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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123105 Zhang M. Q., Wang J.-S., Lebowitz J. L. Power Law Decay of Correlations in Stationary Nonequilibrium Lattice Gases with Conservative Dynamics 1988
123104 Richard A. Ferrel, Jayanta K. Bhattacharhjee Ward's Identity in Critical Dynamics 1985
123103 University of California, Berkeley, California 13th West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1987
123102 Weiss H. A Remark on Papers by Pixton and Oliveira: Genericity of Symplectic Diffeomorphisms of S2 with Positive Topological Entropy 1995
123101 J. Piasecki Drift Velocity Induced by Collisions 2001
123100 Inozemtsev V. I. On the Connection between the One-Dimensional S= 1/2 Heisenberg Chain and Haldane-Shastry Model 1989
123099 Mathematics Department, University of Melbourne Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1988
123098 Zhang M. Q. Pair Correlation Function for Ising Spins with Competing Dynamics 1988
123097 Droz M. Recent Theoretical Developments on the Formation of Liesegang Patterns 2000
123096 Owczarek A. L, Prellberg T. Exact Scaling Behavior of Partially Convex Vesicles 1994
123095 Yamazaki Y., Hilhorst H.J., Meissner G. Differential Real-Space Renormalization of the d-Dimensional Gaussian Model 1980
123094 Leigh Hume, Derek W. Robinson Return to Equilibrium in the XY Model 1986
123093 H. Cornille Nonlinear Kac Model: Spatially Homogeneous Solutions and the Tjon Effect 1985
123092 J. Luczka Relaxation Problem with Quadratic Noise 1986
123091 Kohyama T. Cluster Growth in Particle-Conserving Cellular Automata 1991
123090 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
123089 Philip Lyons Lars Onsager (1903-1976) 1995
123088 P. Hanggi, P. Talkner A Remark on Truncation Schemes of Cumulant Hierarchies 1979
123087 Marchesoni F. Persistent Currents in Mesoscopic Rings: A Stochastic Model 1993
123086 Ernst M. H., van Beijeren H. On a Conjecture of Alley and Alder for Fluids and Lorentz Models 1980
123085 Howard C.D., Newman C.M. The Percolation Transition for the Zero-Temperature Stochastic Ising Model on the Hexagonal Lattice 2003
123084 Eytan Domany Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data 2002
123083 Forgacs G., Luck J. M. Exact Critical Behavior of Two-Dimensional Wetting Problems with Quenched Disorder 1987
123082 Kenneth S. Alexander, Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes Colligative Properties of Solutions: I. Fixed Concentrations 2004
123081 Book Review: Entropy 2004
123080 Choquard Ph., Piller B., Rentsch R. Surface Properties of Finite Classical Coulomb Systems: Debye-Huckel Approximation and Computer Simulations 1989
123079 P. Mathieu, P. Picco Metastability and Convergence to Equilibrium for the Random Field Curie-Weiss Model 1997
123078 Book Review: Statistics of Linear Polymers in Disordered Media 2006
123077 David Ruelle Locating Resonances for Axiom A Dynamical Systems 1986
123076 Jiirg Frohlich, Yong Moon Park Correlation Inequalities and the Thermodynamic Limit for Classical and Quantum Continuous Systems II. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics 1980
123075 Thompson C.J. On Mean Field Equations for Spin Glasses 1982
123074 Richard S. Ellis, Charles M. Newman, Michael R. O'Connell The GHS Inequality for a Large External Field 1980
123073 Godrèche C., Luck J. M. Statistics of the Occupation Time of Renewal Processes 2000
123072 Dominique Simpelaere Dimension Spectrum of Axiom A Diffeomorphisms. II. Gibbs Measures 1993
123071 Gotoh T., Nakano T. Role of Pressure in Turbulence 2003
123070 Koo W. M. Oriented Polymers: A Transfer Matrix Calculation 1995
123069 P. Calderoni, A. Pellegrinotti, E. Presutti Transient Bimodality in Interacting Particle Systems 1988
123068 Bhatia D.P., Arora D., Prasad M.A. First Passage Time for a Class of One-Dimensional Stochastic Systems 1993
123067 Karl Haller, Tom Kennedy Periodic Ground States in the Neutral FalicovKimball Model in Two Dimensions 2000
123066 Toom A. On Percolation with Fibers or Layers 1999
123065 Kennedy T. A Fixed-Point Equation for the High-Temperature Phase of Discrete Lattice Spin Systems 1990
123064 Weiss G.H. (ed.) Book Review: Contemporary Problems in Statistical Physics 1995
123063 Berger N.E., Twersky V. Moments of the Percus-Yevick Hard-Sphere Correlation Function 1990
123062 Andjel E.D., Vares M.E. Correction to ‘‘Hydrodynamic Equations for Attractive Particle Systems on Z,’’ J. Stat. Phys. 47:265 (1987) 2003
123061 Baxter R.J. The Six and Eight-Vertex Models Revisited 2004
123060 Bol'shov L.A., Pokrovsky V.L., Uimin G.V. On the Interface at the Equilibrium Crystallization 1985
123059 Straty G. C., Hanley H. J. M., Glinka C. J. Shearing Apparatus for Neutron Scattering Studies on Fluids: Preliminary Results for Colloidal Suspensions 1990
123058 de Schepper I. M., Cohen E. G. D. Very-Short-Wavelength Collective Modes in Fluids 1981
123057 Graham R. Fleming, Scott H. Courtney, Michael W. Balk Activated Barrier Crossing: Comparison of Experiment and Theory 1985
123056 Nijboer B. R. A., Ruijgrok Th. W. On the Energy per Particle in Three- and Two-Dimensional Wigner Lattices 1988

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