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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124055 D'hulst R ., Caille A . One-Dimensional Hamiltonian for Columnar Liquid Crystals 1998
124054 Figari R., Orlandi E., Teta S. The Laplacian in Regions with Many Small Obstacles: Fluctuations Around the Limit Operator 1985
124053 Bartelt M. C., Evans J. W. Scaling of Spatial Correlations in Cooperative Sequential Adsorption with Clustering 1994
124052 Rothman D.H. From Ordered Bubbles to Random Stripes: Pattern Formation in a Hydrodynamic Lattice Gas 1993
124051 Semerjian G., Cugliandolo L. F., Montanari A. On the Stochastic Dynamics of Disordered Spin Models 2003
124050 Shakib-Manesh A., Koponen A. Shear Stress in a Couette Flow of Liquid-Particle Suspensions 2002
124049 Jancovici B. Classical Coulomb Systems Near a Plane Wall. II 1982
124048 Book Review: An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods 1988
124047 Aubry S., Luck J.M. Scaling Properties of a Structure Intermediate between Quasiperiodic and Random 1988
124046 Yong-cong Chen Theory of Quantum Dynamics in Fermionic Environment: An Influence Functional Approach 1986
124045 Shahbazi F., Masoudi A. A. Singularity Time Scale of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Equation in 2+1 Dimensions 2003
124044 Souletie J. Chance and Matter 1989
124043 Ramakrishnan T. V., Rajagopal A. K. Quasiparticles in the Mixed Phase of Superconducting Cuprates: A Semiclassical Green's Function Approach 2000
124042 Heitmann R., Radin C. The Ground State for Sticky Disks 1980
124041 Franz S., Rieger H. Fluctuation-Dissipation Ratio in Three-Dimensional Spin Glasses 1995
124040 Basor E.L., Tracy C.A. Variance Calculations and the Bessel Kernel 1993
124039 Dunlop F. Stationary States and Scaling Shapes of One-Dimensional Interfaces 2003
124038 Alastuey A. Mean Field Kinetic Theory of a Classical Electron Gas in a Periodic Potential. III. The High-Temperature Limit in Two Dimensions 1988
124037 Lee J.C. Thermal Physics-Entropy and Free Energies 2002
124036 Chaikin P.M. Principles of Condensed Matter Physics 1996
124035 Chiolero A., Baeriswyl D. Structural Relaxations, Phonons, and Ising Models 1994
124034 Forrester P.J., Jancovici B., McAnally D.S. Analytic Properties of the Structure Function for the One-Dimensional One-Component Log-Gas 2001
124033 Author Index for Journal of Statistical Physics (2000) 2000
124032 Future Contributions to Journal of Stadstical Physics 1984
124031 Lucilla de Arcangelis, Antonio Coniglio Infinite Hierarchy of Exponents in a Two-Component Random Resistor Network 1987
124030 Xuguang Lu On Isotropic Distributional Solutions to the Boltzmann Equation for Bose-Einstein Particles 2004
124029 Szatzschneider W. The Motion of a Tagged Particle and Nonhomogeneous Media in R 1993
124028 O’Connell R. F. Does the Third Law of Thermodynamics Hold in the Quantum Regime? 2006
124027 Katori M., Inui N., Komatsu G. Hypergeometric Series in a Series Expansion of the Directed-Bond Percolation Probability on the Square Lattice 1996
124026 Roepstorff G., Schulman L. S. Metastability and Analyticity in a Dropletlike Model 1983
124025 Livi R., Maritan A., Ruffo S. The Spectrum of a One-Dimensional Hierarchical Model 1988
124024 Ruelle D. Positivity of Entropy Production in the Presence of a Random Thermostat 1997
124023 Wu F.Y. Two-Dimensional Ising Model with Crossing and Four-Spin Interactions and a Magnetic i(pi/2) kT 1986
124022 Preliberg T., Owczarek A.L. Stacking Models of Vesicles and Compact Clusters 1995
124021 Riela G. Transitions Tori-Chaos Through Collisions with Hyperbolic Orbits 1985
124020 Valli A., Koponen A., Vesala T. Simulations of Water Flow Through Bordered Pits of Conifer Xylem 2002
124019 Stillinger F., Lubachevsky B. Crystalline-Amorphous Interface Packings for Disks and Spheres 1993
124018 Dotsenko VI.S. Critical Behavior and Associated Conformal Algebra of the Z_3 Potts Model 1984
124017 Constantinescu F. The Supersymmetric Transfer Matrix for Linear Chains with Nondiagonal Disorder 1988
124016 O'Connor D., Stephens C.R., Bray A.J. Dimensional Crossover in the Large-N Limit 1997
124015 Roy R., Sarkar A., White D. Backbends in Directed Percolation 1998
124014 Lebowitz J.L. Simple Models of Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Phenomena 1988
124013 Derrida B., Enaud C., Lebowitz J.L. The Asymmetric Exclusion Process and Brownian Excursions 2004
124012 Shklovskii B.I., Spivak B.Z. Effect of Impurity Scattering of a Tunneling Electron on Variable-Range Hopping Conduction 1985
124011 Bobylev A., Cercignani C. On the Rate of Entropy Production for the Boltzmann Equation 1999
124010 Heumann M. Generalization of an Aging Model 1995
124009 Ould-Lemrabott M. Effect of the Block-Spin Configuration on the Location of b_c in Two-Dimensional Ising Models 1997
124008 Kupferman R. Fractional Kinetics in Kac–Zwanzig Heat Bath Models 2004
124007 Camus B. Spectral Fluctuations of Schrodinger Operators Generated by Critical Points of the Potential 2006
124006 George C. Vacuum Subdynamics in Large Quantum Systems 1987

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