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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122655 Fabricius K., McCoy B.M. New Developments in the Eight Vertex Model II: Chains of Odd Length 2005
122654 Goodrich R.K., Gustafson K., Misra B. On K-Flows and Irreversibility 1986
122653 den Hollander F., Naudts J., Redig F. lnvariance Principle for the Stochastic Lorentz Lattice Gas 1992
122652 Carati A., Galgani L. On the Specific Heat of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Systems and Their Glassy Behavior 1999
122651 Vannimenus J., Viennot X.G. Combinatorial Tools for the Analysis of Ramified Patterns 1989
122650 Hemmer P.C. The Random Parking Problem 1989
122649 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
122648 Feng Z.C. Nanoscale Spontaneous Patterning 2006
122647 Jauslin H.R. A Classification of Fokker-Planck Models and the Small and Large Noise Asymptotics 1985
122646 Suematsu K., Okamoto T. Distribution of Cyclic Species in Network Formation: Microscopic Theory of Branching Processes 1992
122645 Conti S. Nonuniversality in Low-Volume-Fraction Ostwald Ripening 2006
122644 Program of the 52nd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1985
122643 Ferreira S. Antiferromagnetic Potts Models on the Square Lattice: A High-Precision Monte Carlo Study 1999
122642 Korzeniewski G. Localized Excitation Transport on Substitutionally Disordered Lattices 1983
122641 Bazzani A., Siboni S., Turchetti G. A Model of Modulated Diffusion. II. Numerical Results on Statistical Properties 1994
122640 Wehr J. A Strong Law of Large Numbers for Iterated Functions of Independent Random Variables 1997
122639 Horton C.W. Nonequilibrium Problems in the Physical Sciences and Biology. Volume II: Long-Time Prediction in Dynamics 1984
122638 Zimmer M. Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems and Broken Supersymmetry 1993
122637 Eyink G. Turbulence Noise 1996
122636 O'Neii K. On the Limiting Distribution of Pair-Summable Potential Functions in Many-Particle Systems 1991
122635 Cesi F., Guadagni G. On the Two-Dimensional Stochastic Ising Model in the Phase Coexistence Region Near the Critical Point 1996
122634 Ding E.J., Hemmer P.C. Exact Treatment of Mode Locking for a Piecewise Linear Map 1987
122633 Marchioro C., Omerti E. Time Evolution of an Infinite Number of Vortices in a Strip 1983
122632 Eckmann J.-P. Memory Effects in Nonequilibrium Transport for Deterministic Hamiltonian Systems 2006
122631 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1990
122630 Shukla K.P., Payandeh B., Robert M. Theory of Interfacial Phase Transitions in Surfactant Systems 1991
122629 Gaveau B. Example of Diffusion in a Disordered Lorentz Gas 1983
122628 Caroli B., Caroli C., Roulet B. Diffusion in a Bistable Potential: The Functional Integral Approach 1981
122627 Campanino M., Capocaccia D. Analyticity for One-Dimensional Systems with Long-Range Superstable Interactions 1983
122626 Borgs C. Finite-Size Effects for the Potts Model with Weak Boundary Conditions 2002
122625 Medina E. Nonuniversality and Analytical Continuation in Moments of Directed Polymers on Hierarchical Lattices 1993
122624 Oliveira M. Graph Optimization Problems on a Bethe Lattice 1989
122623 Boyarsky A. A Matrix Method for Estimating the Liapunov Exponent of One-Dimensional Systems 1988
122622 Chayes L., Machta J. Graphical Representations for Ising Systems in External Fields 1998
122621 Hanggi P. Escape from a Metastable State 1986
122620 Boldrighini C. Some Estimates for 2-Dimensional Infinite and Bounded Dilute Random Lorentz Gases 2002
122619 Jiang M. Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen Measures for Lattice Dynamical Systems 2003
122618 Holley R. Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities and Stochastic Ising Models 1987
122617 Hatano N. Effective-Field Theory of Spin Glasses and the Coherent-Anomaly Method. I 1991
122616 Jancovici B. Two-Dimensional Coulomb Systems on a Surface of Constant Negative Curvature 1998
122615 Miekisz J. An Ultimate Frustration in Classical Lattice-Gas Models 1998
122614 Vieillefosse P. Coulomb Pair Density Matrix I 1994
122613 Shlesinger M.F. On the Long-Tail Solar Wind Electron Velocity Distribution 1988
122612 Eisele T. Multiple Phase Transitions in the Generalized Curie-Weiss Model 1988
122611 Luciani J.F., Verga A.D. Bistability Driven by Correlated Noise: Functional Integral Treatment 1988
122610 Barcilon V. Eigenvalues of the One-Dimensional Smoluchowski Equation 1996
122609 Szabo A., Zwanzig R. Reversible Diffusion-Influenced Reactions: Comparison of Theory and Simulation for a Simple Model 1991
122608 Bendler J. Generalized Vogel Law for Glass-Forming Liquids 1988
122607 Inawashiro S., Thompson C. Ising Model with Competing Interactions on a Cayley Tree 1983
122606 Graham R. A Geometric Interpretation of the Roughening Transition in Ising Models 1984

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