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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122705 Ito H.M. Optimal Gaussian Solutions of Nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations 1984
122704 Ledrappier F., Porzio A. On the Multifractal Analysis of Bernoulli Convolutions. II. Dimensions 1996
122703 Dowker F., Kent A. On the Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics 1996
122702 Bocquet L., Piasecki J. Microscopic Derivation of Non-Markovian Thermalization of a Brownian Particle 1997
122701 Zwanzig R. Non-Markoffian Diffusion in a One-Dimensional Disordered Lattice 1982
122700 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1990
122699 Kadanoff L.P. Intelligent Design and Complexity Research 2003
122698 Brostow W. Macromolecular Conformations in Solutions. II. Thermodynamics of Interactions 1982
122697 Finken R., Hansen J.-P. Phase Separation of Penetrable Core Mixtures 2003
122696 Forrester P.J. Surface Tension for the Two-Component Plasma at à = 2 near an Interface 1992
122695 Penrose J. Lars Onsager Remembered 1995
122694 Grill K., Tutschka C. One-Dimensional Falling Bodies 2004
122693 Graham R. Bifurcations under Weak Noise 1989
122692 Halpern V. Random Walks on Random Lattices with Traps 1983
122691 Cook J., Derrida B. Polymers on Disordered Hierarchical Lattices: A Nonlinear Combination of Random Variables 1989
122690 Fatkullin I. Statistical Description of Contact-Interacting Brownian Walkers on the Line 2003
122689 Gross E.P. Multiple Scattering in Random Media. III. Coherent Potential Propagators and Fluctuations 1981
122688 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2002
122687 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
122686 Chen S. Growth Kinetics in Multicomponent Fluids 1995
122685 Suzuki M. Thermo Field Dynamics of Quantum Spin Systems 1986
122684 O’Carroll M. Absence of Negative Energy Spectrum for N-Particle Hamiltonians 2001
122683 Morbidelli A., Giorgilli A. Superexponentiai Stability of KAM Tori 1995
122682 Kastner M. Microcanonical Finite-Size Scaling 2000
122681 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1995
122680 Just W. Non-Equilibrium Behaviour in Unidirectionally Coupled Map Lattices 2001
122679 Ginoza M., Yasutomi M. An Extension of the Analytical Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation with the Yukawa Closure 1998
122678 Becker V. Field Theory of Critical Behavior in Driven Diffusive Systems with Quenched Disorder 1999
122677 Prager T., Schimansky-Geier L. Drift and Diffusion in Periodically Driven Renewal Processes 2006
122676 Hioe F.T. On Pearson's Random Walk and Some Statistical Properties of a Quasiperiodic Observable in a Simple Quantum Model 1983
122675 Berlyand L., Mityushev V. Generalized Clausius-Mossotti Formula for Random Composite with Circular Fibers 2001
122674 Gruber C., Tamura H. Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless Order in Two-Dimensional O(2)-Ferrofluid 2002
122673 Aslangul C., Pottier N. Two-Dimensional Random-Random Walks: Dynamical Exponents in a Quenched Directed Model 1991
122672 Glimm J. A Random Field Model for Anomalous Diffusion in Heterogeneous Porous Media 1991
122671 Ernst M.H. Time-Dependent Correlation Functions for Random Walks on Bond Disordered Cubic Lattices 1987
122670 Handjani S. The Reversible Measures for Symmetric Nearest-Particle Systems 1995
122669 Spohn H. Sample-to-Sample Fluctuations in the Conductivity of a Disordered Medium 1992
122668 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1988
122667 Bassi A., Ghirardi G. Decoherent Histories and Realism 2000
122666 Wiegel F., Perelson A. Statistical Mechanics of Red Blood Cell Aggregation: The Distribution of Rouleaux in Thermal Equilibrium 1982
122665 Okubo S. Introduction to Octionion and Other Non-Associative Algebras in Physics 1995
122664 Wehner M.F. The Pressure of a Hard Sphere Fluid on a Curved Surface 1986
122663 Keisling J. Convergence Speed for Simple Symmetric Exclusion: An Explicit Calculation 1998
122662 Suzuki M. Coherent Anomaly Method 1997
122661 Velazquez J.J.L. The Becker-Doring Equations and the Lifshitz-SIyozov Theory of Coarsening 1998
122660 Madras N., van Rensburg E.J.J. Monte Carlo Study of the O-Point for Collapsing Trees 1997
122659 Haydn N. Gibbs Measures for Axiom A Flows 1993
122658 Wadati M., Nishino A., Nishino H. Symmetric and Non-Symmetric Bases of Quantum Integrable Particle Systems with Long-Range Interactions 2001
122657 Bishop M., Derosa M. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of One-Dimensional Lennard-Jones Systems 1981
122656 Hubmer G.F., Hubmer U.M. The Onsager-Casimir Relations Revisited 1987

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