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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123455 Qian Y.H., d'Humieres D., Lallemand P. Diffusion Simulation with a Deterministic One-Dimensional Lattice-Gas Model 1992
123454 Penna T.J.P., de Oliveira P.M.C. Culture and Evolution on Populations of Neural Networks 1992
123453 Prestipino S., Giaquinta P.V. Statistical Entropy of a Lattice-Gas Model: Multiparticle Correlation Expansion 1999
123452 Mariz A.M., van Wijland F., Hilhorst H.J. Statistics of the One-Dimensional Riemann Walk 2001
123451 Peters M.H. Fokker-Planck Equation, Molecular Friction, and Molecular Dynamics for Brownian Particle Transport near External Solid Surfaces 1999
123450 Abraham D.B., Svrakic N.M. Finite-Size Effects in Surface Tension. I. Fluctuating Interfaces 1991
123449 Yeung C. Explicit Construction of Steady State of a Model of Chemical Turbulence 1989
123448 Suzuki M. Super-Effective-Field Theory and Coherent-Anomaly Method in Cooperative Phenomena 1988
123447 Voorhees P.W. The Theory of Ostwald Ripening 1985
123446 von Solms N., Chiew Y.C. A Model for Polyelectrolytes 2000
123445 Magnasco M.O., Stolovitzky G. Feynman's Ratchet and Pawl 1998
123444 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1982
123443 Kuznetsov S.P., Kuznetsov A.P., Sataev I.R. Multiparameter Critical Situations, Universality and Scaling in Two-Dimensional Period-Doubling Maps 2005
123442 Poland D. Relaxation in Cooperative Systems: Use of Mixture Virial Coefficients 1990
123441 Chowdhury D. Morphology of Growing Interfacial Patterns 1988
123440 Akguc G.B., Reichl L.E. Conductance and Statistical Properties of Chaotic and Integrable Electron Waveguides 2000
123439 Laurencot P., Mischler S. From the Becker–Doring to the Lifshitz–Slyozov–Wagner Equations 2002
123438 Hartmann M., Mahler G., Hess O. Spectral Densities and Partition Functions of Modular Quantum Systems as Derived from a Central Limit Theorem 2005
123437 Baker G.L., Gollub J.P. Book Review: Chaotic Dynamics-An Introduction 1991
123436 Süto A. Exact Eigenstates for Contact Interactions 2002
123435 Orlandini E., van Rensburg E.J.J. Twist in an Exactly Solvable Directed Lattice Ribbon 1995
123434 Lebowitz J.L. Preface 2002
123433 Marek M., Schreiber I. Book Review: Chaotic Behavior of Deterministic Dissipative Systems 1992
123432 Kulske C. Metastates in Disordered Mean-Field Models II: The Superstates 1998
123431 Meijer P.H.E., Levelt A.H.M., Miller B.R. Analysis of the Critical Line Network for the van der Waals Equation at the van Laar Point 1993
123430 Berezner S.A., Krutina M., Malyshev V.A. Exponential Convergence of Toom's Probabilistic Cellular Automata 1993
123429 de Zárate J.M.O., Sengers J.V. On the Physical Origin of Long-Ranged Fluctuations in Fluids in Thermal Nonequilibrium States 2004
123428 Abraham D.B. Surfaces and Roughening 1984
123427 Vannimenus J., Derrida B. A Solvable Model of Interface Depinning in Random Media 2001
123426 Parreira J.R., Bolina O., Perez J.F. Neel Order in the Ground State of Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Multilayer Systems 1997
123425 Birgeneau R.J., Cowley R.A., Shirane G. Phase Transitions in Diluted Magnets: Critical Behavior, Percolation, and Random Fields 1984
123424 Fiala J., Kleban P. Thermodynamics of the Farey Fraction Spin Chain 2004
123423 Barboy B., Gelbart W.M. Hard-Particle Fluids. II. General y-Expansion-Like Descriptions 1980
123422 Malyshev V.A., Nickolaev I.V. Uniqueness of Gibbs Fields via Cluster Expansions 1984
123421 Newman M.E.J., Palmer R.G. Error Estimation in the Histogram Monte Carlo Method 1999
123420 Vidal C. Experimental Study of Traveling Waves and Target Patterns in Oscillatory Reacting Media 1987
123419 Deissler R.J. Noise-Sustained Structure, Intermittency, and the Ginzburg-Landau Equation 1985
123418 Lorenz C.D., May R., Ziff R.M. Similarity of Percolation Thresholds on the HCP and FCC Lattices 2000
123417 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
123416 Gotze W. Bifurcations of an Iterated Mapping with Retardations 1996
123415 Janosi I.M., Vattay G., Harnos A. Turbulent Helium Gas Cell as a New Paradigm of Daily Meteorological Fluctuations? 1998
123414 Cichocki B., Felderhof B.U. Long-Time Translational and Rotational Brownian Motion in Two Dimensions 1997
123413 Pearle P. On the Time It Takes a State Vector to Reduce 1985
123412 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
123411 Priezzhev V.B. The Statistics of Dimers on a Three-Dimensional Lattice. I. An Exactly Solvable Model 1981
123410 Koukiou F. A Random Covering Interpretation for the Phase Transition of the Random Energy Model 1990
123409 Fisher M.E. Walks, Walls, Wetting, and Melting 1984
123408 Marehetti D.H.U., Klein A. Power-Law Falloff in Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gases at Inverse Temperature beta > 8Pi 1991
123407 Saleur H., Itzykson C. Two-Dimensional Field Theories Close to Criticality 1987
123406 Pandey R.B. Computer Simulation of Irreversible Kinetic Gelation: Crossover between Random and Kinetic Growth, Radical Conservation, Poisons, and Chain-Preferred Reactions 1984

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