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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Peterson olefination reaction stereochemistry of 947—948
Peterson olefination reaction variations of 948—951
Peterson, B.H. 773 (47) 805
Peterson, D. 945 953 962
Peterson, D.J. 45 (238a) 55 942 945 961 1236 1240 1461 1476
Peterson, L.K. 275 (365) 302 819 836 1385 1393 1434 1473
Peterson, P.E.M. 678 (116a) 754
Petit, F. 1509 (206) 1526
Petit, M. 1509 (206) 1526
Petrik, O. 434 (483) 444
Petrov, A.A. 1482 (34) 1484 1521
Petrov, A.D. 24 (132) 53 658 659 663 665 671 681 683 751 752 753 754 917 918 959 1481 1482 26 35) 1483 26) 1484 1500 120b) 1520 1521 1523
Petrov, D. 919 (139) 959
Petrov, I.M. 1331 1332 1333 1360
Petrova, R.G. 1459 (270) 1476
Pettit, L.D. 852 (46) 889
Pettit, R. 1431 (117) 1472
Petty, J.T. 1051 1086 1137
Petukhova, A.S. 1482 1483 1521
Petz, W. 1427 1429 1430 1472
Peyer-Imhort, S.D. 568 (69) 647
Peyerimhor, S.D. 150 (237 238) 151 238) 205 207 220 224
Peyerimhor, T.S. 11 14 51
Peyne, M. 636 (228) 652
Peyronel, J.F. 1450 1461 1475 1511 149a 149b) 1524
Pfeiffer, M. 5 (23) 50 78 216
Pferrer, S. 269 (315) 301
Pfister-Guillozo, G. 572 (75) 617 620 638 647 650 651
Pflaum, S. 1366 (14) 1391
Pfletschinger, J.M. 682 693 754
Pfohl, S. 363 (175) 370
Pham, E.U. 1041 (87) 1135
Pharmaceutical compounds 276—279 1145—1150 1159—1183
Phenethylamine, silyl derivatives of 1149
Phenols, silyl-substituted acidity of 816—817
Phenols, silyl-substituted GC separation of 430
Phenoxides, coupling reactions with 344—345
Phenoxy groups, analytical determination of 408
Phenyl groups, analytical determination of 405 414—415 417—418
Phenyl migration 457
Phenyl silaisonitrile 568
Phenylacetylene, hydrosilylation of 1487
Phenyldimethylsilanes, stability of ions 453
Phenylfluorosilicates 284
Phenylglyoxylates, asymmetric reduction of 1513
Phenylpentamethyldisilane, photolysis of 1021
Phenylselenosilanes 1407—1408
Phenylsilanes NMR spectra of 516
Phenylsilanes synthesis of 680—682
Phenylsilanetriol 724
Phenylsiloxy groupings, analysis of 420
Phenyltellurotrimethylsilane 1410
Phenylthiotrimethylsilane 1397
Philipou, G. 456 481 486 506 509
Phillips, C. 1509 (200a) 1525
Phillips, C.S.G. 47 (268) 56 421 360) 422 360 366) 423 368) 441
Phillips, R.C. 263 (273) 300
Phillips, R.G. 1347 (222) 1361
Phillips, R.P. 1434 (142) 1447 1473 1475
Phosphabuta-1, 3-diene, silyl-substituted 1372
Phosphacycloalkanes, silyl-substituted 1365
Phosphacyclopolysilanes 1384
Phosphasilenes 1383
Phosphate esters, deesterification of 765
Phosphates, analysis of 412
Phosphathiourea, silyl-substituted 1369
Phosphimines, N-silylated, synthesis of 712
Phosphine derivatives, acidity of 814
Phosphinosilanes as reagents 797
Phosphinosilanes reactions of 1364
Phosphinosilylene 139
Phosphinotrimethylsilanes 1368
Phosphonium salts, silyl-substituted 1365
Phosphorus, analytical determination of 398 399 400 401
Phosphorus-containing compounds 1364—1387
Phosphorus-containing compounds IR analysis of 421
Phosphorus-containing compounds PE ionization energies of 623—624
Phosphorus-silicon bonds, lengths of 260—261
Phosphorus-silicon double bonds, strength of 139
Photochemistry 965—1000
Photochemistry applications 643—644
Photochemistry assignment of PE spectra 614—615
Photochemistry development of method 556—558
Photochemistry disilenes 1043—1044
Photochemistry experimental details 558—560
Photochemistry information obtainable 584—586
Photochemistry ionization potentials 616—642
Photochemistry oligosilanes 1220—1221
Photochemistry polysilane polymers 1230—1231
Photochemistry principle of measurement 558—560
Photochemistry real-time gas analysis using 558—573
Photochemistry short-path pyrolysis used 560
Photoelectron spectroscopy 555—644
Photoresist technology polysilanes in 1234—1236
Photoresist technology siloxanes in 1350
Picard, J.P. 532 (77) 552 720 757 988 1004 1044 1078 1100 1101 1135
Piccione, R.V. 199 (343) 224
Pichia pijperi (ATC 20127) 1197
Pickardt, J. 233 (43) 270 272 295 301 1424 1435 1472
Pickel, P. 254 (176) 298 877 891 1244 1285
Pickhardt, J. 1400 (20) 1411
Pickos, R. 398 (41) 403 435 436
Pidcock, A. 275 (375) 302 1466 1477 1500 1523
Pidgeon, I.M. 1050 1085 1086 1137
Piejko, K.E. 1398 (17) 1411
Piekos, R. 1145 (33—37) 1146 1199 1200
Pierce, A.E. 658 (9) 751 1148 1200
Pierce, J.B. 986 (104 105) 1003
Pierce, L. 5 (11) 14 49 51 78 216 238 242 246 92 102) 266 269 295 296 609 650
Pierce, O.R. 1481 1488 1520
Pierce, R.A. 1057 (209) 1064 1068 1069 1079 1097 247) 1138 1139
Pietro, W.J. 63 (31d 32b) 64 112 113 214 219 450 506 632 633 652 1011 1014 1075 1139
Pietropaolo, D. 628 (201) 638 233) 651 652
Pietrusza, E.W. 27 (156a) 53 660 752 812 835
Pietrusza, F.W. 723 (285) 757
Pignataro, S. 625 (188) 638 651 652
Pike, R.M.f. 1248 (62) 1258 115) 1285 1287
Pikies, J. 527 (61 62) 552 747 748 749 761 1172 208) 1177 1178 1204 1205
Pilbrant, A. 1187 (264) 1205
Pilcher, A. 75 104 216
Pilcher, G.M. 372 375 379—383 389
Pilling, M.J. 384 389 391
Pillot, J.P. 660 (27) 666 671 673 752 753 932 938 940 960 961
Pinder, P.M.M. 5 (25) 50 71 79 216 260 299
Pines, A.N. 417 (261) 439
Ping-Ko, C. 919 (140) 959
Pinhey, J.T. 910 (98) 958
Pinkerton, F.H. 628 (200) 651 915 959
Pinzelli, R.F. 902 (41) 957
Piotrovskii, K.B. 1339 (191) 1360
Piper, T.S. 1416 1419 1470
Pisani, R. 727 (320) 758
Pisarskii, Yu.B. 1151 (64 66) 1152 66) 1200
Pisciotti, F. 913 (113) 958
Pitt, C. 306 307 365 1208 1219 1237
Pitt, C.G.M. 71 76 215 490 509 593 594 595 598 618 625 649 745 760 823 83) 825 836 894 896 897 908 909 956 1180 1205 1342 1360 1388 1393
Pittet, G.H. 1350 (241) 136
Pivaloyl chloride, reactions with 1371 1373 1388
Pivnitskii, K.K. 1147 1148 1200
Pizzabiocca, A. 491 (148) 509
Placek, K. 432 (468) 444
Plachky, M. 947 (274) 962
Planar tetracoordinated silicon compounds 211—212
Plate, N.A. 308 309 365
Platinum catalysts, hydrosilylation using 1459 1480—1486 1493—1494
Platinum derivatives NMRdata for 1441
Platinum derivatives optically active 323
Platinum derivatives structural parameters of 275 276 1434
Platonov, Yu.N. 398 (39) 435
Plavac, N. 314 (40) 366 1044 1045 1068 1072 1100 1135
| Plavec, N. 519 520 532 533 548 549 551
Plesset, M.S. 65 (43) 215
Plueddemann, E.P. 1342 1346 1347 1360 1482 1483 1520
Plzak, Z. 900 (24 29) 957
Pocyakov, Yu.P. 1031 1061 1121 1135
Pogosyants, E.K. 408 (142) 437
Pohl, S. 246 (118) 249 132) 258 215 217) 265 296 297 299 978 979 1003
Poirer, M. 855 858 859 860 861 862 890
Poirier, M. 341 (138 139) 342 365 369 538 552 827 830 837 874 891 1244 1246 35 36) 1252 1253 81) 1256 101) 1261 122) 1262 1263 124) 1266 1274 1279 1285 1286 1287 1500 1502 1524
Poirier, R.A. 129 (190a 191) 130 191) 131 132 168 172 219
Pola, J. 480 (120) 508 524 551 730 758 823 826 94 96 97) 836
Poland, J.S. 382 (52) 390 541 553
Polar effects, stereochemistry affected by 351
Polarized basis sets 64
Polivanov, A.N. 483 (123) 508
Polk, M. 1385 (94) 1393
Pollard, F.H. 422 (362 363 365) 424 428 429 433 441 443
Polo, S.R. 5 (19) 50 78 216
Polovnikova, R.I. 1151 (67) 1200
Poly(dimethylsilylene) 43 48 1224
Polyakov, Yu.P. 1062 (240) 1138
Polyakova, A.A. 1091 1095 1096 1110 1114 1140 1407 1412
Polyakova, M.V. 26 (144) 53
Polyaluminoorganosiloxane resins, analysis of 396
Polycyclosilanes 1216—1217
Polycyclosilanes synthesis of 683—685
Polydimethylsiloxanes 1292
Polydimethylsiloxanes air-liquid interface behavior of 1351—1354
Polydimethylsiloxanes alkaline catalyst effects 1337
Polydimethylsiloxanes analysis of 395
Polydimethylsiloxanes branched, degradation of 1331—1333
Polydimethylsiloxanes copolymers air-liquid interface behavior of 1354—1355
Polydimethylsiloxanes degradation of effect of environment on 1335—1337
Polydimethylsiloxanes depolymerization of 1323—1324
Polydimethylsiloxanes high-molecular-weight cyclic, thermal degradation of 1328
Polydimethylsiloxanes kinetics of 1337—1341
Polydimethylsiloxanes oxidation resistance of 1335—1337
Polydimethylsiloxanes products of degradation 1321 1325
Polydimethylsiloxanes silanol-terminated polymers 1320—1324
Polydimethylsiloxanes silanol-terminated, degradation of 1320—1324
Polydimethylsiloxanes surface composition of 1355
Polydimethylsiloxanes toxicology of 1184
Polydimethylsiloxanes trimethylsilyl-terminated polymers 1324—1331
Polydimethylsiloxanes trimethylsilyl-terminated, degradation of 1324—1331
Polyhedral silanes 90—92
Polyphenylsilanes, PE ionization energies of 625
Polyphosphines, silyl-substituted 1374—1376
Polysilane polymers 48—49 1224—1237
Polysilane polymers applications of 1233—1237
Polysilane polymers as photoconductors 1236—1237
Polysilane polymers as photoinitiators 1236
Polysilane polymers as photoresists 1234—1236
Polysilane polymers conductivity of 1230
Polysilane polymers configuration of 1233
Polysilane polymers conformation of 1227 1229—1230
Polysilane polymers crosslinking of 1230—1231
Polysilane polymers electronic spectra of 1226—1227
Polysilane polymers glass transition temperatures of 1225
Polysilane polymers light-scattering studies on 1226
Polysilane polymers molecular weight of 1225—1226
Polysilane polymers NMR spectra of 1232—1233
Polysilane polymers nonlinear optical properties of 1237
Polysilane polymers photochemistry of 1230—1231
Polysilane polymers physical properties of 1225—1226
Polysilane polymers reactions of 1231—1232
Polysilane polymers silicon carbide produced from 43 48 1224 1233—1234
Polysilane polymers synthesis of 1224—1225
Polysilanes 102
Polysilanes ionization energies of 618
Polysilanes NMR spectra of 542—545
Polysilanes PE spectra of 588—593
Polysilanes photolysis of 976—979 998
Polysilanes Si-Si bond cleavage in 1221—1222
Polysilanes Si-Si spin-spin couplings of 549
Polysilanes synthesis of 1461—1462
Polysilastyrene 48 1234
Polysiloxane copolymers air-liquid interface behavior of 1354—1355
Polysiloxane copolymers characterization of 1308—1311
Polysiloxane copolymers composition of 1313—1314
Polysiloxane copolymers degradation of 1333—1335
Polysiloxane copolymers direct (thermodynamic) analysis of 1316—1319
Polysiloxane copolymers kinetic-chain analysis for 1315
Polysiloxane copolymers macrostructure of 1311—1314
Polysiloxane copolymers microstructure of 1314—1319
Polysiloxane copolymers number average sequence length of 1315—1316
Polysiloxanes air-liquid behavior of 1351—1354
Polysiloxanes degradation of 1319—1341
Polysiloxanes molecular weights of 1301
Polysiloxanes NMR spectra of 545—547
Polysiloxanes redistribution reactions in 1301—1302
Polysiloxanes surface activity of 1351—1354 1355—1356
Polysiloxanes toxicological behavior of 1184 (see also “Silicone polymers”)
Polysilylacylsilanes, photolysis of 991
Polyynylsilanes 679—680
Pomerantseva, M.G. 661 (33a) 752 1480 1481 1485 1486 1493 79) 1495 1500 1520 1522
Pomeroy, R.K. 275 (364 365) 302 1434 1437 1439 178) 1441 1473 1474
Pommerening, H. 1405 (44) 1412
Ponec, R.M. 527 (64) 552
Ponec, R.Z. 140 (215b) 220
Ponomarenko, V.A. 658 (4) 751 1481 1482 1520 1521
Pons, P. 682 (140) 754
Pontenagl, W.M.G.F. 1244 (30) 1285
Pontzen, T. 260 (236) 299
Pontzen, Th. 1381 (74) 1392
Poole, C.F. 446 (7d) 505
Poon, U.C. 108 120 122 219
Poon, Y.C. 236 237 295 532 552 988 113) 1004 1044 107) 1045 1047 1078 107) 1085 136) 1086 136) 1100 107) 1101 107) 1135 1136
Pope, K.R. 480 482 508
Pope, S.A. 11 (65a) 51
Popelis, J. 538 (101) 552 685 755 1244 1285
Popinsli, R. 336 (126) 368
Popkov, K.K. 412 (185) 414 416 438 439 1493 1495 1522
Pople, J.A. 5 7 8 12 14 49 50 61 62 27) 63 27 29 31a 31c 31d 32a 32b 33) 64 35 36) 65 37 38b 42a 42b) 67 68 27) 71 68) 72—73 74 76 77 78 103 146) 104 106 109 112 113 114 129 130 131 132 133 137 139 140 146) 145 225) 146 147 225) 148 149 150 152 167 146 267a) 168 169 146 267a) 170 171 172 185 186 187 307b) 188 307c 315) 191 307c 320) 192 193 323b) 196 198 307b 307c) 199 307b 307c) 205 211 214 215 216 218 220 221 223 225 231 35) 237 242 295 384 66) 387 391 446 9a) 504 505 512 550 563 568 570 586 646 904 957
Popov, A.G. 1254 (88) 1286
Popov, A.N. 426 (399) 442
Popov, V. 397 (28) 434
Popova, E.P. 1181 (244) 1205
Popowski, E. 738 (379) 759
Porcine liver esterase 1196
Pornet, J. 678 (117 118) 754 938 223) 961
Porpiglia, P.J. 1157 (127) 1202
Porschke, K.R. 851 (42) 889 1279 1288
Porter, C.J. 502 (178d) 510
Posin, B. 1444 (207) 1474
Posner, G.H. 733 (350) 759 802 808
Post Hartree-Fock calculations 65
Post, H.W. 417 (262) 421 439 441 727 742 743 758 760 1493 81) 1522
Post, W. 664 (46) 752
Postal, P. 408 (135) 437
Potap’eva, N.N. 1155 1181 1201
Pote, C.S. 5 (22) 50
Poterin, V.N. 374 (24) 390
Potter, B. 263 (271) 300
Pottinger, R. 1055 (190) 1137
Potts, A.W.M. 447 (17a) 505 556 557 558 583 584 587 588 593 595 596 602 604 607 615 617 619 625 636 644 649 651
Potts, W.J. 413 (201) 438
Potzinger, P. 8 (71) 47 51 56 129 130 131 219 311 384 390 391 447 17b) 448 449 36b) 452 505 506 973 1002 1028 1032 1050(160) 1051 175 176) 1061 176) 1086 1101 1135 1137
Poulin, D.D. 1255 1256 1286
Poulin, J.C. 1508 (136 141) 1510 1511 1524
Povarov, L.S. 726 (309) 745 748 758 760
Powell, D.L. 812 822 823 81) 824 80) 835 836
Powell, F.X. 11 (66) 51
Power, D. 446 (9b) 447 15) 448 505
Power, P. 256 (189) 298
Power, P.P. 256 (193) 257 298
Poyner, D. 1176 (229 230) 1205
Pozefsky, A. 413 (199) 438
Pozsgay, V. 796 (137) 807
Pracejus, H. 1496 (92) 1523
Praefckel, K. 1407 1409 1412
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