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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123255 Santos M.A., Teixeira S. Anisotropic Voter Model 1995
123254 Wreszinski W.F. Vanishing Spontaneous Magnetization for Quantum Mechanical Models of a Spin Glass 1983
123253 John T.M., Murthy K.P.N. A Study on Correlated Exponential Random Walks 1986
123252 Jen E. Global Properties of Cellular Automata 1986
123251 Buff F.P., Robert M.A. Some Considerations of Fluid Interfaces in Two Dimensions 1985
123250 Braga G.A., Proccaci A., Sanchis R. Analyticity of the d-Dimensional Bond Percolation Probability Around p=1 2002
123249 Wu C.C. Ising Models on Hyperbolic Graphs II 2000
123248 Zou Q., Hou S., Chen S. An Improved Incompressible Lattice Boltzmann Model for Time-Independent Flows 1995
123247 Percus A.G., Martin O.C. The Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem: Finite Size Scaling and the Cavity Prediction 1999
123246 Ziff R.M. Program of the 5th Midwest Thermodynamics Symposium 1993
123245 Courbage M., Hamdan D. Non-Markovian Reversible Chapman-Kolmogorov Measures on Subshifts of Finite Type 1994
123244 Young L.-S. What Are SRB Measures, and Which Dynamical Systems Have Them? 2002
123243 Kierlik E., Rosinberg M.L., Tarjus G. A Self-Consistent Ornstein-Zernike Approximation for the Edwards-Anderson Spin-Glass Model 2000
123242 Ben-Ezra Y., Pershin Yu.V., Kaplunovsky Yu.A. Modeling of the Dielectric Breakdown Under Strong Magnetic Fields 2002
123241 Australian National University, Canberra Program of Australian Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1987
123240 Ruelle D. Some Ill-Formulated Problems on Regular and Messy Behavior in Statistical Mechanics and Smooth Dynamics for Which I Would Like the Advice of Yasha Sinai 2002
123239 Weiss G.H. Book Review: Aspects and Applications of The Random Walk 1995
123238 Baxter R.J. Corner Transfer Matrices of the Chiral Potts Model. II. The Triangular Lattice 1993
123237 Penrose M.D. Self-Avoiding Walks and Trees in Spread-Out Lattices 1994
123236 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2002
123235 Binder K. Call for Nominations for the 2001 Boltzmann Award 2000
123234 Pomeau Y. A Note on the Boitzmann Equation for Hard Spheres 1985
123233 Gaveau B., Hynes J.T., Kapral R. A Stochastic Theory of Chemical Reaction Rates. II. Applications 1989
123232 Chernov N.I., Lebowitz J.L. Stationary Nonequilibrium States in Boundary-Driven Hamiltonian Systems: Shear Flow 1997
123231 Oerding K. Relaxation Times in a Finite Ising System with Random Impurities 1995
123230 Mantegna R.N. Time Evolution of the Probability Distribution in Stochastic and Chaotic Systems with Enhanced Diffusion 1993
123229 Chan G. K.-L., Ayers P.W., Croot E.S. III On the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Grand Canonical Density Matrices 2002
123228 Kondepudi D., Prigogine I. Book Review: Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures 1999
123227 Abdallah N.B., Desvillettes L., Genieys S. On the Convergence of the Boltzmann Equation for Semiconductors Toward the Energy Transport Model 2000
123226 Reyes de Rueda J.M., Izus G.G., Borzi C.H. Critical Slowing Down on the Dynamics of a Bistable Reaction-Diffusion System in the Neighborhood of Its Critical Point 1999
123225 Tang C., Bak P. Mean Field Theory of Self-Organized Critical Phenomena 1988
123224 Roux S., Hansen A., da Silva L.R. Minimal Path on the Hierarchical Diamond Lattice 1991
123223 Lu X. The Boltzmann Equation for Bose–Einstein Particles: Velocity Concentration and Convergence to Equilibrium 2005
123222 Koma T. Insensitivity of Quantized Hall Conductance to Disorder and Interactions 2000
123221 Ikeda K., Matsumoto K. Study of a High-Dimensional Chaotic Attractor 1986
123220 Ernst M.H., van Beijeren H., Cohen E.G.D. Introduction 2002
123219 Schumaker M., Horsthemke W. A Modified Pitchfork Bifurcation as a Model of the TI-TII Transition in Liquid Helium Counterflow with External Noise 1989
123218 Owczarek A.L., Baxter R.J. A Class of Interaction-Round-a-Face Models and Its Equivalence with an Ice-Type Model 1987
123217 Caprino S., DeMasi A., Presutti E. Addendum. A Stochastic Particle System Modeling the Carleman Equation 1990
123216 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1983
123215 Wagner H.-J. The Microscopic Stress Tensor Field in Particle Systems with Many-Body Interactions 1989
123214 Bussemaker H.J., Ernst M.H. Biased Lattice Gases with Correlated Equilibrium States 1992
123213 Nagahata Y. The Gradient Condition for One-Dimensional Symmetric Exclusion Processes 1998
123212 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
123211 Nie X., Doolen G.D., Chen S. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Fluid Flows in MEMS 2002
123210 Zhang Y. Divergence of the Bulk Resistance at Criticality in Disordered Media 1996
123209 Roman H.E. Diffusion in Three-Dimensional Random Systems at Their Percolation Thresholds 1990
123208 Bocquet L., Hansen J.-P., Piasecki J. On the Brownian Motion of a Massive Sphere Suspended in a Hard-Sphere Fluid. lI. Molecular Dynamics Estimates of the Friction Coefficient 1994
123207 Gross E.P. Ground State of a Spin-Phonon System. III. Small-B Limit 1989
123206 Polewczak J. Classical Solution of the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation in All R^3: Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions 1988

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