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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Cyclic siloxycarbenes, formation during photolysis 986—987
Cyclic vinylsilanes, synthesis of 670
Cyclization processes ionic species 465 469—473
Cyclization processes silicenium ions in 469—473
Cyclo-reversion processes 470 477
Cycloaddition reactions 955—956
Cycloalkanes, silylated, synthesis of 660
Cyclobutadiene, sila-analogues of 165—166
Cyclodiorganopolysiloxanes 1291
Cyclodisilathianes 97
Cyclodisilazanes 97 257
Cyclodisiloxanes 33 97 98 100 142 1042
Cyclodisilthianes 266 1402 1403
Cycloheptasilane 90
Cyclohexanones, stereoselective hydrosilylation of 1503
Cyclohexasilane 45—46
Cyclooctasilane 90
Cyclopentadiene, hydrosilylation of 1494 1496
Cyclopentaphosphines, silyl-substituted 1378
Cyclopentasilane 87—88
Cyclopentasilane anion radicals 46
Cyclopolyphosphines, silyl-substituted 1376—1379
Cyclopolysilanes 44—46
Cyclopolysilanes hetero-substituted 93—103
Cyclopolysilanes ring strain in 89—90
Cyclopolysilanes saturated 87—92
Cyclopolysilanes structural data for 250 251 1213—1216
Cyclopolysilanes synthesis of 1211—1213
Cycloproparenes, synthesis of 787
Cyclosilanes anion radicals 1218 1219
Cyclosilanes cation radicals 1219 1220
Cyclosilanes gas-phase reactions of 498
Cyclosilanes nitrogen-containing, synthesis of 718
Cyclosilanes NMR spectra of 533—537
Cyclosilanes reduction potentials of 1219
Cyclosilanes small-ring, ring strain in 1215
Cyclosilanes stereochemistry compared with acyclic silanes 352
Cyclosilanes synthesis of 694—706
Cyclosilaphosphanes 1379—1383
Cyclosilazanes, GC separation of 430
Cyclosiloxanes acidolysis/condensation reactions of 1303—1304
Cyclosiloxanes addition polymerization of 1303
Cyclosiloxanes anionic polymerization of 1294—1302
Cyclosiloxanes cationic polymerization of 1013 1302—1308
Cyclosiloxanes condensation polymerization of 1311
Cyclosiloxanes copolymerization of 1311—1314
Cyclosiloxanes copolymers, microstructure of 1314—1319
Cyclosiloxanes formation of macrocycles in 1305—1307
Cyclosiloxanes kinetic studies of 1304
Cyclosiloxanes mixed-cyclics polymerization of 1311—1314
Cyclosiloxanes polymerization of 1294—1308
Cyclosiloxanes sequential polymerization of 1311
Cyclosiloxanes structural data for 265
Cyclosiloxanes synthesis of 725
Cyclosilthianes 1401—1403
Cyclotetraphosphines, silyl-substituted 1376—1378 1379
Cyclotetrasilane 87—88 97
Cyclotetrasilane reactions with sulfur 1404—1405
Cyclotetrasilanes 46 87—88 97
Cyclotetrasilanes 1,3-hetero-substituted 97
Cyclotetrasilanes formation during photolysis 982
Cyclotetrasilanes photolysis of 978 1022 1221
Cyclotetrasilanes synthesis of 1041
Cyclotetrasiloxanes, anionic polymerization of 1294—1297
Cyclotriphosphines, silyl-substituted 1376
Cyclotrisilane 87—88 92
Cyclotrisilanes 46
Cyclotrisilanes, photolysis of 978—979 1020 1022 1220—1221
Cyclotrisilanes, structures of 1215
Cyclotrisilanes, synthesis of 1212
Cyclotrisiloxanes 1291—1292
Cyclotrisiloxanes anionic polymerization of 1297—1299
Cyclotrisiloxanes polymerization in activator solvents 1298—1299
Cyclotrisilthianes 1402 1403 1406
Cyclovoltammetry 575
Cypryk, M. 865 (89) 876 878 891 1278 1279 1288
Czekay, G. 197 198 224 456 466 506
Czuba, L.J. 732 (347) 759
D'Yachenko, O.A. 249 (140) 297 1254 1286
D'Yakov, V.M. 381 382 390 738 759 827 837 1151 1200 1244 32) 1251 1285 1286
d-functions 74 116
d-orbitals 71 586—587
Dabascat, F. 713 (233) 756
Dabisch, T. 87 (111) 90 91 217
Dabish, T. 1215 (45) 1238
Dabosi, G. 334 335 368 863 864 865 869 877 878 890 891 1246 1277 1277 153) 1285 1288
Dahl, L.F. 270 (320) 273 301 302
Dahlhoff, W.V. 1248 (63) 1286
Dailey, B.P. 74 (72a) 216
Dain, J.G. 1154 1155 1188 1201
Dakkouri, M. 246 (93 99) 258 269 296 298 301
Dalpozzo, R. 790 (112) 807
Dalton, J.C. 966 984 987 108) 1001 1004
Dalt’Occo, T. 690 (156) 755 915 959
Daly, J.J. 1254 (86) 1286 1403 1412
Daly, J.W. 1146 (38) 1200
Damewood, J.R. 1227 (94b) 1229 1238
Damewood, J.R.Jr. 90 (119b 119c) 163 164 203 217 221 251 297 1010 1013 1215 1230 103) 1238 1239
Damja, R.I. 33 (171) 54 887 892
Damm, F. 419 (300) 440
Damm, K. 409 (151 156) 410 170) 437
Dammel, R. 12 (80) 51 151 220 556 15) 557 22) 558 15 22 41 42) 559 560 563 566 567 568 71) 570 573 577 580 581 615 22) 631 22 217) 633 644 645 646 647 648 652 1131 1142
Damon, H.R.E. 1166 (166) 1203
Damrath, V. 1190 (269) 1205
Damrauer, R. 116 (178) 201 204 205 207 219 224 225 333 368 450 451 475 477 483 491 149) 493 494 156d 157) 495 156d 157) 496 160) 497 160) 498 160) 499 500 172) 506 508 509 510 828 837 855 861 862 888 890 892 1242 5) 1243 1250 1259 1260(5) 1284
Damrauer, R.T. 1063 (242) 1090 1102 297) 1138 1140
Danahey, S.E. 828 (117) 837 861 862 890
Dandt, W.H. 418 (274) 439
Dang, T.P. 1508 (136 141 146) 1509 1510(136) 1511 1515 1516(161 166) 1524 1525
Dang, T.P.H. 317 (47) 366
Danhanhey, S.E. 1242 1250 1259 1260 1284
Danheiser, R.L. 934 (199) 939 940 940 955 960 961 963
Danieli, R. 625 626 636 638 651
Daniell, J.W. 1157 (121 125) 1202
Danilov, A.F. 1155 1181 1201
Danilova, T.F. 372 374 375 381 382 50) 383 390
Danishefsky, S.J. 781 (79) 806
Dannals, R.F. 913 (116) 958
Das, M.N. 410 (172) 437
Daubert, B.F. 825 826 836
Daudel, R. 129 130 219
Dauplaise, D. 576 (87) 647
Dauzonne, D. 916 (128) 959
Davdt, N.H. 419 (287) 440
Daves, G.D., Jr. 454 (52) 506
Davey, A.E. 907 (69) 957
David, L.D. 45 (246) 48 55 56 251 297 544 553 1214 1224 1230 1234 1238 1239 1240 1461 283) 1476
Davidson, A.H. 941 (236) 961
Davidson, E.R. 106 107 176 283) 198 219 222 224 907 941 957
Davidson, F. 80 83 216
Davidson, I.M.T. 6 (40) 50 76 167 172 199 216 221 224 377 385 386 387 390 391 973 1002 1017 1026 1033 1050 1051 175 180 182) 1054 1055 180 182 192 193) 1056 192) 1057 212) 1058 222) 1060 1061 1063 1072 1074 270) 1075 1076 107 221) 1086 289 293) 1088 293) 1089 293) 1090 1101 1102 297) 1120 369) 1121 376 378) 1126 1127 378) 1133 1134 1135 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1406 1412
Davidson, P.J. 130 (209a 209b) 220
Davidson, W.H.T. 419 (296) 440
Davies, R.W. 269 (312) 301
Davis, A.P. 776 (60) 806 953 962
Davis, D.D. 907 (66) 957
Davis, G.T. 903 904 958
Davis, L.P. 200 (348) 205 363) 207 363) 224
Davis, P.D. 987 (107) 1004
Davis, R.A. 475 477 508
Davis, R.E. 1431 (117) 1472
Davision, J.B. 826 (93) 836
Davy, H. 18 (102a 102e) 52
Davy, J. 1242 (1) 1284
Davydova, S.L. 308 309 365
Davydova, V.P. 1301 (42) 1357
Day, M.C.Jr. 70 (i)
Day, R.O. 229 (25) 283 284 285 286 401 403 404) 287 401 403 404 407) 294 303 827 101) 837 854 890 1242 1243 14) 1249 1250 1266 1285
de Boer, Th.J. 486 (134 135) 509
De Bolt, L. 1230 (102) 1239
| de Charentenay, F. 1453 (245) 1475
de Konig, L.J. 500 (171) 510
De Lombaert, S. 775 (54) 806
De Man, W. 708 709 710 756
de Meester, P. 293 294 303
de Montes Lopez-Cepero, I. 802 (156 157a 157b) 807
De Prater, B.L. 381 (51) 390
De Saxce, A. 310 (29) 337 338 339 129) 340 341 138) 342 140) 361 362 366 368 369 538 552 827 837 848 855 874 889 890 891 1244 1245 1246 35) 1254 1285 1286
DeAlti, G. 586 (110) 639 648 652
Dean, C.E. 386 (76) 391 1086 1088 1089 1101 1120 1121 1139
Deans, F.B. 910 (87) 958
Debaerdemaeker, T. (154) 1163 1203
DeBoer, C.E. 900 901 957
DeBruyn, J.H.N. 24 (129) 53
Decamethonium iodide, sila-analogues of 1181
Decamethylsilicocene 162 232 522 642
DeCharentenay, F. 1486 (53a) 1521
Declerc, J.P. 251 (152) 297
Declercq, J.P. 1214 (39) 1238
DeCleva, P. 586 (110) 639 648 652
DeCooker, M.G.R.T. 24 (129) 55
Defauw, J. 934 (200) 960
Deffieux, A. 1303 (56) 1357
DeFrees, D.J. 62 (27) 63 31d) 64 68 214
Degenhardt, C.R. 667 (58) 753 765 805
Degrinnocenti, A. 1399 (19) 1411
Dehalogenation, disilenes prepared by 34—35
Dehydrofaranal, stereoselective reduction of 1512
Dehydrogenative silylation 48 1461—1462 1490—1491 1500
Dehydrogenative silylation, -constants 452 453 454
Deisz, M.A. 1295 1297 1356
Deiters, J. 207 (367a 367b) 208 367b) 209 367b) 210 367b) 225 363 365 369 370 855 856 857 890 1254 1286
Deiters, J.A. 285 287 303
DeJong, R.L.P. 692 (159) 755
DeKock, R.L. 557 558 645
Deleris, G. 673 (96) 753
Deleris.G. 931 (183) 940 941 960 961
Delker, G.L. 246 (100) 296
Delmulle, L. 518 (25) 551
DeLucia, F.C. 5 (20) 50
Dembech, P. 1399 (19) 1411
Demidova, N.V. 377 381 390
Demir, A.S. 766 (12) 805
Demuth, R. 260 (227) 261 299 629 630 651 1365 1391
Deneux, M. 1279 (171) 1288
DeNinno, S. 781 (79) 806
Denis, J.M. 734 735 759
Denis, J.N. 795 (135) 807
Dent, W. 791 (120) 807
Deppisch, B. 1386 (100) 1393
Deprez, D.A. 548 (139) 553
Deprotonation 909—916
DEPT (distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer) 522 1309
DePuy, C.H. 201 204 207 210 224 225 333 368 450 451 483 491 149) 492 493 156a 156d) 494 152 157 158) 495 157) 496 160) 497 156a 156d 160) 498 160 164b) 499 500 164b 172) 506 509 510 855 890 1063 1090 1102 297) 1138 1140 1242 1243 1284
Dereppe, J.M. 1309 (105) 1358
Dergunov, Yu.I. 718 (257) 757
Dervan, P.B. 947 (273) 962
Deryabin, A. 397 (28) 434
DeSarlo, F. 691 (158) 755
Deschler, U. 1343 (205) 1360
Desclaux, J.P. 230 (27) 294
Deshmukh, P. 70 (n)
DeShong, P. 956 (316 318) 963
Desilylation 909—916
Desmond, R. 934 (200) 960
Desmond, R.W.Jr. 780 (77) 806
Dessy, G. 263 (272) 300
Detinova, V.N. 425 (396) 442
Detty, M.R. 1400 (23) 1407 1408 59) 1411 1412
Deuteriodesilylation 937
Devlin, O.M. 919 (142) 959
Devyatykh, G.G. 425 (387) 442
Dewan, J.C. 87 (108a) 217 251 297 1020 1134 1215 1238 1417 1470
Dewar disilabenzene 157
Dewar silabenzene 153 157
Dewar, M.J.S. 8 (49) 50 67 53 54 55 57) 89 92 95 100 101 125 151 158 207 210 215 217 218 225 233 295 374 377—379 28) 390 498 509 560 561 570 624 625 646 651 880 891 896 897 902 956 1038 1135
Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson bonding model 95 99—100
Dewey, H.J. 1020 (31) 1134
Dewhurst, H.A. 428 (423) 443
Dexheimer, E.M. (150 151) 53 457 479 482 507
Dey, K. 910 (92 97) 912 958
DeYoung, D.G. 1021 (34) 1134
DeYoung, D.J. 36 (193 194) 37 198 199) 54 60 93 167 173 174 175 213 218 221 234 295 696 755 1034 1036 1038 82 83) 1039 83) 1040 82) 1041 93) 1042 1043 82) 1135 1050 1067 1079 1119 1126 1135 1220 1238 1405 1412
Dhami, R.S. 1385 (93) 1393
Dhar, S.K. 1257 1267 1287
Di(tert-butyl)silacyclopropanes 997
Di-Lorenzo, A. 423 (372) 441
Di-tert-butylphosphinotrimethylsilane 1367
Di-tert-butylsilylene 171 172
Dialkoxysilanes, prochiral 320—322
Dialkyldichlorosilanes, condensation of 44
Diaminosilanes 708—709
Dianilinodiphenylsilane 708—709
Dianions 504
Diaz, A. 1230 (108) 1239
Dibenzosiloles 697
Dicanjan Soysa, H.S. 1049 1061 1079 1086 1090 1136
Dications 501—503
Dichlorosilanes, condensation of 49
Dichlorosilylene 564—565
Dicke, R. 1465 (323) 1477
Dickers, H.M. 1486 (56a) 1487 1488 1522
Dickopp, H. 710 (222) 723 756 757
Dicoordinate nitrogen 258—259
Diekman, J. 455 (54) 459 460 463 481 506 507 508 1011 1014
Diels-Alder reactions 39
Dienones, synthesis of 781
Dieok, H.T. 1487 1488 1522
Diercks, R. 785 (98) 806
Dieters, J.A. 830 (128) 830 837
Diethylaminotrimethylsilane 797
Diethylphosphinotrimethylsilane 1367
Dietl. 18 19 102o) 52
Difenidol, sila-analogue of 1172 1173 1178
Difluorosilene 124
Difluorosilyl radical 199
Difluorosilylene 171
Difluorosilylene insertion into hydrogen 177
Difunctional (-)menthoxy derivatives optically active silanes synthesized from 310—312
Digiorgio, P.A. 660 (28) 752 910 958
Dihedral angle method 285
Dihydrosilanes asymmetric alcoholysis of 316
Dihydrosilanes prochiral 315—316
Dihydrosilines, synthesis of 698
Dihydrothiophene 794
Dihydroxysilane 81—83
Diisobutylaluminium hydride 668
Diisopropyl-H-silanol, synthesis of 724
Dike, M.S. 924 (164) 960
Dilanjan Soysa, H.S. 972 (34) 1002
Dilhuydy (81) 1201
Dilithiosilane 80
Dilithiosilane, square-planar form 212
Dilithiosilylene 171
Dill, J.D. 211 (371a) 225
Dillon, P.J. 985 (98) 1003
Dilthey, W. 22 (118) 31 52 53 680 754 1242 1284
Dilworth, J.R. 713 (238) 756
Dime, D.S. 667 (61) 753
Dimes, V.V. 921 (151) 959
Dimesitylsilylene 977
Dimetacrine, sila-analogue of 1162—1163
Dimethyl substituted polysiloxanes, analysis of 419
Dimethylcyclosiloxanes polymerization in bulk 1300
Dimethylcyclosiloxanes polymerization in solvents 1300
Dimethyldiazidosilane 719
Dimethyldiethylsilane, gas-phase reactions 500
Dimethylmethoxysilanes, stability of ions 453
Dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyljammonium chloride 1157—1158
Dimethylphenylsilane, metabolic fate of 1186
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