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Patai S. — The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds (part 1-2) |
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Alkoxy groups, analytical determination of 408—409 419—420
Alkoxychlorosilanes 726
Alkoxysilanes analysis of 396 397
Alkoxysilanes basicity of 822—823
Alkoxysilanes gas-phase reactions 497 499
Alkoxysilanes GC separation of 427—428
Alkoxysilicates 1273—1274
Alkoxytriarylsilanes 725
Alkyl groups, analysis of 405 414—415 416—417
Alkyl silyl ethers 381—382
Alkylchlorosilanes, GC separation of 425—427
Alkyldisilanes, reactions with sulfur 1402
Alkylphenylmethylsilanes 310
Alkylpolysilanes 1210 1232
Alkylsilanes enthalpies of formation of 375
Alkylsilanes gas-phase reactions 497 500
Alkylsilanes GC separation of 422—424
Alkylsilanes hydride affinities of 451—452
Alkylsilanes hydrosilylation used in synthesis 661—662
Alkylsilanes NMR spectra of 530—532
Alkylsilanes non-symmetrical alkylsilanes, synthesis of 660—661
Alkylsilanes symmetrical alkylsilanes, synthesis of 658—660
Alkylsilanes synthesis of 658—663
Alkylthioorganylsilanes 748
Alkylthiosilanes, analysis of 410
Alkylthiotriarylsilanes 749
Alkyltrimethylsilane 496
Alkynes, hydrosilylation of 667—668 1483 1487—1488 1489
Alkynyldisilanes 974—975
Alkynylsilanes 676—680 929—930
Alkyoxyorganylsilanes 725—729
Allain, P. 1153 (79) 1201
Allcock, H.R. 1224 (83) 1239 1311 1359
Allen, A.D. 331 (108) 368 863 74b) 864 865 74b) 873 74b) 890 1277 1287
Allen, H.C. 5 (9) 49
Allen, R. 770 (31) 805
Allen, T.L. 373 (17) 390
Allen, W.D. 198 199 224
Allen, W.N. 485 486 130b) 508
Allenes synthesis of 950
Allenes trimethylsily! cyanide added to 772
Allenylsilanes 939—940
Allerd, A.L. 70 (1)
Allinger, N.L. 68 (58 59a) 101 59a) 215
Allinson, J.S. 1453 (247) 1475
Allmann, R. 7 (45a) 50
Allred, A.L. 84 86 217 812 835 895 956 1210(19) 1237 1409 1410 1413
Allred-Rochow 230
Allspach, T. 1371 (40) 1392
Allyl groups, analytical determination of 417
Allylsilane 774
Allylsilanes 799
Allylsilanes as reagents 778—785
Allylsilanes conjugate addition of 934
Allylsilanes cyclic allylsilanes, synthesis of 674—676
Allylsilanes deuteriodesilylation of 937
Allylsilanes electrophilic reactions of 931—933
Allylsilanes linear allylsilanes, synthesis of 671—674
Allylsilanes reactions of 930—938
Allylsilanes stereochemistry of substitution reactions 935—938
Allylsilanes synthesis of 670—676
Allyltrimethylsilane 779 1280
Almenningen, A. 5 (18 29) 14 92) 50 51 84 87 217 228 249 251 263 267 268 294 297 300 301 607 608 609 649 650
Alnaimi, I.S. 167 173 174 280b) 175 221 991 1004 1051 1124 1137 1141 1221 1239
Alste, J. 902 (40) 957
Alt, H. 576 (88) 599 628 648 649 651
Alt, H.G. 1438 1441 1444 1474
Altnau, G. 270 (331) 272 301 669 753 1424 81) 1435 1472
Altona, C. 252 (163) 297
Aluminium derivatives 270 636 1424
Aluminium trichloride/methylene chloride oxidation potentials 573—576
Aluminium, analytical determination of 398 399 400 401
Aluminium-silicon bonds, lengths of 270
Alyea, E.C. 256 (194 195) 298
Amann, P. 1382 (78) 1393
Amberger, E. 1420 (47) 1471
Amidines, sila-substituted, synthesis of 711
Amidosilanes, synthesis of 710—711
Amino acids, sila-substituted, synthesis of 714
Aminosiianes acidity of 814
Aminosiianes as reagents 797
Aminosiianes basicity of 817 819—822 825
Aminosiianes synthesis of 707—709
Aminosiianes thiolysis of 1403
Aminosilyl anion 202
Aminosilylene 136 137
Aminothiocarbonylthioorganylsilanes 749—750
Amos, R.D. 66 (45a) 215
An, N.D. 533 534 552
Analytical determinations 393—434
Analytical determinations chromatographic techniques used 433—434
Analytical determinations elements 394—405
Analytical determinations functional groups 405—410
Analytical determinations gas chromatography used 421—433
Analytical determinations infrared spectroscopy used 413—421
Analytical determinations non-aqueous titrimetry used 410—412
Analytical determinations spectrophotometric procedures used 412—413
Ancelle, J. 314 (41) 366 1050 157) 1066 1080 1086 157) 1087 157) 1137 1139
Anchimeric assistance 473—475 882—884
Andersen, N.H. 934 (203) 960
Andersen, R.A. 256 (192 199) 258 298 636 652
Anderson, D.A. 774 (51) 805
Anderson, D.G. 255 (173) 298 834 837 854 890 942 961 1253 1255 1286
Anderson, D.K. 954 (308) 963
Anderson, D.W.W. 246 (96) 296 1441 1474
Anderson, F.A. 420 (333) 441
Anderson, F.R. 1418 (23) 1470
Anderson, G.D. 694 (166) 755
Anderson, H.H. 730 (336) 731 747 759 761
Anderson, J.W. 750 (442) 761
Anderson, K.K. 903 904 958
Anderson, K.R. 129 130 220 1019 1031 1038 1039 1134
Anderson, K.WM. 913 (115) 958
Anderson, R.C. 28 (158) 53
Anderson, T.J. 270 (323 326 328) 301
Andersson, L. 1154 1184 1201
Ando, M. 780 (78) 806
Ando, W. 40 (218) 55 125 219 478 508 977 59) 989 990 123) 992 1002 1004 1021 1046 125 127 128) 1059 1060 1064 248 249) 1066 251) 1076 1077 1079 1082 1085 128 223 228) 1086 127 128 223 228) 1090 248 301 302) 1092 248) 1095 248) 1102 249) 1106 249) 1107 1108 1110 1111 1114 345) 1120 301 302) 1121 1126 1134 1136 1138 1139 1140 1141 1397 1400 24) 1405 1411 1412
Andrea, R.R. 641 (250) 653
Andree, H. 1194 (281 282) 1195 286) 1196 287) 1197 288) 1206
Andreevichev, V.S. 746 (421) 760
Andrews, L. 1118 (364—366) 1119 1141
Andrews, M.A. 327 (81) 367
Andrews, S.W. 780 (74) 806
Andriamizaka, J.D. 1116 (355) 1141 1382 1383 85) 1393
Andrianov, K.A. 26 (143) 55 398 435 661 675 752 754 1297 29) 1303 61) 1315 1323 1331 1332 1333 1335 1336 1337 1357 1359 1360 1493 1515 1522 1524
Andrianov, R.A. 24 (127) 53
Andronov, V.F. 426 (401) 442
Androw, D.N. 730 (332) 758
Andzelm, J. 63 (30c) 214
Ang, H.C. 322 356 367
Ang, H.G. 1416 1417 1419 1420 1422 1439 1442 1453 1470
Angarskaya, V.G. 1147 1148 1200
Angelelli, J.M. 902 (42) 957
Angelotti, N.C. 416 (225) 420 439 441 1309 1358
Angermund, K. 267 (299) 301
Angle strain, stereochemical effects 351—355
Angle, S.R. 783 (88) 806
Anglin, J.R. 1421 1453 1454 1471
Anh, N.T. 60 (8) 205 207 366) 208 366) 213 225 844 845 846 849 889
Anilines, silyl-substituted, basicity of 827
Anionic polymerization 1294—1300
Anionic species hexacoordinate silicon compounds 1247
Anionic species pentacoordinate silicon compounds 204—210 282—289 496—497 1242—1244
Anisimov, A.V. 685 (150) 755
Aniszfeld, R. 185 (304) 223 1307 1358
Anizfeld, R. 1012 (29) 1014
Annarelli, D.C. 517 (23) 536 89 92 93) 537 93) 551 552 694 696 755
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry 60 167 193 213
Annual Survey of Organometallic Chemistry 60 167 193 213
| Annual Surveys in Silicon Chemistry 29 (161) 55
Anomeric effect 82 83
Ansari, S. 1364 (8) 1391
Ansloos, P. 822 (69) 836
Anthracenylsilanes 684
Anti-Berry displacement 282
Anti-pyramidalization 234
Antiaromatic compounds 165—166
Antiaromatic destabilization 166
Antimony-containing compounds 1389—1390
Antimony-silicon bonds, lengths of 261
Antimuscarinic phenylcarbinols, silasubstituted 278
Antipin, M.Yu. 263 (263 276) 500
Antipova, V.V. 1254 (88) 1286
Anvari, F. 182 (298) 222
Anwar, S. 776 (60) 806
Anwari, F. 151 152 162 163 164 187 203 221
Aoki, M. 158 160 161 221
Aoki, T. 1355 (260) 1361
Aono, M. 795 (131) 507
Aparsheva, M. 407 (126) 437
Aparsheva, M.I. 406 (116) 410 411 436 438
Aparshova. 407 (127) 437
Apeloig, Y. 5 7 8 11 12 14 49 50 71 72—73 74 76 77 78 81 83 86 103 146) 104 106 146 162) 107 108 162) 109 112 113 114 119 162) 120 162) 121 122 123 124 129 130 131 132 133 137 139 140 145 147 148 149 150 154 167 146) 168 169 146) 170 171 172 173 174 185 306b) 187 313) 188 306b 310a 315) 190 191 192 193 323a 323b 324) 194 324 326 328) 196 197 333) 198 333) 203 211 216 217 218 219 222 223 224 225 231 35) 236 66) 237 65 66) 242 295 331 368 384 387 (66) 391 446 3c 3g 9a) 449 456 466 504 505 506 563 568 570 586 646 904 55) 905 929 957 1011 1013 1014 1046 1136
Apicophilicity 210 855—858 1255—1256
Appearance energies 448 464 1442
Appel, R. 260 (231) 299 560 623 624 646 1364 1367 1369 30) 1370 1371 1372 41b 42) 1373 1374 45 46) 1377 1391 1392
Apple, D.C. 1488 (168) 1525
Arad, D. 71 76 79 191 192 194 196 197 203 216 223 446 505
Arai, H. 798 (147) 807 1503 1524
Arai, T. 37 (201) 54 982 1003 1023 1024 1038 1041 1043 1134 1212 1238
Araki, Y. 955 (311) 963
Aranyi, T. 403 404 436
Aratini, M. 933 (194) 960
Archer, N.J. 1418 (18) 1470 1488 1525
Archie, W.C. 1279 (162) 1288
Arcoleo, J.P. 954 (305) 963
Ardoin, N. 660 (27) 671 752 753
Arenes, sila-substituted 913
Argarwal, J.C. 1146 (40) 1200
Ariens, E.J. 1160 (143) 1202
Arif, A.M. 39 (212b) 55 270 272 301 314 366 1086 1087 1139 1425 1426 1435 1436 1439 1445 1456 1458 1472 1476
Arima, J. 1234 (122) 1240
Arkles, B. 1184 (249) 1205
Arlt, D. 1398 (17) 1411
Armentrout, P.B. 384 (63) 391 448 484 505 508
Armitage, D.A. 60 79 193 213 745 760 819 822 8361 1365 1379 1384 1390 1395 2a) 1396 1397 10) 1400 22 24) 1407 1410 1411 1412
Armstrong, D. 586 (110) 648
Armstrong, R. 816 818 835
Arnett, E.M. 811 (11) 835
Arnold, C.E. 1157 (123) 1202
Arnold, D.E.J. 518 (28) 551
Arnold, E.V. 1057 1058 1061 235) 1067 1078 1079 1090 1101 1138
Arnold, H.S. 1295 1298 1356
Arnold, J. 272 (338) 301 1425 1426 86) 1435 86 158) 1436 86) 1439 182 183) 1440 183) 1441 1445 86) 1449 1450 1453 1455 1456 1458 260) 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476
Aromatic compounds 151—165
Aromatic compounds analysis of 418
Aromatic compounds electrophilic substitution in 909—919
Aromatic compounds silyl groups as substituents in 899—903
Aromatic stabilization 159—160 163
Aronovich, P.M. 1482 1483 1521
Arpe, H.J. 556 558 559 615 643 645
Arrington, C A. 115 116 167 263b) 173 263b) 174 263b) 219 221 991 1004 1046 132) 1051 1075 1086 1087 1100 276) 1118 1127 1136 1137 1139
Arsenic-containing compounds 624 1387—1389
Arsenic-silicon bonds, lengths of 261
Arvanaghi, M. 777 (61) 806
Aryl chlorides, reactions with phosphinosilanes 1371—1374
Aryl groups, analytical determination of 405 414—415
Arylchlorosilanes 426—427
Arylcyclotrisilanes 1215
Aryldisilanes 973 997—998
Aryloxy groups, analytical determination of 408—409
Aryloxyorganylsilanes, synthesis of 729—730
Aryloxytrimethylsilanes, NMR spectra of 527
Aryloxytriphenylsilanes, kinetics of reaction 851—852
Arylpolysilanes NMR spectra of 1232—1233
Arylpolysilanes reactions of 1209—1210
Arylpolysilanes synthesis of 1208
Arylsilanes as reagents 800—801
Arylsilanes GC separation of 422—424
Arylsilanes NMR spectra of 525—527
Arylsilanes synthesis of 28—29 680—685
Arylsilylenes 977
Aryltrimethylsilanes 527 910 916
Aryltrisilanes 998
Asami, M. 667 (62) 753 1489 1525
Asfarandiarov, N.L. 627 628 651
Ashe III, A.J. 561 (55) 646 1106 1140 1390 1394
Ashida, T. 308 (10) 365
Ashmead, B.V. 1347 (224) 1361
Aslam, M. 1399 (19) 1411
Aslanov, I.A. 1482 1483 1521
Aslanov, L. 1436 (161) 1473
Aso, Y. 1409 1410 1413
Ast, T. 502 (177a 178d) 510
Astapov, B.A. 547 (136) 553
Aston, S.R. 1144 (4) 1199
Astrup, E.E. 258 (213) 299
Asymmetric alcoholysis 316—318 319 320 321
Asymmetric catalysts 315—316
Asymmetric hydrosilylation 318—320 1489—1490
Asymmetric reductions 1508—1514
Asymmetric silyllithium reagents 329
Asymmetric synthesis methods 312—322 1515
Atare, Z.A. 1181 (244) 1205
Ates, M. 1389 (112) 1393
Atomic properties, carbon compared with silicon 70 230 1158
Atovmyan, L.O. 249 (140) 297 1254 1286
Atsumi, K. 669 (72) 753 1397 1411
Attar-Bashi, M.T. 277 278 302 1172 1181 1204 1205 1267 1274 1287
Atwell, W. 616 620 624 627 628 632 634 643 650
Atwell, W.H. 701 (191) 755
Atwell, W.M. 563 (62) 647
Atwood, J.D. 1419 (40) 1471
Atwood, J.L. 233 (44) 256 187 190) 295 298
Aubagnac, J.L. 1243 (15) 1285
Aubert, C. 803 (163) 808
Auburn, M. 328 (82) 367 1437 1473
Auburn, M.J. 275 (362) 302 1422 1434 1471 1473
Aue, D.H. 629 631 651
Aue, W.A. 431 (461 462) 432 443
Augst, F. 725 (298) 758
Aulinger, D. 433 (478) 444
Ault, B.S. 210 (370a 370b) 225 1242 1250 1284
Auner, N. 6 7 50 71 76 84 216 384 391 1051 1054 186 188 189) 1055 183 192 193 197) 1056 1058 1072 1079 1086 288) 1137 1138 1139
Auner, V.N. 450 (41a) 506
Aunshtein, S.A. 430 (450) 443
Austin, E.A. 187 188 223
Austin, J.D. 910 (84) 958
Auto Analyser system 395
Autzen, H. 718 (255) 757
Avakyan, V.G. 1055 (198 199) 1091 1095 1096 1110 1114 1128 1137 1140 1141 1407 1412
Avdonin, G.V. 425 (396) 442
Averbakh, K.O. 1356 (263 264) 1361
Avetisyan, D.V. 457 482 507 1279 1288
Awakyan, N.G. 1403 (34) 1412
Awakyan, W.G. 267 (294) 300
Aygen, S. 556 (1 11) 558 11) 615 644 645 648
Aylett, B.J. 79 (81) 164 216 221 242 272 275 296 302 324 357 367 819 836 1395 1410 1416 9 10) 1417 10) 1418 1419 10) 1420 10) 1422 10) 1423 1429 1430 1434 1437 1439 10) 1442 10) 1444 10) 1453 245 247) 1470 1471 1473 1475
Ayoko, G.A. 883 (130) 884 131) 886 887 888 891 892
Azacyclonol, sila-analogue of 1178
Azarian, D.B. 886 (147) 892
Azenes, sila-substituted, synthesis of 714
Azidosilanes 719—720
Aziz-Elynsufi, A. 720 (268) 757
Azizov, A.A. 111 (171) 219
Azomethine ylides 791—792
Babbitt, K.L. 974 (46) 1002
Baceiredo, A. 1112 (349) 1141
Bacerra, R. 387 (84) 391
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