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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Hoffmann, R. 101 (140b) 175 282b) 176 282b) 182 196 205 207 218 222 223 225 281 303 609 650 1390 1394
Hoflenberg, R. 462 (70) 507
Hofler, F. 474 483 508 1216 1238 1416 1417 1419 1420 1422 1437 1439 1442 1444 1453 1470
Hofler, M. 1422 (64) 1471
Hofmann, A.W. 18 (102i) 52
Hofmann, P. 233 (42) 295
Hofmeister, P. 1067 (257) 1100 1106 1108 1139 1140
Hofrichter, C.H. 727 (321) 758
Hogan, J.C. 668 (65) 753
Hoke, D.I. 910 (95) 958
Holdcrich, W. 1378 (64) 1380 1392
Holden, H.D. 242 (80) 296
Holden, M.W. 431 (465) 443
Holdren, M.W. 431 (453) 443
Holdt, H.J. 726 (304) 758
Hollander, F.J. 1419 (41) 1471
Holle, H.J. 1299 1301 1357
Holleman-Wiberg 587 (118) 649
Hollfelder, H. 541 (114) 553
Hollinsed, W.C. 580 (101) 648
Holloway, C.E. 1258 (115) 1287
Holm, R. 269 (317) 301
Holm, R.H. 1401 1408 1411
Holmes, J.M. 229 (25) 285 286 401 403) 287 401 403 407) 294 303 827 101) 837 1243 14) 1250 1266 1284 1285
Holmes, R.R. 207 (367a 367b) 208 367b) 209 367b) 210 367b) 225 229 25) 283 284 285 408) 286 401 403 404) 287 401 403 404 407 408) 294 303 363 365 369 370 827 101) 830 129) 837 854 51d) 855 856 857 890 1242 1243 14 16) 1249 1250 1254 93) 1266 1284 1285 1286
Holmes, T.A. 101 102 166 185 218
Holmes-Smith, R.D. 275 (362) 302 1078 1139 1434 1437 1473
Holt, A. 312 313 366 905 923 926 957 959 1309 1358
Holten, D. 35 (190) 54 1021 1134
Holtje, H.D. 1173 (218) 1204
Holtman, M.S. 1424 (78) 1471
Holtschmidt, H. 711 (225) 756
Holubek, J. (155) 1163 1203
Holzmann, G. 473 (99a) 508
Home, J.P. 1486 (53b) 1522
Homer, G.D. 820 (61) 836 1085 1139
HOMO-LUMO gap 243 244 260 262 266 281
Honda, K. 40 (218) 55 990 992 1004 1046 1082 1136
Hong, J. 1010 (8) 1013
Hong, M. 747 (432) 761
Honle, W. 246 (110 111) 247 261 244 245 250) 296 297 299 634 652 1368 1378 1382 80 81) 1384 1389 111) 1391 1392 1393
Hood, D.M. 106 107 218
Hook, T.J. 1355 (256) 1361
Hooton, K.A. 1409 1410 1413 1421 55) 1442 1471 1474
Hopkins, L.C. 447 (18) 505
Hopkinson, A.C. 71 (69b) 101 102 145 147 187 188 314) 191 201 311 314 352) 202 314 352) 203 216 218 220 223 224 814 815 835 904 908 957
Hoppe, K.D. 261 (245) 299 634 652 1384 1393
Hopper, S.P. 726 (307) 758 881 884 885 891 892 1062 1070 1077 1081 1086 1138
Horiguchi, Y. 764 (4 5) 805
Horiuchi, S. 1450 1461 1475 1500 1501 1504 1505 1508 1510 1511 1523 1524
Horman, E.R. 399 (47) 435
Horn, H.G. 524 (46) 547 551 553 1309 1359 1366 1391 1401 1402 1403 1404 1412
Horn, K. 488 (140) 509
Horn, K.A. 950 (290) 962
Horn, M. 446 (3a) 504 904 957 1090 1092 1120 1124 1140
Horner, H.J. 394 395 434
Horner, U. 1508 1509 1525
Horning, E.C. 449 (30b) 505
Hornung, V. 561 (55) 628 646 651
Horriike, T. 740 (389) 760
Horvat, R.J. 471 (92a) 507
Hoshino, Y. 1507 (127b) 1524
Hoskyns, V.F.M. 1493 (81) 1522
Hosmanc, N.S. 293 294 303 540 553
Hosomi, L. 617 (160) 650 705 756 780 794 806 807 931 932 933 934 941 955 311) 960 961 963 980 1003 1274 1280 175) 1287 1288
Hoste, S. 479 (117) 508
Houk, K.N. 71 76 79 203 216 617 636 637 639 640 650 652
Houle, F.A. 571 (74) 647
House, H.O. 732 (347) 759
Houston, R.E. 1419 (37) 1430 1471 1472
Howard, A.V. 6 (40) 50 377 385 390 391
Howard, J. 1447 (215) 1475
Howard, J.A.K. 275 (374 376 378) 302 328 367 1419 1434 1437 1447 1470 1473 1475
Howard, T.R. 1436 (160) 1473
Howell, J.M. 205 207 225 281 303 586 603 648
Hoy, A.R. 231 (38) 269 295 301
Hoyano, J.K. 1453 (245) 1475
Hoye, T.R. 773 (47) 805
Hseu, T.H. 249 (139) 272 297 301
Hu, X. 1437 (163) 1473
Huber, R. 616 617 650
Hudlicky, T. 766 (13) 805
Hudrlik, A.M. 665 (51) 752 940 953 301) 954 305) 961 962 963
Hudrlik, P.F. 665 (51) 668 735 752 753 759 887 892 940 945 947 953 297 300 301) 954 305) 961 962 963
Hudrlik, R.F. 732 (348) 759
Hudson, A. 328 (86) 367
Huenig, S. 770 (34) 805
Huesmann, P.U. 934 939 960
Huffman, J.C. 1420 1435 1436 1471
Huffmann, J.C. 1401 1408 1411
Huflaker, H.B. 1099 (310 311) 1140
Huges, K.J. 199 (342) 224
Huggins, C.M. 823 (77) 836
Huggins, M.L. 895 (8) 956
Hughbanks, T. 1390 (121) 1394
Hughes, B.M. 486 (131) 508
Hughes, D. 995 (142) 1004
Hughes, D.W. 1044 1090 1092 1120 1136
Hughes, G.J. 953 (295) 962
Hughes, K.J. 386 (78) 391 1058 1063 1076 1090 1102 297) 1138 1139 1140
Hughes, L.R. 934 (204) 960
Hughey, M.R. 193 194 203 223 904 957
Huheey, J.E. 75 104 216 903 957
Huheey, J.H. 6 (38) 50
Hukeey, J.E. 497 (161) 509
Hulce, V.D. 1153 (74—76) 1201
Hulin, B. 767 (23) 805
Hull, K. 934 (200) 960
Hulme, E.C. 1176 (228—230) 1204
Hummel, D. 419 (291 293) 440
Hummel, J.P. 46 (257) 56 90 217
Hunerbein, J. 1372 (41b) 1392
Hunig, S. 720 (266) 757
Hunneman, D. 468 (85) 507
Hunt, J.H. 413 (194) 438
Hunt, P.D. 397 (36) 435
Hunt, W.J. 62 (28) 214
Hunter, B.K. 517 524 551
Hunter, G. 1078 (281) 1139
Hunter, M.H. 413 (205) 418 438 439
Hunter, M.J. 416 (248 249) 418 275 281 284) 419 294) 439 440 1319 1359
Hunter, W.E. 233 (44) 295
Huntley, C.M. 258 (205—207) 298 831 837
Hurd, D.T. 1296 (23) 1357
Hursthouse, M.B. 256 (197) 258 298 1435 1436 1473
Hurt, C.J. 251 (148) 297 1221 1239
Hurt, S. 1177 (234) 1205
Hussman, G.P. 1064 1092 1120 1139
Hussmann, G. 983 (92) 1003 1119 1123 1126 1127 1141
Hussmann, G.P. 1120 1121 1126 1141
Hutcheon, W.L. 291 (419) 303
Hutchins, R.R. 946 (264) 962
Huttner, G. 1371 (37) 1391
Hutton, R.S. 231 (37) 295
Hutzel, G.H. 418 (278) 440
Huy, P.T. 636 (230) 652
Huynh, C. 665 (48) 752
Huynh, V. 930 (178) 960
Huzinaga, S. 63 (30c) 214
Hwang, J.T. 946 (269) 962
Hwang, K.J. 797 (140) 807
Hwang, R.J. 698 (182) 755
Hwang, T.L. 249 (139) 297
Hwu, J.R. 774 (51) 805
Hyde J.F. 1154 (82) 1201
Hyde, J.F. 410 (169) 437 515 551 1294 1298 1319 1356 1359
Hydrazines, silylated energy hypersurface calculations for 580—581
Hydrazines, silylated synthesis of 713
Hydride affinities 451—452 491
Hydride ion transfer 447—448
| Hydridosilatranes, reactions of 1267 1274
Hydrogen analytical determination of 403—404 (see also “Proton...”)
Hydrogen-silicon bonds, analysis of 406—407 415 420
Hydrogenosilanes, reducing action of 1274—1276
Hydrosilanes, asymmetric alcoholysis of 317
Hydrosilylation 28 967
Hydrosilylation 1,3-butadiynes 1499
Hydrosilylation alkenes 1480—1487 1488—1490
Hydrosilylation alkynes 1483 1487—1488 1489
Hydrosilylation asymmetric hydrosilylation 1489—1490 1508—1514
Hydrosilylation asymmetric syntheses by 318—320 1515
Hydrosilylation cobalt catalysts used 1497
Hydrosilylation conjugated dienes 1493—1499
Hydrosilylation immobilized catalysts used 1491—1493
Hydrosilylation mechanism for ketones 320
Hydrosilylation nickel catalysts used 1486 1488 1497
Hydrosilylation nitrogen-analogue reaction 708
Hydrosilylation palladium catalysts used 1489—1490 1494—1496
Hydrosilylation platinum catalysts used 1480—1486 1493—1494
Hydrosilylation rhodium catalysts used 1486—1488 1497—1498 1501 1505 1510
Hydrosilylation salt catalysts used 1501—1502
Hydrosilylation silanes synthesized by 1342—1344
Hydrosilylation stereoselective reactions 1502—1508
Hydrosilylation syntheses using 661—662
Hydrosilylation transition-metal catalysts used 1450 1458—1461 1480—1499 1500—1501
Hydroxy groups analytical determination of 409—410 419
Hydroxy-substituted pentacoordinated silicon anions 206
Hydroxyaryldihydrosilanols, synthesis of 724
Hydroxylamines, silylated 713
Hydroxysilaethylene 119—123
Hydroxysilanone 140—141
Hydroxysilyl anion 202
Hydroxysilylene 141
Hydroxysilylene dissociation of 182
Hyodo, C. 795 (131)
Hyperconjugation 196 897—899 901 903 935
Hyperconjugation PES studies 593—596
Hyperconjugative effects 919
Hyperconjugative stabilization 904 921 924
Hypervalent bonding 280
Hypervalent silicon compounds 828
Hypervalent silicon compounds dynamic stereochemistry of 1259—1266
Hypervalent silicon compounds formation of 1242—1249
Hypervalent silicon compounds in synthesis 1268—1271 (see also “Hexacoordinate...”; “Pentacoordinate silicon compounds”)
Hypervalent silicon compounds intermediates in catalysed reactions 1276—1284
Hypervalent silicon compounds ionic adducts 1244 1246
Hypervalent silicon compounds protonolysis of 1267—1268
Hypervalent silicon compounds reactions of 1266—1276
Hypervalent silicon compounds reactivity of 1271—1273
Hypervalent silicon compounds structure of 1249—1259
Ibekwe, S.D. 1420 (46) 1442 1471 1474
Ibers, J.A. 275 (357 367 370) 302 323 367 1434 148 150) 1435 150) 1473
Igbal, A.F.MM. 716 (251) 757
Iguchi, H. 955 (311) 963
Ijadi-Maghsoodi, S. 199 (342) 224 386 78) 391 1051 1055 192 193) 1056 1057 1058 222) 1072 1074 1075 1079 221) 1086 1121 1138 1139 1141
Ikariya, T. 1436 (160) 1473
Ikawa, T. 736 (363) 759
Ikeda, H. 542 543 553
Ikeda, K. 1344 1345 1347 1361
Ikeda, N. 950 (289) 962
Ikeda, Y. 782 (84) 806
Ikeno, M. 977 (58) 1002 1090 1111 1114 1120 1126 1140 1141
Ilies, B.R. 1255 (98) 1286
Illas, F. 87 93 217
Illingworth, S.M. 1364 1384 1388 1389 1390
Iloughmane, HM. 940 (232) 961
Ilsley, W.H. 270 (320 321 323 326 328 329) 271 301
Il’Chenko, A.Ya. 900 (28) 957
Imai, N. 791 (121) 807
Imai, T. 941 (235) 961 1465 1477
Imaizumi, S.M. 1503 (189) 1525
Imaki, N. 727 (317) 758
Imamura, S. 1351 1354 1361
Imidazoles, synthesis of 791
Imines hydrosilylation of 1515—1516
Imines sila-substituted, synthesis of 711—712
Imines synthesis of 774
Imme, S. 270 (325) 301
Impurities, GC analysis of 430—431
Inaba, S. 731 (337) 759 1427 1462 1472 1515 1516 1517 164) 1518 164) 1525
Inaba, S.U. 711 (226) 756
Inamoto, M. 1368 (24) 1391
Inamoto, N. 972 (35) 994 1002 1004 1049 1136 1369 29) 1391 1399 1411
Indiksons, A. 1216 (51) 1238
Indium derivatives, PE ionization energies of 636
Indium-silicon bonds, lengths of 270
Inductive effects, silyl groups 895 898
INEPT (insensitive nuclear enhancement via polarization transfer) 522 1309
Infrared spectrophotometry, analysis using 408
Infrared spectroscopy 405
Infrared spectroscopy analysis using 406 407 413—421
Infrared spectroscopy structure correlation studies 416—421
Infrared spectroscopy transition-metal silyl complexes 1439 1442
Ingebrigtson, D.N. 413 (202) 438
Ingold, C.K. 918 (136) 959
Inoi, T. 1144 (16) 1199
Inokuchi, H. 587 593 618 649
Inose, J. 45 (249) 56 697 755 1212 1238 1464 1477
Inoue, S. 712 (228a) 756
Inoue, T. 1267 (128) 1287
Inshhakova, V.T. 913 (111) 958
Intermodular exchange 1260
International Paper Co 1158 (133) 1202
Interstellar reactions 485
Intramolecular hydrogen-deuterium exchange 326—327
Intramolecular interactions 457 468
Intramolecular migration 492
Intramolecular solvation 464
Iodine, analytical determination of 402
Iodine-silicon bonds, lengths of 268 269
Iodo compounds, enthalpies of formation of 381
Iodosilanes analysis of 402 415
Iodosilanes PE spectra of 639
Iodosilanes structural parameters of 269
Ion cyclotron resonance ACR) technique 446 1011
Ion-molecule reactions 483—501
Ion-molecule reactions negatively charged ions 491—501
Ion-molecule reactions positively charged ions 483—491
Ionic species, substituent effects on stability of 452—454
Ionization bands 584
Ionization energies, carbon compared with silicon 70 230
Ipso substitution 909—916
Ireland, P.R. 275 (366) 302 1434 1473
Iridium derivatives stereochemistry of 322 325
Iridium derivatives structural parameters of 275 1434
Iron derivatives NMR data for 541 542 1441
Iron derivatives PE ionization energies of 636 641
Iron derivatives silylphosphine complexes 1385
Iron derivatives stereochemistry of 322
Iron derivatives structural parameters of 274 275 1432 1434
Irwin, H.W. 815 (28) 835
Irwin, R.M. 477 (110b) 508
Isaacs, E.E. 1418 (22) 1470
Isacson, S. 1154 1184 1201
Isakova, N.A. 405 (113) 436
Isao, S. 782 (83) 806
Iseard, B.S. 372 (12) 374 376 26) 381 389 390
Ishibitsu, K. 525 (51) 544 548 549 551 553
Ishigura, M. 977 (56) 1002
Ishiguro, M. 47 (276b) 56 950 962 968 969 1002
Ishii, A. 994 (139) 1004
Ishii, H. 1407 (54 58) 1408 1412
Ishii, Y. 661 (32) 745 749 752 760 761 946 962 1398 1399 1411
Ishikawa, M. 8 (69) 47 276b 277) 51 56 246 249 296 297 536 542 543 552 553 694 695 755 870 891 966 3) 968 969 970 23) 973 42 45) 974 47 48) 975 976 54) 977 3 56) 978 993 995 1001 1002 1004 1021 40) 1046 1047 140—142 144) 1048 1049 1050 1051 149) 1067 1070 148 256) 1071 1077 148) 1085 1086 145 146 148) 1090 147) 1095 148) 1096 1097 1099 150) 1101 148) 1102 1134 1136 1139 1140 1208 1210 1220 1237 1238 1465 324) 1466 1477
Ishitani, A. 1355 (260) 1361
Ishiyama, J. 1503 (189) 1525
Islam, M. 929 (172) 960
Islam, M.S. 293 294 303
Ismail, Z.K. 11 (59) 51 182 222
Isocyanates hydrosilylation of 1517—1518
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