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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123655 Singer A., Schuss Z. Narrow Escape, Part I 2006
123654 Bernardin C. Fluctuations for Kawasaki Dynamics 2005
123653 Lebowitz J.L. Nonequilihrium Phenomena I, The Boltzmann Equation 1985
123652 Biskup M., Borgs C. Partition Function Zeros at First-Order Phase Transitions: Pirogov–Sinai Theory 2004
123651 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1986
123650 Acosta V., Klein A. Analyticity of the Density of States in the Anderson Model on the Bethe Lattice 1992
123649 Fujimoto M. Hard-Hexagon Model: Calculation of Anisotropic Interfacial Tension from Asymptotic Degeneracy of Largest Eigenvalues of Row-Row Transfer Matrix 1990
123648 Chopard B., Droz M. Cellular Automata Model for the Diffusion Equation 1991
123647 Torney D., Goldstein B. Rates of Diffusion-Limited Reaction in Periodic Systems 1987
123646 Jones G. Density Functional Theory of Homogeneous States 1989
123645 Sergeev S.M. Thermodynamic Limit for a Spin Lattice 2006
123644 Pul J.V., Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Peierls-Friihlich Instability and Kohn Anomaly 1994
123643 Kaplan T.A. The Chemical Potential 2006
123642 Gofman M., Adler J., Aharony A. Series and Monte Carlo Study of High-Dimensional Ising Models 1993
123641 Lippi A., Livi R. Heat Conduction in Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Lattices 2000
123640 Ramshaw J.D. Augmented Langevin Approach to Fluctuations in Nonlinear Irreversible Processes 1985
123639 Shirai T. Large Deviations for the Fermion Point Process Associated with the Exponential Kernel 2006
123638 Zurek W.H., Schieve W.C. Deviations from the Poisson Behavior of Equilibrium Fluctuations in a Closed System 1980
123637 Ivanchenko Yu.M., Lisyansky A.A., Filippov A.A New Renormalization Procedure for Eliminating Redundant Operators 1992
123636 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1993
123635 Machta J. The Computational Complexity of Pattern Formation 1993
123634 Ciliberti S., Marinari E. A Quantitative Clustering Approach to Ultrametricity in Spin Glasses 2004
123633 Sinai Y. Power Series for Solutions of the 3D-Navier-Stokes System on R^3 2005
123632 Baker G. The Markov Property Method Applied to lsing Model Calculations 1994
123631 Machta J. Anomalous Long Time Tails Due to Trapping 1986
123630 Raghavan R., Henley C. New Two-Color Dimer Models with Critical Ground States 1997
123629 Finjord J. Structure Functions in a Model of Turbulent Energy Dissipation 1992
123628 Chudnovsky E.M. Thermodynamics of Natural Selection 1985
123627 Vugmeister B.E., Huber D.L. Freezing Temperature in Dilute Ising Spin Glasses with Long-Range Interactions 1998
123626 Comtet A., Nechaev S. Multifractality in Uniform Hyperbolic Lattices and in Quasi-Classical Liouville Field Theory 2001
123625 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1984
123624 Vogelsang R., Hoheisel C. The Friction Coefficient of a Lennard-Jones Fluid from the Random Force Autocorrelation Function Determined as a Memory Function by Molecular Dynamics Calculations 1989
123623 Majumdar S., Krishnamurthy S. Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Model of Diffusion, Aggregation, and Fragmentation 2000
123622 Barbaroux J.M., Joye A. Expectation Values of Observables in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics 1998
123621 De Masi A., Gobron T. Liquid-Vapor Interfaces and Surface Tension in a Mesoscopic Model of Fluid with Nonlocal Interactions 2004
123620 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
123619 Tanaka T. Methods of Statistical Physics. Book review 2003
123618 Chayes L., Coniglio A. Mean-Field Theory for Percolation Models of the Ising Type 1999
123617 Dimock J., Hurd T.R. A Renormalization Group Analysis of Correlation Functions for the Dipole Gas 1992
123616 Bessis D., Paladin G. Generalized Dimensions, Entropies, and Liapunov Exponents from the Pressure Function for Strange Sets 1988
123615 Redner S. A Guide to First-Passage Processes 2002
123614 Molchan G., Khokhlov A. Small Values of the Maximum for the Integral of Fractional Brownian Motion 2004
123613 Van Assche W. On the Nature of the Lee-Yang Measure for Ising Ferromagnets 1986
123612 Gitterman M. Phase Equilibria and Critical Phenomena in Closed Reactive Systems 1990
123611 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2001
123610 Lima A.R., Penna T.J.P. Reply to a Comment on ‘‘A Comparison Between Broad Histogram and Multicanonical Methods’’ 2001
123609 Lebowitz J.L., Spohn H. Microscopic Basis for Fick's Law for Self-Diffusion 1982
123608 Crisanti A., Rieger H. Random-Bond lsing Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field: A Finite-Size Scaling Analysis 1994
123607 Mastropietro V. Rigorous Proof of Luttinger Liquid Behavior in the 1d Hubbard Model 2005
123606 Cohen E.G.D. Addendum: Note on Transport Processes in Dense Colloidal Suspensions 1991

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