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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Fluorosilanes structural parameters of 269
Fluorosilanone 140—141
Fluorosilicates stereochemistry of 1259—1260
Fluorosilicates structures of 282 283 284 1257
Fluorosilyl anion 202
Fluorosilyl radical 199
Fluorosilylene, insertion into hydrogen 177
Fluorosilylidenc 147
Flusilazole 1155—1156
Fluxional complexes 1250
Flyn, J.J. 1250 (74) 1286
Flynn, J.J. 286 (402) 303 827 837 854 890 1257 1286
Fobare, W.f. 785 (95) 806
Fogagnolo, M. 690 (156) 755 915 959
Fogel’son, E.I. 395 397 434
Foiling, K. 1420 1435 1436 1471
Foiling, P. 1369 (28) 1370 1374 1391 1392
Folman, M.t. 419 (308) 440
Fomeris, R. 416 (230) 439
Fong, R.H. 1049 1061 1079 1086 1090 1136
Fong, R.M. 972 (34) 1002
Force-field methods 68
Ford, G.P. 92 (128c) 217
Ford, R.B. 1153 (76) 1201
Ford, R.R. 39 (213) 55 1044 1098 1099 1136
Forel, M.T. 820 (60) 836
Foremny, V. 684 (146) 754
Formylfurans, trimethylsilyl cyanide added to 770
Formylsilanes 1455 1456
Fornerls, R. 419 (365) 440
Forster, H. 1370 (34) 1391
Forstner, J.A. 1401 (28) 1412
Fort, T.M. 1155 1184 1201
Fortgens, H.P. 785 (96) 806
Fossa, S.D. 1154 1184 1201
Fossey, J. 199 200 224
Foster, B.R. 599 (130) 649
Foster, D.F. 1384 (90) 1393
Foster, W. 421 (342) 441
Foti, S. 1324 (161 162) 1337 162) 1359
Foulov, Yu.L. 1244 (32) 1285
Four-centre elimination processes 479 485 488 489
Four-centre mechanism 494
Four-centre methyl migration 455
Four-centre transition states 488 1445
Four-membered ring compounds 33 97—101
Four-membered ring compounds photochemical reactions of 971—972
Four-membered ring compounds strain energy in 1215
Four-membered ring compounds synthesis of 695—696
Fournet, G. 765 (8) 805
Fowles, G.W.A. 397 (32) 434
Fox, I.R. 903 904 958
Foxton, M.W. 668 (66) 753
Fragala, I. 632 633 652
Fragala, I.L. 641 (247 248) 642 248) 653
Fragny, M. 1153 (78) 1201
Fragrance compounds 1190—1193
Frainnet, E. 713 (233) 734 756 759 1500 119) 1515 159) 1516 1523 1524
Franc, J. 406 (114) 426 430 432 468) 436 442 443 444
Francey, K.F. 1328 (170—172) 1334 1335 1336 1360
Francis, E.A. 699 (185) 755
Francl, M.M. 63 (31d) 64 214
Frank, J. 426 (405 406) 442
Frank, T.C. 25 (139) 53
Frank, U. 1388 (105b) 1393
Frankel, M. 1149 (46 47) 1200
Frankevich, Ye.L. 6 (39) 50
Frankland, E. 21 (107) 52
Franklin, J.L. 449 (39) 493 506 509
Franz, M. 686 (151—153) 687 152) 688 153) 755
Fraser, A.R. 1257 1267 1287
Frebel, M. 1385 (95) 1393
Fredga, A. 311 (31) 366
Fredin, L. 11 (59) 51 182 222
Free radicals addition to hydrosilanes 27—28
Free radicals bond dissociation energies of 383—387
Free radicals enthalpies of formation of 389
Free radicals thermochemistry of 383—387
Freeburger, M.E. 486 (131) 508
Freedman, M.L. 432 (472) 444
Freeman, E.S. 1326 (166) 1360
Freeman, J.M. 254 255 263 266) 269 284 292 298 300 301 607 608 609 650
Freeman, R. 522 (39) 551 1309 1358
Fregert, S. 1159 (136) 1202
Frei, B. 987 (109) 1004
Freidel, C. 1208 (1) 1237
Freidlin, L.Kh. 1507 (127a) 1524
Freidlina, R.Kh. 1459 (270) 1476
Freiser, B.S. 450 (45) 493 496 506 509 1126 1141
Freiser, H. 681 (136) 754
Frekel, M.M. 1401 (30) 1412
French, J.M. 416 (247) 439
Frenette, R. 1397 1400 1402 1406 1411
Frenking, G. 191 (321a-321c) 200 223 224 502 510
Frequency calculations 66—67
Freudenblum, H. 261 (253) 299 1390 1394
Freund, R. 587 588 589 590 592 593 617 618 649
Frey, H.M. 169 (272c) 222 387 83) 391 997 1004 1050 1055 1085 1086 1137
Frey, R. 191 (319) 223 822 825 836
Fridland, D.V. 745 (409) 746 427) 760 1401 1412
Friedel, C. 18 19 21 109 113) 31 33 43 226) 52 53 54 55
Friedel-Crafts reactions, vinylsilanes 921 922 925
Friedheim, J. 67 (57) 215 374 377—379 (28) 390
Friedlander, B.T. 1397 (12) 1411
Friedman, A.E. 1180 (240) 1205
Friedrich, GM. 1168 1169 1203
Friedrich, K. 425 (388) 442
Friedrich, T. 464 (73) 507
Frisch, K.C. 417 (259 260) 439 677 754
Frisch, M. 176 177 178 222
Frisch, M.J. 62 63 65 38b) 68 84 86 167 169 180 187 199 214 217 221 384 391
Fristad, W.E. 667 (60 61) 753 953 962
Fritsche, K. 1194 1195 1196 287) 1197 1206
Fritz 403 404 436
Fritz, D. 431 (454 455 459 460) 443
Fritz, G. 246 (110 111) 261 245) 296 299 406 424 433 481) 434 436 442 443 444 411 508 535 552 573 579 607 608 609 616 617 619 620 621 630 634 224) 635 636 637 638 647 648 649 650 652 666 698 752 755 823 836 911 958 1364 4c 7) 1366 1368 26) 1375 48b 49a 49b) 1376 1377 58—60) 1378 62—64) 1379 49a 70) 1380 1382 79a 79b) 1384 1390 1391 1392 1393
Fritz, J.S. 408 (133) 410 437
Froelicher, S.W. 450 (45) 493 496 506 509 1126 1141
Frohlich, R. 260 (232) 261 299 1376 1382 1392 1393
Frohlinger, J.O. 815 (28 29) 835
Frohnecke, J. 277 (383 384) 278 384) 302 303 1181 242) 1182 1184 1205
Frolov, Y.L. 822 (75) 836 875 103) 891
Frolov, Yu.L. 1251 (75) 1278 1286 1288
Frolow, Yu.L. 827 (107) 837
Frontier orbital interaction 844
Frost, D.C. 586 602 604 607 639 639 648
Frye, C.L. 306 (5) 307 9) 309 336 337 125) 340 365 368 430 443 723 737 738 757 759 827 837 842 9 12 13 20) 845 863 865 873 79) 877 95 113) 889 890 891 1151 1184 254 258) 1200 1205 1243 13) 1244 1247 1267 1268 1274 1277 1285 1287 1288 1299 1357
Fryzuk, M.D. 1509 (203) 1526
Fuchikama, T. 249 (141) 297 1465 1477
Fuchikami, T. 955 (313) 963 973 45) 974 48) 975 52) 1002 1048 147) 1051 1070 1077 1086 1090 1095 1097 1101 1136 1140 1488 1490 1491 1525
Fuchs, P. 429 (437) 443
Fuchs, R. 410 (167) 437
Fuder, H. 1176 (222 223 227) 1204
Fueno, H. 140 142 220
Fuentes, L.M. 801 (153 155) 807
Fuess, G. 1244 1252 1285
Fugami, K. 1450 (227) 1475
Fujii, K. 744 (401) 760
Fujii, S. 1467 1470 1477 1519 1526
Fujimoto, H. 324 (67) 345 357 367 369 1459 1476
Fujino, M. 1236 (131) 1240
Fujita, H. 1157 (105 109 110) 1201
Fujita, M. 1267 1274 1279 1287 1288 1500 1504 1525
Fujiwara, S. 412 (189) 438
Fukasawa, Y. 985 (102) 1003
Fukuchi, M. 587 593 618 649
Fukui, K. 1048 1090 1136
Fukuma, M. 1157 (105) 1201
Fukushima, K. 45 (249) 56 1157 1201
Fukushima, M. 1508 1509 1510 1524
| Fukuto, T.R. 1166 (169) 1203
Fukuzaki, F. 924 (164) 960
Funaki, K. 946 (262) 962
Funasaka, R. 398 (38) 435
Funck, E. 416 (230) 419 439 440
Functional groups analytical determination of 405—410
Functional groups chemistry of 29—33
Functional groups in laboratory methods for Si-C bond formation 25
Funk, R.L. 915 (123) 959
Furans, silylated 685
Furlani, C. 638 (234) 652
Furlei, I.I. 617 620 650
Furstenberg, C. 1374 (47) 1392
Furuhata, T. 1397 (10) 1411
Furujata, T. 1400 (10 24) 1411
Furukawa, H. 1467 1469 1477 1519 1526
Furuta, K. 1467 1470 1477 1520 1526
Furuta, T. 777 (62) 806
Fussaro, D.R. 812 813 835
Fussstetter, H. 1405 (44) 1412
Fyfe, C.A. 550 (152) 554
Gabe, E.J. 1400 (20) 1411
Gabor, TM. 427 (412) 442
Gabrilova, G.A. 827 (107) 837
Gadaska, J.R. 793 (126) 807
Gadja, G.J. 1436 (160) 1473
Gador, W. 1306 (76) 1358
Gadzhiev, S.N. 372 (14) 375 376 379 380 390
Gaidis, J.M. 449 (32) 506
Gailyunas, I.A. 618 620 650
Gaines, G.L. 1351 1352 1353 1354 1361
Gaines, G.U.Jr. 1355 (251) 1361
Gainsford, G.J. 787 (105) 806
Gaisser, K.E. 1247 (54 56) 1267 1285
Gall, M. 732 (347) 759
Gallium derivatives, PE ionization energies of 636
Gallium-silicon bonds, lengths of 270
Galucci, J.C. 797 (144) 807
Galvan, R. 1315 (143) 1359
Galyer, L. 641 (244) 653
Gamble, E.L. 24 (126) 53
Gambogi, R. 90 (119c) 217
Gambrell, C.E.Jr. 1157 (120 124) 1202
Gammelgaard, P.A. 1154 1184 1201
Gammie, L. 106 107 109 218 966 1001 1051 1137
Gancberg, A. 729 (328) 758
Ganem, B. 943 (247) 961
Gano, D.R. 176 (287 291) 177 178 291) 222
Ganyushkin, A.V. 263 (268 270) 264 265 300
Gar, T.K. 826 (95) 836 1151 1200
Gardella, J.A. 1355 (253 254 256) 1361
Gareau, Y. 1400 (25) 1411
Garner, P.J. 430 (443) 443
Garozzo, D. 1324 1325 1337 1359
Garroway, A.N. 521 (36) 551
Gartska, R.A. 815 (28) 835
Garvey, P.M. 1090 (299) 1140
Garzo, G. 422 (364) 425 426 427 429 432) 431 452 454 455 459 460) 432 441 442 443 1321 1324 1325 1331 1332 1333 1341 1359 1360
Garzo, T. 425 (392) 442
Gas chromatography analysis using 409 421—433
Gas chromatography detectors used 431—432
Gas-phase acidities 450—451 814
Gas-phase ionic species 445—504
Gas-phase proton affinities 820—822 823
Gasdaska, J.R. 792 (122) 807
Gaskell, S.J. 466 (81) 507
Gaspar, P. 563 568 646 997 1004 1215 1238
Gaspar, P.D. 167 172 221
Gaspar, P.P. 35 (183b 190) 54 251 297 447 19a 20a) 477 505 508 698 755 966 1001 1018 1021 39) 1027 61 62) 1028 1029 1033 1041 1044 1051 1062 1085 1086 1133 1134 1135 1137 1138 1430 1472
Gasper, P.P. 976 (6 55) 1002
Gassman, P.G. 770 (31 32) 805
Gauder, S. 1517 (210b) 1526
Gaukhman, A.P. 685 (149) 755
Gavars, M.P. 921 (151) 959
Gavrilova, G.A. 1244 (32) 1285
Gawargious, Y.A. 403 404 436
Gay, R.S. 1437 (163) 1473
Gay-Lussac, J.L. 1242 (1) 1284
Gay-Lussac, L.J. 18 (102f) 52
Gegenheimer, R. 269 (315) 301
Geib, S.J. 275 (359) 302 1418 1420 1426 1436 1432 1434 52) 1435 158) 1439 1440 1445 1455 253) 1456 257 259) 1458 260) 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476
Geise, H.J. 252 (163) 297
Geisler, K. 1367 (17) 1391
Gelius, U. 557 558 615 645
Gell, K.L. 1444 (207) 1474
Genchen, V.G. 377 381 390
General Electric 1350 (243) 1361
Generalized Valence Bond (GVB) method 62
Gengge, E.M. 533 535 552
Gentle, T.M. 1062 (241) 1138
Genuit, W. 447 (16) 505
Geometric isomers 1257
Geometry optimization 66
George, A.V.E. 692 (159) 755
George, C. 119 120 140 141 143 185 219 971 1002 1050 1054 1086 1137
GePmen, N.E. 394 395 434
Gerbier, L. 1243 (15) 1285
Gerchman, L.L. 826 (90) 836
Gerlach, M. 1146 (39 41) 1166 1200 1203
Germain, G. 251 (152) 297 1214 1238
Germane, S. 1156 (101) 1201
Germanium derivatives optically active species 329 330
Germanium derivatives PE ionization energies of 636 641
Germanium-silicon bonds, lengths of 254
Germanium-silicon mixed hydrides, analysis of 421
Germanyl compounds, GC separation of 430
Germeshausen, J. 1379 (68) 1392
Gerry, M.C.L. 5 (17) 14 50 51 259 269 299 301
Gerstein, B.C. 521 (37) 551
Gertner, D. 1149 (46 47) 1200
Gerval, P. 533—535 (82) 552 1021 1030 1038 1039 1055 1134
Geschickter Fund for Medical Research 1161 (146) 1202
Gey, E. 452 (51b—51d) 453 506
Ghosez, L. 775 (54) 806
Ghosh, A.K. 1021 (38) 1134
Ghotra, J.S. 258 (203) 298
Gibbins, S.G. 629 (208) 652
Gibbons, D. 394 (1) 434
Gibbs, G.V. 83 (95a 95c) 84 95c 100 103) 85 86 103) 97 138b) 99 140 216 217 218 264 300
Gibian, T.G.M. 421 (339) 441
Gibson, D.F.R. 322 (59) 367
Gibson, J.A. 254 (177) 298 863 890
Gielen, M. 304 331 365 1279 1288
Giering, W.P. 1433 (121) 1472
Giessler, W. 710 (223) 756
Giflord, J.A. 1153 (76) 1201
Gilbert, T.M. 1419 (41) 1471
Gilfillan, J.H. 408 (130) 437
Gilje, J.W. 1266 (127) 1287
Gilkey, J.W. 418 (279) 419 440
Gill, M. 771 (39) 805
Gill, R.S. 1055 1075 1137
Gill, U.S. 1462 (297) 1476
Gillespie, P. 363 (175) 370 1262 1287
Gillespie, R.J.M. 602 (131) 649
Gillette, G. 1038 1039 1135
Gillette, G.R. 35 (191b 202) 54 92 93 217 998 1005 1041 1135
Gillette, R.H. 14 (97) 51
Gilliam, W.F. 403 (93 95) 404 436
Gilman, G. 727 (322) 758
Gilman, H. 45 (238a) 55 329 367 409 412 413 437 438 658 659 24) 671 681 134) 681 683 699 702 704 708 215) 721 724 725 727 729 731 749 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 761 948 962 1010 1013 1208 1237
Gilman, H.J. 410 (167) 437
Gilman, M. (121) 1523
Gilman, N.W. 677 (111) 754
Gimarc, B.M. 204 211 224
Giner, J.L.P. 1160 (144) 1202
Giordan, J.C. 203 (355c) 224
Giorgianni, P. 791 (117) 807
Giraldo, E. 1177 (235) 1205
Gitsov, I. 1303 (53 54) 1357
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