, M.P. 788 (107) 806
Textile treatment, siloxanes in 1349
Thames, S.F. 628 (200) 651 682 754 915 959
Than, K.A. 325 327 367 854 890 1417 1470
Thanedar, S. 1428 1462 1472
Thayer, J.S.M. 632 (219) 652 719 757 1144 1198 1199
The, K.I. 1255 1256 1286
Thenard, L.J. 18 (102f) 52
Theodorakoupoulos, G. 106 (148 149) 107 149) 109 149) 218
Theoretical aspects 57—213
Thermochemistry 371—389
Thermochemistry ionic species 446—454
Thermochemistry meaning of term 372
Thernard, L.J. 1242 (1) 1284
Thewalt, U. (154) 275 302 1163 1203
Thiasilacyclopentanes, optically active 311
Thiel, W. 67 (53) 215
Thin-layer chromatography 433
Thio-substituted pentacoordinated silicon anions 206
Thioacylthiotriorganylsiianes 749
Thiophenes, silylated 685—686
Thiosilane 79 180
Thiosilanes analysis of 410
Thiosilanes properties of 1396
Thiosilanes reactions of 1396—1400
Thiosilanes synthesis of 1396
Thiosilylene 143
Thomas, A.P. 672 (90) 753 936 961
Thomas, D.B. 422 433 441
Thomas, D.R. 1299 1300 1357
Thomas, E.J. 953 (295) 962
Thomas, J.H. 722 (281) 757
Thomas, K.M. 234 235 236 295
Thomas, O.H. 911 (103) 958
Thomas, R.D. 270 (329) 301
Thomas, S. 1509 1510 1525
Thomas, T.H.M. 1323 (155 156) 1324 1325 156) 1326(155) 1327 156) 1328 156) 1329 1333 156) 1336 1341 156) 1359
Thome, A.J. 234 235 236 248 124) 249 124) 256 184) 295 297 298
Thompson, C. 203 (356) 224 814 820 821 835
Thompson, D.L. 176 (285) 222
Thompson, D.P. 999 (158) 1005 1130 1142
Thompson, D.W. 1248 (61) 1285
Thompson, E. 822 826 836
Thompson, H.W. 418 (283) 421 440 441
Thompson, J. 905 (62) 923 926 957 959
Thompson, J.C. 14 (98) 51 259 299
Thompson, J.F. 1120 (369) 1141 1406 1412
Thompson, M.E. 1444 (207) 1474
Thomson, C. 908 (70) 958
Thomson, J.B. 455 (54) 481 506 508 1011 1014
Thorli, E.Y. 721 (277) 757 888 892
Thorn, K.C. 1023 1031 1036 1039 1041 1043 1134
Thorn, K.L. 34 (181b) 54 1031 1135
Thrash, C.R. 427 (416) 432 442 444
Three-membered ring compounds 93—96
Three-membered ring compounds synthesis of 694—695
Thum, G. 1012 1013 1014 1429 1472
Thursock, R.A. 417 (266) 439
Tickle, P. 816 818 819 835 900 956
Tiemonium iodide, sila-analogue of 1172
Tierman, T.O. 486 (131) 508
Till, F. 425 (392) 426 431 454 459 460) 432 442 443
Till, L. 425 (392) 442
Tilley, T.D. 42 (224) 55 272 338) 275 301 302 1418 1420 1424 1425 82 83 85) 1426 86) 1432 1434 52) 1435 82 86 158) 1436 86) 1439 183) 1440 1444 1445 83 86) 1474 1448 1449 223) 1450 1453 1454 249) 1455 85 250—253) 1456 85 250 253 256—259) 1458 260) 1470 1471 1472 1473 1475 1476
Tillman, N.M. 1055 (192 193) 1056 1072 1074 1075 1137 1139
Timms, P.L. 421 422 360) 441
Timofeeva, T.V. 263 264 265 300
Timofeyeva, N.P. 1297 1299 1300 1357
Timoshenko, M.M. 617 620 650
Tin derivatives, PE ionization energies of 636 641
Tin, analytical determination of 398 401
Tinney, S.E. 797 (141) 807
Tirrell, M. 1315 (143) 1359
Tishenkov, A.A. 475 477 480 508 1127 1141
Titanium derivatives NMR data for 1440
Titanium derivatives PE ionization energies of 636 641
Titanium derivatives structural parameters of 272 274 1435
Titanium, analytical determination of 398 400 401
Tobin, M.C. 416 (229) 439
Tobita, H. 35 (188) 54 93 218 234 295 695 702 755 978 67 70) 980 982 1003 1019 28) 1020 1022 42) 1024 42) 1031 1036 1038 42 77) 1039 42) 1134 1135 1212 1238
Tochner, M. 429 (438) 443
Todesco, P.E. 790 (112) 807
Togo, H. 1397 (11) 1411
Tokach, S. 971 (28) 1002
Tokach, S.K. 967 (11) 1001 1051 168 170 172) 1086 168 170 172) 1137
Tokarev, M.I. 1091 1095 1096 1110 1114 1140 1407 1412
Toki, T. 1467 1470 1477 1519 1526
Tokuyama Soda Co.Ltd. 1151 (65) 1157 1158 1200 1202
Tokuyama, T. 1146 (38) 1200
Toler, J.R. 954 (307) 963
Tolls, E. 1374 (47) 1392
Tolstikov, G.A. 676 (108) 754 1497 101) 1523
Tomadze, A.V. 1120 (370 371) 1141
Tomao, K. 943 (245) 961
Tomas, M. 792 (122) 807
Tomasi, R.A. 948 (279) 962
Tominaga, K. 973 (44) 1002
Tominaga, Y. 1274 (143) 1280 1287 1288
Tomioka, H. 1157 (105) 1201
Tomita, A. 1509 (202b) 1526
Tomlinson, A.J. 1255 1256 1286
Tomoda, S. 943 (246) 961
Tong, C.C. 246 269 296
Top, S. 203 (355b) 224
Topchiev, A.V. 24 (133) 53 726 727 745 748 758 760 919 959 1482 32) 1483 1520 1521
Topiol, S. 84 86 217
Topsom, R.D. 896 (12) 902 42) 904 77) 956 957 958
Torgova, E.I. 426 (399) 442
Torn Dieck, H. 595 596 618 622 624 629 631 637 649 650
Torres, L.E. 802 (156) 807
Tossel, J.A. 129 130 220
Tossell, J.A. 84 86 217
Towart, R. 279 (390) 303 1149 50—52) 1164 1165 52) 1179 1200
Townes, C.H. 5 (31) 50
Towns, E. 1490 1491 1525
Townsend, L.B. 473 (96) 507
Toxicity, silatranes 1151
Toxicology 1183—1184
Toyoshima, S. 1157 (105—111) 1201 1202
Toyota, K. 1368 (24) 1369 29) 1391
Trachtman, M. 181 (296) 222
Tracy, V.M. 834 (145 146) 838
Traeger, J.C. 447 448 505
Traetteberg, M. 5 14 50 84 87 217 228 263 294
Traetteberg, T. 607 608 649
Trainor, J.T. 954 (304) 963
Trans-folding 234 235
Transannular alkoxy transfer 459
Transannular interaction 463
Transient species 469
Transition-metal catalysts, hydrosilylation using 1450 1458—1461 1480—1499 1500—1501
Transition-metal derivatives 1415—1469
Transition-metal derivatives alkene insertion into 1446—1449 1460
Transition-metal derivatives alkyne insertion into 1449—1450 1463 1464 1465
Transition-metal derivatives anions used 1419—1420
Transition-metal derivatives bonding in 1433—1435
Transition-metal derivatives carbon monoxide insertion into 1453—1458
Transition-metal derivatives catalytic reactions involving 1458—1470
Transition-metal derivatives coordinated Si-H bonds in 1437—1438
Transition-metal derivatives diene insertion into 1464
Transition-metal derivatives double-bonded derivatives 42
Transition-metal derivatives early transition-metal derivatives 1424—1427
Transition-metal derivatives electrophilic cleavage reactions of 1444
Transition-metal derivatives insertion reactions of 1446—1458
Transition-metal derivatives isocyanide insertion into 1455
Transition-metal derivatives late transition-metal derivatives 1417—1423
Transition-metal derivatives main-group metal silyls used 1420—1422 1424—1426
Transition-metal derivatives mass-spectrometry studies 1442
| Transition-metal derivatives nitrile insertion into 1450
Transition-metal derivatives NMR studies 540—542 1438—1439 1440—1441
Transition-metal derivatives nucleophilic cleavage reactions of 1442—1444
Transition-metal derivatives organic carbonyl insertion into 1450—1453 1468
Transition-metal derivatives oxidative addition methods 1417—1419
Transition-metal derivatives PE ionization energies of 640—642
Transition-metal derivatives phosphorus-containing 1384—1387
Transition-metal derivatives reactions of 1442—1470
Transition-metal derivatives reductive elimination in 1444—1445
Transition-metal derivatives Si-H bond cleavage used 1426
Transition-metal derivatives stereochemistry of 322—328 356—358
Transition-metal derivatives structural parameters of 272—276 1433—1442
Transition-metal derivatives synthesis of 1416—1427 1429—1432
Transition-metal derivatives trans-influence of silyl ligand in 1437 1442
Transition-metal silene complexes 1432—1433
Transition-metal silicon clusters 1423—1424 1468
Transition-metal silylene complexes indirect evidence for 1427—1429
Transition-metal silylene complexes synthesis of 1429—1432 1463
Transition-metal silylene compounds 1423
Traylor, T.G. 617 (160) 650 897 18) 898 903 76) 956 958
Treadgold, R.C. 1144 (18) 1199
Trefonas III, P.T. 1226 (91) 1227 1229 1239
Trefonas, III, P. 1230 (109) 1230 1231 1240 1461 1476
Trefonas, P. 1234 (123) 1240
Tremelling, M.J. 726 (307) 758
Tremmel, J. 232 (40) 295 563 647
Trenerry, V.C. 449 (33a 33c) 487 488 139) 489 143) 490 493 497—500 506 509
Trepka, W.J. 699 (188) 755
Treverton, J.A. 374 376 378 381 47) 382 383 390
Tri-t-butoxysilanthiolates 268
Triazidophenylsilane PE spectrum of 568 569
Triazidophenylsilane synthesis of 720
Triazoles silylated 689
Triazoles synthesis of 791
Tribble, M.T. 68 101 215
Trickle, I.R. 568 570 647
Tricyclamol iodide, sila-analogue of 1172 1174
Tridihexethyl chloride, sila-analogue of 1172
Triethylsilane 802
Triethylsilane reduction by 777 778
Triethylsilylhydrotrioxide 802
Trifluorosilyl radical 199
Triggle, A.M. 279 (391) 303
Triggle, D.J. 279 (391) 303
Trigonal-bipyramidal complexes, stereochemistry of 364—365
Trigonal-bipyramidal geometry 281 282 1249 1250
Trigonal-bipyramidal geometry axial entry in 1254
Trigonal-pyramidal complexes, site preferences in 1251—1257
Trigonopsis variabilis (DSM 70714) 1194 1195 1196
Trihydroxysilane 83
Trimercaptosilane 83
Trimethyisilyi triflate 726 729 773—776 803
Trimethyl-n-pentyloxysilane ions 455—456
Trimethylazidosilane 719
Trimethylbromosilane 765
Trimethylchlorosilane 764—765
Trimethylenemethane palladium complexes 782—783
Trimethyliodosiiane 765 766—768 788
Trimethylmethoxysilane 783
Trimethylphenylsilanes metabolic fate of 1186
Trimethylphenylsilanes synthesis of 681 682
Trimethylsilane, photolysis of 967
Trimethylsilanol, synthesis of 723
Trimethylsilyi-nitrile oxide, isoxazoles synthesized using 691
Trimethylsilyl anion 494
Trimethylsilyl azide 795—796
Trimethylsilyl carbocations, NMR spectra of 519
Trimethylsilyl cation 448—449 455
Trimethylsilyl cyanide 768—773 777
Trimethylsilyl methyllithium 787
Trimethylsilyl methylmagnesium bromide 789
Trimethylsilyl nitrate 688
Trimethylsilyl radical 199
Trimethylsilyl-1, 3-butadiyne 785
Trimethylsilylbenzocyclopropane 674—675
Trimethylsilyldiazirine, formation during photolysis 989
Trimethylsilyldiazomethane, photolysis of 989
Trimethylsilylethynyllithium 785
Trimethylsilylethynylmagnesium bromide 786
Trimethylsilyllithium 269—270 271
Trimethylsilylmethyl group, as donor substituent 576—577
Trimethylsilylmethylene, formation during photolysis 989
Trimethylsilylphenols, acidity of 817
Trimethylsilylpyridines quinolizines synthesized using 693
Trimethylsilylpyridines synthesis of 692
Trimethylsilyltriazoles 689 790
Trimethyltriphenyldisilane 45
Trinberg, L. 352 353 369
Trindle, C. 946 (269) 962
Trinquier, G. 13 15 16 51 60 101 102 103 106 107 114 125 157) 126 128 129 130 133 136 150 185 213 218 219 1046 1050 1054 1079 1085 161) 1086 1089 1090 1136 1137
Triorganylsilanes, stability of 707
Triparanol, sila-analogue of 1178—1179
Triphenylchlorosilane, kinetics of reaction 852
Triphenylsilyl azide, photolysis of 993
Triphenylsilyl perchlorate, structure of 1012
Triphosphasilacyclobutane 1381
Triphosphines, silyl-substituted 1375
Triplett, K. 47 (272a) 56
Triply bonded silicon compounds 145—151 1131—1133
Triply coordinated silicon compounds, PE spectra of 560—563
Tripodi, M.K. 447 (19a) 505
Trippett, S. 1256 (102) 1286
Tris(benzene-1, 2-diolato) complexes, reactivity of 1271—1273
Tris(trimethylsilyl)arsines 1388
Tris(trimethylsilyl)bismuthines 1390
Tris(trimethylsilyl)heptaphosphanotricyclene 635 1384
Tris(trimethylsilyl)ketimine 711
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl derivatives bimolecular substitution reactions of 884—885
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl derivatives nucleophile-induced fragmentation of 886—887
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl derivatives reactions of 880—882
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl derivatives rearrangement of 881 888
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl derivatives solvolysis of 885—886
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl ligand 880
Tris(trimethylsilyl)methylbenzene, photolysis of 968
Tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphine 1366 1369 1384
Tris(trimethylsilyl)stibines 1389
Tris-chelate dianions 1247
Trisilabicyclo[1.1.0] butanes 101
Trisilacyclopropane 172
Trisilane 84 88
Trisilanes, photolysis of 977 978—979
Trisilthianes 1404
Trisilylphosphines 1377
Trisyl, meaning of term 880 1010
Trithiosilane 83
Trivalent silyl ions 1007—1013
Trofimov, B.A. 1485 (48) 1521
Tropolonate derivatives, protonolysis of 1267
Tropolonate derivatives, protonolysis of ropones cycloaddition reactions 784
Tropolonate derivatives, protonolysis of ropones trimethylsilyl cyanide added to 769
Trost, B.M. 740 (388) 760 783 784 786 796 806 807 924 960
Troung, P.W. 103 104 105 106 107 109 111 129 131 132 133 137 138 140 143 218
Troung, T.N. 119 (181) 129 130 131 133 134 135 137 138 213a) 139 150 151 177 178 199) 179 199) 203 219 220
Truesdale, L.K. 1398 (16) 1411
Truong, P.N. 586 (112) 648
Truong, T.N. 11 (63) 51 260 261 299 1028 1134
Tsai, D.J.S. 949 (287) 962
Tsai, R.S.C. 467 481 482 507 508
Tsai, Y.M. 940 (228) 961
Tsang, W. 384 (56) 390
Tsapenko, V.R. 1151 (60 61) 1152 61) 1200
Tsarenko, A.F. 1336 1337 1360
Tsay, Y.H. 233 (42) 270 295 301
Tschmutowa, G. 556 558 559 615 638 644 645 652
Tse, F.L.S. 1154 1155 1188 1201
Tse, J.S. 579 587 589 591 592 593 604 613 617 618 619 648 649
Tseng, D. 972 (34) 1002
Tsetlina, E.O. 749 (436) 761 1484 1521
Tsipis, C.A. 275 (378) 302 662 752 1484 44b 45) 1521
Tsitsishvili, G.V. 1493 (83) 1522
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