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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124255 Schulman L.S. Special States in the Spin-Boson Model 1994
124254 Pruisken A.M.M. At the Dawn of a Unifying Theory 2001
124253 Samaj L. Exact Solution of a Charge-Asymmetric Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 2003
124252 Tribel O., Boon P. Lattice Gas with "Interaction Potential" 1995
124251 Nemirovsky A.M., Coutinho-Filho M.D. From Dilute to Dense Self-Avoiding Walks on Hypercubic Lattices 1988
124250 Duering E., Blumenfeld R. Current Distributions in a Two-Dimensional Random-Resistor Network 1992
124249 Wehr J. On the Number of Infinite Geodesics and Ground States in Disordered Systems 1997
124248 McCoy B., Orrick W. Analyticity and lntegrability in the Chiral Potts Model 1996
124247 Cipriani P., Politi A. An Open-System Approach for the Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Chaos 2004
124246 Malek Mansour M. Correlation Functions for Simple Fluids in a Finite System under Nonequilibrium Constraints 1987
124245 Belitsky V., Krug J., Neves E.J. A Cellular Automaton Model for Two-Lane Traffic 2001
124244 Hasegawa H., Nakagomi T. Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Lasing and Bistable Optical Systems 1980
124243 Kawasaki K., Tombesi P. Domain Growth of First-Order Phase Transitions: An Exactly Solvable Model 1985
124242 Bazhenov M., Rabinovich M. Time-Periodic Spatial Chaos in the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation 1996
124241 Barrachina R.O. Wild's Solution of the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation 1988
124240 Shukla P. Theory of the Dynamics of the Hopfield Model of Associative Memory 1993
124239 Debnath G., Frank Moss, Marchesoni F. Holes in the Probability Density of Strongly Colored Noise Driven Systems 1988
124238 Lewis J.T., Pfister C.-E. The Equivalence of Ensembles for Lattice Systems: Some Examples and a Counterexample 1994
124237 Blumel R., Reinhard W.P. Book Review: Chaos in Atomic Physics 1998
124236 Berretti A., Sokal A. New Monte Carlo Method for the Self-Avoiding Walk 1985
124235 Carlo Cercignani, Henri Cornille Shock Waves for a Discrete Velocity Gas Mixture 1999
124234 Delyon F., Foulon P. Adiabatic Invariants and Asymptotic Behavior of Lyapunov Exponents of the Schrodinger Equation 1986
124233 Martineili F., Merlini D. A Refined Mermin Argument for the Two-Dimensional Jellium 1983
124232 Cercignani C. Are There More Than Five Linearly-Independent Collision Invariants for the Boltzmann Equation? 1990
124231 Tohru Koma A New Monte Carlo Power Method for the Eigenvalue Problem of Transfer Matrices 1992
124230 Komorowski T., Olla S. On Mobility and Einstein Relation for Tracers in Time-Mixing Random Environments 2005
124229 Kantz H., Livi R. Equipartition Thresholds in Chains of Anharmonic Oscillators 1994
124228 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1990
124227 Dorlas T.C., Macris N. The Nature of the Spectrum for a Landau Hamiltonian with Delta Impurities 1997
124226 Henryk Gzyl Linearized Boltzmann Equations Representation of Solutions 1981
124225 Lawler G.F. Loop-Erased Self-Avoiding Random Walk in Two and Three Dimensions 1988
124224 van Zon R., Cohen E. G. D. Theorem on the Distribution of Short-Time Particle Displacements with Physical Applications 2005
124223 Brosa U., Werner U. Flow through a Porous Membrane Simulated by Cellular Automata and by Finite Elements 1990
124222 Toshiyuki Gotoh Brownian Motion in a Rotating Flow 1989
124221 Joel L. Lebowitz Program of the 93rd Statistical Mechanics Meeting – Rutgers University, May 15–17, 2005 2005
124220 Fukuyama M. Discrete Symmetry Breaking for Certain Short-Range Interactions 2000
124219 Suchanecki Z., Antoniou I., Tasaki S. Nonlocality of the Misra-Prigogine-Courbage Semigroup 1994
124218 Knabe S. Energy Gaps and Elementary Excitations for Certain VBS-Quantum Antiferromagnets 1988
124217 Chen Y., Ohashi H., Akiyama M. Heat Transfer in Lattice BGK Modeled Fluid 1995
124216 Chan D.Y.C., Hughes B.D. Ion Diffusion in a Coulombic Field 1988
124215 Dominik Janzing On the Computational Power of Molecular Heat Engines 2006
124214 Barszczak T., Kutner R. Modified Fermi-Dirac Statistics of Fermionic Lattice Gas by the Back-Jump Correlations 1990
124213 Morris S.W., de Bruyn J.R., May A.D. Patterns at the Onset of Electroconvection in Freely Suspended Smeetic Films 1991
124212 Norio Konno Dualities for a Class of Finite Range Probabilistic Cellular Automata in One Dimension 2001
124211 Pedro Pereyra Random-Matrix Model for Dissipative Two-Level Systems 1991
124210 Woolley R.G. Book Review 1981
124209 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
124208 Albert Reiner Infinite Compressibility States in the Hierarchical Reference Theory of Fluids. I. Analytical Considerations 2004
124207 Stella A.L., Seno F., Vanderzande C. Boundary Critical Behavior of d = 2 Self-Avoiding Walks on Correlated and Uncorrelated Vacancies 1993
124206 Olaf Stenull, Hans-Karl Janssen Renormalized Field Theory of Resistor Diode Percolation 2001

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