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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123705 Wu X.N., Wu F.Y. Biume-Emery-Griffiths Model on the Honeycomb Lattice 1988
123704 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
123703 Dynamics of Concentrated Systems 1991
123702 Shapiro J., Rudnick J. The Fully Finite Spherical Model 1986
123701 Angelescu N., Bundaru M. The Critical Behavior of Kac-Type Models for Semi-Infinite Systems 1981
123700 Diekman R., Schieve W. Collapse Transition and Asymptotic Scaling Behavior of Lattice Animals: Low-Temperature Expansion 1986
123699 Succi S., Filippova O. Towards a Renormalized Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Fluid Turbulence 2002
123698 Lebowitz J.L., Maes C., Speer E. Statistical Mechanics of Probabilistic Cellular Automata 1990
123697 Gerisch T., Rieckers A. Limiting Gibbs States and Phase Transitions of a Bipartite Mean-Field Hubbard Model 1998
123696 Enter A. A Remark on the Notion of Robust Phase Transitions 2000
123695 Ciccotti G., Ryckaert J-P. On the Derivation of the Generalized Langevin Equation for Interacting Brownian Particles 1981
123694 Deutsch C. Two-Dimensional Electron Fluid at High Temperature 1983
123693 Montei T. A Counter-Example to the Theorem of Hiemer and Snurnikov 2004
123692 Gardner E., Derrida B. Zero Temperature Magnetization of a One-Dimensional Spin Glass 1985
123691 Golden S. Asymptotic Lower Bound for the Relative Disparities of Truncated-Path-Integral Partition Functions 1999
123690 Hald O., Kupferman R. Asymptotic and Numerical Analyses for Mechanical Models of Heat Baths 2002
123689 Lendi K. Higher Order Quantum Onsager Coefficients from Dynamical Invariants 2000
123688 Bleher P., Ridzal D. SU(1, 1) Random Polynomials 2002
123687 Gerisch T. Global C*-Dynamics and Its KMS States of Weakly Inhomogeneous Bipolaronic Superconductors 1999
123686 Desai R., Heermann D., Binder K. Finite-Size Scaling in a Microcanonical Ensemble 1988
123685 Gross E.P. Lower Bounds for Wiener Integrals 1983
123684 Cukier R.I. Diffusion-Influenced Reactions 1986
123683 Oshanin G.S., Burlatsky S.F. Reaction Kinetics in Polymer Systems 1991
123682 Jancovici B. Surface Tension of a Metal-Electrolyte Boundary: Exactly Solvable Model 2001
123681 Pugh C., Shub M. Partial Differentiability of Invariant Splittings 2004
123680 Contucci P. Monotonicity and Thermodynamic Limit for Short Range Disordered Models 2004
123679 Gora P. Constructive Approximations to Densities Invariant under Nonexpanding Transformations 1988
123678 Barrett A.J. On the Domb-Joyee Model for Self-Avoiding Walks in the Continuum 1990
123677 Miekisz J. Stochastic Stability in Spatial Games 2004
123676 Battle G., Rosen L. The FKG Inequality for the Yukawa_2 Quantum Field Theory 1980
123675 Bovier A. Weak Disorder Expansion of the Invariant Measure for the One-Dimensional Anderson Model 1988
123674 Rowlinson J.R. Molecular Theory of Capillarity 1984
123673 Pereira E., O'Carroll M. Orthogonality between Scales and Wavelets in a Representation for Correlation Functions. The Lattice Dipole Gas and (Vo)4 Models 1993
123672 Milton G.W. Continuum Fluids with a Discontinuity in the Pressure 1983
123671 Achilles M., Bendisch J. Metastable States in Homogeneous Ising Models 1987
123670 Driessler W. On the Spectrum of the Rayleigh Piston 1981
123669 Faetti S., Fronzoni L. The Projection Operator Approach to the Fokker-Planck Equation. II. Dichotomic and Nonlinear Gaussian Noise 1988
123668 Krapivsky P.L. Kinetic Models of a Binary Alloy at Zero Temperature 1994
123667 Mahato M., Shenoy S. Langevin Dynamic Simulation of Hysteresis in a Field-Swept Landau Potential 1993
123666 Ueno Y. Description of Ordering and Phase Transitions in Terms of Local Connectivity: Proof of a Novel Type of Percolated State in the General Clock Model 1995
123665 Lopes A.O. The Complex Potential Generated by the Maximal Measure for a Family of Rational Maps 1988
123664 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1999
123663 Holm D., Putkaradze V., Weidman P. Boundary Effects on Exact Solutions of the Lagrangian-Averaged Navier–Stokes-a Equations 2003
123662 Widom M., Destainville N. Random Tilings of High Symmetry: II. Boundary Conditions and Numerical Studies 2005
123661 Kramli A. Decay of Correlations in One and Two Dimensions 1996
123660 Forland K., Forland T. An Alternative Approach to Electrochemistry 1995
123659 Dobrovolny C., Laanait L., Ruiz J. Surface Transitions of the Semi-Infinite Potts Model II: The Low Bulk Temperature Regime 2004
123658 Wu J., Liu X. The Existence of Phase V in the Mandelbrot Percolation Process 1995
123657 Soulet Y., Gomes A. Causal Green's Function Formalism in Statistical Mechanics of Composite Particles 1981
123656 Multifractal Power Law Distributions: Negative and Critical Dimensions and Other ‘‘Anomalies,’’ Explained by a Simple Example 2003

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