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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Stoll, K. 1375 (48b) 1377 1378 62) 1392
Stone, D.J.M.M. 489 (143) 509
Stone, F.G.A. 275 (374 376 378) 302 328 367 662 752 1418 1419 1423 1434 1437 1447 1470 1471 1473 1475 1484 1507 1510 1521 1525
Stone, J.A. 449 (33b 33d) 506 825 836
Stone, T.L. 491 (147) 509
Stone, W.E. 913 (115) 958
Stonsfield, R.F.D. 291 292 303
Stoppioni, P. 1384 (91) 1393
Stork, G. 800 (149) 807 943 952 961 962
Stothers, J.B. 512 517 518 550
Stout, P. 12 (76) 14 51 137 220
Stout, P.D. 239 (71) 295
Stout, T. 539 540 555 827 834 837 876 877 891 1246 1278 1285
Stozkowska, W. 1145 (34—36) 1199 1200
Str6mberg, S. 1186 (262) 1205
Strack, H. 422 (361) 441
Strand, M.R. 269 (318) 301
Strandeedell, P. 1154 1184 1201
Straus, D.A. 1418 1432 1434 1436 1470 1473
Strauss, D.A. 42 (224) 55
Strauss, O.P. 617 (158) 639 238) 640 238) 650 652
Strausz, O.P. 106 (148 149 154) 107 149 154) 109 149 154) 218 219 447 505 966 10) 1001 1051 1137
Strecker, M. 278 (388 389) 303 1171 1172 193 195 196 210—212) 1173 195) 1176 212 219) 1178 1203 1204
Strecker, R. 1166 (170) 1203
Streitwieser, A., Jr. 81 (88) 97 98 99 100 118 143 204 207 211 212 216 218 224 225 1031 1091 1120 1135
Streitwiesser, A. 901 (33) 957
Streng, W.A. 660 (28) 752
Strindberg, B. 1154 (90 91) 1184 1187(264) 1201 1205
Strohmann, C. 1176 (224) 1177 1188 1189 1204 1205
Strouts, C.R.N. 408 (l10) 437
Struchkov, Yu.T. 263 (263 270 276 277) 264 265 288) 267 300 1251 1278 1286 1288
Struckmeier, G. (154) 1163 1203
Structural aspects 227—294
Strutchkow, Yu.T. 1403 (34) 1412
Strutschkow, Yu.T. 267 (294) 300
Stuart, A.A. 419 420 440
Stucky, G.D. 246 (100) 296
Stufkens, D.J. 641 (250) 653
Stuger, H. 1230 (110) 1231 1240
Stuhl, O. 658 (18) 739 741 391) 742 743 752 760
Stumpf, B. 1144 (29) 1193 278 279) 1194 280 281 283) 1195 1199 1206
Substituent effects, stability of ions affected by 452—454
Substitution at silicon effect of leaving group 841—848 852—854
Substitution at silicon effect of nucleophile 841—848 863—880
Substitution at silicon effect of substrate structure 848 850
Substitution at silicon frontier orbital interaction in 844
Substitution at silicon geometry of intermediate/transition state 854—858
Substitution at silicon kinetics of 850—854 863—872
Substitution at silicon stereochemistry of 840—850
Sucker, Chr. 1352 (248) 1361
Suda, T. 1248 1257 1286
Suess-Fink, G.M. 275 (363) 302 1468 1477 1490 1518 1525
Sufrage, F. 725 (298) 758
Sugami Chemical Research Center 731 (337) 759
Sugasawa, T. 781 (82) 806
Sugaya, K. 45 (245) 55
Sugaya, T. 1097 (308) 1140
Sugden, T.M. 14 (98) 51 259 299
Sugesawa, H. 974 (47) 975 1002
Sugimoto, Y. 1157 (105—108) 1201 1202
Sugisawa, H. 246 (101) 296 536 552 695 755 975 995 1002 1004 1049 1051 1086 1090 147) 1099 150) 1136 1465 316) 1477
Sugiyama, H. 973 (40) 1002 1047 1048 147 149 150) 1136
Sujishi, S. 819 (47) 835 1433 1472
Sukegawa, K. 1231 (116) 1240
Sukhai, R.S. 1408 (61) 1412
Sulfosilyi radicals 200
Sulfur-containing compounds 1396—1407
Sulfur-containing compounds IR analysis of 421
Sulfur-containing compounds synthesis of 745—750
Sulfur-containing compounds thermochemistry of 383 (see also “Silane thiols”; “Silanethiones”; “Silthianes”; “Thiosilanes”)
Sulfur-silicon bonds angles of 266—268
Sulfur-silicon bonds lengths of 267
Sulfur-silicon double bonds 1406—1407
Sullivan, A.C. 265 (283 284) 300
Sullivan, D.F. 737 (367) 759
Sullivan, S.A. 333 (113) 368 492 493 156a) 494 496 497 156a 160) 498 509 1242 1243 1284
Sulzbach, R.A. 716 (251) 757
Sumitani, M. 1021 1047 1134
Sumiya, R. 798 (146 147) 807 1503 1524
Summerhays, K.D. 548 (139) 553
Sun, F.Z. 1157 (128) 1202
Sun, H.N. 329 (91) 367
Sundermeyer, W. 719 (259) 720 263) 757
Surface-active siloxane polymers 1355—1356
Surkova, L.I. 407 (125) 436
Sushchinskaya, S.P. 1485 (48) 1521
Suslova, E.N. 1128 (393) 1141 1407 1412
Suslova, S.K. 1151 (63 67) 1152 1200
Sustmann, R. 719 (261) 757
Sutclifle, L.H. 513 (13) 550
Sutler, R. 429 (437) 443
Sutonen, S. 394 (7) 434
Sutor, P.A. 525 (51) 544 548 549 551 553
Sutou, N. 1464 (308) 1477
Sutton, D. 275 (365) 302 1434 1473
Suzuki, H. 736 (363) 759
Suzuki, K. 665 (49) 752
Suzuki, M.M. 729 (327) 758 775 805 932 960
Suzuki, S. 1466 (325) 1467 1470 1477 1519 1526
Suzuki, T. 727 (317) 758
Svatek, S. (155) 1163 1203
Svec, H.J. 6 (42) 50
Svec, J.J. 447 448 505
Svegova, A.D. 424 427 441
Svoboda, P. 1481 (9) 1486 1520 1522
Swaddle, T.W. 816 817 835
Swaim, R.E. 472 481 507
Swain, C.G.M. 851 (42) 889 902 957 1279 1288
Swalen, J.D. 246 269 296
Swamy, J. 1243 (11) 1284
Swenton, J.S. 954 (308) 963
Swihart, T.J. 1344 (227 228) 1345 228) 1347 228) 1348 1361
Swisher, J.V. 668 (63) 753 1487 1522
Swisher, R.G. 1254 (90) 1286
Syavtsillo Tronina, V.E. 425 (396) 442
Syavtsillo, O. 398 (65) 435
Syavtsillo, S.A. 398 (64) 435
Syavtsillo, S.V. 395 (22) 396 22) 400 402 404 59 100) 405 102) 408 424 425 428 429 431 434 435 436 437 442 443
Sykes, A. 394 (1 2) 434
Syldatk, C. 1194 (281 282 284 285) 1195 285 286) 1196 287) 1197 285 288) 1206
Synthesis of organosilicon compounds 655—751
Synthesis organosilicon compounds used in 763—804 1268—1271
Szabo, A. 65 (44) 215
Szary, A.C. 1447 (219) 1475
Szekely, T. 425 (394) 431 459) 442 443 1321 1324 1325 1341 1359
Szekely, T.Z. (188) 438
Szepes, L. 449 (32) 506 617 618 625 639 640 650 651
Szmant, H.H. 919 (142) 959
Szollosy, A. 257 (179) 298
Szwarc, M. 1298 (32) 1315 1357 1359
Taagepera, M. 826 (89) 836
Taba, K.M. 1248 (63) 1286
Tabei, E. 999 (156 157) 1005
Tabei, T. 776 (56) 806
Tabohashi, T. 1047 1048 1102 1136 1140
Tachibana, A. 140 142 182 220 222
Tacke, R. 277 (383 384) 278 279 302 303 1144 14 19 21 25 26 28 29) 1149 50—52) 1156 1162 151) 1164 1165 52) 1166 1167 172) 1168 179 181—185) 1169 1170 188) 1171 1172 25 192—196 198 199 201 202 204 207—213 216) 1173 195 198 217) 1174 202 204) 1176 25 26 196 202 204 212 213 216 219 222—225) 1177 201 213 233—235) 1178 236 237) 1179 1181 1182 1184 1188 266) 1189 1190 1193 277—279) 1194 280—283 285) 1195 282 283 285 286) 1196 287) 1197 282 285 288) 1199 1200 1201 1203 1204 1205 1206
Taddei, M. 778 (71) 779 803 806 808
Taeger, T. 113 (396) 1141 1405 1412
Tafel, A. 1194 1195 1196 287) 1197 1206
Taft e-constants 525 901
Taft, R.W. 810 (2 6 7) 811 826 835 836 877 891 901 35) 902 903 904 957 958
Tagami, K. 786 (100) 806
Tagawa, S. 1231 (116) 1240
Taghipour, M.T. 1423 (73) 1471
Taguchi, H. 946 (260) 962 1157 1202
Tait, B.D. 787 (104) 806
Takacs, J. 427 (412) 442
Takacs, J.M. 732 (348) 759
Takagi, Y. 951 (293) 962
| Takahashi, H. 1481 (10) 1520
Takahashi, K. 518 548 551 916 959
Takahashi, M. 771 (38) 805 1267 1268 1271 1287
Takahashi, O. 776 (56) 806
Takahashi, S. 1460 (273) 1476 (66) 1493 1494 1522
Takamura, T. 414 415 438
Takase, K. 916 (129) 959
Takashi, S. 1497 (88) 1523
Takasuna, K. 87 (108b) 217 982 1003
Takats, J. 641 642 653
Takatsuna, K. 978 (62) 1003
Takeda, K. (144e) 218 587 593 618 649 1230 1239
Takeda, T. 1397 (14) 1411
Takedo, K. 587 593 618 649
Takemoto, R. 1234 (122) 1240
Takeo, H. 246 (106) 247 269 316) 296 297 301
Takeshita, K.M. 1490 (76) 1522
Takeuchi, Y. 943 (246) 961
Takeyasu, T. 772 (44) 805
Taki, T. 521 (37) 551
Takiguchi, T. 402 (73) 403 80 81) 435 436 724 295) 757 758 973 1002 1047 1136
Talley, J.J. 1397 (15) 1411
Talmi, A. 399 (47) 435
Talmi, Y. 431 (457) 443
Tam, W. 1443 (193) 1474
Tamao, K. 27 (155) 53 665 676 752 754 782 798 806 807 870 891 938 961 1208 1237 1247 1267 129) 1268 1269 135) 1285 1287 1449 1450 1460 1475 1476 1488 1489 68b) 1490 1496 68b 95) 1497 1503 1508 1509 1522 1523 1524
Tamao, K.T. 1270 (136 137) 1271 1287
Tamas, J. 468 (84) 507
Tamejiro, H. 773 (45) 805
Tamura, Y. 785 (97) 806
Tan, K.H. 579 587 589 591 592 593 604 613 617 618 619 648 649
Tanaka, A. 1351 1354 1361
Tanaka, H. 8 (69) 51 993 1004 1021 40) 1134
Tanaka, J. 790 (113) 807 946 962
Tanaka, K. 451 (50a) 498 506 509
Tanaka, M. 930 (175) 960 1047 1134
Tanaka, N. 1257 (109) 1287
Tanaka, S. 414 415 215) 438
Tanaka, T. 232 (39) 295 420 441 798 807 1514 1526
Tanamura, T. 1351 1354 1361
Tandem mass spectrometry 446 456 479
Tandoc, U. 1242 1250 1284
Tandura, S.N. 4 (4) 49 230 279 289 292 294 539 96) 552 1249 1286
Tandura, St.N. 60 205 213
Tang, Y.N. 167 172 221
Taniguchi, M. 766 (16—18) 805
Tanikawa, H. 1046 (128) 1064 249) 1066 1085 1086 1092 1102 249) 1106 249) 1107 1108 1136 1139
Tannbaum, S. 417 (254) 439
Tannenbaum, S. 372 375 389
Tanner, D.D. 776 (58) 806
Tanny, S.B. 1324 (159) 1359
Tansjo, L. 1247 1268 1285
Tantalum derivatives 272 1435 1441
Tantin, G. 690 (156) 755
Tarasenko, N.A. 475 477 480 508 1127 1141
Tarasova, L.V. 1482 1483 1521
Tarasyants, R.R. 410 (179) 411 183) 438
Tarayants, R.R. 411 (180) 438
Tasaka, K. 1279 (162) 1288
Tatewski, H. 63 (30c) 214
Tatlock, W.S.M. 421 (358) 441 1295 1356
Tauscher, B. 470 (91) 507
Taylor, D.A. 774 (50) 805
Taylor, D.C. 1145 (31) 1199
Taylor, J.H. 427 (413 418) 442
Taylor, P.G. 193 (322a) 205 207 208 209 223 224 825 828 836 837 840 867 877 888 891 897 907 909 943 946 255) 947 275) 951 292) 954 956 961 962
Taylor, P.R. 63 (30b) 214
Taylor, R. 258 (208) 298 421 441 746 760 903 910 918 133) 919 958 959
Taylor, R.J.K. 907 (69) 957
Taylor, R.T. 667 (58) 753
Taylor, S.C. 1485 (50a) 1521
Taylor, St.L. 692 (161) 755
Tebbe, K.F. 260 (232 233 235 236) 261 299 1376 1380 1382 1392 1393
Tecle, B. 270 (321) 301
Tegeler, M. 1389 (112) 1393
Teh, M.H. 1463 (300) 1476
Telgdi, L. 427 (410) 442
Tellurium derivatives 750—751 1366 1409—1410
Tel’noi, V.I. 372 376 381 383 389
Temmis, E.D.M. 266 (291) 300
Temnikovskii, V.A. 1297 (29) 1357
Temple, W.B. 1305 (75) 1358
Teodorezyk, J. 1145 (33 37) 1146 1199 1200
Teramae, H. (144e) 158 159 182 218 221 222 587 593 618 649 1230 1239
Teramura, D.H. 197 (330) 223
Teranishi, H. 384 (60) 391
Terao, Y. 791 (121) 795 807
Terashima, S. 775 (53) 805
Terent’eva 1297 (25) 1317
Terent’eva, A.P. 395 396 400 401 404 59) 405 434 435
Terent’eva, V. 404 (100) 406 408 138) 436 437
Terezak, A.M. 1166 (168) 1203
Terloun, J.K. 457 479 507
Termae, H. 129 130 131 132 220
Terpene derivatives hydrosilylation of 1502
Terpene derivatives sila-analogues of 1191—1192
Terrett, N.K. 935 936 937 940 961
tert-Butyl-t-butylaminofluorophenylsilane 707
tert-Butyldimethyliodosilane 768
tert-Butyldimethylsilyl cyanide 770
tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Inflate 776
tert-Butylmethylsilylene, formation during photolysis 978
Tesmann, H. 626 627 651
Testosterone, silyl derivatives of 1145
Tetra-n-butylammonium fluoride 789—791 793
Tetrachlorosilane 269 604—607
Tetracoordinate silicon compounds, structural aspects of 242—279
Tetraethylsilane, GC calibration curve for 432
Tetrafiuorodisilene 133
Tetrafluorosilane 84 269 604—607
Tetrafluorosilane ammonia adducts 210—211
Tetragonal silicon compounds 314—315
Tetrahedrane, sila-analogues of 91—92 166 1217
Tetrahydrothiophenes 794
Tetrahydroxysilane 83—84 85
Tetrakis(alkylthio)silanes 749
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)butatriene radical cation 574
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)diarsines 1388
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)dibismuthines 1390
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)distibines 1390
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)hydrazine 632
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)methylbenzene 598
Tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)si!ane, reaction of 1221
Tetramesityldisilene 35
Tetramesityldisilene reactions of 1036 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043
Tetramesityldisilene transition-metal complexes of 1041
Tetramethoxysilane, reaction with fluorine ions 497
Tetramethyl compounds, bond energies of 376
Tetramethylcyclodisilthiane 1405
Tetramethyldisilazane 798
Tetramethyldisilene, formation during photolysis 982
Tetramethylsilane 796
Tetramethylsilane as NMR reference compound 512 517 522
Tetramethylsilane bond dissociation energies of 388
Tetramethylsilane PE spectra of 591
Tetraoxysilanes 211
Tetraphenyl compounds, bond energies of 376
Tetraphenyldisilene 34
Tetraphenylsilane 376
Tetraphenylsiloles 696
Tetraphospha-1,4-disilacyclohexane derivatives 1382
Tetraphosphatrisilanorbornane 1379
Tetraphosphines, silyl-substituted 1375 1376
Tetrasilacyclobutadiene 166
Tetrasilanes, photolysis of 977 978
Tetrasilatetrahedrane 91—92 166 1217
Tetrasilyldiarsine 1388
Tetrasilyldistibine 1389
Tetravalent silicon compounds, thermochemistry of 372—383
Tetravinylsilane, reaction with fluorine ions 497
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