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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Brook, A. 38 (204) 54 624 651 984 1003
Brook, A.G. 38 (203) 39 40 215) 54 55 60(13 18) 108 116 120 122 18 167) 213 214 219 228 236 237 61) 294 295 314 40) 328 330 366 367 467 475 476 108a 108b) 477 481 507 508 519 520 532 32 77) 533 548 549 551 552 695 755 816 830 835 837 905 920 925 942 954 957 959 961 963 966 977 980 984 985 986 103—106) 987 988 113) 989 116) 991 131) 992 995 142) 1001 1003 1004 1017 7) 1044 1045 106 116) 1047 136 137) 1051 1063 1066 1068 1072 1077 1078 107) 1082 109) 1085 105 136) 1086 105 136) 1088 1090 1092 1097 307) 1098 1099 109 111) 1100 105—107) 1101 105 107) 1120 1133 1135 1136 1140 1420 1456 1471 1475
Brook, A.M. 1221 (74) 1239
Brookes, A. 1423 (75) 1447 216) 1471 1475
Brookman, E.F. 1311 (120) 1312 133) 1359
Brooks, C.J.W. 466 (81) 507
Brooks, E.H. 322 356 367
Brooks, H.G. 943 (244) 961
Brooks, W.M. 1309 (119) 1358
Brost, G.A. 919 (142) 959
Brouard, M. 384 389 391
Brough, L.F. 45 (241) 55 1211 1212 1237 1238
Brown, C.A. 421 (356 357) 441
Brown, D.P. 269 284 292 301
Brown, H.C. 900 901 903 957 958 1502 1523
Brown, I.D. 7 (45B) 50
Brown, J.F. 1293 (5) 1356
Brown, L.H. 419 (294) 440
Brown, M.P. 397 (32) 434
Brown, P. 408 (132) 415 416 419 437 439 440
Brown, P.A. 789 (110) 807
Brown, R.S. 556 557 558 615 624 645 651 897 898 956
Brown, T.L. 1439 (173) 1474
Brown-Wensley, K. 1224 (88) 1239
Brown-Wensley, K.A. 1462 (291) 1476
Brownlee, R.T.C. 902 (39 42) 957
Broze, M. 1149 (46 47) 1200
Bruckenstein, S. 852 (46) 889
Bruckmann, M. 1487 1488 1522
Bruggemann-Rotgans, I.E.M. 1512 (204) 1526
Bruhn, J. 5 (32) 50 74 216
Brui, J.N. 662 (38) 752
Bruk, M.T. 1303 (52) 1357
Brumfield, P.E. 910 916 958
Bruna, P.J. 11 14 51
Bruncks, N. 272 (334) 301 1424 1435 1472
Brundle, C.R. 556 (2 3) 557 3 30) 558 3 30) 566 567 583 30) 584 3 30) 585 3) 593 594 595 596 3) 597 602 3) 604 3) 606 615 3 30) 620 621 624 625 626 627 643 644
Brunelle, D.J. 733 (350) 759
Brunet, J.C. 696 (177) 755
Brunner, H. 1450 (235) 1458 1461 1475 1476 1508 1509 195b 196b 196c) 1510 195b 196b 196c) 1511 1516 1517 210b 211) 1525 1526
Bruno, G. 641 642 653
Bruns, R.E. 816 (32) 835
Bruza, K.J. 669 (69) 753
Buchanan, A.C. 1219 (64) 1238
Buchman, O. 901 (32) 957
Buchwald, H. 1364 (1) 1390
Buchwald, S.L. 772 (41) 805
Buck, C.E. 1456 (255) 1476
Buck, C.T. 920 (147) 959
Buck, R.R. 430 (443) 443
Budipine, sila-analogue of 1165—1166
Buechel, K.H. 1184 (248) 1205
Buechner, W. 1184 (248) 1205
Buechner, W.A. 1427 (94) 1472
Buell, G.R. 486 (131) 508 525 60) 526 60) 527 55/ 552 943 961
Buenker, R.J. 150 (237 238) 151 238) 205 207 220 224 568 647
Buff, H. 18 19 102s) 52
Bugerenko, E.R. 1364 (2c) 1390 1482 26) 1483 26) 1521
Buhe, E. 743 (397) 760
Bukovac, M.J. 1157 (129) 1202
Bulanin, M.O. 420 (321) 440
Bulkin, A.F. 1336 1337 1360
Bull, W.E. 617 643 650
Bulls, A.R. 1444 (207) 1474
Bumagina, T.P. 1151 (59 62) 1152 1200
Buncel, E. 1008 (4) 1009 1013
Bunghardt, D. 1385 (96 98) 1393
Bunker, P.R. 167 (269) 198 222 224 231 295
Burdasov, E.N. 377 381 390
Burden, J.K. 1434 (127) 1472
Burdsall, D.C. 765 (10) 805
Burdt, H. 406 (115) 436
Burford, C. 948 950 962
Burg, A.B. 819 832 835
Burger, B.J. 1444 (207) 1474
Burger, F. 576 589 648
Burger, H. 228 (7) 246 294 296 514 16) 548 549 550 553
Burger, H.A. 1390 (122) 1394
Burgess, E.M. 935 (215) 961
Burggraf, L.W. 200 (348) 205 363) 207 363) 224 225
Burgi, H.B. 248 (125) 297 828 831 837 948 962
Burke, J.J. 536 (90) 552
Burke, M.T. 475 476 508
Burke, S.D. 924 (164) 960
Burkert, U. 68 101 215
Burkhard, C.A. 27 (156b) 43 48 53 55 413 432 438 444 707 742 756 760 1211 1224 1237
Burnacka, T. 414 (207 208) 416 418 438
Burnelle, L. 416 (227) 439
Burnett, D.A. 797 (144) 807
Burnett, R.E. 1509 (200a) 1525
Burnham, R.A. 1442 (190 191) 1474
Burns, G.T. 116 (177) 151 241c 242a) 153 241c) 219 220 560 570 572 624 625 646 1013 1014 1056 207) 1057 215) 1058 1059 224 225 227) 1060 1061 1074 1075 207) 1076 224—226) 1079 1081 1086 1090 1101 1105 320 321) 1106 1107 1108 320) 1138 1139 1140
Burns, H.D. 913 (116) 958
Burns, S.A. 116 (177) 219 386 391 1056 207) 1057 1059 1074 1075 207) 1076 1079 1086 1120 1138 1141
Burns, T.J. 151 153 221
Burrill, P.M. 1347 (224) 1361
Burrous, M.L. 668 (63) 753 1487 1522
Burrow, P.D. 636 (230) 652
Bursey, M.M. 479 (116) 490 508 509 823 825 836
Burson, K.R. 426 429 442
Bursten, B.E. 641 642 653
Bursten, M.S. 699 (185) 755
Burton, D.J. 1309 (115) 1359
Busch, J.B. 710 (224) 756
Busch, R. 1244 (20) 1285
Buser, U. 621 622 651
Bush, R.D. 1085 (286 287) 1086 1087 1090 1101 1120 1139 1140
Bush, R.P. 1397 (7 10) 1400 22) 1411
Bush, T. 1173 (218) 1204
Buss, J.H. 373 374 390
Butadiene hydrosilylation of 1493 1494—1495 1497 1499
Butadiene sila-analogues of 125
Butler, D. 1309 1310 1358
Butler, W.K. 275 (373) 302
Butler, W.M. 272 274 301 1426 1428 1434 1435 1436 1472 1473
Buttrus, N.H. 33 (171) 54 265 284) 300
Bye, T.S. 920 (147) 959 1456 1476
Byers, R.E. 1157 (119 122) 1202
Byre, F.P. 414 415 418 438
Cadiot, P. 679 (125) 754
Cadmium derivatives 641 1440
Cage compounds 1378—1379 1401
Cailleux, A. 1153 (79) 1201
Calabrese, J.C. 249 251 261 270 297 301 580 648 1382 1393
Calandra, J.C. 1154 (84) 1184 252 256 257) 1188 1201 1205
Calas, R. 658 (19) 660 666 671 673 674 102) 678 685 720 745 752 753 754 755 757 760 800 807 913 117 120—122) 915 122) 929 931 932 935 938 941 958 959 960 961 1400 1411 1500 1515 1516 1523 1544
Calder, B.M. 834 (149) 838
Calderazzo, R. 1453 (246) 1475
Caldwell, C.G. 740 (388) 760
Calhoun, H.P. 1421 1453 1454 1471
Callomon, J.H. 5 (22) 50
Calorimetry method 372 374 381
Cambell, J.A. 1453 (245) 1475
Camerman, A. 1153 (73) 1201
Camerman, N. 1153 (73) 1201
Cameron, D.G. 1309 (95—97) 1358
Cameron, T.S. 275 (362) 302 1434 1437 1473
Camici, L. 803 (160) 808
Camilleri, P. 384 (70) 391
Cammenga, H.K. 1172 1174 1176 1204
Campbell, J.A. 275 (369) 302 1434 1473
Campbell, J.M. 324 357 367 1416 1418 1453 1470 1475
Campbell-Ferguson, H.J. 834 (141) 837 876 891 1244 1246 1255 38) 1260 1285
Campion, B.K. 1425 1445 1448 1449 1454 1455 252) 1456 1472 1475
Canadell, EM. 1390 (121) 1394
Candida cylindracea lipase 1197
Capka, M. 1481 (9) 1491 1492 1495 1496 1497 97) 1508 1511 1520 1523 1524 1525
Capozzi, G. 787 (102) 806
Cappucio, V. 727 (320) 758
Capshew, C.E. 1431 (117) 1472
| Carbamates, saponification of 767
Carbene complexes, NMR spectra of 541
Carbenium -substituted 196—198
Carbenium -substituted 198
Carbenium as reaction intermediates 331
Carbenium ions -substituted 193—196
Carbenium silyl-substituted 193—198
Carberry, E. 579 589 619 648
Carbethoxysilenes, formation during photolysis 992
Carbodiimides hydrosilylation of 1518
Carbodiimides synthesis of 712
Carbon analytical determination of 403—405
Carbon comparison with silicon 1—49 69—71 230 1158
Carbon nucleophiles, substitution by 345—350
Carbon- NMR spectroscopy 517—520 521
Carbon-silicon bonds 245—249
Carbon-silicon bonds, dissociation energies of 385
Carbon-silicon bonds, lengths of 246
Carbon-silicon double bonds 236—239
Carbon-silicon double bonds, charge distribution on 122
Carbon-silicon double bonds, lengths of 106 108 119—120 237 1045
Carbonyl compounds, hydrosilylation of 1499—1515
Carboxylic acids, silyl-substituted, acidity of 815—816 817 818 819
Carbyne complexes, NMR spectra of 541
Cardaci, G. 639 (239) 652
Cardacl, G. 326 358 367
Cardin, D.J. 1422 (66) 1427 1429 1471 1472
Carey, F.A. 946 (269) 954 962 963
Carey, F.C. 946 (265) 962
Cargioli, J.D. 512 (5 7) 518 523 7) 525 530 531 532—534 535 536 539 540 544 119) 545 74) 547 132 133) 548 549 119) 550 151) 550 551 552 553 554 813 835 1246 1267 1285 1308 1309 100 116) 1358 1359
Carini, D.J. 939 (225) 961
Carlsohn, B. 1374 (47) 1375 1392
Carlson, C W. 44 (244) 45 240 244 248) 55 56 167 173 174 221 251 297 978 1003 1021 1134 1220 1222 81) 1238 1239 1405 1412 1465 1477
Carlson, S.W. 1211 (23—25) 1212 1214 1222 1237
Carlson, T.A. 448 (28b) 505 557 558 604 615 617 154) 643 645 649 650
Carlstroem, D. 1154 (83) 1201
Carmichael, I. 199 (344 345) 224
Carmichael, J.B. 428 (429) 443 1293 1304 1356 1358
Carre, F.C. 1423 (74) 1471
Carre, R H. 1449 (226) 1475
Carre, R. 291 (420) 303 330 101) 341 342 365 367 368 369 827 830 837 855 858 890 1246 1248 66) 1252 1253 81) 1285 1286 1459 1476
Carrell, H.H. 1214 (36) 1238
Carrell, H.L. 251 (154) 297
Carretero, J.C. 775 (54) 806
Carroll, B. 1326 (166) 1360
Carroll, D.1. 449 (30b) 505
Carroll, K.M. 24 (128) 53
Carsky, P. 67 (49) 215
Carter, G.E. 886 (146) 892
Carter, M.J. 931 (179) 949 955 960 962 963
Carter, R.O. 246 (105) 296
Cartledge, F.K. 26 44 53 68 101 199 215 224 353 159) 369 446 505 548 553 849 33b 35a 35b 36a 36b) 865 866 868 871 88) 878 88) 889 891 1012 1014 1279 166) 1288
Cartledge, F.R. 904 (52) 957
Carvomenthene, sila-analogue of 1192
Casares, A. 780 (76) 806 1280 1288
Casey, C.P. 1427 1429 1472
Cason, L.F. 943 (244) 961
Cassias, J. 1429 (106) 1472
Castro, I. 685 (149) 755
Catalytic reactions, carbon monoxide addition 1467—1470
Catalytic reactions, dehydrogenative coupling 1461—1462
Catalytic reactions, hydrosilane addition 1467 1470
Catalytic reactions, hydrosilylation 661 1458—1461 1480—1518
Catalytic reactions, redistribution of silanes 1462—1463
Catechol derivatives, NMR spectra of 527 528
Catenated derivatives 43—49
Catenated derivatives, cyclopolysilanes 44—46
Catenated derivatives, long chain 48—49
Catenated derivatives, short chain 46—48
Cationic polymerization 1013 1302—1307
Cationic species hexacoordinate silicon compounds 1247—1248
Cationic species pentacoordinate silicon compounds 1246
Cauletti, C. 638 (234) 652
Cavell, R.G. 1255 1256 1286
Cavini, D.J. 940 (228) 961
Cazeau, P. 733 (349) 759
Cederbaum, L.S. 556 557 558 563 583 585 596 615 644
Cella, J.A. 539 540 553 1246 44) 1267 1285
Cerium derivatives, PE ionization energies of 636
Cermak, J. 408 (135) 409 426 437 442
Cermak, O. 407 (122) 436
Cerny, M. 1508 1511 1524
Cerri, R.J. 409 (164) 437
Cervantes, J. 1429 (106) 1472
Cerveau, G. 28 (159) 53 324 330 102) 356 162) 357 358 367 368 369 827 114) 837 874 100) 891 1243 1247 1267 130) 1271 1273 1274 1280 1285 1287 1288 1443 200) 1444 1474
Cetinkaya, B. 1427 1429 1472
CGA 15281 1157
Cha, Y. 792 (122) 807
Chalk — Harrod mechanism 1459 1485
Chalk, A.J. 1343 (209) 1360 1416 5) 1418 1458 262) 1459 262) 1470 1476 1484 47a) 1485 1486 1521 1522
Challenger, F. 306 307 331 365
Chamberlin, A.R. 198 (334) 224 667 753
Champbell, B.M. 1068 1069 1070 1086 1139
Champetier, G. 745 746 751 760 1403 1412
Chan, L.H. 712 (229) 756
Chan, S.F. 786 (99) 806
Chan, T.H. 667 (56 57) 670 753 764 804 920 922 923 924 158) 925 159a 159b) 926 927 157 158) 946 949 285) 950 959 962 1148 1200
Chance, J.M. 1488 (168) 1525
Chandler, M.L. 1144 (10) 1153 76) 1154 1178 1187 1194 1199
Chandra, G. 1343 (213) 1344 228) 1345 1346 1347 1348 1360 1361 1459 1476
Chandrasekhar, J. 5 7 49 65 71 72—73 74 76 77 78 84 86 103 146) 104 106 109 112 113 114 129 130 131 132 133 137 139 140 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 157 251) 158 164 165 167 146) 168 169 146) 170 171 172 180 294) 194 196 197 198 211 212 214 216 217 218 221 222 223 225 231 35) 237 242 295 384 387 391 446 500 504 510 563 568 570 586 646 904 906 929 957 1342 1360
Chandrasekhar, V. 229 (25) 286 287 401) 294 303
Chandrasekhas, V. 1243 (11) 1284
Chandresekhar, J. 8 12 14 50
Chang, C. 191 (321c) 223 502 510
Chang, C.C. 1044 1046 1100 1135
Chang, E. 946 (256 258) 962 1145 1199
Chang, L.S. 1225 (90) 1239 1462 1476
Chang, T.H. 1511 (205) 1526
Chang, V.H, T. 1163 (162) 1203
Chang, Y. 108 120 122 219
Chang, Y.H. 461 (69) 507
Chang, Y.M. 236 237 295 532 552 988 113) 1004 1044 107) 1045 1078 107) 1085 1086 1100 107) 1101 107) 1135
Chanli, G. 919 (141) 959
Chapman, D. 780 (76) 806 1280 1288
Chapman, O.L. 151 153 220 989 1004 1044 1046 1086 1100 1105 1107 1108 1055 1139
Charge stripping experiments 502
Charge transfer excitations 597—601
Charged systems 162—165
Chari, S. 1021 (38) 1134
Charles, R. 322 (59) 366
Charlton, J.C. 331 (108) 368 863 865 873 890
Charov, A.I. 1410 (69) 1413
Charton, M. 896 902 907 956
Chatani, N. 772 (43 44) 773 805 1465 1467 337 338) 1469 1470 338) 1477 1519 213) 1520 215e) 1526
Chatfield, D.A. 490 (145) 509 823 825 836
Chatgilialoglu, C. 7 (48) 50 384 391
Chatt, J. 95 100 218 816 817 43) 818 835 1420 1442 1471 1474
Chatterton, W.J. 39 (213) 55 995 143) 1004 1044 111) 1090 1092 1098 1099 1120 1136
Chau, F.L. 398 (37) 435
Chauviere, G. 332 333 368
Chauviere, G.A. 852 (48) 890
Chavalovsky, V. 900 (24) 957
Chawla, A.SM. 1303 (55) 1357
Chedekel, M.R. 989 (120) 1004 1044 1046 1135
Chehayber, J.M. 210 211 225
Chelating ligands, hexacoordinate complexes 1247—1248 1257—1259
Chelation 1244 1245 1260—1261
Chemical Society Special Reports 556 557 558 583 584 593 595 596 602 615 619 644
Chen, C W. 790 (114) 807
Chen, C. 737 (369) 759
Chen, M.M. 5 14 50 79 216
Chen, S.M. 45 (246) 55 251 297 1211 1214 1237
Chen, Y.L. 1224 (89) 1239
Chen, Y.Q. 934 (205) 960
Chen, Y.S. 35 (183b) 54 251 297 (24) 805 976 1002 1027 1041
Chen, Y.S.A. 1044 (62) 1134 1215 1238
Chen, Y.T. 659 (23) 752
Chenard, B.L. 954 (308) 963
Cheng, A.H. 39 (212a) 55 314 366
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