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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123755 Schimansky-Geier L. Langevin Equation Approach to Granular Flow in a Narrow Pipe 1997
123754 Ben-Avraham D., Burschka M., Doering C. Statics and Dynamics of a Diffusion-Limited Reaction: Anomalous Kinetics, Noneqnilibrium Self-Ordering, and a Dynamic Transition 1990
123753 Coppersmith S.N. Chaos, Complexity, and Computers: Object-Oriented Programming and Physics Concepts for Undergraduates 1998
123752 Alankus T. An Exact Representation of the Space-Time Characteristic Functional of Turbulent Navier-Stokes Flows with Prescribed Random Initial States and Driving Forces 1989
123751 Ioffe D. A Note on the Quantum Widom–Rowlison Model 2002
123750 Manzo F., Olivieri E. Dynamical Blume–Capel Model: Competing Metastable States at Infinite Volume 2001
123749 Baxter R.J. Transfer Matrix Functional Relations for the Generalized τ2(tq) Model 2004
123748 Speer E.R. Mayer Coefficients in Two-Dimensional Coulomb Systems 1986
123747 Ahmed E. Fuzzy Cellular Automata Models in Immunology 1996
123746 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
123745 Giraud C. On a Shock Front in Burgers Turbulence 2003
123744 Messager A., Miracle-Sole S., Pfister C.E. On Classical Ferromagnets with a Complex External Field 1984
123743 Reimann P. Beyond Storage Capacity in a Single Model Neuron: Continuous Replica Symmetry Breaking 2000
123742 Ramsden J.J. Report on the Second International Workshop on Random Sequential Adsorption. Theory and Experiment 1995
123741 Alimohammadi M., Karimipour V. A Two-Parametric Family of Asymmetric Exclusion Processes and Its Exact Solution 1999
123740 Fonk Y., Hilhorst H.J. Ground-State and Quenched-State Properties of a One-Dimensional Interacting Lattice Gas in a Random Potential 1987
123739 Bender C., Cooper F. Strong Coupling Expansion for Classical Statistical Dynamics 1980
123738 Bessis D., Geronimo J.S. Mellin Transforms Associated with Julia Sets and Physical Applications 1984
123737 Brassesco S. Interface Fluctuations for the D = 1 Stochastic Ginzburg–Landau Equation with Nonsymmetric Reaction Term 1998
123736 Handa K. Entropy Production per Site in (Nonreversible) Spin-Flip Processes 1996
123735 Rosser W.G.V. Book Review 1982
123734 Pokorny M. Convergence to the Ground-State Energy in the Thermodynamic Limit of the Ising Model in a Strong Transverse Field 1993
123733 Casetti L. Phase Transitions and Topology Changes in Configuration Space 2003
123732 Vigfusson J.O. Time Relaxation of the Solutions of Master Equations for Large Systems 1982
123731 Baeta Segundo J.A. On Quantum Stability for Systems under Quasiperiodic Perturbations 1994
123730 Freidlin M. Reaction-Convection in Incompressible 3D-Fluid: A Homogenization Problem 2006
123729 Forrester P.J. The Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma Plus Background on a Sphere: Exact Results 1996
123728 de Oiiveira P.M.C. Finite-Size Scaling for First-Order Transitions: Potts Model 1995
123727 Gier J., Nienhuis B. The Raise and Peel Model of a Fluctuating Interface 2004
123726 Bodineau T., Ioffe D., Velenik Y. Winterbottom Construction for Finite Range Ferromagnetic Models: An L_1-Approach 2001
123725 Mezzasalma S. Polymer Chain Size from Geodesic Path and Geometrical Bolyai-Lobachevskij Partition Function. Application to Swelling of Macromolecules in Solution and Micellar Growth 2001
123724 Marro J. Monte Carlo Study of the Generalized Reaction-Diffusion Lattice-Gas Model System 1990
123723 Elskens Y. Asymptotic Behaviour for Critical Slowing-Down Random Walks 2000
123722 Wagner L., Hayot F. Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Flow Past a Cylindrical Obstacle 1995
123721 Driebe D.J. Spectral Decomposition of Tent Maps Using Symmetry Considerations 1996
123720 Wertheim M.S. Fluids with Highly Directional Attractive Forces. III. Multiple Attraction Sites 1986
123719 Wiese K.J. The Passive Polymer Problem 2000
123718 Leung K., Chandler D. Theory of Percolation in Fluids of Long Molecules 1991
123717 Shinomoto S. Equilibrium Theory for the Hard-Core Systems 1983
123716 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
123715 Montanari A., Semerjian G. On the Dynamics of the Glass Transition on Bethe Lattices 2006
123714 Le K.C., Berdichevsky V.L. Energy Distribution in a Neutral Gas of Point Vortices 2001
123713 Galves A., Martinez S., Picco P. Fluctuations in Derrida's Random Energy and Generalized Random Energy Models 1989
123712 Aizenman M. On the Critical Behavior of the Magnetization in High-Dimensional Ising Models 1986
123711 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
123710 De Coninck J., Miracle-Sole S., Ruiz J. Is There an Optimal Substrate Geometry for Wetting? 2000
123709 Cercignani C. An Explicitly Solvable Kinetic Model for Semiconductors 1994
123708 Bricmont J., Lebowitz J.L. Periodic Gibbs States of Ferromagnetic Spin Systems 1981
123707 Meyer-Ortmanns H., Trappenberg T. Surface Tension from Finite-Volume Vacuum Tunneling in the 3D Ising Model 1990
123706 Niethammer B., Pego R. Non-Self-Similar Behavior in the LSW Theory of Ostwald Ripening 1999

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