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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124555 Samaj L. Thermodynamic Properties of the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma 2000
124554 Cammarota C. On the Temperature Dependence of the Mean Number of Clusters 1991
124553 Tel T. On the Stationary Distribution of Self-Sustained Oscillators around Bifurcation Points 1988
124552 Speis A. Instability of the Anomalies in the One-Dimensional Anderson Model at Weak Disorder 1991
124551 Galatolo S. Hitting Time and Dimension in Axiom A Systems, Generic Interval Exchanges and an Application to Birkoff Sums 2006
124550 Salzano M. Infinitely Many Contact Process Transitions on a Tree 1999
124549 Redner S. One-Dimensional Ising Chain with Competing Interactions: Exact Results and Connection with Other Statistical Models 1981
124548 Mao J., Hu B. Corrections to Scaling for Period Doubling 1987
124547 Martinelli F., Olivieri E. Some Remarks on Pathologies of Renormalization-Group Transformations for the Ising Model 1993
124546 Sklar L. Book Review: Physics and Chance 1995
124545 Lebowitz J.L. This Issue is Dedicated to the Memory of Pierre Resibois 1981
124544 Galam S. Social Paradoxes of Majority Rule Voting and Renormalization Group 1990
124543 Kurten K.E., Klingen N. Hadamard Design and Artificial Neural Nets 1993
124542 Sander E., Wanner T. Monte Carlo Simulations for Spinodal Decomposition 1999
124541 Caracciolo S., Pelissetto A., Sokal A.D. Join-and-Cut Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks with Variable Length and Free Endpoints 1992
124540 Hauert Ch., Nagler J., Schuster H.G. Of Dogs and Fleas: The Dynamics of N Uncoupled Two-State Systems 2004
124539 Ernst M.H., Brito R. Scaling Solutions of Inelastic Boltzmann Equations with Over-Populated High Energy Tails 2002
124538 Sokal A.D., Thomas L.E. Exponential Convergence to Equilibrium for a Class of Random-Walk Models 1989
124537 Coninck J.D., Newman C. The Magnetization-Energy Scaling Limit in High Dimension 1990
124536 Vollmer J., Mátyás L., Tél T. Escape-Rate Formalism, Decay to Steady States, and Divergences in the Entropy-Production Rate 2002
124535 Kojima T. Ground-State Correlation Functions for an Impenetrable Bose Gas with Neumann or Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 1997
124534 Messager A. On Quantum Phase Transition. II. The Falicov–Kimball Model 2002
124533 Blanchard P., Olkiewicz R. Interacting Quantum and Classical Continuous Systems I. The Piecewise Deterministic Dynamics 1999
124532 Pomeau Y. Periodic Behavior of Cellular Automata 1993
124531 Belitsky V., Ferrari P.A. Ballistic Annihilation and Deterministic Surface Growth 1995
124530 Dufty J., Brito R. Introduction 1997
124529 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 73rd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1995
124528 Kratky K.W. Intersecting Disks (and Spheres) and Statistical Mechanics. I. Mathematical Basis 1981
124527 Gandjbakhche A.H., Bonner R.F. Scaling Relationships for Anisotropic Random Walks 1992
124526 Provata A., Nicolis C. A Microscopic Aggregation Model of Droplet Dynamics in Warm Clouds 1994
124525 Kirkpatrick T.R. Crossover Behavior for a Noninteracting Disordered Electronic System in the Presence of a Weak Magnetic Field 1991
124524 De Raedt H., Lagendijk A. Monte Carlo Calculation of the Thermodynamic Properties of a One-Dimensional Fermion Lattice Model 1982
124523 Borodin A., Soshnikov A. Janossy Densities. I. Determinantal Ensembles 2003
124522 Wieczerkowsk C. Construction of the Hierarchical f4 -Trajectory 1998
124521 Murilo P., de Oliveira C., Barreto F.C.S. Renormalization Group Studies of the Ashkin-Teiler Model 1989
124520 Leonid A. Bunimovich, Mark F. Demers Deterministic Models of the Simplest Chemical Reactions 2005
124519 Price W.G. Long-Time Behavior of Navier-Stokes Flow on a Two-Dimensional Torus Excited by an External Sinusoidal Force 1997
124518 Book Review: Multicritical Phenomena 1986
124517 De Simone C., Diehl M. Exact Ground States of Two-Dimensional +/- J Ising Spin Glasses 1996
124516 King C., Wu F. Y. New Correlation Duality Relations for the Planar Potts Model 2001
124515 Weiss G.H. Competitive Trapping Effects in a Set of Partially Absorbing Traps 1986
124514 Wakou J., Brito R., Ernst M. H. Towards a Landau–Ginzburg-Type Theory for Granular Fluids 2001
124513 Eyink G. A Maximum Entropy Method for Particle Filtering 2006
124512 Anh V.V., Leonenko N.N., Sakhno L.M. Spectral Properties of Burgers and KPZ Turbulence 2006
124511 Pirmin Lemberger Large-Field Versus Small-Field Expansions and Sobolev Inequalities 1994
124510 Caiazzo A. Analysis of Lattice Boltzmann Initialization Routines 2005
124509 Yukhnovskii I. R., ldzyk I. M. Investigation of a Homogeneous Many-Particle System in the Vicinity of the Critical Point 1994
124508 Fife P.C. Understanding the Patterns in the BZ Reagent 1985
124507 Israel R. Phase Transitions and Reflection Positivity. II. Lattice Systems with Short-Range and Coulomb Interactions 1980
124506 Alexander Berkovich, Barry M. McCoy, William P. Orrick Polynomial Identities, Indices, and Duality for the N= 1 Superconformal Model SM(2, 4v) 1995

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