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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Onan, K.D. 340 (133) 368 829 837 854 890 1252 1254 1286
One-stage nucleophilic processes 335
Ono, N. 778 (67) 806 1397 1400 1411
Onopchenko, A. 1490 (172a 172b) 1525
Onyschuk, M. 1257 (113 114) 1267 1287
Onyszchuck, M. 822 (71) 836
Onyszchuk, M. 874 (97) 891 1243 1284
Onyszchuki, M. 415 416 420 421 438
Onyszchunk, M. 210 211 225
Opitz, H.E. (239) 416 439
Oppengeim, V.D. 1044 1051 1135
Oppenstein, A. 446—449 483 485 491 505
Optically active 1,3-diols, synthesis of 774
Optically active compounds, biotransformations to 1194—1198
Optically active germyl radicals 329
Optically active silanes by asymmetric synthesis methods 312—322
Optically active silanes by resolution 307—312
Optically active silanes reduction of 350—351
Optically active silanes synthesis of 1198
Optically active silanols, synthesis of 723
Orchard, A. 604 636 649
Orchard, A.F. 556 557 558 567 583 584 593 595 596 602 615 617 619 644 647 650
Organic transfer reagents, early reagents 21—23
Organobis(benzene-1, 2-diolato) complexes, reactivity of 1274
Organocyclosiloxanes 265
Organofluorosilicate ions 1242
Organofluorosilicates, structures of 1249 1250
Organofunctional silanes hydrolysis of 1345
Organofunctional silanes synthesis of 1342—1344
Organofunctional siloxanes 1341—1350
Organofunctional siloxanes applications of 1347—1350
Organofunctional siloxanes as radiation-curing siloxanes 1347—1349
Organofunctional siloxanes chemical properties of 1347
Organofunctional siloxanes cosmetic applications for 1349—1350
Organofunctional siloxanes formula for 1342
Organofunctional siloxanes in photolithography 1350
Organofunctional siloxanes in textile treatment 1349
Organofunctional siloxanes physical properties of 1342 1347
Organofunctional siloxanes synthesis of 1344—1347
Organometallic Chemistry Reviews 60 167 193 213
Organometallic reactions, Si-C bond formation 25
Organopentafluorosilicates alkyl transfer in 1270
Organopentafluorosilicates halogenation of 1268—1270
Organopentafluorosilicates organometallic reactions 1271
Organopentafluorosilicates oxidation of 1270
Organopentafluorosilicates reactivity of 1273—1274
Organopolysilanes 43
Organosilane pyrolysis 386
Organosilicon anions 329—330
Organosilicon halides, racemization/solvolysis of 1276—1279
Organosilicon peroxides 264
Organosilicon radicals 328—329
Organyloxysilanes 725—732
Oribc, T. 737 (370) 759 1507 1524
Oritz, J.V. 201 (350) 224
Orlov, N.F. 731 (338) 759
Orlov, V.Yu. 446 (7b) 478 505 508
Orme-Johnson, W.H. 1185 (261) 1205
Oro, L.A. 1447 1459 1475
Orpen, A.G. 1436 (161) 1473
Ortho-substituted silylated benzenes, rearrangement/dissociation of 468 470 492
Orthosilicic acid 85
Orvillc Thomas, W.J. 895 (7) 956
Osawa, H. 577 581 629 630 636 638 648
Osbesky, G.D. 417 (258) 439
Osborn, J.A. 1453 (245) 1475 1486 1521
Osc, Y. 398 (38) 435
Oshawa, N. 985 (102) 1003
Oshima, K. 946 (260) 962 1450 1475
Oshita, J. 1067 (253 256) 1070 1071 1139
Oskam, A. 275 (355) 302 641 653 1434 1435 1473
Osman, M.A. 431 (453 465) 443
Osmium derivatives NMR data for 1441
Osmium derivatives silylphosphine complexes 1385
Osmium derivatives structural parameters of 275 1434
Osowska-Pacewicka, K. 795 (132) 807
Ostah, N.A. 1026 1050 1051 1134
Ostarek, R. 1398 (17) 1411
Ostaszcwski, B. 1491 (178) 1525
Osthoff, R.C. 722 (278) 757 1292 1294 1295 1296 23) 1356 1357
Ostlund, N.S. 65 (44) 215
Ostoja-Starzewski, K.A. 258 (213) 299 576 599 618 165) 624 165) 629 631 637 648 650
Ostoja-Starzewski, K.H.A. 624 (183) 651
Ostrowski, S. 398 (41) 435
Otsubo, F. 1409 1410 1413
Otsuka, T. 982 (87) 983 1003 1018 1024 1027 1039 1133 1134
Ottana, R. 787 (102) 806
Otto, K. 428 (427) 443
Ouano, A.C. 1308 (84) 1358
Ouellctte, R.J. 903 (45) 957
Ould-Kada, S. 308 309 342 366 369
Overman, L.E. 193 (322b) 223 764 804
Overmann, L.E. 924 (167—169) 960
Owen, M.J. 1347 (224) 1351 1354 1355 1356 1361
Oxasilacyclopentanes, optically active 311
Oxatrisitacyclobutanes, photolysis of 998—999
Oxazoles, silylated 690
Oxidative addition reactions 292 322 1484
Oxidative addition reactions kinetic study of 324
Oximes, hydrosilylation of 1517
Oxygen flask combustion technique 397
Oxygen-containing compounds synthesis of 721—744
Oxygen-containing compounds thermochemistry of 381—382
Oxygen-silicon bonds dissociation energies of 385
Oxygen-silicon bonds lengths of 263 1432
Oxygen-silicon bonds polarity of 722
Oxygen-silicon bonds structural aspects of 262—266
Oxygen-silicon double bonds, strength of 140
Oxysilyl radicals 200
Oyung, W. 397 (30) 434
Ozer, U. 1374 (47) 1392
Ozier, I. 5(12) 49
O’Brien, D.H. 1010 (12) 1013
O’Brien, S. 671 (81) 753
O’Connor, M. 1144 (5) 1199
O’Hare, E.R. 1147 (32 42) 1200
O’Hare, R.E. 1145 (32) 1199
O’Keeffe, M. 81 (89) 83 95a—95c) 84 85 95a 95b) 97 138b) 99 140 216 217 218
O’Loane, J.K. 5(19) 50 420 439
O’Malley, J.M. 1355 (255) 1361
O’Neal, H.A. 372 (15) 374 23) 377 35) 380 389 390 1026 1027 1028 1029 1051 179) 1062 1131 59 60) 1134 1135 1137
O’Neal, H.E. 147 (227) 169 176 177 178 220 222
O’Neil, I.A. 916 (128) 959
O’Neill, J.J. 416 (247) 439
O’Reilly, J.M. 246 (92) 296
O’Terrall, R.A.M. 488 (138b) 509
p-Chlorophenylsilatrane, toxicity of 1152
p-Methoxyphenoxytriphenylsilanes, hydrolysis of kinetics of 851
Pacansky, J. 139 (214a) 220
Paddon-Row, M.N. 636 (230) 652
Padvva, A. 791 (120) 792 793 126) 807 956 963
Paeme, G. 1188 (267) 1205
Page, P.C. 787 (101) 806
Pai, D.M. 1236 (129) 1240
Pai, Y.M. 1309 (117) 1359
Pakkanen, T. 1428 (105) 1472
Pakulski, M. 1278 (159) 1288
Palamarchuk, N.A. 405 (102) 424 425 396) 426 436 442
Palazzolo, R.J. 1154 (84) 1201
Palchik, R.I. 1484 (41) 1521
Palladium catalysts, hydrosilylation using 1489—1490 1494—1496
Palladium derivatives alkyne insertion catalysed by 1463—1465
Palladium derivatives as catalysts 670 673 676 772 777 796
Palladium derivatives cycloaddition of 782—783
Palma, A. 638 (234) 652
Palmer, M.H. 620 621 651
Palomo, C. 804 (165) 808
Panasenko, A.A. 617 (169) 618 620 169) 650
Panayotov, I. 1303 (53) 1357
Pande, K.C. 816 817 835 910 958
| Panfilov, V.N. 384 (68) 391
Pang, H. 473 (96) 507
Pang, J.M. 903 (45) 957
Pannell, K.H. 540 (112) 541 115) 542 550 553 816 835 1429 1433 123) 1439 1441 1442 1472 1474
Panomarenko, V.A. 424 427 441
Panster, P. 1343 (205) 1360
Pant, B.C. 1485 (50a) 1521
Papasergio, R.J. 699 (187) 755
Pape, C. 21 (110) 52
Paper chromatography 434
Paper chromatography analysis using 408
Papkov, V.S. 1323 (153) 1336 1337 1359 1360
Papouskova, Z. 730 (335) 758 823 836 900 957
Papulov, Yu.G. 374 (24) 390
Paquette, L.A. 667 (58 60 61) 753 764 804 950 953 962
Paramagnetic silyl compounds 1420 1425 1426
Parbhoo, B. 1309 (105 107) 1310 1358
Pardo, R. 934 (196) 960
Paris, C. 745 (416) 760
Parish, R.J. 1488 (177) 1525
Parish, R.V. 1346 (218) 1361 1418 21) 1442 1470 1474 1486 1487 1488 1522
Parissakis, O. 425 (385) 442
Parkanyi, L. 229 (20) 249 251 152) 257 279 289 290 294 297 298 303 1151 1200 1214 1215 1238 1244 1245 1285
Parker, D.R. 993 (135) 1004
Parker, D.W. 1443 (193) 1474
Parker, G.A. 307 (9) 324 336 337 125) 340 365 367 368 842 9 12 13 20) 845 873 889
Parnes, Z.N. 1011 (21) 1014
Parr, W.J.E. 903 (46) 957
Parr-type bomb 394
Parrett, E.W. 834 (140) 837
Parrett, F.N. 876 (105) 891
Partington, J.R. 18 (102b) 52
Passmore, T.R. 587 588 617 636 649
Pataud-Sat, M. 1450 (230) 1475
Patel, A. 1486 (53c) 1522
Patel, S.K. 941 (238) 961
Paterson, G. 672 (91) 753
Paterson, I. 932 (187) 941 960 961
Patil, G. 768 (26) 808
Patmore, D.J. 1418 (33) 1470
Patnode, W. 1302 1303 1320 1324 1357
Paton, W.F. 1163 (157—159 161 162) 1203
Patterson, C.W. 81 (90) 216
Paty, P.B. 1407 (57) 1412
Pau, C.F. 113 (173) 219 450 506 1075 1139
Paul, E.G. 527 530 532 542 552
Paul, G.C. 11 (68) 51 143 220 386 391 1061 1081 1138
Paulen, W. 1370 (35 36) 1377 1391 1392
Pauling, L.F. 7 (44) 50 70 84 204 217 224 229 230 231 237 245 249 272 279 280 294 295 706 722 756 895 897 956
Pauly, M. 791 (118) 807
Pav, C.F. 198 (334) 224
Pavan Kumar, P.N.V. 266 (291) 300
Paveleva, E. 402 (74) 435
Pawlak, P. 1491 1492 1493 1525
Pawlenko, S. 658 (17) 725 726 752 758
Paxson, T.E. 1500 1501 1523
Payne, J.S. 283 284 303 1242 1243 1249 1284
Payne, M.P. 641 (246) 653
Payne, N.C. 1509 1510 1526
Payne, S.E. 1051 1086 1137
Payzant, J.D. 451 (50a) 498 506 509
Pazdernik, L.J. 1403 (35) 1412
Pazdernik, U. 267 (297) 301
Pcruzzini, M. 1384 (91) 1393
Peake, J.S. (239) 416 417 268) 439 659 726 752 758
Pearce, A. 666 670 671 753 920 921 926 941 237) 959 961
Pearce, R. 670 (75 76) 753 985 986 106) 1003 1433 1472
Pearson, A.J. 768 (24) 805
Pearson, N.R. 1050 1085 1111 1114 1137
Pearson, R. 11 14 51
Pearson, R.G. 449 (34) 506 844 889
Pedder, E.K. 1176 (229 230) 1205
Peddle, G.J. 816 (35) 835
Peddle, G.J.D. 330 (96) 367 476 508 984 1003 1018 16) 1027 10) 1033 1133
Pedley, J.B. 372 (8 12) 374 12 26) 375 376 12 26) 377 378 379 380 381 26 47) 382 47 52) 383 47) 389 389 390 567 617 629 206 208) 636 229) 637 204) 639 204) 640 204 206) 641 243) 647 650 651 652
Pedrini, P. 690 (156) 755 915 959
Peeling, E.R.A. 1485 (50a) 1521
Peeling, J. 1355 (255) 1361
Peetre, B. 428 (419—421) 442
Peetre, L.B. 423 (369—371) 428 441
Pegg, D.T. 522 (40) 551 1309 1358
Pehk, T. 534 (88) 538 552 1309 1359
Pehk, T.J. 545 (128) 553
Pellow, C.J. 1309 (115) 1359
Penta... see also “Five-...”
Pentacoordinate intermediates 870 873 874
Pentacoordinate organofluorosilicates reactivity of 1273—1274 “see also (“Organopentafluorosilicates”)
Pentacoordinate silicon anions 204—210 496—497 1242—1244
Pentacoordinate silicon anions disubstituted anions 209—210
Pentacoordinate silicon anions monosubstituted anions 206
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds 210—211
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds anionic species 204—210 282—289 496—497 1242—1244
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds cationic complexes 1246
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds formation of 1242—1246
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds neutral complexes 289—290 1244—1246
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds NMR spectra of 537—540
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds nucleophilic substitution in 854 855 856—863
Pentacoordinate silicon compounds structure of 279—292 1249—1251 1255
Pentacoordinate siliconium ions 191
Pentacoordination, aptitude for 341—342 1245
Pentamethyldisilylmethylisilylene, formation during photolysis 981
Pentasilyltriphosphines 1377
Pentavalent silicon anion 451
Pepe, E.J. 911 (107) 958
Pepinsky, R. 842 (13) 889
Perchlorosilanes, NMR spectra of 529—530
Percival, A. 904 (53) 955 957 963
Peregud, E.A. 412 (191) 438
Perethylcyclopolysilanes, photolysis of 978
Perez, D. 777 (64) 806
Perez-Garcia, J.A. 1295 1298 1356
Perfumes 1190—1193
Perichon, J. 682 (140) 754
Pericyclic reactions disilenes 1039—1041
Pericyclic reactions silenes 1095—1099
Pericyclic reactions silenes synthesized by 1061—1062
Perkins, K.A. 129 135 136 220 377 39) 378 379 387 390
Perkins, P. 586 (110) 648
Perkins, P.G. 129 135 136 220 377 39) 378 379 387 390 819 836
Perlson, W.H. 432 (471) 444
Permethylated polysilanes, ionization energies of 619
Permethylpolysilanes NMR spectra of 542—543
Permethylpolysilanes photolysis of 998
Permethylpolysilanes physical properties of 1210—1211
Permethylpolysilanes separation of ring sizes 1212 1213
Permethylsilanes PE spectra of 589 591—593
Permethylsilanes rearrangement of 1222—1223
Peroxides 264
Perozzi, E.F. 1243 (17) 1285
Perrett, R.H. 422 423 441
Perrot, M.M. 1275 (145) 1276 1287
Perrot, R. 931 (182) 960
Perry, D.A. 931 944 954 960 963
Perry, D.L. 1018 1027 1133
Pershina, L.I. 1155 1181 1201
Perutz, R.N. 1110 (339) 1140 1447 1475
Perz, R.M. 863 (80) 890 1279 170) 1282 1288 1500 1502 1507 129b) 1524
Pessini, F.B.T. 816 (32) 835
Pestunovich, V.A. 290 (412) 303 527 64) 538 96) 544 552 553 829 837 1256 1257 1261 120) 1286 1287 1484 1521
Peter, K. 48 (282) 56
Peter, L. 7 (46) 50
Peter, W.T. 47 (274) 56 1209 1237
Peters, E.M. 97 98 218 242 263 264 280) 267 260 293 298 302 303 305) 296 300 301 1405 1412
Peters, K. 45 (234) 48 55 56 97 135d) 98 135d) 218 242 246 133) 249 116 133) 260 263 264 280) 267 260 293 295 296 298 302 303 305) 268 296) 296 297 299 300 301 700 703 755 978 979 1003 1022 1024 1038 1117 1134 1141 1212 1215 1237 1378 1381 1389 1392 1401 1405 1412
Peters, W. 659 (24a) 752
Petersen, D.H. 246 (90) 296
Peterson elimination 782
Peterson olefination reaction 787 944—951
Peterson olefination reaction gas-phase analogue of 496
Peterson olefination reaction mechanism of 945—947
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