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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122105 Binder K., Wang J.-S. Finite-Size Effects at Critical Points with Anisotropic Correlations: Phenomenological Scaling Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations 1989
122104 Krattenthaler C., Guttmann A.J., Viennot X.G. Vicious Walkers, Friendly Walkers, and Young Tableaux. III. Between Two Walls 2003
122103 Cluster Structure of Collapsing Polymers 1998
122102 Fritz J. On the Hydrodynamic Limit of a One-Dimensional Ginzburg-Landau Lattice Model. The a Priori Bounds 1987
122101 Kolomeisky A.B., Widom B. A Simplified "Ratchet" Model of Molecular Motors 1998
122100 Jin B.-Q., Korepin V.E. Quantum Spin Chain, Toeplitz Determinants and the Fisher–Hartwig Conjecture 2004
122099 Piasecki J. Dynamics of a Charged Test Particle in a Hard Rod Fluid 1984
122098 Lemarehand A., Lemarchand H., Sulpice E. Interaction of a Hopf Bifurcation and a Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcation: Stochastic Potential and Spatial Correlations 1988
122097 Baldwin P.R. A Convergence Exponent for Multidimensional Continued-Fraction Algorithms 1992
122096 Rodriguez R.F., Salinas-Rodriguez E., Dufty J.W. Fokker-Planck and Langevin Descriptions of Fluctuations in Uniform Shear Flow 1983
122095 Forrester P.J. Properties of an Exact Crystalline Many-Body Ground State 1994
122094 Radons G., Stoop R. Superpositions of Multifractals: Generators of Phase Transitions in the Generalized Thermodynamic Formalism 1996
122093 Dogbe C. Anomalous Diffusion Limit Induced on a Kinetic Equation 2000
122092 de Gennes P.-G. Errata: Brownian Motion with Dry Friction 2005
122091 Takahashi S., Tretyakov A.Yu., Konno N. On Some Harris-FKG Type Correlation Inequalities for a Non-Attractive Model 2001
122090 Havlin S., Nossal R., Shlesinger M. GEORGE HERBERT WEISS 1991
122089 Sachdev S. Quantum Impurity in a Magnetic Environment 2004
122088 Jezewski W. Chaotic Properties of Muitipoint Correlation Functions of an Ising Model with Long-Range Interactions on the Sierpifiski-Gasket Lattice 1996
122087 Vollmayr H. Cluster Hull Algorithms for Large Systems with Small Memory Requirement 1994
122086 Binder K. Static and Dynamic Critical Phenomena of the Two-Dimensional q-State Potts Model 1981
122085 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1983
122084 Mukhamedov F., Rozikov U. On Gibbs Measures of Models with Competing Ternary and Binary Interactions and Corresponding von Neumann Algebras II 2005
122083 Eckmann J.-P., Gat O. Hydrodynamic Lyapunov Modes in Translation-Invariant Systems 2000
122082 Prakash S., Nicolis G. Dynamics of the Schlogl Models on Lattices of Low Spatial Dimension 1997
122081 Duering E., Roman H.E. Corrections to Scaling for Diffusion Exponents on Three-Dimensional Percolation Systems at Criticality 1991
122080 Fritz J., Maes C. Derivation of a Hydrodynamic Equation for Ginzburg-Landau Models in an External Field 1988
122079 Rouet J.L., Feix M.R. A Generalization of the Collatz Problem. Building Cycles and a Stochastic Approach 2002
122078 Soto-Campos G., Richard Bowles R., Itkin A. Statistical Geometry and Lattices 1999
122077 Dimock J. A Cluster Expansion for Stochastic Lattice Fields 1990
122076 Kirsch W., Pastur L.A., Stork H. Asymptotics of the Interband Light Absorption Coefficient near the Band Edge for an Alloy-Type Model 1998
122075 Ernst M.H., Hellesoe K., Hauge E.H. Nonunique Solutions of Kinetic Equations 1982
122074 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University Program of the 71st Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1994
122073 Losson J., Mackey M.C. A Hopf-Like Equation and Perturbation Theory for Differential Delay Equations 1992
122072 Kholopov E.V. Melting of Microinclusions Close Packed in an Elastic Matrix 1987
122071 Kawazu K., Kesten H. On Birth and Death Processes in Symmetric Random Environment 1984
122070 Ebeling W., Engel A., Esser B. Diffusion and Reaction in Random Media and Models of Evolution Processes 1984
122069 Watson G.I. Symmetry Relations for the Six-Vertex Model 1999
122068 Chen Y.-C. A New Method for Quantum Processes in Fermionic Heat Baths 1987
122067 Thompson C.J., MeGuire J.B. Asymptotic and Essentially Singular Solutions of the Feigenbaum Equation 1988
122066 Cinlar E., Torquato S. Exact Determination of the Two-Point Cluster Function for One-Dimensional Continuum Percolation 1995
122065 Goldstein S., Lebowitz J.L., Ravishankar K. Approach to Equilibrium in Models of a in Contact with a Heat Bath* 1986
122064 March P. Remarks on Scaling a Model of Witten-Sander Type 1992
122063 Chayes L., Machta J. On the Behavior of the Surface Tension for Spin Systems in a Correlated Porous Medium 1995
122062 Chen H.-H., Ma S. Low-Temperature Behavior of a One-Dimensional Random Ising Model 1982
122061 Miller W., Succi S. A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Anisotropic Crystal Growth from Melt 2002
122060 Domb C. Book Review: The Critical Point. A Historical Introduction to the Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena 1998
122059 Chang K.C., Odagaki T. Site-Bond Percolation Problems 1984
122058 Szulga J., Woyezynski W.A., Ycart B. The Phase Transition in a One-Dimensional Lattice of Axisymmetric Bodies 1987
122057 Mulder B.M., Krikos C., Papatriantafillou C. Thermodynamics of a Model wih Interacting Annealed Bond Impurities on the Bethe Lattice 1991
122056 Chopard B., Luthi P., Droz M. Microscopic Approach to the Formation of Liesegang Patterns 1994

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