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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124155 Kennedy T. A Lower Bound on the Partition Function for a Classical Charge Symmetric System 1982
124154 Schutz G.M. Exact Tracer Diffusion Coefficient in the Asymmetric Random Average Process 2000
124153 Bunimovich L.A., Troubetzkoy S.E. Recurrence Properties of Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1992
124152 Weiss G.H., Weissman H. A Measure of the Symmetry of Random Walks 1988
124151 Bezandry P.H., Fernique X. A Functional Central Limit Theorem for a Nonequilibrium Model of Interacting Particles with Unbounded Intensity 1993
124150 Doi S., Inoue J. Spectral Analysis of Stochastic Phase Lockings and Stochastic Bifurcations in the Sinusoidally Forced van der Pol Oscillator with Additive Noise 1998
124149 Glotzer S.C., Poole P.H., Jan N. Time-Dependent Thermodynamic Properties of the Ising Model from Damage Spreading 1992
124148 Vieillefosse P. Sum Rules and Perfect Screening Conditions for the One-Component Plasma 1985
124147 Poland D. Lattice Gas Activity Series from Secular Equations 1994
124146 Mürmann M. The Hydrodynamic Limit of a Deterministic Particle System with Conservation of Mass and Momentum 2001
124145 Brey J.J., Santos A. Solution of the BGK Model Kinetic Equation for Very Hard Particle Interaction 1984
124144 Rothman D.H., Keller J.M. Immiscible Cellular-Automaton Fluids 1988
124143 Arneodo A., Coullet P., Tresser C. Oscillators with Chaotic Behavior: An Illustration of a Theorem by Shil'nikov 1982
124142 Radons G. A New Transition for Projections of Multifractal Measures and Random Maps 1993
124141 Kotulski M. Asymptotic Distributions of Continuous-Time Random Walks: A Probabilistic Approach 1995
124140 Roskies R.Z., Sackett P.D. High-Temperature Expansions to Fifteenth Order 1987
124139 Benyoussef A., Laanait L., Laanaiti M. More Results on the Ashkin-Teller Model 1994
124138 Shalizi C.R., Crutchfield J.P. Computational Mechanics: Pattern and Prediction, Structure and Simplicity 2001
124137 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1999
124136 Fukushima N. A New Method of the High Temperature Series Expansion 2003
124135 De Coninck J., de Gottal P., Menu F. A Meniscus Where Three Phases Coexist at Equilibrium: Microscopic Derivation of the Herring Relations 1989
124134 Spohn H., Zwerger W. Decay of the Two-Point Function in One-Dimensional O(N) Spin Models with Long-Range Interactions 1999
124133 Lebowitz J.L. Atomic versus Ionized States in Many-Particle Systems and the Spectra of Reduced Density Matrices: A Model Study 1992
124132 Briemont J., Kupiainen A. The Hierarchical Random Field Ising Model 1988
124131 Mazo R.M. On the Brownian Motion of a Frequency- Modulated Oscillator 1981
124130 Sekimoto K., Kawasaki K. Aspects of Nucleation and Drift Processes in a One-Dimensional Model 1987
124129 den Hollander F., Naudts J. Long-Time Tails in a Random Diffusion Model 1992
124128 Burns K., Dolgopyat D., Pesin Ya. Partial Hyperbolicity, Lyapunov Exponents and Stable Ergodicity 2002
124127 Chabanol M.-L., Duchon J. Markovian Solutions of Inviscid Burgers Equation 2004
124126 Coupier D. Poisson Approximations for the Ising Model 2006
124125 Lebowitz J.L. Preface 2004
124124 Simon B. Lifschitz Tails for the Anderson Model 1985
124123 O'Brien G.L. Monotonicity of the Number of Self-Avoiding Walks 1990
124122 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
124121 Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Gaussian, Non-Gaussian Critical Fluctuations in the Curie-Weiss Model 1994
124120 Ko L.F., Fisher M.E. The Shapes of Bowed Interfaces in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model 1990
124119 Balents L., Kardar M. Directed Paths on Percolation Clusters 1992
124118 Iyengar R.N. A Nonlinear System Under Combined Periodic and Random Excitation 1986
124117 Koprucki T., Wagner H.-J. New Exact Ground States for One-Dimensional Quantum Many-Body Systems 2000
124116 Montanero J.M., Santos A., Garzo V. Does the Gaussian Thermostat Maximize the Phase-Space Compression Factor? 1995
124115 Cercignani C. Weak Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation Without Angle Cutoff 2006
124114 Bonetto F., Cohen E.G.D., Pugh C. On the Validity of the Conjugate Pairing Rule for Lyapunov Exponents 1998
124113 Wu X.-X., Popov S.Yu. On AB Bond Percolation on the Square Lattice and AB Site Percolation on Its Line Graph 2003
124112 Salinas S.R., Wreszinski W.F. On the Mean-Field Ising Model in a Random External Field 1985
124111 Jancovici B. Classical Coulomb Systems: Screening and Correlations Revisited 1995
124110 Ernst M. H., Bussemaker H. J. Algebraic Spatial Correlations in Lattice Gas Automata Violating Detailed Balance 1995
124109 Li W. Mutual Information Functions versus Correlation Functions 1990
124108 Marek Dudyfiski, Maria L. Ekiel-Jezewska Global Existence Proof for Relativistic Boltzmann Equation 1991
124107 Mazur P., Bedeaux D. An Electrothermal Instability in a Conducting Wire: Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Stationary States for an Exactly Solvable Model 1981
124106 Ray T.S., Moseley L.L. Nonequilibrium Dynamics of a Diffusion-Limited Reaction Driven by a Cluster-Memory Mechanism 1993

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