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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Prakash, G.K.S. 4 (5a 5b) 49 185 223 519 551 772 778 795 805 806 807 1012 1014 1307 1358
Prasad, V.A.V. 1278 (159) 1288
Pratt, J.R. 682 (138) 754
Pravednikov, A.N. 1323 1324 1359
Pray, B.O. 910 (90) 958
Preiner, G. 1064 (243 245 246) 1068 245 262 263 264) 1069 1085 1086 246 264) 1087 1088 246) 1089 1090 1091 1093 1095 1096 245 246 264) 1097 246) 1100 1112 352) 1124 1138 1139 1141
Prenth, W. 1482 1483 1520
Preuss, F. 1404 (39) 1412
Preuss, R. 150 (237 238) 151 238) 220 568 647
Price, C.C. 1311 1312 1359
Price, E.M. 903 904 958
Price, F.P. 373 (20) 390 1315 1359
Price, W.C. 447 (17a) 505 587 588 604 607 617 636 649
Pridinol, sila-analogue of 1171 1172
Priest, D.C. 418 (271) 439 682 754
Prigozhina, L.D. 429 (430) 443
Prikhod’ko, P.L. 263 (276) 300 1297 31) 1357
Prince, R.H. 840 (3) 852 863 889 890
Princs, R.H. 331 (103a) 368
Prismane, sila-analogues of 91—92 161
Pritchard, R.G. 248 (126) 297
Pritula, N.A. 919 (141) 959
Pritzkow, H. 263 (271) 300
Pro-drug concept 1145 1147 1148 1153
Prober, M. 421 (345) 441
Prochiral dialkoxysilanes 320—322
Prochiral dihydrosilanes 315—316 318 319 320 321
Prochiral ketones, asymmetric hydrosilylation of 1508—1511
Prochiral silenes 314
Proctor, C.J. 502 (178d) 510
Procyclidine, sila-analogue of 1172 1173 1174 1177 1188
Prodipine, sila-analogue of 1165—1166
Prokai, B. 1421 (54) 1471
Propargyl alcohol, hydrosilylation of 1484
Propargylsilanes reactions of 938—939
Propargylsilanes synthesis of 678
Protiodesilylation 917 918 925 940
Protiva, M. (155) 1163 1203
Proton ESR/ENDOR spectroscopy 577
Proton NMR spectroscopy 512—516
Proton NMR spectroscopy chemical shift ranges listed 517
Proton NMR spectroscopy reference compound used 512
Proton NMR spectroscopy solvent shifts 512
Proton affinities 820—822 823
Proton affinities ab initio calculations for 821 822
Proton affinities experimental values of 822 826
Protonated silane 446—447
Proud, J. 275 (378) 302
Prozumentova, E.A. 26 (143) 53
Prustel, D. 696 (176) 705 755 756
Przuntek, H. 1146 (39 41) 1166 1200 1203
Pseudohalides 259
Pseudohalogenosilanes 720—721
Pseudohalogens, vinylsilanes reacted with 924 927
Pseudopotentials 65
Pseudorotation 363 843 855—863
Pseudorotation hypervalent silicon compounds 1262—1267
Pseudorotation phase angle 252
Pseudorotation racemization by 870
Pudova, O.A. 1156 (101) 1201
Puerckhauer, J.W.R. 664 (42) 752
Pugh, N.J. 328 (82) 367 1437 1473
Pukharevich, V.B. 1485 (48) 1521
Pukhova, E.N. 674 (99) 753
Pulford, C.I. 376 (31) 390
Pullen, B.P. 617 643 650
Pump, J. 721 (276) 757
Puranik, D. 998 (154) 1005
Purcell, E.M. 547 (137) 553
Purdy, A.P. 1388 (104) 1393
Purisson, Yu.A. 308 309 365
Purnell, J.H. 169 (271a—271c) 176 177 222
Purnell, J.J. 422 423 441
Pushing, J. 421 (352) 441
Put, A. 1145 1146 1200
Pyler, E.K. 5 (9) 49
Pyramidal inversion, silyl anions 1008
Pyramidal ion 164
Pyramidal structure, silyl radical 328
Pyramidalization, silicon atom 130
Pyrazoles, silylated 686—689
Pyridazines, silylated 693
Pyridines, silylated 692—693
Pyridinium chlorochromate oxidation 801
Pyruvates, asymmetric reduction of 1513
Qian, B. 1340 (197) 1341 197) 1360
Quass, L.C. 677 (114) 754
Queguiner, G. 692 (160) 755
Quellette, R.J. 68 101 215
Qui, D.T. 293 (421) 303
Quigley, M.A. 984 (95) 1003
Quilliam, M.A. 473 (97a 97b) 507
Quimby, B.D. 431 (463) 443
Quinn, N.R. 672 (89) 753
Quinolizines, silylated, synthesis of 693—694
Quintus, P. 258 (216) 299
Raab, G. 943 (244) 961
Raabe, B. 433 (476) 444
Raabe, G. 8 12 34 35 38 50 54 60 61 103 105 112 113 116 122 125 129 130 132 138 139 143 145 147 151 174 214 222 234 295 558 563 570 646 966 972 991 994 1001 1004 1017 1018 1044 1046 1082 285) 1085 1096 1131 1133 1136 1139 1427 1472
Raabe, R. 446 481 493 505
Rabalais, J.W. 556 557 558 567 583 584 585 593 595 596 597 602 604 615 643 644
Rabinovitch, B.S. 8 (70) 51
Rabinovitch, I.B. 372 376 381 383 389
Rabolt, J. 1229 (96) 1230 98 101 104) 1239
Rabolt, J.F.t. 1230 1234 1239
Rabolt, J.R. 49 (286) 56
Racemization ability 342
Racemization mechanism 863—880
Radall, J. 397 (36) 435
Radecki, A. 398 (41) 403 89) 404 435 436
Radeglia, R. 529 (69) 544 122) 549 552 553
Radiation-curing siloxanes 1347—1349
Radical cations generation procedure 573—576
Radical cations adiabatic time scales for 582—583
Radical cations charge distributions of 577—580
Radical cations dynamics of 581—582
Radical cations solution characteristics 577—582
Radical cations spin populations of 577—580
Radical cations vertical time scales for 582—583
Radical reactions, disilenes 1041—1043
Radical species 198—200
Radical substitution, vinylsilanes synthesized by 664
Radnia, P. 1463 (303) 1477
Radom, L. 61 62 63 65 68 71 140 152 192 193 196 214 221 223 503 510
Radonovich, L.J. 258 (211) 299 1422 1434 1471 1473
Radzio-Andzelm, E. 63 (30c) 214
Radziszewski, J. 994 (137) 1004
Radziszewski, J.G. 1020 (31) 1111 347 348) 1134 1140
Rafeiner, K. 1172 (216) 1176 224) 1204
Raff, L.M. 176 (285) 222
Rafikov, S.R. 617 620 650 1323 1324 158) 1327 1359
Raghavachari, K. 62 63 68 84 86 102 143e) 180 294) 214 217 218 222
Rague-Schleyer, P. 563 568 570 586 646
Rahman, A.F.M.M. 1508 1509 1510 1525
Raibmann, B. 1247 (51) 1285
Rajca, A. 81 212 216
Rajendran, G.P. 1341 (196 198) 1360
Rake, A.T. 1422 (63) 1471
Ramadan, N. 683 (144 145) 716 754 757 1399 1411
Raman spectroscopy 416 418 1439
Ramani, B. 1507 (193) 1525
Ramirez, F. 363 (175) 370 1262 1278 159) 1279 1287 1288
Raml, W. 529 530 544 549 552 553
Ramon, F. 480 (118) 508
Ramsden, C.A. 67 101 125 151 158 215 560 561 570 624 646
Ramsden, D.B. 462 (70) 507
Ramsden, H.E. 664 (45) 752
Ramsey, B.G. 556 557 558 560 583 584 585 592 593 595 596 602 603 613 615 619 624 632 644 650 651 816 835 903 957 980 984 1003 1221 1239
Ramsey, N.F. 547 (137) 553
Ramussen, F. 1154 1184 1201
| Rana, B.A. 834 (147 148) 838
Randall, C.J. 674 (104) 754 787 806
Randall, E.W. 820 (58 59) 836
Randall, J.C. 1315 (138) 1359
Randolph, C.I. 1433 (125) 1446 1447 1448 1459 1472 1474
Randolph, C.L. (104c) 1523
Rankers, R. 1129 1130 1141 1402 1405 1412
Rankin, D. 631 (215) 652
Rankin, D.M. 1163 (159) 1203
Rankin, D.W. 632 (218) 652
Rankin, D.W.H. 5 13 50 242 78) 246 96 113) 255 173) 258 207) 261 263 258 265 266) 273 342 348) 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 518 551 607 608 609 620 621 634 650 651 652 831 133) 834 837 1253 1255 1286 1434 131 136) 1441 1473 1474
Rankin, D.W.L. 79 (81) 216
Rankin, O.N. 854 (54) 890
Rao, D.R. 171 (274) 222
Rapp, A. 1508 1509 1525
Rappoli, B.J. 1419 (40) 1471
Rappoport, Z. 194 196 223
Raschig, F. 719 (261) 757
Rashkov, I. 1303 (53 54) 1357
Raston, C.L. 246 (108 109) 256 296 298 699 755
Rastrup-Andersen, J. 5 (32) 50
Rastrup-Anderson, J. 74 (72b) 216
Rasulov, M.M. 1151 (67) 1200
Rathke, M.W.M. 734 (352) 737 759
Rathousky, J. 658 (6 7) 751
Ratner, M.A. 84 86 217 632 633 652
Ratushnaya, S.K.R. 429 (440) 443
Raucher, S. 767 (22) 805
Rauk, R. 90 91 217
Ravert, H.T. 913 (116) 958
Raw, P.J. 462 (70) 507
Raymond, K.N. 257 (202) 298
Razuvaev, G.A. 746 (421) 760 1120 1141 1389 1390 1393
Reaction gas chromatography 405 432—433
Reactive intermediates 167—211
Reactive intermediates anionic species 201—211
Reactive intermediates cationic species 184—198
Reactive intermediates radical species 198—200
Reagan, D.R. 679 (127) 754
Reagen, J. 773 (48) 805
Real-time gas analysis, PES used for 558—573
Rearrangement reactions ionic species 454—483
Rearrangement reactions oligosilanes 1222—1223
Rearrangement reactions trisyl derivatives 881 888
Reber, G. 11 14 39 40 41 211) 51 55 103 136 137 218 228 237 238 239—241 246 294 295 1109 1110 1114 1140
Reboul, J. (81) 1201
Rech, R.H. 1153 (74 75) 1201
Recherer, R. 559 (49) 646
Rector, D. 1180 (240) 1205
Recycle-Flow Fourier Transform NMR technique 1310—1311
Redfern, J.P. 1326 (167) 1360
Redistribution reactions 373 1462—1463
Redley, J.B. 617 (156) 650
Reductions 776—778
Reductive elimination reactions 1444—1445 1484
Redwood, M.E. 1453 (245) 1475
Reed, A.E. 205 206 225
Reed, D.E.M. 882 (125) 883 884 133) 886 891 892
Reed, F.J.S. 275 (379) 302 1434 1473
Reents, W.D. 416 (244) 439
Reents, W.D.Jr. 449 (37) 506
Reerink, W. 433 (478) 444
Rees, N.H. 1009 (6) 1013
Rees, W.S., Jr. 294 (425) 303
Reese, H. 1160(144) 1202
Reets, M.T. 151 152 153 157 221
Reetz, M.T. 458 (63 64) 473 99a 99b 100) 483 484 507 508 734 759 769 778 805 806 947 962 1398 1411
Reeves, L.W.M. 517 524 551
Regan, C.M. 816 817 818 835 900 957
Regitz, M. 1371 (40) 1392
Reich, A. 720 (262) 757
Reich, P. 713 (235) 730 756 758
Reichel, C.L. 1485 (104b) 1523
Reichenbach, T. 669 (73) 753 920 924 927 959
Reichert, B.E. 1453 (245) 1475
Reichle, W.T. 632 (219) 652
Reid, C.D. 1486 (53c) 1522
Reiher, U. 730 (330) 758
ReikhsfePd, V.O. 515 (15) 550 745 746 427) 760 1303 1307 1357 1401 1412
Reimann, B. 8 (71) 47 51 56 129 130 131 219 384 391 449 506 1028 1032 1051 176) 1061 176) 1101 1135 1137
Reiner, J. 1490 1518 1525
Reisenauer, H.P. 35 (183a) 54 67 108 169b) 110 151 215 219 221 450 478 506 558 560 563 64) 570 646 647 991 1004 1044 1055 196) 1056 196) 1060 1074 1075 1082 196 229 284) 1086 1090 1095 1100(101 196) 1102 1103 1105 324) 1108 324) 1135 1137 1138 1139 1140
Reisfeld, M.J. 81 (90) 216
Reisner, G.M. 632 633 652
Reissenauer, H.P. 561 563 570 572 646
Reiter, B. 1508 1509 1510 1525
Reizig, K. 1385 (94—98) 1393
Rejhon, J. 1497 1498 1523
Rempfer, B. 6 7 50 71 76 84 216 246 296
Rempp, P. 1308 (88) 1358
Renaud, A. 916 (128) 959
Rene, L. 576 (85) 647
Rengstl, A. 1419 (37) 1471
Renier, J.C. 1153 (79) 1201
Renning, J. 34 (174) 54
Renzi, G. 491 (148) 509
Reprotonation 492
Resolution, optically active silanes synthesized by 307—312
Resonance delocalization, silyl anions 1009
Resonance effects 901
Rettenmayr, N.M. 1189 (268) 1205
Reumann, B. 973 (37) 1002
Reuschenbach, G. 1375 (50 51) 1376 1376 1392
Reuter, J.I. 674 (98) 753
Reuter, J.M.F. 660 (29) 752
Reuter, K. 270 (327) 301 717 757
Revelle, L.K. 1058 1079 1138
Reverchon, R. 397 (33) 434
Revetliavshili, N.A. 744 (400) 760
Revis, A. 141 (222a) 199 220 224 386 391 1120 1141
Reye, C. 28 (159) 55 827 114) 837 863 874 100) 890 891 1243 1247 1267 130) 1271 1273 1274 1279 170) 1280 1282 1285 1287 1288 1500 1502 1507 129b) 1524
Reyhing, J. 721 (273) 757
Reynolds, W.F. 532 (77) 552 902 904 920 925 957 959 988 1004 1044 1078 1100 1101 1135
Rheingold, A.L. 42 (224) 55 87 102 217 275 302 1418 1420 1426 1432 1434 52) 1435 158) 1436 1439(183) 1440(183) 1445 1455 253) 1456 257—259) 1458 260) 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1475 1476 1476
Rhenium derivatives NMR data for 540—541 1441
Rhenium derivatives PE ionization energies of 641
Rhenium derivatives silylphosphine complexes 1385
Rhenium derivatives stereochemistry of 358
Rhenium derivatives structural parameters of 273 274 1434
Rhodium catalysts, hydrosilylation using 1486—1488 1497—1498 1501 1505 1510
Rhodium derivatives NMR data for 542 1441
Rhodium derivatives stereochemistry of 323
Rhodium derivatives structural parameters of 275 1434
Rhone-Poulenc 1350 (242) 1361
Ricci, A. 625 626 628 636 638 231 233) 651 652 779 803 806 808 1399 1411
Ricci, J.S. 275 (371 372) 302 1418 1434 1435 1439 1441 1470
Ricci, J.S., Jr. 1434 (153) 1473
Rice, J.E. 167 168 221
Rice, J.R. 1433 (123) 1472
Rice, L.M. 1161 (146—148) 1202
Rice, R.W. 1461 (282) 1476
Rich, J. 29 (160) 55 512 550
Rich, J.D. 982 (86) 1003 1024 1102 1104 1105 319) 1107 319) 1108 1134 1140
Richards, R.E. 420 (283) 421 440 441
Richards, T.A. 263 (273) 300
Richardson, K.A. 774 (50) 805
Richardson, K.S. 69 (61) 215
Richter, P. 712 (230 232) 715 718 719 720(230) 756 757
Richter, W. 624 (183) 651 672 696 753 755
Richter, W.J. 320 322 366 460 468 471 507
Richtzenhain, K. 688 689 690 691 755
Rickborn, S.F. 1026 (55 56 58) 1027 56 58—60) 1028 1051 56) 1062 1131 56 59 60) 1134
Ridha, A. 187 188 199 223 568 617 647
Ried, W. 730 (330) 758
Riede, J. 8 11 39 209 211) 40 41 51 55 236 237 237 238 246 295 1044 1045 1068 1069 1087 1088 1110 1114 1136
Riedel, K.H. 548 (144) 555
Riekehof-Bohmer, R. 1379 (66) 1392
Riepl, G.f. 1450 1461 1475 1508 195b 196a 196b 196e) 1509 195b 196b) 1510 195b 196b) 1525
Riera, V. 1447 (215 216 219) 1475
Riffel, H. 270 (322) 301
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