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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122755 Hendriks E.M., Nieuwenhuizen T.M. Solution to the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation for Maxwell Models for Nonisotropic Initial Conditions 1982
122754 Rubin M.H. On the Control of Quantum Statistical Systems 1982
122753 Ladd A.J.C., Alley W.E., Alder B.J. Structural Relaxation in Dense Hard-Sphere Fluids 1987
122752 Zhizhina E. The Lifshitz Tail and Relaxation to Equilibrium in the One-Dimensional Disordered Ising Model 2000
122751 Kramer P.R., Majda A.J., Vanden-Eijnden E. Closure Approximations for Passive Scalar Turbulence: A Comparative Study on an Exactly Solvable Model with Complex Features 2003
122750 Johnson O., Suhov Y. Entropy and Random Vectors 2001
122749 Siu B. The Oguchi Upper Bound on the Magnetization for Ferromagnetic Ising Models 1985
122748 Tasaki H. On the Upper Critical Dimensions of Random Spin Systems 1989
122747 Kim B., Mazenko G.F. Equations of Fluctuating Nonlinear Hydrodynamics for Normal Fluids 1991
122746 Evans M.R., Derrida B. Improved Bounds for the Transition Temperature of Directed Polymers in a Finite-Dimensional Random Medium 1992
122745 Bacci S., Miranda E.N. The Traveling Salesman Problem and Its Analogy with Two-Dimensional Spin Glasses 1989
122744 Ueyama H. Fluctuating Hydrodynamic Equations of Mixed and of Chemically Reacting Gases 1980
122743 Olaussen K., Stell G. New Microscopic Approach to the Statistical Mechanics of Chemical Association 1991
122742 Gollub J.P., Romer E.J., Socolar J.E. Trajectory Divergence for Coupled Relaxation Oscillators: Measurements and Models 1980
122741 Antoniou I., Shkarin S.A. Analyticity of Smooth Eigenfunctions and Spectral Analysis of the Gauss Map 2003
122740 Pavlo P., Vahala G., Vahala L. Preliminary Results in the Use of Energy-Dependent Octagonal Lattices for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Simulations 2002
122739 Book Review: Introduction to the Replica Theory of Disordered Statistical Systems 2001
122738 Cohen E.G.D., Wang F. New Results for Diffusion in Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1995
122737 Costa U.M.S., Herrmann H.J. Energy Transport in a Cellular Automaton 1987
122736 Kadanoff L.P. Supercritical Behavior of an Ordered Trajectory 1983
122735 Gobron T. On a Discrete Model of Phase Separation Dynamics 1992
122734 Tourenne C.J. A Method to Calculate Boltzmann Entropy 1985
122733 Cornu F., Janeovici B. The Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma in a Doubly Periodic Background: Exact Results 1988
122732 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1984
122731 Baryshnikov Y., Yukich J.E. Gaussian Fields and Random Packing 2003
122730 Seke J. Spontaneous Emission of a Two-Level System and the Influence of the Rotating-Wave Approximation on the Final State. I. 1983
122729 McKean H.P. A Limit Law for the Ground State of Hill's Equation 1994
122728 Bricmont J., Lebowitz J.L. On the Continuity of the Magnetization and Energy in Ising Ferromagnets 1986
122727 Peitgen H.O. Fractals for the Classroom 1993
122726 Felderhof B.U. Sedimentation of Brownian Particles in a Gravitational Potential 2002
122725 Garcia A., Sonnino G., Mansour M. Long-Ranged Correlations in Bounded Nonequilibrium Fluids 1998
122724 McGuire J.B., Thompson C. Asymptotic Properties of Sequences of Iterates of Nonlinear Transformations 1982
122723 Pastor-Satorras R. Evolution and Structure of the Internet: A Statistical Physics Approach 2006
122722 Kalinay P., Percus J.K. Exact Dimensional Reduction of Linear Dynamics: Application to Confined Diffusion 2006
122721 Coveney P. Canonical Nonequilibrium Ensembles and Subdynamics 1994
122720 Omnes R. Logical Reformulation of Quantum Mechanics. II. Interferences and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment 1988
122719 Chu G. The Semiclassical Limit of a Quantum Fermi Accelerator 1992
122718 Zvyagin A.A., Tsukernik V.M. The Quantum Ground State of a Heisenberg Ferromagnet with an "Easy-Plane" Type Anisotropy 1985
122717 Bhanot G., Sastry S. Solving the Ising Model Exactly on a 5 x 5 x 4 Lattice Using the Connection Machine 1990
122716 Mazel A., Procacci A. Gas Phase of Asymmetric Nearest Neighbor Ising Model 2002
122715 Schinazi R. A Contact Process with a Single Inhomogeneous Site 1996
122714 Alexandre R. Some Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff 2001
122713 Graham R. On the Weak-Noise Limit of Fokker-Planck Models 1984
122712 Frisch U., Matsumoto T. Singularities of Euler Flow? Not Out of the Blue! 2003
122711 Neves E. A Discrete Variational Problem Related to Ising Droplets at Low Temperatures 1995
122710 Bobylev A.V., Gamba I.M. Moment Inequalities and High-Energy Tails for Boltzmann Equations with Inelastic Interactions 2004
122709 17th IUPAP International Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 1988
122708 Grabenstein M. Kinematics of Multigrid Monte Carlo 1993
122707 Brydges D.C. Absence of Screening in Certain Lattice Gauge and Plasma Models 1986
122706 Zylka Ch. An Inequality for Partition Functions with Disturbed Hamiltonians 1990

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