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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Simpson, T.L. 1144 (3) 1199
Sims, A.W. 1423 (72) 1471
Sinai-Zingde, G. 766 (13) 805
Sinclair, R. 48 (285) 56
Sindelar, K. (155) 1163 1203
Singh, A. 256 (187) 298
Singh, J. 943 (247) 961
Single-electron transfer process 334
Singly bonded silicon compounds 71—103
Singly bonded silicon compounds cyclic compounds 87—103
Singly bonded silicon compounds large non-cyclic compounds 80—86
Singly bonded silicon compounds monosubstituted compounds 71—80
Singly bonded silicon compounds multiply substituted compounds 80—84
Singly coordinated silicon compounds, PE spectra of 568
Sinha, A. 660 (29) 674 752 753
Sinnott, M.V. 902 (41) 957
Sinotova, E.N. 164 184 186 221
Sir, Z. 395 396 402 434 435
Siray, M. 1369 (28) 1370 1391
Siriwardane, U. 293 294 303
Sirtl, E. 18 19 102o) 52
Sisak, A. 1419 (35) 1470
Sitnikova, S.P. 749 (436) 761
Sivitsova, E.V. 426 (398) 442
Sivtsova, E.V. 430 (447) 443
Six-... see also «Hexa-...”
Six-membered heterocyclic compounds, silylation of 716—718
Six-membered ring compounds, synthesis of 698—703
Six-membered transition structures 489
Size exclusion chromatography 1308
Skea, D.C.J. 518 (28) 551
Skeist, I. 1314 (136) 1359
Skelton, B.W. 246 (108) 296
Skinner, H.A. 75 104 216
Sklyanova, A.M. 822 (75) 836
Skoglund, M. 989 (120) 1004 1044 1046 1135
Skorokhodor, I.I. 1335 (180) 1360
Skowronska, A. 1278 (159) 1288
Slade, M.J. 256 (187) 298
Slapak, C. 954 (308) 963
Slatkavitz, K.J. 431 (464) 443
Slee, T.S. 95 (133) 218
Slonimskii, G.L. 1323 (153) 1359
Slusarczuk, G.M.J. 1293 (5) 1356
Slutskii, L.I. 1144 (15) 1151 62 63) 1152(62 63) 1199 1200
Slutsky, J. 934 (207) 960 1062 1076 1138 1139
Slyusarenko, T.F. 483 (123) 508
Smart, G.N.R. 725 (301) 729 758
Smetankina, N.P. 24 (132) 55
Smillie, R.D. 759 664 736
Smirnov, N.I. 1303 1307 1357
Smirnova, N.N. 401 (62) 435
Smit, C.N. 11 41 51 1117 358) 1141 1383 1393
Smith Strickland, S.M. 924 (164) 960
Smith, A. 413 (193) 438
Smith, A.G. 418 (278) 440 466 507
Smith, A.K. 1384 (90) 1393
Smith, A.L. 408 (132) 413 206) 414 210) 415 416 226 233 241 250) 418 419 315) 420 421 437 438 439 440 441 1308 1309 94) 1358
Smith, B. 395 (11) 408 434 437
Smith, B.E.F. 423 (369 370) 428 421) 441 442
Smith, B.L. 415 (224) 439
Smith, C.A. 324 (72) 325 327 367 1417 1470
Smith, D.C. 416 (247) 439
Smith, D.E. 255 (171) 298 449 506
Smith, D.L.M. 473 (96) 507
Smith, E.D. 430 (441) 443
Smith, G.G. 501 (175e) 510
Smith, J.D. 265 (284) 300
Smith, J.G. 672 (89) 753
Smith, J.L. 461 (68) 501 507 510
Smith, P.A.S. 940 (229) 961
Smith, R. 794 (128) 807
Smith, R.A. 273 (350) 275 358) 302 1420 1434 140) 1471 1413
Smith, R.C. 394 395 409 430 434 437 443
Smith, R.G. 454 (52) 506
Smith, R.O. 405 408 436
Smith, Z. 46 (256 258) 56 88 217 251 157) 297
Smithers, R.H.M. 908 909 958
Smithson, L.D. (151) 55 457 61a) 479 482 507
Smolyakov, V.M. 374 (24) 390
Snider, B. 944 (252) 962
Snieckus, V. 913 (114) 958
Sno, M.H.A.M. 934 938 960
Snobl, D. 515 (20) 551
Snoble, K.A.J. 946 (270) 962
Snow, J.T. 35 (188) 54 87 217 234 57) 251 295 297 978 979 1003 1019 1020 29) 1134 1215 1238
Snowden, R.L. 941 (236) 961
Snyder, D.C. 1489 (184) 1525
Snyder, L.C. 129 130 132 148 219 220
Sobelovskti, H.V. 433 (482) 444
Soboleva, S.V. 249 (140) 297
Sobolevskaya, L.V. 1335 (180) 1360
Sobolevskii, M.V. 262 (279) 300 726 758 1335 1360
Soderman, L.Z. 429 (438) 443
Soderquist, J.A. 493 497 509 1406 1412
Sofia, M.J. 800 (149) 807
Sogabe, T. 521 (37) 551
Sogah, D.Y. 1282 (182) 1288
Sogami Chemical Research Centre 727 (314) 758
Sokaba, H. 136 (210) 220
Sokolikova, O.K. 523 (45) 551
Sokolova, V.M. 1054 (187) 1137
Solid-state complexes 828—834
Solimann, M. 270 (327) 301
Sollradl, H. 544 (123) 553
Solomennikova, I.I. 538 (97) 552
Solouki, B. 106 (158) 151 242c) 153 219 221 556 11 12 18) 557 22) 558 11 12 18 22 44 45) 559 18 48 49) 560 50—53) 561 54) 563 22 48 51 54 67) 564 566 48) 567 48) 568 570 48 51—54 67) 572 54 76) 577 615 12 18 22) 618 623 50) 624 52 53) 625 627 630 631 (76) 634 635 639 640 643 18) 644 644 645 646 647 648 652 1105 1140
Solov’eva, L.A. 399 401 435
Soltani-Neshan, A. 1389 (112 114) 1393
Solvent-separated ion pairs 1013
Solyom, S. 780 (75) 806
Somieski, C. 13 (82) 51
Sommer, L.H. 27 (156a) 30 55 306 1b 5) 307 9) 308 19) 309 14 19 21 22) 324 71) 329 331 lb 105) 334 335 lb) 336 lb 118 120 124—127) 337 lb 118 120 121 124 125) 340 131) 345 346 120 121) 349 lb) 350 351 lb 22) 352 lb) 353 lb 19) 357 365 367 368 369 402 409 435 437 446 5a) 505 658 660 708 723 289) 745 751 752 756 757 760 812 816 817 820 62) 825 826 835 836 840 2) 841 18 21) 842 9—13 17 18 20) 843 844 845 17 18) 851 854 855 870 93) 873 888 889 891 910 958 972 973 993 136) 1002 1004 1011 1014 1050 1085 286 287) 1086 1087 1090 1101 1111 346) 1114 346) 1120 1137 1139 1140 1276 1287 1406 1412 1418 1456 1459 1470 1476
Sommer, L.K. 920 (147) 959
Sommer, L.M. 671 (79) 753
Sommer, P. 731 (345) 732 759
Sommer, R. 744 (399) 760
Sonada, N. 1408 (58) 1412
Songstad, J. 449 (34) 506
Sonneck, G. 466 (78) 507
Sonoda, N. 740 (389) 760 1407 58) 1412 1467 1468 331) 1469 1470 1477 1490 1518 1519 75 212—214) 1520 1522 1526
Sonoda, T. 197 (332) 224
Soon, Ng. 1245 (34) 1285
Sooriyakumaran, R. 49 (286) 56 544 545 553 1012 1014 1217 1227 1230 1234 1236 1238 1239 1240
Sorba, J. 199 200 224
Soria, J.J. 780 (77) 806
Sorobin, P.Z. 433 (482) 444
Sorokin, M.S. 1151 (67) 1200
Sorriso, S. 639 (239) 6§2
Sosa, C. 176 177 180 181 295) 182 222
Sosinsky, B.A. 1447 (216 217) 1475
Soubramanien, M.C. 951 954 962
Soussan, G. 342 (145) 369
Souverain, D. 1307 (79) 1358
Sowerby, D.B. 257 (180) 298
Soysa, H. 1127 (391) 1141
Soysa, H.S.D. 1124 (383) 1129 1141
sp-silicon 12—13
Spalding, T. 198 (337b) 224 446 447 15) 448 505
Spalding, T.R. 446 (7a) 475 501 505 508 1442 1474
Spaltier, L. 418 (271) 439
Spangenberg, H.J. 5 (23) 50 78 216
Speckamp, W.N. 785 (96) 806 934 938 960
Spector, A.R. 910 (91) 958
Spectrographic analysis 397
Spectrophotometric analytical determination 397
Spectrophotometric procedures 412—413
Speier, J. 28 (157) 53 681 754
Speier, J.L. (132) 24 55 661 725 752 758 825 826 836 916 959 1202 1343 1360 1416 1447 1458 1459 1470 1475 1480 5) 1481 5 11) 1482 19) 1483 19) 1520
Speier, J.L., Jr. 1456 (255) 1476
| Speier, O.L. 943 (244) 961
Speier’s catalyst 967 1343 1459 1480
Speilvogel, D.E. 1154 (82) 1201
Spek, A.L. 1244 (30) 1285
Spencer, C.M. 1447 1459 1474
Spencer, H.C. 1184 (250) 1205
Spencer, J.L. 275 (374 376 378) 302 328 367 662 752 1419 1437 1470 1473 1484 1521
Spencer, J.N. 834 (149) 838
Speranskaya, T.A. 420 (321) 440
Speranza, M. 491 (148) 509
Spialter, L.M. (150 151) 53 205 207 224 451 457 61a) 479 482 486 506 507 508 525 60) 526 60) 527 551 552 682 754 910 943 958 961
Spiegel, A.W. 641 642 653
Spielvogel, D. 1186 (262) 1205
Spilker, D. 1422 (64) 1471
Spin-lattice relaxation NMR spectroscopy 549—550
Spin-orbit splitting, PES information on 584—585
Spin-spin couplings NMR spectroscopy 547—549
Spiro derivatives 102 212
Spiro derivatives phosphorus-containing 1381
Spirobarbiturates, sila-analogues of 1180
Spirobicyclic pentacoordinate silicate anions, structural parameters of 286—287
Spirosilanes 1243
Spirosilanes isomerization of 1264
Spitznagel, G.W. 65 (38a 39) 71 76 79 203 214 215 216 500 510
Spivak, A.Yu. 662 (38) 752
Split valence basis sets 63—64
Spohn, R.F. 767 (19) 805
Sprung, M.M. 742 (394) 760
Sprung, W.D. 1160 (145) 1202
Square-pyramidal geometry 281 1249 1250
Square-pyramidal geometry structural requirements for 285
Squires, R.L. 493 (155) 509
Squires, R.R. 205 (360) 224 450 451 496 50b) 506 1126 1141
Squires, T.G. 521 (37) 551
Sramaki, Y. 45 (235a) 55
Sreenivas Kumar, N.R. 266 (291) 300
Srimvaskumar, N.R. 1041 (90) 1135
Srinivasan, K.S.V. 1230 (107) 1239 1461 1476
Srivastava, R.C. 257 (201) 298
Srowacka, W.A. 414 416 438
St Pierre, L.E. 1303 (55) 1324 1357 1359
Stachulski, A.V. 771 (37) 805
Stackhouse, J. 46 (257) 56 90 217
Stadnichuk, M.D. 1484 (40) 1521
Staemmler, V. 11 (65b) 51 129 136 140 220
Stafast, H. 557 558 583 584 585 592 602 603 604 139) 605 606 626 639 640 646 649
Stage, J. 572 638 647
Stahl, D. 191 (321b) 223 502 178b) 510
Staley, R.H. 826 (89) 836
Stalke, D. 257 (181) 298 1109 1112 1114 1140
Stallings, W. 1216 (52) 1217 1238
Stanezyk, W.A. 33 (170) 54 886 887 152) 892 1124 382) 1141
Stang, P.J. 193 (323a) 194 325) 203 223 674 754 787 806 904 905 929 957
Stanger, A. 81 (93) 83 94) 185 187 188 306a) 190 191 193 323a 324) 194 323a 324 326) 197 198 203 216 223 331 368 446 456 466 505 506 904 905 929 957 1011 1013 1014
Stanislawski, D.A. 249 261 297 535 542 117) 552 553 1379 1382 1392 1393
Stanislow, G.M. 731 (341) 759
Stankevich, O.S. 749 (436) 761
Stankovich, T.D. 664 (45) 752
Stanley, G.G. 641 642 653
Stannaphosphene, synthesis of 1383
Stannett, V. 1303 (56) 1357
Stansfield, R.F.D. 540 541 553 1438 1439 1441 1474
Stanton, G.M. 910 (96) 958
Stark, F.O. 60 79 193 213
Starke, U. 1384 (88) 1393
Starting materials, basic materials listed 20
Stasch, J.P. 1146 (39 41) 1166 1200 1203
Stater, J.C. 70 (b)
Stearley, K.L. 1230 (107) 1239 1461 1476
Stec, W.J. 720 (265) 757
Steele, A.R. 43 48 229c) 55
Steele, K.P. 472 (94) 507
Steele, W.V. 372 374 376 30) 377 378 30) 390
Steets, D.G. 604 607 649
Stefan, V. 424 (378) 442
Stefani, F. 639 (239) 652
Steffen, J. 780 (75) 806
Steiling, L. 1155 (95) 1172 194 197) 1181 1201 1203 1204
Stein, U. 576 (82 87) 636 638 647 652
Steinbach, H. 1352 (248) 1361
Steiner, B. 461 (69) 507
Steiner, L. 1365 (9) 1391
Steinwandel, J. 147 (228) 220
Steliou, K. 746 748 760 796 807 1397 1400 25) 1401 1411
Stembridge, G.E. 1157 (120) 1202
Stemke, I.E. 667 (59) 753
Stendel, R. 544 549 553
Stensland, B. 263 (274) 300
Stephan, D.W. 1509 1510 1526
Stephenson, M.A. 795 (133) 807
Stepto, R.F.T. 1305 (74) 1358
Stereochemical non-rigidity 1259—1266 (see also “Pseudorotation”)
Stereochemistry 305—365
Stereochemistry allylsilane substitution reactions 935—938
Stereochemistry angle strain effects 351—355
Stereochemistry cyclic diols 463
Stereochemistry factors controlling 335—355
Stereochemistry hypervalent silicon compounds 1259—1266
Stereochemistry leaving group effect on 336—342
Stereochemistry nucleophile effect 342—351
Stereochemistry nucleophilic substitution 840—850
Stereochemistry vinylsilane addition reactions 920—921
Stereochemistry vinylsilane substitution reactions 922—929
Stereoselective hydrosilylation 1502—1508
Steric congestion 247
Steric effects, stereochemistry affected by 351
Steric overcrowding, ESR studies 581
Steric parameters 26—27 44
Sterically hindered silenes, dimerization of 1100—1101
Sterically hindered silicon compounds 880—888
Sterically hindered silicon compounds nucleophile-induced fragmentation of 886—887
Sterically hindered silicon compounds substitutions at highly hindered silicon 880—886
Sterling, J.J. 733 (350) 759
Stern, H. 1420 (47) 1471
Sternbach, B. 822 (70) 836
Sternhell, S. 910 (98) 958
Steroids, sila-analogues of 1180
Stevens, R.C. 185 (304) 223 1012 1014 1307 1358
Stevenson H.W.H. 827 (109) 837 854 856 857 861 862 863 870 874 890 1250 1254 1264 96) 1265 96 126) 1266 1267 1286 1287
Stevenson, J. 76 (74) 216
Stever, H.G. 18 19 52
Steward, O.W. 812 813 815 29) 816 33) 835 1481 1488 1520
Stewart, C.A. 233 (44) 295
Stewart, G.W. 447 (19a 20a) 505
Stewart, J.H. 492 (150) 509
Stewart, J.J.P. 67 (57) 215 374 377—379 390
Stewart, K.R. 1390 (121) 1394
Stewart, M.A. 1453 (245) 1475
Stewart, R. 810 (1) 835
Stewart, R.F. 63 (29) 214
Stewart, R.P., Jr. 1420 (43) 1471
Steyermark, P.R. 721 (271) 757
Stilke, R. 690 (157) 693 755
Stille, J.K. 797 (141) 807 1282 1288 1508 1511 1524
Stillwell, R.N. 449 (30b) 473 505 507
Stillwell, W.O. 24 (125) 52
Stobart, S.R. 275 (362) 302 1078 1139 1422 1434 152) 1437 1442 191) 1444 1471 1473 1474
Stober, M.R. 943 (244) 961
Stoch, J. 1491 1492 1525
Stock, A. 13 (82) 47 51 56
Stock, L.M. 910 (91) 958
Stockmayer, W.H. 1293 1301 1356
Stockton, A. 1397 (12) 1411
Stockton, J.M. 1176 (229 230) 1205
Stoepel, K. 279 (390) 303 1149 51) 1164 51) 1165 1200
Stoffregen, A. 1194 (281 282 284 285) 1195 285) 1196 287) 1197 285) 1206
Stoflo, J. 68 101 215
Stoicheff, B.P. 246 269 296
Stokland, K. 47 (269) 56
Stolka, M. 1236 (130) 1240
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