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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123155 Kennedy T. Majority Rule at Low Temperatures on the Square and Triangular Lattices 1997
123154 Forrester P.J., Jancovici B. On the Average Distance Between Particles in the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma 1992
123153 Kerstein A.R. Computational Study of Propagating Fronts in a Lattice-Gas Model 1986
123152 Simon B., Souillard B. Franco-American Meeting on the Mathematics of Random and Almost Periodic Potentials 1984
123151 Jancovici B., Téllez G. Charge Fluctuations for a Coulomb Fluid in a Disk on a Pseudosphere 2004
123150 Levesque D., Weis J.-J., Lebowitz J.L. Charge Fluctuations in the Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma 2000
123149 Borgs C., Nill F. The Phase Diagram of the Abelian Lattice Higgs Model. A Review of Rigorous Results 1987
123148 Simon B. Absence of Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a One-Dimensional n^(-2) Model 1981
123147 Figotin A. Model of a Nonhomogeneous Medium Conducting Light 1992
123146 Larkin A.I., Ovchinnikov Yu.N. The Crossover from Classical to Quantum Regime in the Problem of the Decay of the Metastable State 1985
123145 Baxter R.J. The Riemann Surface of the Chiral Potts Model Free Energy Function 2003
123144 Glass L., Perkins T.J., Mason J. Chaotic Dynamics in an Electronic Model of a Genetic Network 2005
123143 Fisher M.E., Li X., Levin Y. On the Absence of Intermediate Phases in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1995
123142 Powell R.L. Rheology of Suspensions of Rodlike Particles 1991
123141 Salas J., Sokal A.D. Universal Amplitude Ratios in the Critical Two-Dimensional Ising Model on a Torus 2000
123140 Janis V. Diagrammatic Expansion and Metastability in the Random-Field Ising Model 1987
123139 King C. Two-Dimensional Potts Model and Annular Partitions 1999
123138 Bovier A., Gayrard V. Rigorous Results on the Thermodynamics of the Dilute Hopfield Model 1993
123137 Blower G. Almost Sure Weak Convergence for the Generalized Orthogonal Ensemble 2001
123136 Duarte J.A.M.S., Brosa U. Viscous Drag by Cellular Automata 1990
123135 Albano E.V., Binder K., Heermann D.W. Critical Wetting in the Square Ising Model with a Boundary Field 1990
123134 Meo M.D., Esposito R. The Navier-Stokes Limit of the Stationary Boltzmann Equation for Hard Potentials 1996
123133 Nakagomi T. Mesoscopic Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Open Systems. I. Negentropy Consumption and Residual Entropy 1981
123132 van der Hofstad R., König W. A Survey of One-Dimensional Random Polymers 2001
123131 Marin C., Garzo V., Santos A. Nonlinear Transport in a Dilute Binary Mixture of Mechanically Different Particles 1994
123130 Gates D. J. Growth and Decrescence of Two-Dimensional Crystals: A Markov Rate Process 1987
123129 Meurice Y., Ordaz G. The Elusive Asymptotic Behavior of the High-Temperature Expansion of the Hierarchical Ising Model 1996
123128 Provata A., Turner J. W., Nicolis G. Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics in Low Dimensions: An Exactly Soluble Model 1992
123127 Ray T. S., Tamayo P. Properties of Metastable Ising Models Evolving under the Swendsen-Wang Dynamics 1990
123126 De Masi A., Presutti E., Vares M. E. Escape from the Unstable Equilibrium in a Random Process with Infinitely Many Interacting Particles 1986
123125 Gefen Y., Mandelbrot B.B., Aharony A. Partial Dimensional Sequences and Percolation 1984
123124 Jozsef Lorinczi, Robert A. Minlos Gibbs Measures for Brownian Paths Under the Effect of an External and a Small Pair Potential 2001
123123 Muller S. Diffusion of a Test Chain in a Quenched Background of Semidilute Polymers 1999
123122 I. Mazilu, B. Schmittmann High Temperature Expansion for a Driven Bilayer System 2003
123121 Tooru Taniguchi, Carl P. Dettmann, Gary P. Morriss Lyapunov Spectra of Periodic Orbits for a Many-Particle System 2002
123120 Meester R., Znamenski D. Non-Triviality of a Discrete Bak–Sneppen Evolution Model 2002
123119 William G. Faris Localization Estimates for a Random Discrete Wave Equation at High Frequency 1986
123118 Christoph Bandt The Discrete Evolution Model of Bak and Sneppen is Conjugate to the Classical Contact Process 2005
123117 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1985
123116 Kalle Kytola On Conformal Field Theory of SLE( κ, ρ ) 2005
123115 Beck C. From the Perron-Frobenius Equation to the Fokker-Planck Equation 1995
123114 Book Review: Random Walks and Random Environments, Vol. 2, Random Environments 1997
123113 Seibold H., Toepffer C. The Boundary Value Problem in Fermion Systems 1988
123112 Ellis R.S., Haven K., Turkington B. Large Deviation Principles and Complete Equivalence and Nonequivalence Results for Pure and Mixed Ensembles 2000
123111 H. Calisto, E. Tirapegui Omega-Expansion of van Kampen through Functional Integrals 1992
123110 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1981
123109 Y. Pomeau, A. Pumir, P. Pelee Intrinsic Stoehastieity with Many Degrees of Freedom 1984
123108 Devillard P., Souillard B. Polynomially Decaying Transmission for the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation in a Random Medium 1986
123107 Gerhard C. Hegerfeidt, Henrik Schulze Quantum Shot Noise: Expansions in Powers Pulse Density 1987
123106 Shankar R. Luttinger Revisited-The Renormalization Group Approach 2001

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