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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121905 Albeverio S., Seba P. Wave Chaos in Quantum Systems with Point Interaction 1991
121904 Barra F., Gaspard P. On the Level Spacing Distribution in Quantum Graphs 2000
121903 Dorizzi B., Grammaticos B., Pomeau Y. The Periodically Kicked Rotator: Recurrence and/or Energy Growth 1984
121902 Cancrini N., Cesi F., Martinelli F. The Spectral Gap for the Kawasaki Dynamics at Low Temperature 1999
121901 Program 1984
121900 Aibanese C. A Goldstone Mode in the Kawasaki-lsing Model 1994
121899 Leonenko N.N., Enzo Orsingher E., Parkhomenko V.N. On the Rate of Convergence to the Normal Law for Solutions of the Burgers Equation with Singular Initial Data 1996
121898 Presutti E., Wick W.D. Macroscopic Stochastic Fluctuations in a One-Dimensional Mechanical System 1988
121897 van Leeuwen J.M.J. Does the Interface Experience the van der Waals Loop? 1989
121896 Sengers J.V., Kayser R.F., White H.J. Book Review: Equations of State for Fluid and Fluid Mixtures, Parts I and II 2002
121895 Katsoulakis M.A., Souganidis P.E. Stochastic Ising Models and Anisotropic Front Propagation 1997
121894 Eisinger S., Jackle J. Analytical Approximations for the Hierarchically Constrained Kinetic Ising Chain 1993
121893 Glazier J.A., Kolodner P., Williams H. Dispersive Chaos 1991
121892 Alastuey A., Jancovici B. On Potential and Field Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Classical Charged Systems 1984
121891 Nieuwoudt J., Mukamel S. Transport and Percolation in Disordered Systems - A Self-Consistent Time-Local Approach 1984
121890 Richard C. Scaling Behaviour of Two-Dimensional Polygon Models 2002
121889 Conlon J.G., von Dohlen B. Numerical Simulations of Random Walk in Random Environment 1998
121888 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
121887 Cercignani C., Sgarra C. Half-Range Completeness for the Fokker-Planck Equation with an External Force 1992
121886 Hongler M.O., Zheng W.M. Exact Solution for the Diffusion in Bistable Potentials 1982
121885 Tellez G. Guest Charges in an Electrolyte: Renormalized Charge, Long- and Short-Distance Behavior of the Electric Potential and Density Profiles 2005
121884 Hatano N., Suzuki M. Effective-Field Theory of Spin Glasses and the Coherent-Anomaly Method. II. Double-Cluster Approximation 1992
121883 Lin K.Y. Three-Spin Correlation of the Ising Model on the Generalized Checkerboard Lattice 1989
121882 Calef D.F. Impurity Dynamics in a One-Dimensional Chain 1983
121881 Tateno T., Dot S., Sato S. Stochastic Phase Lockings in a Relaxation Oscillator Forced by a Periodic Input with Additive Noise: A First-Passage-Time Approach 1995
121880 Feldman J., Saimhofer M., Trubowitz E. Perturbation Theory Around Nonnested Fermi Surfaces. I. Keeping the Fermi Surface Fixed 1996
121879 Suto A. Phase Transition for Ising Frustration Potentials 1980
121878 Pulvirenti A., Toscani G. Asymptotic Properties of the Inelastic Kac Model 2004
121877 Franeesehini V. A Feigenbaum Sequence of Bifurcations in the Lorenz Model 1980
121876 Bruno O., Golden K. Interchangeability and Bounds on the Effective Conductivity of the Square Lattice 1990
121875 Ben-Abraham S.I. Curious Properties of Simple Random Walks 1993
121874 Munton D. Quenched Disorder in a Hierarchical Coulomb Gas Model 1992
121873 Conference Announcements 1983
121872 Gruber C., Macris N., Messager A. Ground States and Flux Configurations of the Two-Dimensional Falicov-Kimball Model 1997
121871 Bricmont J., Fontaine J.-R., Lebowitz J.L. Surface Tension, Percolation, and Roughening 1982
121870 Chopard B., Droz M. Book Review: Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems 1999
121869 Leung K. Interfacial Properties of a Driven Diffusive System 1988
121868 Khokhlov A.R., Semenov A.N. On the Theory of Liquid-Crystalline Ordering of Polymer Chains with Limited Flexibility 1985
121867 Omnes R. About the Notion of Truth in Quantum Mechanics 1991
121866 Hansen J.P., Viot P. Two-Body Correlations and Pair Formation in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1985
121865 Neumann A.U., Havlin S. Distributions and Moments of Structural Properties for Percolation Clusters 1988
121864 Seeger S., Hoffmann K.H. On the Domain of Hyperbolicity of the Cumulant Equations 2005
121863 Szamel G. Statistical Mechanics of Dissipative Transport in Crystals 1997
121862 Book Review: Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1985
121861 Lars Onsager Chemistry 1968. PRESENTATION SPEECH 1995
121860 Lorenzo Bertini, Cristina Toninelli Exclusion Processes with Degenerate Rates: Convergence to Equilibrium and Tagged Particle 2004
121859 E . Caglioti, C . Maffei Time Asymptotics for Solutions of Vlasov-Poisson Equation in a Circle 1998
121858 Bruce M. Forrest, Ratil Toral Crossover and Finite-Size Effects in the (1 + 1)-Dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation 1992
121857 Ilya A. Gruzberg, Leo P. Kadanoff The Loewner Equation: Maps and Shapes 2003
121856 Slusher R. E., Surko C. M. Light Scattering Studies of the Ion Acoustic Instability in a Positive Column Plasma 1985

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