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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Nametkin, N.S. 24 (133) 40 55 55 60 103 213 111 381 390 424 441 475 477 106) 480 508 726 727 745 748 758 760 919 959 1017 1018 1027 1031 1039 1040 1044 95 96) 1046 1049 1050 1051 95 96) 1054 1055 199) 1061 1062 1085 1090 1091 1095 1096 1097 1102 1109 1110 1111 1112 1114 1119 1120 1121 73) 1127 1128 1133 1135 1137 1138 1140 1141 1298 1357 1407 1412 1482 32) 1483 1520 1521
Nanninga, T.N. 783 (90) 806
Naphthylphenylmethylsilanes cobalt carbonyl complexes 357
Naphthylphenylmethylsilanes synthesis of 316
Naphthylsilanes, synthesis of 683—684
Narang, S.C. 736 (362) 759
Narasaki, H. 412 (189) 438
Naray-Szabo, G. 617 (158) 618 639 640 650
Narayan, B. 604 607 649
Nargund, R.P. 767 (19) 805
Nasiak, L.D. 417 (262) 439 1493 1522
Nasielski, J. 901 (32) 957
Natchus, M. 766 (13) 805
Nath, C. 1146 (40) 1200
Nattermann und Cie G.m.b.H. 1149 (49) 1200
Naumann, K. (198b) 1525
Nazery, M. 502 (176) 510
Nazran, A.S. 167 173 174 280b) 175 221 222 991 1004 1051 1137
NBS Tables of Thermochemical Properties 389 (87) 391
Nebergall, W.H. 416 (240) 439 659 25) 681 726 752 754 758
Nechaeva, L.A. 425 (396) 442
Needham, M.F. 399 (51) 435
Neeman, J. 97 98 218 1109 1112 1140
Neemann, J. 246 (97) 296 709 756 1109 1112 1140
Neeter, R.M. 486 (135) 509
Nefedov, O.M. 232 (40) 295 468 507 563 647 1044 1054 1055 185 200—204 219) 1058 1100 203) 1119 1121 1135 1137 1138 1141
Negergall, H.W. 417 (255) 439
Negergill, H.W. 417 (268) 439
Negishi, E. 953 (296) 962
Negishi, E.I. 21 (112) 52
Nekhorosheva, E.V. 1482 (33) 1521
Nelson, G.L. 512 518 550
Nelson, L.E. 668 (63) 753 1487 1522
Nelson, L.S. 742 (394) 760
Nelson, S.F. 580 (101) 648
Nelson, W.M. 802 (159) 808
Nemery, L. 775 (54) 806
Nepomnina, V.V. 1482 (31) 1494 1521 1522
Nerlekar, P.G. 1482 (36) 1521
Nesbitt, S.L. 1398 (16) 1411
Nesfedov, V.D. 164 184 186 221
Neshumova, A.M. 402 (70) 435
Nesmeyanov, A.N. 1459 (270) 1476
Nessanova, P. 408 (139) 437
Nesterov, D.Yu. 263 (262) 300
Nesterov, Yu.D. 262 (279) 300
Neuenschwander, K. 933 (194) 960
Neuert, H. 448 (27) 505
Neumann, G. 731 (344) 759
Neumann, W.P. 270 (327) 301 717 731 757 759
Neumeier, G. 734 (356) 759
Neuser, D. 1146 (41) 1200
Neutral complexes, structural aspects of 289—290
Neuvar, E.W. 436 (141b) 509
Newlands, M.J. 1255 (98) 1286 1400 1411
Newman, C. 5 (19) 50 420 439
Newman, C.G. 147 (227) 220
Newman, T.H. 249 261 297 1382 1384 1393
Newton, C. 781 (80) 806
Newton, M.D. 84 86 217
Nezu, Y. 794 (129) 807
Ng, S. 538 548 552
Ng, W.K. 27 (147) 55
Nguyen Trong Anh. 342 (145) 358 363 369
Nguyen, D.W. 746 (424) 760
Nguyen, M.T. 11 (61) 51
Nibbering, N.M.M. 486 (134 135) 498 499 500 509 510
Nicholls, B.S. 1384 (90) 1393
Nicholson, B.K. 273 (344) 302 1416 1417 1418 1419 1422 1420 1420 42 48) 1423 72) 1434 1437 135) 1439 1442 1444 1453 1470 1471 1473
Nickel catalysts, hydrosilylation using 1486 1488 1497
Nickel derivatives bond lengths in 1434
Nickel derivatives silylphosphine complexes 1384 1386
Nickel, S. 275 (382) 302 1427 1435 1472
Nickless, G. 422 (362 363 365) 424 373) 428 429 430 433 441 443
Niedner, R. 277 (383 384) 278 384 388) 302 303 1166 1172 1178 1181 1182 1184 1203 1205
Nielsen, C.J. 263 264 300
Nielsen, J.M. 1320 1324 1359
Nielsen, J.R. 420 (334) 441
Nielsen, L.E. 1312 (132) 1359
Nielson, A.H. 420 (336) 421 441
Niemann, B. 1374 (45) 1392
Niemann, U. 529 530 552
Nies, J.D. 538 (99) 552
Niessen, W.V. 556 557 558 563 583 585 596 615 644
Nifedipine, silyl derivatives of 1149—1150
Nifedipine-like calcium antagonists, silasubstituted 279
Nihonyanagai, M.M. 1396 (4) 1411
Nihonyanagi, M. 316 (43) 366 748 761 1450 1461 1475 1500 122) 1501 1502 1504 1505 1511 1523
Niihara, K. 1234 (122) 1240
Niki, H. 181 (296) 222
Nikiforova, N.N. 1297 (26) 1357
Nikishin, G.I. 24 (132) 55
Nikitina, J.S. 1323 1324 1359
Nikulina, N.P. 424 (377) 430 441 443
Nikuo, Y. 736 (364) 759
Nile, T.A. 1460 (273) 1476 1486 53c) 1487 64a) 1488 64a 168) (66) 1497 103) 1498 105a) 1507 1508 1522 1523 1524
Nimlos, M.R. 201 (354a) 224 384 391 617 618 650 1008 1013
Ninomiya, S.L. 1164 (174) 1168 174) 1203
Niobium derivatives, bond lengths in 1435
Nishida, I. 1281 (180) 1288
Nishikawa, T. 5 (13b 28) 50 1234 1240
Nishimoto, K. 518 548 551
Nishimura, K. 975 (52) 1002 1047 1048 146 148) 1051 1070 148) 1077 148) 1085 1086 145 146 148) 1090 1095 148) 1101 148) 1136
Nishitani, K. 780 (73) 806
Nishiyama, K. 796 (136) 807
Nisoldipine, sila-analogue of 1179
Nitration, mechanism of 910
Nitrile imines, PE spectra of 572 573
Nitrile ylides 793
Nitriles hydrosilylation of 1518
Nitriles sila-substituted, NMR spectra of 518
Nitriles synthesis of 770—771
Nitroarenes, sila-substituted 504
Nitrogen-containing compounds analysis of 411
Nitrogen-containing compounds GC separation of 430
Nitrogen-containing compounds IR analysis of 421
Nitrogen-containing compounds photochemistry of 993—994 999—1000
Nitrogen-containing compounds synthesis of 706—721
Nitrogen-containing compounds thermochemistry of 382—383
Nitrogen-silicon bonds 254—260
Nitrogen-silicon bonds dissociation energies of 385
Nitrogen-silicon bonds electronegativity effect on 706
Nitrogen-silicon bonds lengths of 255 256 258 1253 1431
Nitrogen-silicon bonds lone-pair interaction in 706
Nitrogen-silicon double bonds 239—242
Nitrosilaethylene 119—123
Nix, M. 289 (410) 303 1244 1251 1261 1285
Nixon, E.R. 421 (346 347 350 355) 439 441
Nixon, J.F. 11 14 57
Nobes, R.H. 192 193 223 503 510
Nogaideli, A.J. 744 (400) 760
Nolan, M.C. 1444 (207) 1474
Noll, J.E. 825 826 836
Noll, W. 409 (151 156) 410 170) 419 437 440 658 751 1184 1205
Noll, W.J. 1292 1308 1309 1311 1344 1356
Nolle, D. 632 633 640 652
Noltemeyer, M. 267 (304) 301
Noltes, J.G. 418 (269) 439 1244 30) 1285
Nomalenkova, N.G. 1254 (88) 1286
Nomenclature 17
Nomura, Y. 943 (246) 961
Non-aqueous titrimetry 410—412
Non-Berry displacement 282
Nondek, L. 1309 (106) 1358
Noradrenaline, silyl derivatives of 1146
Norchl, H. 1404 (39) 1412
Nordberg, R. 557 558 615 645
Nordblom, G.D. 598 599 649
Nordling, C. 557 558 615 645
Noren, G.H. 998 (155) 1005
| Norman, A.D. 1364 (7) 1365 1391
Norman, N.C. 60 (17c) 214 234 295 1017 1133 1427 1472
Norman, R.O.C. 919 (138) 959
Noro, T. 148 (232) 220
Noronha-Blob, L. 1176 (232) 1205
Norrish, R.G.W. 1311 (120) 1312 133) 1359
Norton, F.J. 432 (469) 444
Norton, J.R. 1418 1467 1470
Noth, H. 576 (83 85 86) 580 581 631 632 633 220) 640 647 648 652 1130 1141
Noth, H.A. 1405 (44) 1412
Novak, I. 625 (189) 639 640 651 652
Novak, P. 730 (335) 758
Novakova, J. 201 (354b) 224
Novichkova, A.S. 1396 (4) 1411
Novick, S. 229 (17) 294 832 837 1255 1286
Novikov, S.S. 1482 1483 1520
Novotna, P. 408 (135) 409 437
Nowakowski, P.M. 820 (62) 836
Nowlin, J.G. 449 (30b) 505
Noyori, R. 726 (306) 729 327) 758 803 932 960
Nozaki, H. 925 (160) 930 944 947 960 961 962 1450 1475
Nozaki, K. 946 (260) 962
Nozakura, S. 1486 (58) 1522
Nozue, I. 1232 (118) 1240
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 511—550
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy carbon-13 NMR 517—520
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy polysiloxane copolymers 1309
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy proton NMR 512—516
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy silicon-29 NMR 520—550
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy transition-metal silyl complexes 1438—1439 1440—1441
Nucleophiles allyl—silicon bonds activated by 1280
Nucleophiles as catalysts 863—880
Nucleophiles bimolecular substitution by 884—885
Nucleophiles disilenes added to by 1038—1039
Nucleophiles electronic character of 342
Nucleophiles geometry of attack of 358—365
Nucleophiles hard/soft nucleophile concept 844 846—847
Nucleophiles organosilanes reacting with 210
Nucleophiles oxygen-silicon bonds activated by 1280—1284
Nucleophiles reduction activated by 1279
Nucleophiles substitution affected by 841—848 863—880
Nucleophiles transition-metal complexes attacked by 1442—1444
Nucleophili “front-side” attack 207 208
Nucleophilic displacement 29 840—880
Nucleophilic displacement catalysis by nucleophiles 863—880
Nucleophilic displacement chiral complexes affected by 356—358
Nucleophilic displacement direct substitution by nucleophile 840—863
Nucleophilic displacement double displacement mechanism 876—880
Nucleophilic displacement gas-phase 498—499
Nucleophilic displacement role of five-coordinate intermediate in 332—334
Nucleophilic displacement stereochemistry of 330—365 1251 1254—1255
Nucleophilic substitution, hypervalent silicon compounds 1245
Nucleophilic “back-side” attack 208
Numata, T. 1397 (11) 1411
Nunokawa, O. 925 (161) 960
Nyburg, S.C. 108 120 122 219 236 61) 237 61) 295 532 552 988 113) 1004 1044 107) 1045 116) 1078 107) 1085 1086 1100 107) 1101 107) 1155 1136
o-Hydroxyphenyltrialkylsilanes 682
o-Trimethylsilyltoluene 681
Oae, S. 1397 (11) 1411
Oakley, R.T. 249 (136 137) 261 137) 297 1379 1382 1392 1393
Obara, S. 148 (230) 220
Obasra, S. 176 (283) 222
Obayashi, M. 944 (251) 947 961 962
Oberhammer, H. 6 7 50 71 76 84 102) 86 216 217 246 112) 258 260 261 263 296 298 299 300
Obuchi, H. 1047 (141) 1136
Ochiai, H. 1048 1070 1077 1086 1095 1101 1136
Ocimene, hydrosilylation of 1495
Octa-... see also “Eight-...”
Octafonium chloride, sila-analogue of 1167
Octamethyl-1,2-disilacyclobutane 696
Octamethyl-2,3,6,8-tetrasilabicyclo[3.3.0]-octene radical ions 579
Octamethylcyclotetrasilazane 710
Octasilacubane 91—92 1217
Oda, M. 1047 1085 1086 1136
Odell, K. 1500 (110) 1523
Odell, K.J. 275 (377) 302
Odinka, T.I. 910 (99) 958
Odiorne, T.J. 449 (30a) 505
Odom, J.D. 5 14 50 79 216
Oertel, G. 711 (225) 756
Oertle, K. 1489 (175) 1525
Ogata, M. 778 (68) 790 116) 791 806 807
Ogden, P.H. 488 (141b) 509
Ogilvie, J.F. 12 (79) 51 151 220 568 647 1131 1142
Ogilvie, K.K. 473 (97a 97b) 507
Ogorodnikov, S.K. 426 (398) 442
Ogura, K. 1512 (204) 1526
Ogure, T. 708 (216) 756
Ohannesian, L. 777 (61) 806
Ohara, I. 724 (296) 758
Oharu, K. 27 (146) 53
Ohashi, H. 1102 (313) 1140
Ohbayashi, Y. 1157 (107) 1201
Ohg, B.S. 925 (159b) 959
Ohi, F. 47 (276b) 56 968 969 20) 1002
Ohla, G.A. 736 (362) 759
Ohmer, J. 1401 (27) 1408 62) 1409 1411 1413
Ohnishi, K. 916 (129) 959
Ohno, K. 11 14 51 148 220 625 187) 628 629 651 673 753 1493 1494 1495 89) 1497 1522 1523
Ohno, M. 660 (30) 752 932 960
Ohshita, J. 1465 (320 321) 1477
Ohta, K. 106 107 176 283) 198 219 224
Ohtsuki, M. 548 (145) 553
Ohvanagi, M. 1344 1345 1347 1361
Oida, S. 804 (164) 808
Oiwa, T. 425 (393) 442
Oji Paper, Co. 724 (296) 758
Ojima, I. 316 (43) 318 366 111 748 758 761 955 963 1396 1397 1411 1427 1450 1460 1461 272 274) 1462 1472 1475 1426 1480 1481 1485 1486 1487 1488 1490 1491 1493 1495 1496 1498 1500 114a 114b 116 117 122) 1501 1502 1504 125 128) 1505 128) 1506 133) 1507 133) 1508 135a—135c) 1510 135a—135c) 1511 128 135a—135c) 1512 128 151a 151b) 1513 154) 1514 153 207 208) 1515 162—164) 1516 163) 1517 164) 1518 164) 1520 1522 1523 1524 1525
Ojima, J. 708 (216) 711 731 756 759
Okamoto, Y. 900 901 936 939 957 961
Okamura, K. 43 (231b) 55 1224 1232 1234 1239
Okanara, R. 1248 1257 1286
Okawa, T. 35 45 54 251 297 978 66) 979 1003 1021 1022 43) 1024 1038 1134 1213 1214 1215 43 47b) 1219 1238
Okawara, R. 419 420 440
Okawarta, R. 420 (337) 441
Okawo, T. 1220 (68) 1238
Okaya, Y. 308 (10) 336 365 368 842 889
Okazaki, K. 8 (69) 51 1021 40) 1047 1134
Okazaki, R. 972 (35) 994 1002 1004 1049 1136 1399 1411
Okazoki, K. 993 (134) 1004
Okinoshima, H. 48 (280) 56 976 1002 1124 1141 1427 100) 1428 1462 100) 1463 1464 1472
Okita, H. 1481 (10) 1520
Okonnishnikova, G.P. 468 (84) 507
Okowaru, R. 420 421 441
Oku, A. 774 (52) 805
Okuma, K. 770 (31) 805
Okumura, M. 1234 (122) 1240
Olah, G.A. 4 (5a 5b) 49
Olbrich, G. 8 (71) 47 51 56 129 198) 130 198) 131 148 150 176 198 219 220 222 224 1028 1032 1135
Oldfield, E. 71 76 216
Olefination -silyl organometallic reagents used 787—789 (see also “Peterson reaction”)
Olefins, comparison with disilenes 35 36—37
Oleneva, G.I. 1278 (154) 1288
Olie, K. 275 (355) 302 1434 1435 1473
Olien, W.C. 1157 (129) 1202
Oligosilanes alkyl/aryl loss reactions 1223
Oligosilanes electron delocalization in 1217—1220
Oligosilanes photolysis of 1220—1221
Oligosilanes reactions of 1220—1223
Oligosilanes rearrangement of 1222—1223
Oligosilanes synthesis of 1210—1220
Oliva, A. 467 (82) 481 482 507 508
Oliver, J.P. 270 (320 321 323 324 326 328 329) 271 301 658 751
Olmstead, H.D. 732 (347) 759
Olmsted, W.N. 498 (166) 509
Olson, C.Mm. 18 19 52
Omizu, H. 727 (316) 758 1511 1524
Omori, M. 43 (231a) 55 1224 1232 1234 1239
On, H.P. 668 (67) 753
On, P. 1090 1120 1140
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