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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122255 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1981
122254 John D. Weeks External Fields, Density Functionals, and the Gibbs Inequality 2002
122253 Jonathan Machta, Raymond Greenlaw The Computational Complexity of Generating Random Fractals 1995
122252 Anatoly I. Pilyavsky, Alexei L. Rebenko The Large-Deviation Principle and the BCS Model 1993
122251 Malakis A. Two- and Three-Spin Triangular Ising Model: Variational Approximations 1981
122250 Douglas Poland, Sandra Song Cooperative Diffusion in One-Dimensional Lattice Gases 1992
122249 Francois Ledrappier, Anna Porzio A Dimension Formula for Bernoulli Convolutions 1993
122248 PaI Rujan Cellular Automata and Statistical Mechanical Models 1987
122247 Sergeev S. M., Mangazeev V. V., Stroganov Yu. G. The Vertex Formulation of the Bazhanov-Baxter Model 1995
122246 Hongler M.-O., Rashmi C. Desai Study of a Class of Models for Self-Organization: Equilibrium Analysis 1983
122245 Huzihiro Araki, Eytan Barouch On the Dynamics and Ergodic Properties of the XY Model 1982
122244 Sangtae Kim, Yuris O. Fuentes, Seppo J. Karrila Towards ab Initio Simulations of Concentrated Suspensions 1990
122243 Carey A. L., Hume L. R. Multiple Phases and Return to Equilibrium 1991
122242 Shubho Banerjee, Griffiths R. B., Widom M. Thermodynamic Limit for Polydisperse Fluids 2001
122241 Baldwin P. R. A Multidimensional Continued Fraction and Some of Its Statistical Properties 1991
122240 Dynamics of Concentrated Systems 1991
122239 Itoh Y., Shepp L. Parking Cars with Spin but no Length 1999
122238 Argyris J., Faust G., Haase M. Book Review: An Exploration of Chaos 1995
122237 Kirkpatrick T.R., Dorfman J.R. Electron Mobility in Gases at Low Temperatures: The Quantum Mechanical Lorentz Gas, I 1983
122236 Arbieto A., Matheus C., Pacifico M.J. The Bernoulli Property for Weakly Hyperbolic Systems 2004
122235 Daumer M., Durr D., Goldstein S. On the Quantum Probability Flux Through Surfaces 1997
122234 Nielaba P., Fratzl P., Lebowitz J.L. Growth of Ordered Domains in a Computer Model Alloy with Lattice Misfit 1999
122233 Schlesinger M. (ed.), West B. (ed.) Book Review: Random Walks and Their Applications in the Physical and Biological Sciences 1985
122232 Brazovsky S., Dzyaloshinsky I. Exactly Solvable XY Model of the Spin Peierls Transition 1985
122231 Glendinning P., Sparrow C. Local and Global Behavior near Homoclinic Orbits 1984
122230 Friedman H.L., Raineri F.O., Hirata F. Surrogate Hamiltonian Description of Solvation Dynamics. Site Number Density and Polarization Charge Density Formulations 1995
122229 Jancovici B. Classical Coulomb Systems Near a Plane Wall. I 1982
122228 Miekisz J. A Microscopic Model with Quasicrystalline Properties 1990
122227 Barkema G.T., Flesia S. Two-Dimensional Oriented Self-Avoiding Walks with Parallel Contacts 1996
122226 Burschka M.A., Titulaer U.M. The Kinetic Boundary Layer for the Fokker-Planck Equation: Selectively Absorbing Boundaries 1981
122225 Santen L., Appert C. The Asymmetric Exclusion Process Revisited: Fluctuations and Dynamics in the Domain Wall Picture 2002
122224 Kum O., Hoover W.G. Time-Reversible Continuum Mechanics 1994
122223 Martinelli F., Olivieri E., Scoppola E. Small Random Perturbations of Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems: Unpredictability of Exit Times 1989
122222 Dorlas T.C., van Enter A.C.D. Non-Gibbsian Limit for Large-Block Majority-Spin Transformations 1989
122221 Sokal A.D. Rigorous Proof of the High-Temperature Josephson Inequality for Critical Exponents 1981
122220 Macris N., Ruiz J. A Remark on the Decay of Superconducting Correlations in One- and Two-Dimensional Hubbard Models 1994
122219 Stapleton M., Dingler M., Christensen K. Sensitivity to Initial Conditions in Self-Organized Critical Systems 2004
122218 Lu W.T., Wu F.Y. Density of the Fisher Zeroes for the Ising Model 2001
122217 Gawedzki K., Kupiainen A. Non-Gaussian Scaling Limits. Hierarchical Model Approximation 1984
122216 Sornette D. Book Review: Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems 2004
122215 Soto-Campos G., Mazo R.M. Asymptotic Results for a Persistent Diffusion Model of Taylor Dispersion of Particles 1996
122214 Wilde R.E., Singh S. Book Review: Statistical Mechanics: Fundamentals and Modem Applications 1998
122213 Weiss G.H. First Passage Times for Correlated Random Walks and Some Generalizations 1984
122212 Kiss L.B., Gingl Z., Marton Z. 1/f Noise in Systems Showing Stochastic Resonance 1993
122211 Reiss H., Audrey Dell Hammerich A.D., Montroll E.W. Thermodynamic Treatment of Nonphysical Systems: Formalism and an Example (Single-Lane Traffic) 1986
122210 Hood L.M., Evans D.J., Hanley H.J.M. Properties of a Soft-Sphere Liquid from Non-Newtonian Molecular Dynamics 1989
122209 Taylor J.E. A Variational Approach to Crystalline Triple-Junction Motion 1999
122208 Eliazar I., Klafter J. Stochastic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Capacitors 2005
122207 Family F. Book Review: Renormalization Group Theory of Macromolecules 1988
122206 Buffet E., Pule J.V. On Lushnikov's Model of Gelation 1990

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