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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122155 Movaghar B., Griinewald M., Pohlmann B. Theory of Hopping and Multiple-Trapping Transport in Disordered Systems 1983
122154 Klik I. Metastable Systems Driven by Colored Noise: The Stationary State 1991
122153 Jancovici B. Pressure and Maxwell Tensor in a Coulomb Fluid 2000
122152 Schimmele L., Fahnle M. Note on Eigenvectors of a Renormalization Transformation 1988
122151 Bauer M., Bernard D. A Simple Asymmetric Evolving Random Network 2003
122150 De Gregorio S. Narrow Bounds for Numerical Integration of Differential Equations 1985
122149 Barata J.C.A., Goldbaum P.S. On the Distribution and Gap Structure of Lee–Yang Zeros for the Ising Model: Periodic and Aperiodic Couplings 2001
122148 Toom A. Simple One-Dimensional Interaction Systems with Superexponential Relaxation Times 1995
122147 David Wick W. Hydrodynamic Limit of a Nongradient Interacting Particle Process 1989
122146 Glasser M.L., Privman V., Schulman L.S. Complex Temperature Plane Zeros in the Mean-Field Approximation 1986
122145 Masters A.J., Keyes T. An Enskog Repeated-Ring Kinetic Equation; Long-Time Tails and the Brownian Limit 1983
122144 Loulakis M. On the Symmetry of the Diffusion Coefficient in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion 2005
122143 Bobylev A.V., Maao F.A., Hansen A. There Is More to Be Learned from the Lorentz Model 1997
122142 Cushman J.H., Hu X., Ginn T.R. Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Preasymptotic Dispersion 1994
122141 Zeng C., Farnell D.J.J., Bishop R.F. An Efficient Implementation of High-Order Coupled-Cluster Techniques Applied to Quantum Magnets 1998
122140 Dunning-Davies J., Landsberg P.T. Problems of Nonextensivity in Hadron Thermodynamics 1987
122139 Pfeifer P. ERRATUM: Scaling Behavior of Surface Irregularity in the Molecular Domain: From Adsorption Studies to Fractal Catalysts 1985
122138 Noskowicz S.H., Goidhirsch I. Distribution Functions for Random Walk Processes on Networks: An Analytic Method 1987
122137 Kondo K.-i. More Correlation Inequalities for a Class of Even Ferromagnets 1987
122136 Breen S. Large-Order Estimates for Ground-State Energy Perturbation Series 1987
122135 Ebert U., Schafer L., Baumgartner A. Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. I. Analytical Investigation 1998
122134 Baumgartner B. Griffiths Inequalities for Noninteracting N-Vector (Classical Heisenberg) Models and Applications to Interacting Systems 1983
122133 Maier R., Laidlaw W.G. Invariants for the Critical Points in Network Models of Flow in Porous Media 1991
122132 Lindenberg K., West B.J. The First, The Biggest, and Other Such Considerations 1986
122131 Heermann D.W. Classical Nucleation Theory with a Tolman Correction 1982
122130 Lei L., Changqing S., Gang X. Generation and Detection of Propagating Solitons in Shearing Liquid Crystals 1985
122129 Karasova I., Surda A. Incommensurate Structure in the Lattice-Gas ANNNI Model 1993
122128 Tejero C.F. One-Dimensional lnhomogeneous Ising Model: A New Approach 1987
122127 Leutheusser E., Yip S., Alder B.J. Dynamical Correlations in a Hard-Disk Fluid: Generalized Enskog Theory 1983
122126 Benettin G., Gallavotti G. Stability of Motions near Resonances in Quasi-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 1986
122125 Caracciolo S. Nonloeal Monte Carlo Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks with Fixed Endpoints 1990
122124 Erratum 1985
122123 Kivelson D. Depolarized Light Scattering from Liquids: Rotations, Collisions, and Hydrodynamics 1988
122122 Carlson J.M., Chayes J.T., Sethna J.P. Bethe Lattice Spin Glass: The Effects of a Ferromagnetic Bias and External Fields. II. Magnetized Spin-Glass Phase and the de Almeida-Thouless Line 1990
122121 Hsu W.-C., Pines D. Effective Interactions in Dilute Mixtures of 3^He in 4^He 1985
122120 Chatterji A., Pandit R. The Statistical Mechanics of Semiflexible Equilibrium Polymers 2003
122119 Watanabe H. Block Spin Approach to Ô^4_3 Field Theory 1989
122118 Hattori T., Tsuda T. Renormalization Group Analysis of the Self-Avoiding Paths on the d-Dimensional Sierpin´ski Gaskets 2002
122117 Bobylev A.V., Carrillo J.A., Gamba I.M. Erratum on ‘‘On Some Properties of Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Equations for Ineleastic Interactions’’ 2001
122116 Felderhof B.U., Ford G.W., Cohen E.G.D. Cluster Expansion for the Dielectric Constant of a Polarizable Suspension 1982
122115 Lyberg I. The Fourth Virial Coefficient of a Fluid of Hard Spheres in Odd Dimensions 2005
122114 Zia R.K.P. Exact Equilibrium Shapes of Ising Crystals on Triangular/Honeycomb Lattices 1986
122113 Narkounskaia G., Huang J., Tureotte D.L. Chaotic and Self-Organized Critical Behavior of a Generalized Slider-Block Model 1992
122112 Xu J., Stell G. Bulk and Shear Viscosities of a Polydisperse Hard-Sphere Fluid 1989
122111 Croxton C.A. Book Reviews. Statistical Mechanics of the Liquid State 1982
122110 Fannes M., Vanheuverzwijn P., Verbeure A. Inhomogeneous Mean Field Models 1982
122109 Grosfils P., Boon J.P., Cohen E.G.D. Propagation and Organization in Lattice Random Media 1999
122108 Given J.A., Stell G. The Kirkwood-Salsburg Equations for Random Continuum Percolation 1990
122107 Ray T.S. Evidence for Spinodal Singularities in High-Dimensional Nearest-Neighbor Ising Models 1991
122106 Claus I., Gaspard P. Microscopic Chaos and Reaction-Diffusion Processes in the Periodic Lorentz Gas 2000

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