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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123005 Masaaki Watanabe Kinetic Equation in the Kinetic Region of the Dilute and Nonuniform Electron Plasma 1980
123004 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1996
123003 Olson J.F., Rothman D.H. Three-Dimensional Immiscible Lattice Gas: Application to Sheared Phase Separation 1995
123002 Pomeau Y. A Solvable Problem in Poisson Statistics 1981
123001 Lockard D.P., Luo L.-S., Milder S.D. Evaluation of PowerFLOW for Aerodynamic Applications 2002
123000 Fox R.F. Numerical Simulations of Stochastic Differential Equations 1989
122999 Book Review: Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes 1988
122998 Eliazar I., Klafter J. Anomalous Pulsation 2005
122997 Shlesinger M.F. Williams-Watts Dielectric Relaxation: A Fractal Time Stochastic Process 1984
122996 Edis T. Unusual Constraints in the Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Josephson Junction Systems 1993
122995 Benettin G., Carati A., Sempio P. On the Landau-Teller Approximation for Energy Exchanges with Fast Degrees of Freedom 1993
122994 Cladis P.E. A Dynamical Test of Phase Transition Order: New Things in Old Places or Old Wine in New Bottles 1991
122993 Bovier A., Manzo F. Metastability in Glauber Dynamics in the Low-Temperature Limit: Beyond Exponential Asymptotics 2002
122992 Bobylev A.V., Grzhibovskis R., Heintz A. Entropy Inequalities for EvaporationCondensation Problem in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 2001
122991 Cohen J., Haskins L., Marchand J.-P. Geometry of Equilibrium Configurations in the Ising Model 1983
122990 Alastuey A., Forrester P.J. Correlations in Two-Component Log-Gas Systems 1995
122989 Book Review: Dynamic Light Dcattering: Applications of Photon Correlation Spectoscopy 1986
122988 Tucker S.C., Pollak E. Microcanonical Variational Transition-State Theory for Reaction Rates in Dissipative Systems 1992
122987 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Phys&s 1984
122986 Cardy J., Ziff R.M. Exact Results for the Universal Area Distribution of Clusters in Percolation, Ising, and Potts Models 2003
122985 Mazur P., Keizer J. Anomalous Light Scattering at the Surface of Growing Ice Crystals and Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes 1989
122984 Gacs P. Reliable Cellular Automata with Self-Organization 2001
122983 Binder K., Kalos M.H. "Critical Clusters" in a Supersaturated Vapor: Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation 1980
122982 Spouge J.L. The Size Distribution for the A_gRB_f-g Model of Polymerization 1983
122981 Constantinescu F., Felder G., Gawedzki K. Analyticity of Density of States in a Gauge-Invariant Model for Disordered Electronic Systems 1987
122980 Fogedby H.C., Bohr T., Jensen H.J. Fluctuations in a L6vy Flight Gas 1992
122979 Castella F. From the von Neumann Equation to the Quantum Boltzmann Equation II: Identifying the Born Series 2002
122978 McCauley J.L. Weak Electrolytes, Brownian Motion, Vortices in Superfluid Films, and Odins Aker 1995
122977 Lambert A., Siboni S., Vaienti S. Statistical Properties of a Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Map of the Interval 1993
122976 Durrett R., Tanaka N.I. Scaling Inequalities for Oriented Percolation 1989
122975 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
122974 Program of the 64th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1991
122973 Pacault A., Ouyang Q., De Kepper P. Bistable and Oscillating Chemical Reactions 1987
122972 Wang F., Cohen E.G.D. Diffusion in Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata: The Honeycomb and Quasi-lattices Compared with the Square and Triangular Lattices 1995
122971 Karevski D., Lajko P., Turban L. Corner Exponents in the Two-Dimensional Potts Model 1997
122970 Loss D., Schoeller H. Quantum-Statistical Kinetic Equations 1989
122969 Roux S. Rupture of Heterogeneous Media in the Limit of Infinite Disorder 1988
122968 Borgis D., Moreau M. Two-Cell Stochastic Model of the Schlogl Reaction with Small Diffusional Coupling 1984
122967 De Masi A., Ferrari P.A., Lebowitz J.L. Errata: Reaction-Diffusion Equations for Interacting Particle Systems 1987
122966 Galves A., Ianiro N., Triolo L. Self-Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional System of Colliding Vertical Sticks 1991
122965 Elskens Y. Exact Solution of a Deterministic Model for Isomerization Kinetics 1983
122964 Randelman R.E., Grest G.S. N-City Traveling Salesman Problem: Optimization by Simulated Annealings 1986
122963 Ardonne E., Bouwknegt P., Schoutens K. Non-Abelian Quantum Hall States-Exclusion Statistics, K-Matrices, and Duality 2001
122962 Griffiths R.B. Consistent Quantum Realism: A Reply to Bassi and Ghirardi 2000
122961 Chirikov B.V., Vecheslavov V.V. Theory of Fast Arnold Diffusion in Many-Frequency Systems 1993
122960 Hodgdon J.A., Stillinger F.H. Equilibrium Concentration of Point Defects in Crystalline 4^He at 0 K 1995
122959 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1983
122958 Pellegrinotti A. Evidence for the Poisson Distribution for Quasi-Energies In the Quantum Kicked-Rotator Model 1988
122957 Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Phase Transitions and Algebra of Fluctuation Operators in an Exactly Soluble Model of a Quantum Anharmonic Crystal 1992
122956 Li W., Park P., Widom M. Phase Diagram of a Random Tiling Quasicrystal 1992

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