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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121555 Hron M., Razavy M. Solvable Models of the Fokker-Planek Equation: An Approach Based on the Gel'fand-Levitan Method 1985
121554 Hadjisavvas N. The Maximum Entropy Principle as a Consequence of the Principle of Laplace 1981
121553 Meyer D. From Quantum Cellular Automata to Quantum Lattice Gases 1996
121552 On the Solution of Some Vertex Models Using Factorizable S Matrices 1982
121551 Privman V. Difference Equations in Statistical Mechanics. II. Solid-on-Solid Models in Two Dimensions 1988
121550 Gielis G., Maes C. The Uniqueness Regime of Gibbs Fields with Unbounded Disorder 1995
121549 Scott A., Sokal A. The Repulsive Lattice Gas, the Independent-Set Polynomial, and the Lovász Local Lemma 2005
121548 Matsumoto K., Tsuda I. Noise-Induced Order 1983
121547 Gross E.P. Ground State of a Spin-Phonon System. II. Adiabatic Limit 1989
121546 Hauser P., Curado E. Potts Ferromagnet: Transformations and Critical Exponents in Planar Hierarchical Lattices 1988
121545 Kottalam J., West B., Lindenberg K. Extension of Statistical Replacement to Systems with Time-Correlated Fluctuations 1987
121544 Kottalam J., West B. Analogy Between the Lorenz Strange Attractor and a Bistable Stochastic Oscillator 1987
121543 Camia F., Newman C. The Percolation Transition in the Zero-Temperature Domany Model 2004
121542 Bunimovich L., Jauslin H.R. Diffusive Energy Growth in Classical and Quantum Driven Oscillators 1991
121541 Burkhardt T.W. Real-Space Renormalization 1983
121540 Feix M.R., Muriel A., Rouet J.L. Statistical Properties of an Iterated Arithmetic Mapping 1994
121539 Succi S., Smith G., Kaxiras E. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Reactive Microflows over Catalytic Surfaces 2002
121538 Kawasaki K., Kawakatsu T. Projector Formalism of Generalized Brownian Motion Theory Applied to Dissipative and Noisy Systems 1992
121537 Lichtenberg A.J., Lieberman M.A. Regular and Stochastic Motion 1984
121536 Catarino N., MacKay R. Renormalization and Quantum Scaling of Frenkel–Kontorova Models 2005
121535 O'Carroll M. Analyticity Properties and a Convergent Expansion for the Inverse Correlation Length of the High-Temperature d-Dimensional Ising Model 1984
121534 Avron J.E. Odd Viscosity 1998
121533 Shaw L.B., Schmittmann B., Zia R.K.P. Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas with Anisotropic Interactions 1999
121532 Golden K., Goldstein S., Lebowitz J.L. Discontinuous Behavior of Effective Transport Coefficients in Quasiperiodic Media 1990
121531 Muller M., Munster G. Profile and Width of Rough Interfaces 2005
121530 Bramson M., Lebowitz J.L. Asymptotic Behavior of Densities for Two-Particle Annihilating Random Walks 1991
121529 Zhabotinsky A.M., Rovinsky A.B. Mechanism and Nonlinear Dynamics of an Oscillating Chemical Reaction 1987
121528 Nakazawa H. Stochastic Differential Equations in Quantum Statistical Mechanics. Observables and Multiple Wiener Integrals 1986
121527 Schonmann R. Metastability for the Contact Process 1985
121526 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2004
121525 Ott E., Withers W.D., Yorke J.A. Is the Dimension of Chaotic Attractors lnvariant under Coordinate Changes? 1984
121524 Law B.M., Sengers J.V. Fluctuations in Fluids out of Thermal Equilibrium 1989
121523 Asselah A., Dai Pra P., Lebowitz J.L. Diffusion Effects on the Breakdown of a Linear Amplifier Model Driven by the Square of a Gaussian Field 2001
121522 Cercignani C. Shear Flow of a Granular Material 2001
121521 Griffiths R. Consistent Histories and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1984
121520 Tang T.-H. Two Repulsive Lines on Disordered Lattices 1994
121519 David F., Wiese K. Instanton Calculus for the Self-Avoiding Manifold Model 2005
121518 Altundas Y.B., Caginalp G. Computations of Dendrites in 3-D and Comparison with Microgravity Experiments 2003
121517 Kesten H., Zhang Y. Strict Inequalities for Some Critical Exponents in Two-Dimensional Percolation 1987
121516 Tang T.-H. Steady-State Scaling Function of the (1 + 1)-Dimensional Single-Step Model 1992
121515 Schmidt K.E., Lee M. Implementing the Fast Multipole Method in Three Dimensions 1991
121514 Knobloch E., Wiesenfeld K.A. Bifurcations in Fluctuating Systems: The Center-Manifold Approach 1983
121513 Mayer D., Roepstorff G. On the Relaxation Time of Gauss' Continued-Fraction Map. II. The Banach Space Approach (Transfer Operator Method) 1988
121512 Raimbault J.-L., Caillol J.-M. Sine-Gordon Theory for the Equation of State of Classical Hard-Core Coulomb Systems. II. High-Temperature Expansion 2001
121511 van Beijeren H., Dorfman J.R. A Note on the Ruelle Pressure for a Dilute Disordered Sinai Billiard 2002
121510 Berezhkovskii A.M. Volume of the Domain Visited by N Spherical Brownian Particles 1994
121509 Platkowski T. On a Global Existence Theorem for the Enskog Equation 1986
121508 Bricmont J., Kupiainen A., Lefevere R. Probabilistic Estimates for the Two-Dimensional Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations 2000
121507 Griffiths R.B., Gujrati P.D. Convexity Violations for Noninteger Parameters in Certain Lattice Models 1983
121506 Mayer-Kress G., Haken H. The Influence of Noise on the Logistic Model 1981

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