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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121705 Bruce J. West, Michael F. Shlesinger The Fractal Interpretation of the Weak Scattering of Elastic Waves 1984
121704 Alexander E. Holroyd Knotted Paths in Percolation 2002
121703 Roman V. Bobryk Stochastic Equations of the Langevin Type under a Weakly Dependent Perturbation 1992
121702 Giuseppe Albertini Direction-Dependent Free Energy Singularity of the Antiferroelectric Asymmetric Six-Verte Model 1997
121701 Schmittmann B ., Zia R . K . P . Two-Poin t Correlation s an d Critica l Lin e o f th e Drive n Isin g Lattic e Ga s i n a High-Temperatur e Expansio n 1997
121700 Amnon Aharony Old and New Results on Multicritical Points 2002
121699 Book Review: Small Worlds . The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness 2001
121698 Gardiner C.W. Handbook of Stochastic Methods for Physics, Chemistry, and the Natural Sciences 1984
121697 Monroe J.L. Results from the Holsztynski-Slawny Reduction Method for Ferromagnetic Ising Models 1988
121696 Hubmer G. F., Titulaer U. M. The Kinetic Boundary Layer for the Linearized Boltzmann Equation around an Absorbing Sphere 1989
121695 Derrida B., Jung-Muller B. The Genealogical Tree of a Chromosome 1999
121694 Yeung C., Rogers T., Hernandez-Machado A. Phase Separation Dynamics in Driven Diffusive Systems 1992
121693 Vohra S.T., Bucholtz F. Observation of Stochastic Resonance near a Subcritical Bifurcation 1993
121692 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
121691 Morita T. Consistent Relations in the Method of Reducibility in the Cluster Variation Method 1984
121690 Bovier A., Picco P. Stability of Interfaces in a Random Environment. A Rigorous Renormalization Group Analysis of a Hierarchical Model 1991
121689 Berglund N., Kunz H. Integrability and Ergodicity of Classical Billiards in a Magnetic Field 1996
121688 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 84th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 2001
121687 Prellberg T. Cluster Approximation for the Farey Fraction Spin Chain 2006
121686 Marro J., Lebowitz J.L., Spohn H. Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in Stochastic Lattice Gases: Simulation of a Three-Dimensional System 1985
121685 Klein D., Welsher T. Cluster Expansion and Generalized Transfer Matrices for the Statistical Mechanics of Linear Chains 1981
121684 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 91st Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University, May 16–18, 2004 2004
121683 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 95th Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University, May 7–9, 2006 2006
121682 Marchioro C., Pulvirenti M. Time Evolution of Infinite One-Dimensional Coulomb System 1982
121681 Derrida B., Jacobsen J.L. Lyapunov Exponent and Density of States of a One-Dimensional non-Hermitian Schro 2000
121680 Ma S. One-Dimensional Boltzmann Equation with a Three-Body Collision Term 1983
121679 Au-Yang H., Perk J.H.H. The Chiral Potts Models Revisited 1995
121678 Georgii H.-O., Yoo H.J. Conditional Intensity and Gibbsianness of Determinantal Point Processes 2005
121677 Nicolis C. Long-Term Climatic Transitions and Stochastic Resonance 1993
121676 Spohn H., Zhizhina E. Long-Time Behavior for the 1-D Stochastic Ising Model with Unbounded Random Couplings 2003
121675 Erb I., Ay N. Multi-Information in the Thermodynamic Limit 2004
121674 Jaggi N.K. Structure and Dynamics of a Dense Dipolar System in an Electric Field and Their Relevance to Electrorheological Fluids 1991
121673 Schulman L. Techniques and Applications of Path Integration 1982
121672 Widom M., Bensimon D. Strange Objects in the Complex Plane 1983
121671 Farmer D., Yerrington M. Crystallization of Random Trigonometric Polynomials 2006
121670 Coninck J.D. Gaussian Fluctuations for the Magnetization of Lee-Yang Ferromagnets at Zero External Field 1987
121669 Gonze D., Goldbeter A. Entrainment Versus Chaos in a Model for a Circadian Oscillator Driven by Light-Dark Cycles 2000
121668 Miller D. The Origins of Onsager's Key Role in the Development of Linear Irreversible Thermodynamics 1995
121667 Blum T., Shapir Y. The Nearest-Neighbor Resonating-Valence Bond State in a Grassmannian Form 1990
121666 Bahraminasab A., Tabei S.M.A., Masoudi A.A. Zero Tension Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation in (d+1)–Dimensions 2004
121665 Kaufmann Z. Transient Chaos and Critical States in Generalized Baker Maps 2000
121664 Frezzotti A., Sgarra C. Numerical Analysis of a Shock-Wave Solution of the Enskog Equation Obtained via a Monte Carlo Method 1993
121663 Nadiga B.T. Scaling Properties of an Inviscid Mean-Motion Fluid Model 2000
121662 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 81st Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1999
121661 Benfatto G., Marchioro C., Presutti E. Superstability Estimates for Anharmonic Systems 1980
121660 Bourgain J., Jitomirskaya S. Continuity of the Lyapunov Exponent for Quasiperiodic Operators with Analytic Potential 2002
121659 deVegvar P.G.N. Nonlinear Propagation of Ultrasound in Superfluid 3^He 1985
121658 Collet P., De Coninek J. Contact Angle Hysteresis in a Solid-on-Solid Model 1994
121657 Hunt B.R., Khanin K.M., Sinai Y.G. Fractal Properties of Critical Invariant Curves 1996
121656 van Kampen N.G. Short First-Passage Times 1993

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